{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} -- | Copyright: (c) 2020 berberman -- SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT -- Maintainer: berberman <1793913507@qq.com> -- Stability: experimental -- Portability: portable -- This module provides functions operating with @community.db@ of pacman. module Distribution.ArchHs.Community ( defaultCommunityPath, loadProcessedCommunity, isInCommunity, versionInCommunity, ) where import Conduit import qualified Data.Conduit.Tar as Tar import qualified Data.Conduit.Zlib as Zlib import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map import qualified Data.Text as T import Distribution.ArchHs.Exception import Distribution.ArchHs.Internal.Prelude import Distribution.ArchHs.Name import Distribution.ArchHs.PkgDesc import Distribution.ArchHs.Types -- | Default path to @community.db@. defaultCommunityPath :: FilePath defaultCommunityPath = "/" "var" "lib" "pacman" "sync" "community.db" loadCommunity :: (MonadResource m, PrimMonad m, MonadThrow m) => FilePath -> ConduitT i (CommunityName, CommunityVersion) m () loadCommunity path = do sourceFileBS path .| Zlib.ungzip .| Tar.untarChunks .| Tar.withEntries action where action header = when (Tar.headerFileType header == Tar.FTNormal) $ do x <- mconcat <$> sinkList let txt = T.unpack . decodeUtf8 $ x result = let provided r = r Map.! "PROVIDES" parseProvidedTerm t = let s = splitOn "=" t in (s ^. ix 0, s ^. ix 1) in case runDescFieldsParser (Tar.headerFilePath header) txt of Right r -> case head $ r Map.! "NAME" of "ghc" -> parseProvidedTerm <$> provided r "ghc-libs" -> parseProvidedTerm <$> provided r _ -> [(head $ r Map.! "NAME", extractVer . head $ r Map.! "VERSION")] -- TODO: Drop it Left _ -> [] extractVer ver = head $ splitOn "-" $ case splitOn ":" ver of (_ : v : []) -> v v : [] -> v _ -> fail "err" yieldMany $ result & each . _1 %~ CommunityName -- | Load @community.db@ from @path@. -- @desc@ files in the db will be parsed by @descParser@. loadProcessedCommunity :: (MonadUnliftIO m, PrimMonad m, MonadThrow m) => FilePath -> m CommunityDB loadProcessedCommunity path = Map.fromList <$> (runConduitRes $ loadCommunity path .| sinkList) -- | Check if a package exists in archlinux community repo. -- See 'HasMyName'. isInCommunity :: (HasMyName n, Member CommunityEnv r) => n -> Sem r Bool isInCommunity name = ask @CommunityDB >>= \db -> return $ (toCommunityName name) `Map.member` db -- | Get the version of a package in archlinux community repo. -- If the package does not exist, 'PkgNotFound' will be thrown. versionInCommunity :: (HasMyName n, Members [CommunityEnv, WithMyErr] r) => n -> Sem r CommunityVersion versionInCommunity name = ask @CommunityDB >>= \db -> case db Map.!? (toCommunityName name) of Just x -> return x _ -> throw $ PkgNotFound name