module Numeric.FFT.Plan ( plan, planFromFactors ) where import Prelude hiding ((++), any, concatMap, enumFromTo, filter, length, map, maximum, null, reverse, scanl, sum, zip, zipWith) import qualified Prelude as P import Control.Applicative ((<$>)) import qualified Control.Monad as CM import Data.Complex import Data.Function (on) import Data.IORef import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict as IM import Data.List (nub, (\\)) import qualified Data.List as L import Data.Ord import qualified Data.Set as S import qualified Data.Vector as V import Data.Vector.Unboxed import Control.Monad.IO.Class import System.Directory import System.Environment import System.FilePath import System.IO import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO) import Criterion import Criterion.Config import Criterion.Monad import Criterion.Environment import Numeric.FFT.Types import Numeric.FFT.Execute import Numeric.FFT.Utils import Numeric.FFT.Special -- | Number of plans to test empirically. nTestPlans :: Int nTestPlans = 50 -- | Globally shared timing environment. (Not thread-safe...) timingEnv :: IORef (Maybe Environment) timingEnv = unsafePerformIO (newIORef Nothing) {-# NOINLINE timingEnv #-} -- | Plan calculation for a given problem size. plan :: Int -> IO Plan plan 1 = return $ Plan V.empty Nothing (SpecialBase 1) plan n = do wis <- readWisdom n let fixRader p = case plBase p of bpl@(RaderBase _ _ _ _ csz _) -> do cplan <- liftIO $ plan csz return $ p { plBase = bpl { raderConvPlan = cplan } } _ -> return p pret <- case wis of Just (p, t) -> planFromFactors n p Nothing -> do let ps = testPlans n nTestPlans withConfig (defaultConfig { cfgVerbosity = ljust Quiet , cfgSamples = ljust 1 }) $ do menv <- liftIO $ readIORef timingEnv env <- case menv of Just e -> return e Nothing -> do meas <- measureEnvironment liftIO $ writeIORef timingEnv $ Just meas return meas let v = generate n (\i -> sin (2 * pi * fromIntegral i / 511) :+ 0) tps <- CM.forM ps $ \p -> do ptest <- liftIO $ planFromFactors n p >>= fixRader ts <- runBenchmark env $ nf (execute ptest Forward) v return (sum ts / fromIntegral (length ts), p) let (rest, resp) = L.minimumBy (compare `on` fst) tps liftIO $ writeWisdom n resp rest liftIO $ planFromFactors n resp fixRader pret -- | Get execution time for plan for a given problem size. planTime :: Int -> IO Double planTime n = do wis <- readWisdom n case wis of Just (_, t) -> return t Nothing -> do -- Force generation of wisdom if it's not already there. _ <- plan n Just (_, t) <- readWisdom n return t -- | Plan calculation for a given problem factorisation. planFromFactors :: Int -> (Int, Vector Int) -> IO Plan planFromFactors n (lastf, fs) = do -- Base transform. (base, mextraperm) <- makeBase lastf -- Include permutation of base transform if needed. let perm = case (digperm, mextraperm) of (Just dp, Just ep) -> Just $ dupperm n ep %.% dp (Nothing, Just ep) -> Just $ dupperm n ep (Just dp, Nothing) -> Just dp (Nothing, Nothing) -> Nothing return $ Plan dlinfo perm base where -- Input data "digit reversal" permutation. digperm = digrev n fs -- Size information for Danielson-Lanczos steps. wfacs = map (n `div`) $ scanl (*) 1 fs vwfacs = convert wfacs vfs = convert fs dmatps = V.zipWith (dmat 1) vwfacs vfs dmatms = V.zipWith (dmat (-1)) vwfacs vfs dlinfo = V.reverse $ V.zip4 vwfacs vfs dmatps dmatms -- Calculate diagonal matrix entries used in Danielson-Lanczos steps. dmat :: Int -> Int -> Int -> VVVCD dmat sign wfac split = let ns = wfac `div` split w = omega $ sign * wfac in V.generate split $ \r -> V.generate split $ \c -> map (w^(ns*r*c) *) $ map ((w^^) . (c *)) $ enumFromN 0 ns -- | Read from wisdom for a given problem size. readWisdom :: Int -> IO (Maybe ((Int, Vector Int), Double)) readWisdom n = do home <- getEnv "HOME" let wisf = home ".fft-plan" show n ex <- doesFileExist wisf case ex of False -> return Nothing True -> do wist <- readFile wisf let ((wisb, wisfs), wistim) = read wist :: ((Int, [Int]), Double) return $ Just ((wisb, fromList wisfs), wistim) -- | Write wisdom for a given problem size. writeWisdom :: Int -> (Int, Vector Int) -> Double -> IO () writeWisdom n (b, fs) tim = do home <- getEnv "HOME" let wisd = home ".fft-plan" wisf = wisd show n createDirectoryIfMissing True wisd writeFile wisf $ show ((b, toList fs), tim) P.++ "\n" -- | Make base transform for a given sub-problem size. makeBase :: Int -> IO (BaseTransform, Maybe VI) makeBase sz | sz `IM.member` specialBases = return (SpecialBase sz, Nothing) | isPrime sz = makeRaderBase sz | otherwise = return (makeDFTBase sz, Nothing) -- | Generate digit reversal permutation using elementary "modulo" -- permutations: last digit is not permuted to match with using a -- simple DFT or instance of Rader's algorithm at the "bottom" of the -- overall algorithm. digrev :: Int -> VI -> Maybe VI digrev n fs | null fs = Nothing | otherwise = Just $ V.foldl1' (%.