{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell            #-}

module Data.API.Tools.JSON
    ( jsonTool
    , jsonTool'
    , toJsonNodeTool
    , fromJsonNodeTool
    , fromJsonWithErrsNodeTool
    ) where

import           Data.API.JSON
import           Data.API.TH
import           Data.API.Tools.Combinators
import           Data.API.Tools.Datatypes
import           Data.API.Tools.Enum
import           Data.API.Types
import           Data.API.Utils

import           Data.Aeson hiding (withText, withBool)
import           Control.Applicative
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict            as HMap
import           Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Map                       as Map
import           Data.Monoid
import qualified Data.Text                      as T
import           Language.Haskell.TH
import           Prelude

-- | Tool to generate 'ToJSON' and 'FromJSONWithErrs' instances for
-- types generated by 'datatypesTool'.  This depends on 'enumTool'.
-- For historical reasons this does not generate 'FromJSON' instances;
-- you probably want to use 'jsonTool'' instead.
jsonTool :: APITool
jsonTool = apiNodeTool $ toJsonNodeTool <> fromJsonWithErrsNodeTool

-- | Tool to generate 'ToJSON', 'FromJSON' and 'FromJSONWithErrs'
-- instances for types generated by 'datatypesTool'.  This depends on
-- 'enumTool'.  Note that generated 'FromJSON' and 'FromJSONWithErrs'
-- instances will always agree on the decoding of a value, but that
-- the 'FromJSONWithErrs' instances for basic types are more liberal
-- than 'FromJSON'.
jsonTool' :: APITool
jsonTool' = apiNodeTool $ toJsonNodeTool <> fromJsonNodeTool
                                         <> fromJsonWithErrsNodeTool

-- | Tool to generate 'ToJSON' instance for an API node
toJsonNodeTool :: APINodeTool
toJsonNodeTool = apiSpecTool gen_sn_to gen_sr_to gen_su_to gen_se_to mempty
                 <> gen_pr

-- | Tool to generate 'FromJSON' instance for an API node, which
-- relies on the 'FromJSONWithErrs' instance.
fromJsonNodeTool :: APINodeTool
fromJsonNodeTool = gen_FromJSON

-- | Tool to generate 'FromJSONWithErrs' instance for an API node
fromJsonWithErrsNodeTool :: APINodeTool
fromJsonWithErrsNodeTool = apiSpecTool gen_sn_fm gen_sr_fm gen_su_fm gen_se_fm mempty
                           <> gen_in

instance ToJSON JobId where
    toJSON = String . _JobId

gen_sn_to :: Tool (APINode, SpecNewtype)
gen_sn_to = mkTool $ \ ts (an, sn) -> optionalInstanceD ts ''ToJSON [nodeRepT an]
                                          [simpleD 'toJSON (bdy an sn)]
    bdy an sn = [e| $(ine sn) . $(newtypeProjectionE an) |]

    ine sn = case snType sn of
            BTstring -> [e| String |]
            BTbinary -> [e| toJSON |]
            BTbool   -> [e| Bool   |]
            BTint    -> [e| mkInt  |]
            BTutc    -> [e| mkUTC  |]

instance FromJSONWithErrs JobId where
    parseJSONWithErrs = withText "JobId" (pure . JobId)

gen_sn_fm :: Tool (APINode, SpecNewtype)
gen_sn_fm = mkTool $ \ ts (an, sn) -> optionalInstanceD ts ''FromJSONWithErrs [nodeRepT an]
                                          [simpleD 'parseJSONWithErrs (bdy ts an sn)]
    bdy ts an sn = [e| $(wth sn) $(typeNameE (anName an)) (pure . $(nodeNewtypeConE ts an sn)) |]

    wth sn    =
        case (snType sn, snFilter sn) of
            (BTstring, Just (FtrStrg re)) -> [e| withRegEx re    |]
            (BTstring, _                ) -> [e| withText        |]
            (BTbinary, _                ) -> [e| withBinary      |]
            (BTbool  , _                ) -> [e| withBool        |]
            (BTint   , Just (FtrIntg ir)) -> [e| withIntRange ir |]
            (BTint   , _                ) -> [e| withInt         |]
            (BTutc   , Just (FtrUTC  ur)) -> [e| withUTCRange ur |]
            (BTutc   , _                ) -> [e| withUTC         |]

instance ToJSON JobSpecId where
     toJSON = \ x ->
            [ "Id"         .= jsiId         x
            , "Input"      .= jsiInput      x
            , "Output"     .= jsiOutput     x
            , "PipelineId" .= jsiPipelineId x

gen_sr_to :: Tool (APINode, SpecRecord)
gen_sr_to = mkTool $ \ ts (an, sr) -> do
    x <- newName "x"
    optionalInstanceD ts ''ToJSON [nodeRepT an] [simpleD 'toJSON (bdy an sr x)]
    bdy an sr x = lamE [varP x] $
            varE 'object `appE`
            listE [ [e| $(fieldNameE fn) .= $(nodeFieldE an fn) $(varE x) |]
                  | (fn, _) <- srFields sr ]

instance FromJSONWithErrs JobSpecId where
     parseJSONWithErrs (Object v) =
        JobSpecId <$>
            v .: "Id"                               <*>
            v .: "Input"                            <*>
            v .: "Output"                           <*>
            v .: "PipelineId"
     parseJSONWithErrs Null       = parseJSONWithErrs (Object HMap.empty)
     parseJSONWithErrs v          = failWith $ expectedObject val

