-- |
-- Module      : Distribution.ArchLinux.AUR
-- Copyright   : (c) 2009 Don Stewart
-- License     : BSD3
-- Maintainer  : Don Stewart
-- Support for querying the AUR database.
module Distribution.ArchLinux.AUR (
    ) where

The methods currently allowed are:

    * search
    * info

Each method requires the following HTTP GET syntax:

Where methodname is the name of an allowed method, and data is the argument to the call.

If you need jsonp type callback specification, you can provide an additional variable callback.
Example URL:

import Network.HTTP
import Distribution.Version
import Distribution.Text
import Text.JSON
import Text.JSON.String
import Text.PrettyPrint
import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJClass
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Control.Monad


-- | Query AUR for information on a package 
-- > $ info "xmonad"
-- >
-- > Right (AURInfo { packageID       = 10593
-- >              , packageName     = "xmonad"
-- >              , packageVersion  = Right (Version {versionBranch = [0,8,1] , versionTags = []},"1.2")i
-- >              , packageCategory = 17
-- >              , packageDesc     = "A lightweight X11 tiled window manager written in Haskell"
-- >              , packageLocation = 3
-- >              , packageURL      = "http://xmonad.org/"
-- >              , packagePath     = "/packages/xmonad/xmonad.tar.gz"
-- >              , packageLicense = "custom:BSD3"
-- >              , packageVotes = 260
-- >              , packageOutOfDate = False })
info :: String -> IO (Either String AURInfo)
info m = eval (InfoRequest (Name m))

-- | Search AUR for packages matching pattern. Returns a list of info results.
search :: String -> IO [AURInfo]
search m = do
    v <- eval (SearchRequest (Name m))
    return $ case v of
        Left  e -> []
        Right a -> flatten a


-- | URL for AUR RPC server
url :: Doc
url = text "http://aur.archlinux.org/rpc.php"

-- | Query the server
eval :: JSON a => AURRequest -> IO (Either String a)
eval m = do
    rsp  <- simpleHTTP (getRequest call)
    json <- getResponseBody rsp
    return . resultToEither . decode $ json
    call  = render $ url <?> pPrint m

-- RPC requests

-- | Type for AUR RPC requests. They can be info queries, or search queries.
data AURRequest
    = SearchRequest Name
    | InfoRequest   Name
    deriving Show

instance Pretty AURRequest where
    pPrint (SearchRequest n) = text "type" <=> text "search" <&> text "arg" <=> pPrint n
    pPrint (InfoRequest   n) = text "type" <=> text "info"   <&> text "arg" <=> pPrint n

-- | Wrap up a package name a bit safely.
newtype Name = Name String
    deriving Show

instance Pretty Name where
    pPrint (Name n) = text n

-- | Useful combinators
infixl 6 <=>, <&>, <?>

(<=>), (<&>), (<?>)  :: Doc -> Doc -> Doc
p <=> q = p <> char '=' <> q
p <&> q = p <> char '&' <> q
p <?> q = p <> char '?' <> q

-- RPC response values

-- We can in turn use this info to query PKGBUILDs on the server

-- | Type for AUR RPC responses.
data AURInfo
    = AURInfo {
         packageID        :: Integer                        -- ^ unique ID of the package on AUR
        ,packageName      :: String                         -- ^ string name of package
        ,packageVersion   :: Either String (Version,String) -- ^ either the AUR version (version,rev)  or a string
        ,packageCategory  :: Integer                        -- ^ numeric category of the package (e.g. 17 == System)
        ,packageDesc      :: String                         -- ^ package synopsis
        ,packageLocation  :: Integer                        -- ^ which repository is it stored in (community, AUR etc)
        ,packageURL       :: String                         -- ^ url (sanity check: should be hackage url mostly)
        ,packagePath      :: FilePath                       -- ^ url path to package source.
        ,packageLicense   :: String                         -- ^ type of license
        ,packageVotes     :: Integer                        -- ^ votes on package
        ,packageOutOfDate :: Bool                           -- ^ is the package flagged as out of date

    deriving Show

instance JSON AURInfo where
    showJSON = undefined

    readJSON (JSObject o) = do
            -- sanity check:
            case M.lookup "type" json of
                Just (JSString t) | fromJSString t == "info" -> parseInfo results
                s -> fail $ "No type field in JSON response!" ++ show s
            json     = M.fromList (fromJSObject o) :: M.Map String JSValue

            results  = case M.lookup "results" json of
                            Nothing            -> error $ "No results for info object"
                            Just (JSObject o)  -> M.fromList (fromJSObject o) :: M.Map String JSValue

