{- | Client inner-loop This function is generally only needed if you are adding a new communication channel. -} processRemoteState :: IsAcidic st => IO CommChannel -- ^ (re-)connect function -> IO (AcidState st) processRemoteState reconnect = do cmdQueue <- atomically newTQueue ccTMV <- atomically newEmptyTMVar isClosed <- newIORef False let actor :: Command -> IO (MVar Response) actor command = do debugStrLn "actor: begin." readIORef isClosed >>= flip when (throwIO AcidStateClosed) ref <- newEmptyMVar atomically $ writeTQueue cmdQueue (command, ref) debugStrLn "actor: end." return ref expireQueue listenQueue = do mCallback <- atomically $ tryReadTQueue listenQueue case mCallback of Nothing -> return () (Just callback) -> do callback ConnectionError expireQueue listenQueue handleReconnect :: SomeException -> IO () handleReconnect e = case fromException e of (Just ThreadKilled) -> do debugStrLn "handleReconnect: ThreadKilled. Not attempting to reconnect." return () _ -> do debugStrLn $ "handleReconnect begin." tmv <- atomically $ tryTakeTMVar ccTMV case tmv of Nothing -> do debugStrLn $ "handleReconnect: error handling already in progress." debugStrLn $ "handleReconnect end." return () (Just (oldCC, oldListenQueue, oldListenerTID)) -> do thisTID <- myThreadId when (thisTID /= oldListenerTID) (killThread oldListenerTID) ccClose oldCC expireQueue oldListenQueue cc <- reconnect listenQueue <- atomically $ newTQueue listenerTID <- forkIO $ listener cc listenQueue atomically $ putTMVar ccTMV (cc, listenQueue, listenerTID) debugStrLn $ "handleReconnect end." return () listener :: CommChannel -> TQueue (Response -> IO ()) -> IO () listener cc listenQueue = getResponse Strict.empty `catch` handleReconnect where getResponse leftover = do debugStrLn $ "listener: listening for Response." let go inp = case inp of Fail msg _ -> error msg Partial cont -> do debugStrLn $ "listener: ccGetSome" bs <- ccGetSome cc 1024 go (cont bs) Done resp rest -> do debugStrLn $ "listener: getting callback" callback <- atomically $ readTQueue listenQueue debugStrLn $ "listener: passing Response to callback" callback (resp :: Response) return rest rest <- go (runGetPartial get leftover) -- `catch` (\e -> do handleReconnect e -- throwIO e -- ) getResponse rest actorThread :: IO () actorThread = forever $ do debugStrLn "actorThread: waiting for something to do." (cc, cmd) <- atomically $ do (cmd, ref) <- readTQueue cmdQueue (cc, listenQueue, _) <- readTMVar ccTMV writeTQueue listenQueue (putMVar ref) return (cc, cmd) debugStrLn "actorThread: sending command." ccPut cc (encode cmd) `catch` handleReconnect debugStrLn "actorThread: sent." return () shutdown :: ThreadId -> IO () shutdown actorTID = do debugStrLn "shutdown: update isClosed IORef to True." writeIORef isClosed True debugStrLn "shutdown: killing actor thread." killThread actorTID debugStrLn "shutdown: taking ccTMV." (cc, listenQueue, listenerTID) <- atomically $ takeTMVar ccTMV -- FIXME: or should this by tryTakeTMVar debugStrLn "shutdown: killing listener thread." killThread listenerTID debugStrLn "shutdown: expiring listen queue." expireQueue listenQueue debugStrLn "shutdown: closing connection." ccClose cc return () cc <- reconnect listenQueue <- atomically $ newTQueue actorTID <- forkIO $ actorThread listenerTID <- forkIO $ listener cc listenQueue atomically $ putTMVar ccTMV (cc, listenQueue, listenerTID) return (toAcidState $ RemoteState actor (shutdown actorTID))