module Numeric.FFT.Plan ( plan, planFromFactors ) where
import Prelude hiding ((++), any, concatMap, enumFromTo, filter, length, map,
maximum, null, reverse, scanl, sum, zip, zipWith)
import qualified Prelude as P
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import qualified Control.Monad as CM
import Data.Complex
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.IORef
import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict as IM
import Data.List (nub, (\\))
import qualified Data.List as L
import Data.Ord
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Data.Vector.Unboxed
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import System.Directory
import System.Environment
import System.FilePath
import System.IO
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
import Criterion
import Criterion.Config
import Criterion.Monad
import Criterion.Environment
import Numeric.FFT.Types
import Numeric.FFT.Execute
import Numeric.FFT.Utils
import Numeric.FFT.Special
nTestPlans :: Int
nTestPlans = 50
timingEnv :: IORef (Maybe Environment)
timingEnv = unsafePerformIO (newIORef Nothing)
plan :: Int -> IO Plan
plan 1 = return $ Plan V.empty Nothing (SpecialBase 1)
plan n = do
wis <- readWisdom n
let fixRader p = case plBase p of
bpl@(RaderBase _ _ _ _ csz _) -> do
cplan <- liftIO $ plan csz
return $ p { plBase = bpl { raderConvPlan = cplan } }
_ -> return p
pret <- case wis of
Just (p, t) -> planFromFactors n p
Nothing -> do
let ps = testPlans n nTestPlans
withConfig (defaultConfig { cfgVerbosity = ljust Quiet
, cfgSamples = ljust 1 }) $ do
menv <- liftIO $ readIORef timingEnv
env <- case menv of
Just e -> return e
Nothing -> do
meas <- measureEnvironment
liftIO $ writeIORef timingEnv $ Just meas
return meas
let v = generate n (\i -> sin (2 * pi * fromIntegral i / 511) :+ 0)
tps <- CM.forM ps $ \p -> do
ptest <- liftIO $ planFromFactors n p >>= fixRader
ts <- runBenchmark env $ nf (execute ptest Forward) v
return (sum ts / fromIntegral (length ts), p)
let (rest, resp) = L.minimumBy (compare `on` fst) tps
liftIO $ writeWisdom n resp rest
liftIO $ planFromFactors n resp
fixRader pret
planTime :: Int -> IO Double
planTime n = do
wis <- readWisdom n
case wis of
Just (_, t) -> return t
Nothing -> do
_ <- plan n
Just (_, t) <- readWisdom n
return t
planFromFactors :: Int -> (Int, Vector Int) -> IO Plan
planFromFactors n (lastf, fs) = do
(base, mextraperm) <- makeBase lastf
let perm = case (digperm, mextraperm) of
(Just dp, Just ep) -> Just $ dupperm n ep %.% dp
(Nothing, Just ep) -> Just $ dupperm n ep
(Just dp, Nothing) -> Just dp
(Nothing, Nothing) -> Nothing
return $ Plan dlinfo perm base
digperm = digrev n fs
wfacs = map (n `div`) $ scanl (*) 1 fs
vwfacs = convert wfacs
vfs = convert fs
dmatps = V.zipWith (dmat 1) vwfacs vfs
dmatms = V.zipWith (dmat (1)) vwfacs vfs
dlinfo = V.reverse $ V.zip4 vwfacs vfs dmatps dmatms
dmat :: Int -> Int -> Int -> VVVCD
dmat sign wfac split =
let ns = wfac `div` split
w = omega $ sign * wfac
in V.generate split $
\r -> V.generate split $
\c -> map (w^(ns*r*c) *) $ map ((w^^) . (c *)) $ enumFromN 0 ns
readWisdom :: Int -> IO (Maybe ((Int, Vector Int), Double))
readWisdom n = do
home <- getEnv "HOME"
let wisf = home </> ".fft-plan" </> show n
ex <- doesFileExist wisf
case ex of
False -> return Nothing
True -> do
wist <- readFile wisf
let ((wisb, wisfs), wistim) = read wist :: ((Int, [Int]), Double)
return $ Just ((wisb, fromList wisfs), wistim)
writeWisdom :: Int -> (Int, Vector Int) -> Double -> IO ()
writeWisdom n (b, fs) tim = do
home <- getEnv "HOME"
