module Data.Apiary.Param
, readPathAs
, Query(..)
, QueryRep(..)
, File(..)
, Param
, ReqParam(..)
, Strategy(..)
, StrategyRep(..)
, First(..)
, One(..)
, Many(..)
, Some(..)
, Option(..)
, Optional(..)
, pBool
, pInt
, pWord
, pDouble
, pText
, pLazyText
, pByteString
, pLazyByteString
, pString
, pMaybe
, pFile
, pFirst
, pOne
, pMany
, pSome
, pOption
, pOptional
) where
import Control.Monad(when, unless, MonadPlus(mzero))
import Control.Arrow(second)
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as HTTP
import Data.Int(Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64)
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
import Data.Word(Word8, Word16, Word32, Word64)
import Data.Word(Word, Word8, Word16, Word32, Word64)
import Data.Maybe(isJust, catMaybes)
import Data.Apiary.Routing.Dict(KV((:=)), type (</), Store)
import qualified Data.Apiary.Routing.Dict as Dict
import Data.Typeable
import GHC.TypeLits(Symbol, KnownSymbol)
import Data.String(IsString)
import Data.Time.Calendar(Day, fromGregorian)
import qualified Data.Text.Read as TR
import Data.Text.Encoding.Error(lenientDecode)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding as TL
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as S
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as L
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lex.Integral as BSL
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lex.Fractional as BSF
jsToBool :: (IsString a, Eq a) => a -> Bool
jsToBool = flip notElem jsFalse
jsFalse = ["false", "0", "-0", "", "null", "undefined", "NaN"]
readPathAs :: Path a => proxy a -> T.Text -> Maybe a
readPathAs _ t = readPath t
data Text deriving Typeable
type Param = (S.ByteString, S.ByteString)
data File
= File {
fileParameter :: S.ByteString
, fileName :: S.ByteString
, fileContentType :: S.ByteString
, fileContent :: Either L.ByteString FilePath
deriving (Show, Eq, Typeable)
data QueryRep
= Strict TypeRep
| Nullable TypeRep
| Check
| NoValue
deriving (Show, Eq)
class Path a where
readPath :: T.Text
-> Maybe a
pathRep :: proxy a -> TypeRep
instance Path Char where
pathRep = typeRep
readPath s
| T.null s = Nothing
| otherwise = Just $ T.head s
readText :: TR.Reader a -> T.Text -> (Maybe a)
readText p s = case p s of
Right (a, t) -> if T.null t then Just a else Nothing
Left _ -> Nothing
readTextInt :: Integral i => T.Text -> Maybe i
readTextInt = readText (TR.signed TR.decimal)
readTextWord :: Integral i => T.Text -> Maybe i
readTextWord = readText TR.decimal
readTextDouble :: T.Text -> Maybe Double
readTextDouble = readText TR.double
instance Path Bool where readPath = Just . jsToBool; pathRep = typeRep
instance Path Int where readPath = readTextInt; pathRep = typeRep
instance Path Int8 where readPath = readTextInt; pathRep = typeRep
instance Path Int16 where readPath = readTextInt; pathRep = typeRep
instance Path Int32 where readPath = readTextInt; pathRep = typeRep
instance Path Int64 where readPath = readTextInt; pathRep = typeRep
instance Path Integer where readPath = readTextInt; pathRep = typeRep
instance Path Word where readPath = readTextWord; pathRep = typeRep
instance Path Word8 where readPath = readTextWord; pathRep = typeRep
instance Path Word16 where readPath = readTextWord; pathRep = typeRep
