[("tests/examples/Remote.hs:38:23: Warning: Redundant $\nFound:\n debugStrLn $ \"handleReconnect begin.\"\nWhy not:\n debugStrLn \"handleReconnect begin.\"\n",[Replace {rtype = Expr, pos = SrcSpan {startLine = 38, startCol = 23, endLine = 38, endCol = 60}, subts = [("a",SrcSpan {startLine = 38, startCol = 23, endLine = 38, endCol = 33}),("b",SrcSpan {startLine = 38, startCol = 36, endLine = 38, endCol = 60})], orig = "a b"}]),("tests/examples/Remote.hs:42:32: Warning: Redundant $\nFound:\n debugStrLn $ \"handleReconnect: error handling already in progress.\"\nWhy not:\n debugStrLn \"handleReconnect: error handling already in progress.\"\n",[Replace {rtype = Expr, pos = SrcSpan {startLine = 42, startCol = 32, endLine = 42, endCol = 99}, subts = [("a",SrcSpan {startLine = 42, startCol = 32, endLine = 42, endCol = 42}),("b",SrcSpan {startLine = 42, startCol = 45, endLine = 42, endCol = 99})], orig = "a b"}]),("tests/examples/Remote.hs:43:32: Warning: Redundant $\nFound:\n debugStrLn $ \"handleReconnect end.\"\nWhy not:\n debugStrLn \"handleReconnect end.\"\n",[Replace {rtype = Expr, pos = SrcSpan {startLine = 43, startCol = 32, endLine = 43, endCol = 67}, subts = [("a",SrcSpan {startLine = 43, startCol = 32, endLine = 43, endCol = 42}),("b",SrcSpan {startLine = 43, startCol = 45, endLine = 43, endCol = 67})], orig = "a b"}]),("tests/examples/Remote.hs:51:47: Warning: Redundant $\nFound:\n atomically $ newTQueue\nWhy not:\n atomically newTQueue\n",[Replace {rtype = Expr, pos = SrcSpan {startLine = 51, startCol = 47, endLine = 51, endCol = 69}, subts = [("a",SrcSpan {startLine = 51, startCol = 47, endLine = 51, endCol = 57}),("b",SrcSpan {startLine = 51, startCol = 60, endLine = 51, endCol = 69})], orig = "a b"}]),("tests/examples/Remote.hs:54:32: Warning: Redundant $\nFound:\n debugStrLn $ \"handleReconnect end.\"\nWhy not:\n debugStrLn \"handleReconnect end.\"\n",[Replace {rtype = Expr, pos = SrcSpan {startLine = 54, startCol = 32, endLine = 54, endCol = 67}, subts = [("a",SrcSpan {startLine = 54, startCol = 32, endLine = 54, endCol = 42}),("b",SrcSpan {startLine = 54, startCol = 45, endLine = 54, endCol = 67})], orig = "a b"}]),("tests/examples/Remote.hs:62:25: Warning: Redundant $\nFound:\n debugStrLn $ \"listener: listening for Response.\"\nWhy not:\n debugStrLn \"listener: listening for Response.\"\n",[Replace {rtype = Expr, pos = SrcSpan {startLine = 62, startCol = 25, endLine = 62, endCol = 73}, subts = [("a",SrcSpan {startLine = 62, startCol = 25, endLine = 62, endCol = 35}),("b",SrcSpan {startLine = 62, startCol = 38, endLine = 62, endCol = 73})], orig = "a b"}]),("tests/examples/Remote.hs:65:57: Warning: Redundant $\nFound:\n debugStrLn $ \"listener: ccGetSome\"\nWhy not:\n debugStrLn \"listener: ccGetSome\"\n",[Replace {rtype = Expr, pos = SrcSpan {startLine = 65, startCol = 57, endLine = 65, endCol = 91}, subts = [("a",SrcSpan {startLine = 65, startCol = 57, endLine = 65, endCol = 67}),("b",SrcSpan {startLine = 65, startCol = 70, endLine = 65, endCol = 91})], orig = "a b"}]),("tests/examples/Remote.hs:68:57: Warning: Redundant $\nFound:\n debugStrLn $ \"listener: getting callback\"\nWhy not:\n debugStrLn \"listener: getting callback\"\n",[Replace {rtype = Expr, pos = SrcSpan {startLine = 68, startCol = 57, endLine = 68, endCol = 98}, subts = [("a",SrcSpan {startLine = 68, startCol = 57, endLine = 68, endCol = 67}),("b",SrcSpan {startLine = 68, startCol = 70, endLine = 68, endCol = 98})], orig = "a b"}]),("tests/examples/Remote.hs:70:57: Warning: Redundant $\nFound:\n debugStrLn $ \"listener: passing Response to callback\"\nWhy not:\n debugStrLn \"listener: passing Response to callback\"\n",[Replace {rtype = Expr, pos = SrcSpan {startLine = 70, startCol = 57, endLine = 70, endCol = 110}, subts = [("a",SrcSpan {startLine = 70, startCol = 57, endLine = 70, endCol = 67}),("b",SrcSpan {startLine = 70, startCol = 70, endLine = 70, endCol = 110})], orig = "a b"}]),("tests/examples/Remote.hs:108:23: Warning: Redundant $\nFound:\n atomically $ newTQueue\nWhy not:\n atomically newTQueue\n",[Replace {rtype = Expr, pos = SrcSpan {startLine = 108, startCol = 23, endLine = 108, endCol = 45}, subts = [("a",SrcSpan {startLine = 108, startCol = 23, endLine = 108, endCol = 33}),("b",SrcSpan {startLine = 108, startCol = 36, endLine = 108, endCol = 45})], orig = "a b"}]),("tests/examples/Remote.hs:110:23: Warning: Redundant $\nFound:\n forkIO $ actorThread\nWhy not:\n forkIO actorThread\n",[Replace {rtype = Expr, pos = SrcSpan {startLine = 110, startCol = 23, endLine = 110, endCol = 43}, subts = [("a",SrcSpan {startLine = 110, startCol = 23, endLine = 110, endCol = 29}),("b",SrcSpan {startLine = 110, startCol = 32, endLine = 110, endCol = 43})], orig = "a b"}])]