{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} module Refact.Run (refactMain, runPipe) where import Control.Monad import Data.List hiding (find) import Data.Maybe import Data.Version import Debug.Trace import Language.Haskell.GHC.ExactPrint.ExactPrint (showAst) import Options.Applicative import Paths_apply_refact import Refact.Apply (parseExtensions) import Refact.Fixity import Refact.Internal ( Verbosity (..), apply, onError, parseModuleWithArgs, ) import Refact.Options (Options (..), optionsWithHelp) import Refact.Types hiding (SrcSpan) import qualified Refact.Types as R import System.Exit import System.FilePath.Find import System.IO.Extra import qualified System.PosixCompat.Files as F refactMain :: IO () refactMain = do o@Options {..} <- execParser optionsWithHelp when optionsVersion (putStr ("v" ++ showVersion version) >> exitSuccess) unless (isJust optionsTarget || isJust optionsRefactFile) . die $ "Must specify either the target file, or the refact file, or both.\n" ++ "If either the target file or the refact file is not specified, " ++ "it will be read from stdin.\n" ++ "To show usage, run 'refactor -h'." case optionsTarget of Nothing -> withTempFile $ \fp -> do getContents >>= writeFileUTF8 fp runPipe o fp Just target -> do targetStatus <- F.getFileStatus target if F.isDirectory targetStatus then findHsFiles target >>= mapM_ (runPipe o) else runPipe o target -- Given base directory finds all haskell source files findHsFiles :: FilePath -> IO [FilePath] findHsFiles = find filterDirectory filterFilename filterDirectory :: FindClause Bool filterDirectory = p <$> fileName where p x | "." `isPrefixOf` x = False | otherwise = True filterFilename :: FindClause Bool filterFilename = do ext <- extension fname <- fileName pure (ext == ".hs" && p fname) where p x | "Setup.hs" `isInfixOf` x = False | otherwise = True runPipe :: Options -> FilePath -> IO () runPipe Options {..} file = do let verb = optionsVerbosity rawhints <- getHints optionsRefactFile when (verb == Loud) (traceM "Got raw hints") let inp :: [(String, [Refactoring R.SrcSpan])] = read rawhints n = length inp when (verb == Loud) (traceM $ "Read " ++ show n ++ " hints") output <- if null inp then readFileUTF8' file else do when (verb == Loud) (traceM "Parsing module") let (enabledExts, disabledExts, invalidExts) = parseExtensions optionsLanguage unless (null invalidExts) . when (verb >= Normal) . putStrLn $ "Invalid extensions: " ++ intercalate ", " invalidExts m <- either (onError "runPipe") applyFixities =<< parseModuleWithArgs (enabledExts, disabledExts) file when optionsDebug (putStrLn (showAst m)) apply optionsPos optionsStep inp (Just file) verb m if optionsInplace && isJust optionsTarget then writeFileUTF8 file output else case optionsOutput of Nothing -> putStr output Just f -> do when (verb == Loud) (traceM $ "Writing result to " ++ f) writeFileUTF8 f output getHints :: Maybe FilePath -> IO String getHints (Just hintFile) = readFileUTF8' hintFile getHints Nothing = getContents