-- Need a different JSON instance
data AURSearch = AURSearch { flatten :: [AURInfo] }

-- A list of results
instance JSON AURSearch where
    showJSON = undefined

    readJSON (JSObject o) = do
            -- sanity check:
            case M.lookup "type" json of
                Just (JSString t) | fromJSString t == "search" -> do
                    as <- forM results $ \(JSObject o) -> do
                                let obj = M.fromList (fromJSObject o) :: M.Map String JSValue
                                parseInfo obj

                    return (AURSearch as)

                s -> fail $ "No type field in JSON response!" ++ show s

            json     = M.fromList (fromJSObject o) :: M.Map String JSValue
            results  = case M.lookup "results" json of
                            Nothing           -> error $ "No results for info object"
                            Just (JSArray a)  -> a -- a list.

-- | Parse a AURInfo.
parseInfo :: M.Map String JSValue -> Result AURInfo
parseInfo info_obj = do
    JSString id_   <- label "ID"
    JSString name_ <- label "Name"
    JSString vers_ <- label "Version"
    JSString cat_  <- label "CategoryID"
    JSString desc_ <- label "Description"
    JSString loc_  <- label "LocationID"
    JSString url_  <- label "URL"
    JSString path_ <- label "URLPath"
    JSString lic_  <- label "License"
    JSString vote_ <- label "NumVotes"
    JSString date_ <- label "OutOfDate"

    let vers__  = fromJSString vers_
        (x,xs)  = break (== '-') vers__
        version | '-' `elem` vers__ = case simpleParse x of
                                        Nothing -> Left vers__
                                        Just v  -> Right (v, tail xs)
                | otherwise         = Left vers__

    return $ AURInfo {
                packageID          = read (fromJSString id_)
               ,packageName        = fromJSString name_
               ,packageVersion     = version
               ,packageCategory    = read (fromJSString cat_)
               ,packageDesc        = fromJSString desc_
               ,packageLocation    = read (fromJSString loc_)
               ,packageURL         = fromJSString url_  -- TODO : should be hackage url
               ,packagePath        = fromJSString path_ -- TODO : should be hackage url
               ,packageLicense     = fromJSString lic_  -- TODO : should be hackage url
               ,packageVotes       = read (fromJSString vote_)
               ,packageOutOfDate   = case fromJSString date_ of
                                        "0" -> False
                                        _   -> True

    label k = case M.lookup k info_obj of
                    Nothing -> fail $ "No field " ++ show k
                    Just o  -> return o

JSObject (JSONObject {fromJSObject = [("type",JSString (JSONString {fromJSString = "info"})),("results",JSObject (JSONObject {fromJSObject = [("ID",JSString (JSONString {fromJSString = "10593"})),("Name",JSString (JSONString {fromJSString = "xmonad"})),("Version",JSString (JSONString {fromJSString = "0.8.1-1.2"})),("CategoryID",JSString (JSONString {fromJSString = "17"})),("Description",JSString (JSONString {fromJSString = "A lightweight X11 tiled window manager written in Haskell"})),("LocationID",JSString (JSONString {fromJSString = "3"})),("URL",JSString (JSONString {fromJSString = "http://xmonad.org/"})),("URLPath",JSString (JSONString {fromJSString = "/packages/xmonad/xmonad.tar.gz"})),("License",JSString (JSONString {fromJSString = "custom:BSD3"})),("NumVotes",JSString (JSONString {fromJSString = "259"})),("OutOfDate",JSString (JSONString {fromJSString = "0"}))]}))]})
Right ()