%) $ (dupperm n) subperms where vfs = convert fs -- Sizes of the individual permutations that we need, one per -- factor. sizes = V.scanl div n vfs -- Partial sub-permutations, one per factor. subperms = V.reverse $ V.zipWith perm sizes vfs -- Generate a single "modulo" permutation. perm sz fac = concatMap doone $ enumFromN 0 fac where doone i = generate (sz `div` fac) (\j -> j * fac + i) -- | Pre-computation plan for basic DFT transform. makeDFTBase :: Int -> BaseTransform makeDFTBase sz = DFTBase sz wsfwd wsinv where w = omega sz wsfwd = generate sz (w ^) wsinv = map (1 /) wsfwd -- | Pre-compute plan for prime-length Rader FFT transform. makeRaderBase :: Int -> IO (BaseTransform, Maybe VI) makeRaderBase sz = do -- Forward FFT with embedded plan calculation. let fft p xs = execute p Forward xs -- Times for unpadded and padded convolution transforms. unpadtime <- planTime sz1 padtime <- planTime pow2sz -- Should we use a padded or an unpadded transform for the -- convolution? let pad = padtime < unpadtime csz = if pad then pow2sz else sz1 -- Plan for convolution transforms. cplan <- plan csz -- FFT transforms of b sequences for use in convolution, one for -- forward transform and one for inverse transform. Either just the -- basic root of unity powers for the convolution (if we're not -- padding), or the powers cyclically repeated to make a vector of -- the next power-of-two length. let convb = fft cplan $ if pad then generate csz (\idx -> bs ! (idx `mod` sz1)) else bs convbinv = fft cplan $ if pad then generate csz (\idx -> bsinv ! (idx `mod` sz1)) else bsinv return (RaderBase sz outperm convb convbinv csz cplan, Just inperm) where -- Convolution length. sz1 = sz - 1 -- Convolution length padded to next greater power of two. pow2sz = if sz1 == 2^(log2 sz1) then sz1 else 2 ^ (1 + log2 (2 * sz1 - 3)) -- Group generator and inverse group generator. g = primitiveRoot sz ig = invModN sz g -- Input value permutation according to group generator indexing. inperm = 0 `cons` iterateN sz1 (\n -> (g * n) `mod` sz) 1 -- Index vector based on inverse group generator ordering. outperm = iterateN sz1 (\n -> (ig * n) `mod` sz) 1 -- Root of unity powers based on inverse group generator indexing, -- for forward and inverse transform. w = omega sz bs = backpermute (map (w ^^) $ enumFromTo 0 sz1) outperm bsinv = backpermute (map ((w ^^) . negate) $ enumFromTo 0 sz1) outperm -- | Base transform type with heuristic ordering. data BaseType = Special Int | Rader Int deriving (Eq, Show) -- | Newtype wrapper for custom sorting. newtype SPlan = SPlan (BaseType, Vector Int) deriving (Eq, Show) -- | Base transform size. bSize :: BaseType -> Int bSize (Special b) = b bSize (Rader b) = b -- | Heuristic ordering for base transform types: special bases come -- first, then prime bases using Rader's algorithm, ordered according -- to size compensating for padding needed in the Rader's algorithm -- convolution. instance Ord BaseType where compare (Special _) (Rader _) = LT compare (Rader _) (Special _) = GT compare (Special s1) (Special s2) = compare s2 s1 compare (Rader r1) (Rader r2) = case (isPow2 $ r1 - 1, isPow2 $ r2 - 1) of (True, True) -> compare r1 r2 (True, False) -> compare r1 (2 * r2) (False, True) -> compare (2 * r1) r2 (False, False) -> compare r1 r2 -- | Heuristic ordering for full plans, based first on base type, then -- on the maximum size of Danielson-Lanczos step. instance Ord SPlan where compare (SPlan (b1, fs1)) (SPlan (b2, fs2)) = case compare b1 b2 of LT -> LT EQ -> compare (maximum fs2) (maximum fs1) GT -> GT -- | Generate test plans for a given input size, sorted in heuristic -- order. testPlans :: Int -> Int -> [(Int, Vector Int)] testPlans n nplans = L.take nplans $ clean $ L.sort okplans where vfs = allFactors n bs = usableBases n vfs doone b = basePlans n vfs b clean (SPlan (b, fs)) = (bSize b, fs) allplans = P.concatMap doone bs okplans = case L.filter (not . ridiculous) allplans of [] -> L.filter (not . reallyRidiculous) allplans oks -> oks ridiculous (SPlan (_, fs)) = any (> 128) fs reallyRidiculous (SPlan (_, fs)) = any (> 128) $ filter (not . isPrime) fs -- | List plans from a single base. basePlans :: Int -> Vector Int -> BaseType -> [SPlan] basePlans n vfs bt = if null lfs then [SPlan (bt, empty)] else (\v -> SPlan (bt, v)) $ leftOvers lfs where lfs = fromList $ (toList vfs) \\ (toList $ allFactors b) b = bSize bt -- | Produce all distinct permutations and compositions constructable -- from a given list of factors. leftOvers :: Vector Int -> [Vector Int] leftOvers fs = if null fs then [] else S.toList $ L.foldl' go S.empty (multisetPerms fs) where n = length fs go fset perm = foldl' doone fset (enumFromN 0 (2^(n - 1))) where doone s i = S.insert (makeComp perm i) s -- | Usable base transform sizes. usableBases :: Int -> Vector Int -> [BaseType] usableBases n fs = Special bs P.++ Rader ps where bs = toList $ filter ((== 0) . (n `mod`)) specialBaseSizes ps = toList $ filter isPrime $ filter (> maxPrimeSpecialBaseSize) fs