arduino-copilot (1.5.4) unstable; urgency=medium * Update to copilot-3.3. * stack.yaml: Update to lts-17.12. * Fix example README files to properly document how to build them with stack. -- Joey Hess Mon, 17 May 2021 20:31:05 -0400 arduino-copilot (1.5.3) unstable; urgency=medium * Update to copilot-3.2. * Update the Examples to build using stack. -- Joey Hess Thu, 14 Jan 2021 13:22:42 -0400 arduino-copilot (1.5.2) unstable; urgency=medium * Zurihac 2020 edition. * Remove dependency on 'unix' to allow building on Windows. Thanks, Adam Piper * Added Copilot.Arduino.Library.Random * Add test suite, which checks that all the examples compile. -- Joey Hess Sun, 14 Jun 2020 14:55:28 -0400 arduino-copilot (1.5.1) unstable; urgency=medium * Fix type of pullup, limiting it to digital IO pins. -- Joey Hess Fri, 28 Feb 2020 23:15:39 -0400 arduino-copilot (1.5.0) unstable; urgency=medium * Added whenB and scheduleB sketch combinators. * Replaced Copolot's ifThenElse with a polymorphic one that, as well as choosing between two Streams, can choose between two Sketches or two TypedBehaviors. * Added robot example, a simple line-follower that is an example of using ifB to compose simple Sketches into a more complex one. * Added liftB and liftB2, which let Copilot DSL expressions operate on TypedBehavior. * Added waterheater example, which shows how to keep units of measurement separated using TypedBehavior. * Copolot.Arduino now exports IsDigitalIOPin, IsAnalogInputPin, IsPWMPin, and the TypedBehavior constructor. * Reading from the same input in different parts of the same program no longer generates C that fails to compile. Instead, a single read is done per iteration. * Writing to the same output in different parts of a sketch no longer generates C code that fails to compile. However, if different values are written in the same iteration, it's undefined what order the writes will happen in. * Add EEPROMex.scanRange to read from EEPROM. * Fix bug in serial str's handling of special characters in the string. * Copilot.Arduino.Internals API changed. -- Joey Hess Fri, 07 Feb 2020 14:44:02 -0800 arduino-copilot (1.4.0) unstable; urgency=medium * New Copilot.Arduino.Library.EEPROMex module. * Serial: Added FlashString, to display strings directly from flash without copying into ram. * Added millis and micros. * MicroSeconds and MilliSeconds types changed to contain a Word32 not a Word16. * Renamed Voltage to ADC * Added frequency. -- Joey Hess Sat, 01 Feb 2020 16:30:43 -0400 arduino-copilot (1.3.0) unstable; urgency=medium * New polymorphic "input" action that can be used to read digital and analog pins, as well as read from serial ports, and replaces readfrom, readvoltage, etc. * Replaced PWMDutyCycle with pwm. * Changed the Serial and XBee modules to work with the =: operator and "input". -- Joey Hess Thu, 30 Jan 2020 22:33:20 -0400 arduino-copilot (1.2.0) unstable; urgency=medium * Bugfix: Doing the same kind of write to two different pins in the same program caused the C generated by Copilot to not compile. * Several changes making the API more FRP style, including adding Behavior and Event types. * Removed writeto and pwm, instead the type of a value connected to a pin with =: determines how the pin is driven. * delay now takes a value in MilliSeconds or MicroSeconds. * Generalized serial port interface, added support for XBee. -- Joey Hess Tue, 28 Jan 2020 20:39:11 -0400 arduino-copilot (1.1.1) unstable; urgency=medium * New Copilot.Arduino.Library.Serial module. * Added the analog pins for Uno and Nano, and support using them for digital IO, when the hardware allows that to be done. * Support reading voltage from analog pins. * Support PWM. * Added a way to enable pullup resistors for input pins. * Detect if a program tries to use the same pin for both input and output. This is not currently supported, so it will refuse to build the program. * Copilot.Arduino.Internals API changed. -- Joey Hess Sun, 26 Jan 2020 20:37:26 -0400 arduino-copilot (1.0.1) unstable; urgency=medium * Move example from cabal description (where it did not render correctly) to README. -- Joey Hess Sat, 25 Jan 2020 16:01:19 -0400 arduino-copilot (1.0.0) unstable; urgency=medium * First release. -- Joey Hess Sat, 25 Jan 2020 10:33:09 -0400