A\* Monad ========= [Hackage](http://hackage.haskell.org/package/astar-monad) **Caveat Emptor**; this hasn't been *battle-tested* yet; it should work, but make sure to test it out if you're doing anything serious. Easily do A\* searches with use of arbitrary monadic effects! ## Basics * Use `<|>` or `asum` (anything using `Alternative`) to branch into multiple possible choices. * Use `updateCost myCost` to set the value of your 'heuristic' function whenever you've done enough work to change your estimate. Remember that A\* heuristics should always be pessimistic (e.g. can over-estimate cost, but shouldn't UNDER estimate). * Every call to `updateCost` creates a branch; Branches with LOWER costs will run before those with higher costs. * Call `done mySolution` to short circuit ALL running branches and immediately return your result. * `AStarT` has a built-in State monad which can store branch-local states for you. You can store your current branch's solution-space for instance, or the path you've followed to get to the current solution; or both! Here's an example of using A\* to find a path to a location in a 2 dimensional grid. ```haskell -- Track which moves we've made, up, down, left or right data Move = U | D | L | R deriving (Show, Eq) -- Track our current position, the goal we're moving towards, and the moves we've taken so far. data Context = Context { _currentPos :: (Int, Int) , _goal :: (Int, Int) , _moves :: [Move] } deriving (Show, Eq) makeLenses ''Context -- The Manhattan distance between two points -- This is our A* heuristic distanceTo :: (Int, Int) -> (Int, Int) -> Int distanceTo (x, y) (x', y') = abs (x - x') + abs (y - y') -- Move around the space looking for the destination point. findPoint :: AStar Context Int () () findPoint = do c <- use currentPos gl <- use goal -- I could return the moves we took, -- but our State is automatically returned when we run AStar when (c == gl) $ done () -- We have more work to do, we should update the cost estimate and continue updateCost $ distanceTo gl c if c == gl then done () else updateCost $ distanceTo gl c -- Non-deterministically choose a direction to move, -- store that move in our state, and edit our current position. asum [ moves <>= [R] >> currentPos . _1 += 1 >> findPoint , moves <>= [L] >> currentPos . _1 -= 1 >> findPoint , moves <>= [D] >> currentPos . _2 += 1 >> findPoint , moves <>= [U] >> currentPos . _2 -= 1 >> findPoint ] -- We only care about the ending state, so we use `execAStar` -- `runAStarT` is the most powerful and runs a monad-transformer version -- and returns both the state and result type. run :: Maybe Context run = execAStar findPoint Context { _current = (5, 5) , _goal = (7, 4) , _moves = [] } -- run it to see if we found a solution; it returns the state of the the 'winning' branch. >>> run Just (Context { _current = (7, 4) , _goal = (7, 4) , _moves = [U, R, R] }) ```