gen_sr_fm :: Tool (APINode, SpecRecord)
gen_sr_fm = mkTool $ \ ts (an, sr) -> do
    x <- newName "x"
    optionalInstanceD ts ''FromJSONWithErrs [nodeRepT an]
                      [funD 'parseJSONWithErrs [cl an sr x, clNull, cl' x]]
    cl an sr x  = clause [conP 'Object [varP x]] (normalB bdy) []
        bdy = applicativeE (nodeConE an) $ map project (srFields sr)
        project (fn, ft) = [e| withDefaultField ro (fmap defaultValueAsJsValue mb_dv) $(fieldNameE fn) parseJSONWithErrs $(varE x) |]
          where ro    = ftReadOnly ft
                mb_dv = ftDefault ft

    clNull = clause [conP 'Null []] (normalB [e| parseJSONWithErrs (Object HMap.empty) |]) []

    cl'  x = clause [varP x] (normalB (bdy' x)) []
    bdy' x = [e| failWith (expectedObject $(varE x)) |]

instance ToJSON Foo where
    toJSON (Bar x) = object [ "x" .= x ]
    toJSON (Baz x) = object [ "y" .= x ]

gen_su_to :: Tool (APINode, SpecUnion)
gen_su_to = mkTool $ \ ts (an, su) -> optionalInstanceD ts ''ToJSON [nodeRepT an] [funD 'toJSON (cls an su)]
    cls an su = map (cl an . fst) (suFields su)

    cl an fn = do x <- newName "x"
                  clause [nodeAltConP an fn [varP x]] (bdy fn x) []

    bdy fn x = normalB [e| object [ $(fieldNameE fn) .= $(varE x) ] |]

instance FromJSONWithErrs Foo where
    parseJSONWithErrs = withUnion [ ("x", fmap Bar . parseJSONWithErrs)
                                  , ("y", fmap Baz . parseJSONWithErrs) ]

gen_su_fm :: Tool (APINode, SpecUnion)
gen_su_fm = mkTool $ \ ts (an, su) ->
    optionalInstanceD ts ''FromJSONWithErrs [nodeRepT an]
                      [simpleD 'parseJSONWithErrs (bdy an su)]
    bdy an su = varE 'withUnion `appE` listE (map (alt an) (suFields su))

    alt an (fn, _) = [e| ( $(fieldNameE fn) , fmap $(nodeAltConE an fn) . parseJSONWithErrs ) |]

instance ToJSON FrameRate where
    toJSON    = String . _text_FrameRate

gen_se_to :: Tool (APINode, SpecEnum)
gen_se_to = mkTool $ \ ts (an, _se) -> optionalInstanceD ts ''ToJSON [nodeRepT an] [simpleD 'toJSON (bdy an)]
    bdy an = [e| String . $(varE (text_enum_nm an)) |]

instance FromJSONWithErrs FrameRate where
    parseJSONWithErrs = jsonStrMap_p _map_FrameRate

gen_se_fm :: Tool (APINode, SpecEnum)
gen_se_fm = mkTool $ \ ts (an, _se) -> optionalInstanceD ts ''FromJSONWithErrs [nodeRepT an]
                                           [simpleD 'parseJSONWithErrs (bdy an)]
    bdy an = [e| jsonStrMap_p $(varE (map_enum_nm an)) |]

gen_in :: Tool APINode
gen_in = mkTool $ \ ts an -> case anConvert an of
  Nothing          -> return []
  Just (inj_fn, _) -> optionalInstanceD ts ''FromJSONWithErrs [nodeT an]
                          [simpleD 'parseJSONWithErrs bdy]
    bdy = do x <- newName "x"
             lamE [varP x] [e| parseJSONWithErrs $(varE x) >>= $inj |]
    inj = fieldNameVarE inj_fn

gen_pr :: Tool APINode
gen_pr = mkTool $ \ ts an -> case anConvert an of
  Nothing          -> return []
  Just (_, prj_fn) -> optionalInstanceD ts ''ToJSON [nodeT an] [simpleD 'toJSON bdy]
    bdy = [e| toJSON . $prj |]
    prj = fieldNameVarE prj_fn

-- | Generate 'FromJSON' instances like this:
-- > instance FromJSON T where
-- >   parseJSON = parseJSONDefault
gen_FromJSON :: Tool APINode
gen_FromJSON = mkTool $ \ ts an -> do
    (++) <$> genIf (not (isSynonym an))    ts (nodeRepT an)
         <*> genIf (isJust (anConvert an)) ts (nodeT an)
    genIf b ts t | b         = optionalInstanceD ts ''FromJSON [t] [simpleD 'parseJSON [e|parseJSONDefault|]]
                 | otherwise = pure []

    isSynonym an = case anSpec an of
                     SpSynonym _ -> True
                     _           -> False

mkInt :: Int -> Value
mkInt = Number . fromInteger . toInteger

jsonStrMap_p :: Ord a => Map.Map T.Text a -> Value -> ParserWithErrs a
jsonStrMap_p mp = json_string_p (Map.keys mp) $ flip Map.lookup mp

json_string_p :: Ord a => [T.Text] -> (T.Text->Maybe a) -> Value -> ParserWithErrs a
json_string_p xs p (String t) | Just val <- p t = pure val
                              | otherwise       = failWith $ UnexpectedEnumVal xs t
json_string_p _  _ v                            = failWith $ expectedString v