instance Path Word32 where readPath = readTextWord; pathRep = typeRep
instance Path Word64 where readPath = readTextWord; pathRep = typeRep
instance Path Double where readPath = readTextDouble; pathRep = typeRep
instance Path Float where readPath = fmap realToFrac . readTextDouble; pathRep = typeRep
instance Path T.Text where readPath = Just; pathRep _ = typeRep (Proxy :: Proxy Text)
instance Path TL.Text where readPath = Just . TL.fromStrict; pathRep _ = typeRep (Proxy :: Proxy Text)
instance Path S.ByteString where readPath = Just . T.encodeUtf8; pathRep _ = typeRep (Proxy :: Proxy Text)
instance Path L.ByteString where readPath = Just . TL.encodeUtf8 . TL.fromStrict; pathRep _ = typeRep (Proxy :: Proxy Text)
instance Path String where readPath = Just . T.unpack; pathRep _ = typeRep (Proxy :: Proxy Text)
class Typeable a => Query a where
readQuery :: Maybe S.ByteString
-> Maybe a
queryRep :: proxy a -> QueryRep
queryRep = Strict . typeRep
readBS :: (S.ByteString -> Maybe (a, S.ByteString))
-> S.ByteString -> Maybe a
readBS p b = case p b of
Just (i, s) -> if S.null s then Just i else Nothing
_ -> Nothing
readBSInt :: Integral a => S.ByteString -> Maybe a
readBSInt = readBS (BSL.readSigned BSL.readDecimal)
readBSWord :: Integral a => S.ByteString -> Maybe a
readBSWord = readBS BSL.readDecimal
readBSDouble :: S.ByteString -> Maybe Double
readBSDouble = readBS (BSF.readSigned BSF.readDecimal)
instance Query Bool where
readQuery (Just b) = Just $ jsToBool b
readQuery Nothing = Just True
instance Query Int where readQuery = maybe Nothing readBSInt
instance Query Int8 where readQuery = maybe Nothing readBSInt
instance Query Int16 where readQuery = maybe Nothing readBSInt
instance Query Int32 where readQuery = maybe Nothing readBSInt
instance Query Int64 where readQuery = maybe Nothing readBSInt
instance Query Integer where readQuery = maybe Nothing readBSInt
instance Query Word where readQuery = maybe Nothing readBSWord
instance Query Word8 where readQuery = maybe Nothing readBSWord
instance Query Word16 where readQuery = maybe Nothing readBSWord
instance Query Word32 where readQuery = maybe Nothing readBSWord
instance Query Word64 where readQuery = maybe Nothing readBSWord
instance Query Double where readQuery = maybe Nothing readBSDouble
instance Query Float where readQuery = maybe Nothing (fmap realToFrac . readBSDouble)
instance Query T.Text where
readQuery = fmap $ T.decodeUtf8With lenientDecode
instance Query TL.Text where
readQuery = fmap (TL.decodeUtf8With lenientDecode . L.fromStrict)
instance Query S.ByteString where
readQuery = id
instance Query L.ByteString where
readQuery = fmap L.fromStrict
instance Query String where
readQuery = fmap S.unpack
instance Query Day where
readQuery = (>>= \s0 -> do
(y, s1) <- BSL.readDecimal s0
when (S.null s1) Nothing
(m, s2) <- BSL.readDecimal $ S.tail s1
when (S.null s2) Nothing
(d, s3) <- BSL.readDecimal $ S.tail s2
unless (S.null s3) Nothing
let y' = if y < 100 then 2000 + y else y
return $ fromGregorian y' m d)
instance Path Day where
readPath s0 = either (const Nothing) Just $ do
(y, s1) <- TR.decimal s0
when (T.null s1) (Left "")
(m, s2) <- TR.decimal (T.tail s1)
when (T.null s2) (Left "")
(d, s3) <- TR.decimal (T.tail s2)
unless (T.null s3) (Left "")
let y' = if y < 100 then 2000 + y else y
