{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} module App.Dump ( dumpSegment , word64ToList ) where import Arbor.File.Format.Asif.Data.Ip import Arbor.File.Format.Asif.Segment import Arbor.File.Format.Asif.Whatever import Control.Lens import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO) import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource (MonadResource) import Data.Char (isPrint) import Data.Generics.Product.Any import Data.List import Data.Monoid ((<>)) import Data.Text (Text) import Data.Thyme.Clock import Data.Thyme.Clock.POSIX (POSIXTime) import Data.Thyme.Format (formatTime) import Data.Thyme.Time.Core import Data.Word import HaskellWorks.Data.Bits.BitShow import HaskellWorks.Data.Bits.BitWise import Numeric (showHex) import System.IO (Handle) import System.Locale (defaultTimeLocale, iso8601DateFormat) import qualified Arbor.File.Format.Asif.ByteString.Lazy as LBS import qualified Arbor.File.Format.Asif.Format as F import qualified Data.Binary as G import qualified Data.Binary.Get as G import qualified Data.Bits as B import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as LBSC import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T import qualified System.IO as IO {-# ANN module ("HLint: ignore Reduce duplication" :: String) #-} {-# ANN module ("HLint: ignore Redundant do" :: String) #-} showTime :: FormatTime t => t -> String showTime = formatTime defaultTimeLocale (iso8601DateFormat (Just "%H:%M:%S %Z")) getWord32x4 :: G.Get (Word32, Word32, Word32, Word32) getWord32x4 = do a <- G.getWord32be b <- G.getWord32be c <- G.getWord32be d <- G.getWord32be return (a, b, c, d) word64ToList :: Int -> Word64 -> [Word32] -> [Word32] word64ToList _ 0 = id word64ToList o w = (ip:) . word64ToList o (w .&. comp b) where p = B.countTrailingZeros w hi = o .<. 6 ip = fromIntegral (p .|. hi) b = 1 .<. fromIntegral p dumpSegment :: MonadResource m => Handle -> Int -> Text -> Segment LBS.ByteString -> m () dumpSegment hOut i filename segment = do if T.null filename then liftIO $ IO.hPutStrLn hOut $ "==== [" <> show i <> "] ====" else liftIO $ IO.hPutStrLn hOut $ "==== [" <> show i <> "] " <> T.unpack filename <> " ====" case segment ^. the @"meta" . the @"format" of Just (Known F.StringZ) -> do when (LBS.length (segment ^. the @"payload") > 0) $ forM_ (init (LBS.split 0 (segment ^. the @"payload"))) $ \bs -> liftIO $ IO.hPutStrLn hOut $ T.unpack (T.decodeUtf8 (LBS.toStrict bs)) Just (Known (F.Repeat n F.Char)) -> forM_ (LBS.chunkBy (fromIntegral n) (segment ^. the @"payload")) $ \bs -> liftIO $ IO.hPutStrLn hOut $ T.unpack (T.decodeUtf8 (LBS.toStrict bs)) Just (Known F.TimeMillis64LE) -> forM_ (LBS.chunkBy 8 (segment ^. the @"payload")) $ \bs -> do let w = G.runGet G.getInt64le (LBS.take 8 (bs <> LBS.replicate 8 0)) let t :: POSIXTime = (w * 1000) ^. from microseconds liftIO $ IO.hPutStrLn hOut $ showTime (posixSecondsToUTCTime t) <> " (" <> show w <> " ms)" Just (Known F.TimeMicros64LE) -> forM_ (LBS.chunkBy 8 (segment ^. the @"payload")) $ \bs -> do let w = G.runGet G.getInt64le (LBS.take 8 (bs <> LBS.replicate 8 0)) let t :: POSIXTime = w ^. from microseconds liftIO $ IO.hPutStrLn hOut $ showTime (posixSecondsToUTCTime t) <> " (" <> show w <> " µs)" Just (Known F.Ipv4) -> forM_ (LBS.chunkBy 4 (segment ^. the @"payload")) $ \bs -> do let w = G.runGet G.getWord32le (LBS.take 8 (bs <> LBS.replicate 4 0)) let ipString = w & word32ToIpv4 & ipv4ToString liftIO $ IO.hPutStrLn hOut $ ipString <> replicate (16 - length ipString) ' ' <> "(" <> show w <> ")" Just (Known F.Ipv6) -> forM_ (LBS.chunkBy 16 (segment ^. the @"payload")) $ \bs -> do let (a, b, c, d) = G.runGet getWord32x4 (LBS.take 16 (bs <> LBS.replicate 16 0)) if a == 0 && b == 0 && c == 0xFFFF then do let ipString = d & word32ToIpv4 & ipv4ToString liftIO $ IO.hPutStrLn hOut $ ipString <> replicate (64 - length ipString) ' ' <> "(" <> show d <> ")" else do let ipString = word32x4ToIpv6 (a, b, c, d) & ipv6ToString liftIO $ IO.hPutStrLn hOut $ ipString <> replicate (64 - length ipString) ' ' <> "(" <> show (a, b, c, d) <> ")" Just (Known F.Int64LE) -> forM_ (LBS.chunkBy 8 (segment ^. the @"payload")) $ \bs -> do let w = G.runGet G.getInt64le (LBS.take 8 (bs <> LBS.replicate 8 0)) liftIO $ IO.hPrint hOut w Just (Known F.Int32LE) -> forM_ (LBS.chunkBy 4 (segment ^. the @"payload")) $ \bs -> do let w = G.runGet G.getInt32le (LBS.take 4 (bs <> LBS.replicate 4 0)) liftIO $ IO.hPrint hOut w Just (Known F.Int16LE) -> forM_ (LBS.chunkBy 2 (segment ^. the @"payload")) $ \bs -> do let w = G.runGet G.getInt16le (LBS.take 2 (bs <> LBS.replicate 2 0)) liftIO $ IO.hPrint hOut w Just (Known F.Int8) -> forM_ (LBS.chunkBy 1 (segment ^. the @"payload")) $ \bs -> do let w = G.runGet G.getInt8 (LBS.take 1 (bs <> LBS.replicate 1 0)) liftIO $ IO.hPrint hOut w Just (Known F.Word64LE) -> forM_ (LBS.chunkBy 8 (segment ^. the @"payload")) $ \bs -> do let w = G.runGet G.getWord64le (LBS.take 8 (bs <> LBS.replicate 8 0)) liftIO $ IO.hPrint hOut w Just (Known F.Word32LE) -> forM_ (LBS.chunkBy 4 (segment ^. the @"payload")) $ \bs -> do let w = G.runGet G.getWord32le (LBS.take 4 (bs <> LBS.replicate 4 0)) liftIO $ IO.hPrint hOut w Just (Known F.Word16LE) -> forM_ (LBS.chunkBy 2 (segment ^. the @"payload")) $ \bs -> do let w = G.runGet G.getWord16le (LBS.take 2 (bs <> LBS.replicate 2 0)) liftIO $ IO.hPrint hOut w Just (Known F.Word8) -> forM_ (LBS.chunkBy 1 (segment ^. the @"payload")) $ \bs -> do let w = G.runGet G.getWord8 (LBS.take 1 (bs <> LBS.replicate 1 0)) liftIO $ IO.hPrint hOut w Just (Known F.Text) -> liftIO $ LBSC.hPutStrLn hOut (segment ^. the @"payload") Just (Known F.BitString) -> liftIO $ IO.hPutStrLn hOut (bitShow (segment ^. the @"payload")) Just (Known F.Bitmap) -> forM_ (zip [0..] (G.runGet G.getWord64le <$> LBS.chunkBy 8 (segment ^. the @"payload"))) $ \(idx, w64) -> forM_ (word64ToList idx w64 []) $ \w32 -> do let ipString = w32 & word32ToIpv4 & ipv4ToString liftIO $ IO.hPutStrLn hOut $ ipString <> replicate (16 - length ipString) ' ' <> "(" <> show w32 <> ")" Just (Known F.Bool) -> forM_ (LBS.chunkBy 1 (segment ^. the @"payload")) $ \bs -> do let w :: Bool = G.runGet G.get (LBS.take 1 (bs <> LBS.replicate 1 0)) liftIO $ IO.hPrint hOut w _ -> forM_ (zip (LBS.chunkBy 16 (segment ^. the @"payload")) [0 :: Int, 16..]) $ \(bs, j) -> do let bytes = mconcat (intersperse " " (reverse . take 2 . reverse . ('0':) . flip showHex "" <$> LBS.unpack bs)) liftIO $ IO.hPutStr hOut $ reverse $ take 8 $ reverse $ ("0000000" ++) $ showHex j "" liftIO $ IO.hPutStr hOut " " liftIO $ IO.hPutStr hOut $ bytes <> replicate (47 - length bytes) ' ' liftIO $ IO.hPutStr hOut " " liftIO $ IO.hPutStr hOut $ (\c -> if isPrint c then c else '.') <$> LBSC.unpack bs liftIO $ IO.hPutStrLn hOut ""