let wisd = home </> ".fft-plan"
wisf = wisd </> show n
createDirectoryIfMissing True wisd
writeFile wisf $ show ((b, toList fs), tim) P.++ "\n"
makeBase :: Int -> IO (BaseTransform, Maybe VI)
makeBase sz
| sz `IM.member` specialBases = return (SpecialBase sz, Nothing)
| isPrime sz = makeRaderBase sz
| otherwise = return (makeDFTBase sz, Nothing)
digrev :: Int -> VI -> Maybe VI
digrev n fs
| null fs = Nothing
| otherwise = Just $ V.foldl1' (%.%) $ (dupperm n) subperms
vfs = convert fs
sizes = V.scanl div n vfs
subperms = V.reverse $ V.zipWith perm sizes vfs
perm sz fac = concatMap doone $ enumFromN 0 fac
where doone i = generate (sz `div` fac) (\j -> j * fac + i)
makeDFTBase :: Int -> BaseTransform
makeDFTBase sz = DFTBase sz wsfwd wsinv
where w = omega sz
wsfwd = generate sz (w ^)
wsinv = map (1 /) wsfwd
makeRaderBase :: Int -> IO (BaseTransform, Maybe VI)
makeRaderBase sz = do
let fft p xs = execute p Forward xs
unpadtime <- planTime sz1
padtime <- planTime pow2sz
let pad = padtime < unpadtime
csz = if pad then pow2sz else sz1
cplan <- plan csz
let convb =
fft cplan $ if pad
then generate csz (\idx -> bs ! (idx `mod` sz1))
else bs
convbinv =
fft cplan $ if pad
then generate csz (\idx -> bsinv ! (idx `mod` sz1))
else bsinv
return (RaderBase sz outperm convb convbinv csz cplan, Just inperm)
sz1 = sz 1
pow2sz = if sz1 == 2^(log2 sz1)
then sz1
else 2 ^ (1 + log2 (2 * sz1 3))
g = primitiveRoot sz
ig = invModN sz g
inperm = 0 `cons` iterateN sz1 (\n -> (g * n) `mod` sz) 1
outperm = iterateN sz1 (\n -> (ig * n) `mod` sz) 1
w = omega sz
bs = backpermute (map (w ^^) $ enumFromTo 0 sz1) outperm
bsinv = backpermute (map ((w ^^) . negate) $ enumFromTo 0 sz1) outperm
data BaseType = Special Int | Rader Int deriving (Eq, Show)
newtype SPlan = SPlan (BaseType, Vector Int) deriving (Eq, Show)
bSize :: BaseType -> Int
bSize (Special b) = b
bSize (Rader b) = b
instance Ord BaseType where
compare (Special _) (Rader _) = LT
compare (Rader _) (Special _) = GT
compare (Special s1) (Special s2) = compare s2 s1
compare (Rader r1) (Rader r2) = case (isPow2 $ r1 1, isPow2 $ r2 1) of
(True, True) -> compare r1 r2
(True, False) -> compare r1 (2 * r2)
(False, True) -> compare (2 * r1) r2
(False, False) -> compare r1 r2
instance Ord SPlan where
compare (SPlan (b1, fs1)) (SPlan (b2, fs2)) = case compare b1 b2 of
LT -> LT
EQ -> compare (maximum fs2) (maximum fs1)
GT -> GT
testPlans :: Int -> Int -> [(Int, Vector Int)]
testPlans n nplans = L.take nplans $ clean $ L.sort okplans
where vfs = allFactors n
bs = usableBases n vfs
doone b = basePlans n vfs b
clean (SPlan (b, fs)) = (bSize b, fs)
allplans = P.concatMap doone bs
okplans = case L.filter (not . ridiculous) allplans of
[] -> L.filter (not . reallyRidiculous) allplans
oks -> oks
ridiculous (SPlan (_, fs)) = any (> 128) fs
reallyRidiculous (SPlan (_, fs)) =
any (> 128) $ filter (not . isPrime) fs
basePlans :: Int -> Vector Int -> BaseType -> [SPlan]
basePlans n vfs bt = if null lfs
then [SPlan (bt, empty)]
else (\v -> SPlan (bt, v)) $ leftOvers lfs
where lfs = fromList $ (toList vfs) \\ (toList $ allFactors b)
b = bSize bt
leftOvers :: Vector Int -> [Vector Int]
leftOvers fs =
if null fs
then []
else S.toList $ L.foldl' go S.empty (multisetPerms fs)
where n = length fs
go fset perm = foldl' doone fset (enumFromN 0 (2^(n 1)))
where doone s i = S.insert (makeComp perm i) s
usableBases :: Int -> Vector Int -> [BaseType]
usableBases n fs = Special bs P.++ Rader ps
where bs = toList $ filter ((== 0) . (n `mod`)) specialBaseSizes
ps = toList $ filter isPrime $ filter (> maxPrimeSpecialBaseSize) fs