return $ fromGregorian y' m d
pathRep _ = typeRep (Proxy :: Proxy Day)
instance Query a => Query (Maybe a) where
readQuery (Just a) = Just `fmap` readQuery (Just a)
readQuery Nothing = Just Nothing
queryRep _ = Nullable $ typeRep (Proxy :: Proxy a)
instance Query () where
readQuery _ = Just ()
queryRep _ = Check
pBool :: Proxy Bool
pBool = Proxy
pInt :: Proxy Int
pInt = Proxy
pWord :: Proxy Word
pWord = Proxy
pDouble :: Proxy Double
pDouble = Proxy
pText :: Proxy T.Text
pText = Proxy
pLazyText :: Proxy TL.Text
pLazyText = Proxy
pByteString :: Proxy S.ByteString
pByteString = Proxy
pLazyByteString :: Proxy L.ByteString
pLazyByteString = Proxy
pString :: Proxy String
pString = Proxy
pMaybe :: proxy a -> Proxy (Maybe a)
pMaybe _ = Proxy
pFile :: Proxy File
pFile = Proxy
class ReqParam a where
reqParams :: proxy a -> HTTP.Query -> [Param] -> [File] -> [(S.ByteString, Maybe a)]
reqParamRep :: proxy a -> QueryRep
instance ReqParam File where
reqParams _ _ _ = map (\f -> (fileParameter f, Just f))
reqParamRep _ = Strict $ typeRep pFile
instance Query a => ReqParam a where
reqParams _ q p _ = map (second readQuery) q ++
map (second $ readQuery . Just) p
reqParamRep = queryRep
newtype StrategyRep = StrategyRep
{ strategyInfo :: T.Text }
deriving (Show, Eq)
class Strategy (w :: * -> *) where
type SNext w (k::Symbol) a (prms :: [KV *]) :: [KV *]
strategy :: (KnownSymbol k, k </ prms, MonadPlus m) => w a -> proxy' k -> [Maybe a] -> Store prms -> m (Store (SNext w k a prms))
strategyRep :: w a -> StrategyRep
data First a = First
instance Strategy First where
type SNext First k a ps = k ':= a ': ps
strategy _ k (Just a:_) d = return $ Dict.add k a d
strategy _ _ _ _ = mzero
strategyRep _ = StrategyRep "first"
data One a = One
instance Strategy One where
type SNext One k a ps = k ':= a ': ps
strategy _ k [Just a] d = return $ Dict.add k a d
strategy _ _ _ _ = mzero
strategyRep _ = StrategyRep "one"
data Many a = Many
instance Strategy Many where
type SNext Many k a ps = k ':= [a] ': ps
strategy _ k as d = if all isJust as then return $ Dict.add k (catMaybes as) d else mzero
strategyRep _ = StrategyRep "many"
data Some a = Some
instance Strategy Some where
type SNext Some k a ps = k ':= [a] ': ps
strategy _ _ [] _ = mzero
strategy _ k as d = if all isJust as then return $ Dict.add k (catMaybes as) d else mzero
strategyRep _ = StrategyRep "some"
data Option a = Option
instance Strategy Option where
type SNext Option k a ps = k ':= Maybe a ': ps
strategy _ k (Just a:_) d = return $ Dict.add k (Just a) d
strategy _ _ (Nothing:_) _ = mzero
strategy _ k [] d = return $ Dict.add k Nothing d
strategyRep _ = StrategyRep "option"
data Optional a = Optional T.Text a
instance Strategy Optional where
type SNext Optional k a ps = k ':= a ': ps
strategy _ k (Just a:_) d = return $ Dict.add k a d
strategy _ _ (Nothing:_) _ = mzero
strategy (Optional _ a) k [] d = return $ Dict.add k a d
strategyRep (Optional a _) = StrategyRep $ "default:" `T.append` a
pFirst :: proxy a -> First a
pFirst _ = First
pOne :: proxy a -> One a
pOne _ = One
pMany :: proxy a -> Many a
pMany _ = Many
pSome :: proxy a -> Some a
pSome _ = Some
pOption :: proxy a -> Option a
pOption _ = Option
pOptional :: Show a => a -> Optional a
pOptional a = Optional (T.pack $ show a) a