cabal-version: 2.4 name: arch-hs version: synopsis: A program generating PKGBUILD for hackage packages description: @arch-hs@ is a command-line program, which simplifies the process of producing and maintaining haskell packages for archlinux distribution by automating the PKGBUILD generation with the dependency resolving and template filling. Currently, @arch-hs@ is unstable, so packagers should not trust it 100%, but always follow the . homepage: bug-reports: license: MIT license-file: LICENSE author: berberman maintainer: berberman <> copyright: 2020 berberman category: Distribution build-type: Simple extra-doc-files: tested-with: GHC == 8.10.2 source-repository head type: git location: common common-options build-depends: base ^>= 4.14.0, Cabal ^>= 3.2.0, aeson ^>= 1.5.4, req ^>= 3.6.0, hackage-db ^>= 2.1.0, conduit ^>= 1.3.2, containers ^>= 0.6.2, deepseq ^>= 1.4.4, algebraic-graphs ^>= 0.5, megaparsec ^>= 8.0.0, directory ^>= 1.3.6, bytestring ^>= 0.10.10, tar-conduit ^>= 0.3.2, conduit-extra ^>= 1.3.5, split ^>= 0.2.3, neat-interpolation ^>= 0.5.1, text ^>= 1.2.3, microlens ^>= 0.4.11, microlens-th ^>= 0.4.3, polysemy ^>= 1.3.0, filepath ^>= 1.4.2, colourista ^>= 0.1, template-haskell ^>= 2.16.0, optparse-applicative ^>= 0.15.1 ghc-options: -Wall -Wcompat -Widentities -Wincomplete-uni-patterns -Wincomplete-record-updates -O2 -flate-specialise -fspecialise-aggressively -Wredundant-constraints -fhide-source-paths -Wmissing-export-lists -Wpartial-fields -Wmissing-deriving-strategies default-language: Haskell2010 default-extensions: DataKinds FlexibleContexts GADTs LambdaCase PolyKinds RankNTypes ScopedTypeVariables TypeApplications TypeOperators TypeFamilies library import: common-options hs-source-dirs: src exposed-modules: Distribution.ArchHs.Aur, Distribution.ArchHs.PkgDesc, Distribution.ArchHs.Community, Distribution.ArchHs.Core, Distribution.ArchHs.Hackage, Distribution.ArchHs.Local, Distribution.ArchHs.PkgBuild, Distribution.ArchHs.Types, Distribution.ArchHs.Utils, Distribution.ArchHs.PP, OptionParse, Data.Aeson.Ext, Polysemy.Req executable arch-hs import: common-options hs-source-dirs: app main-is: Main.hs other-modules: Args build-depends: arch-hs ghc-options: -threaded -rtsopts -with-rtsopts=-N executable arch-hs-diff import: common-options hs-source-dirs: diff main-is: Main.hs other-modules: Diff build-depends: arch-hs ghc-options: -threaded -rtsopts -with-rtsopts=-N