module Data.API.Tools.Example
( Example(..)
, exampleTool
, samplesTool
) where
import Data.API.TH
import Data.API.Tools.Combinators
import Data.API.Tools.Datatypes
import Data.API.Types
import Data.API.Utils
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Aeson
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Time
import Language.Haskell.TH
import Safe
import Test.QuickCheck as QC
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Prelude
class Example a where
example :: Gen a
default example :: Arbitrary a => Gen a
example = arbitrary
instance Example a => Example (Maybe a) where
example = oneof [return Nothing, Just <$> example]
instance Example a => Example [a] where
example = listOf example
instance Example Int where
example = arbitrarySizedBoundedIntegral `suchThat` (> 0)
instance Example Bool where
example = choose (False, True)
instance Example T.Text where
example = return "Mary had a little lamb"
instance Example Binary where
example = return $ Binary $ B.pack "lots of 1s and 0s"
instance Example Value where
example = return $ String "an example JSON value"
instance Example UTCTime where
example = return $ fromJustNote dg $ parseUTC_ "2013-06-09T15:52:30Z"
dg = "Data.API.Tools.Example-UTCTime"
samplesTool :: Name -> APITool
samplesTool nm = simpleTool $ \ api ->
simpleSigD nm [t| [(String, Gen Value)] |]
(listE [ gen_sample nd | ThNode nd <- api ])
gen_sample :: APINode -> ExpQ
gen_sample an = [e| ($str, fmap toJSON (example :: Gen $(nodeT an))) |]
str = stringE $ T.unpack $ _TypeName $ anName an
exampleTool :: APITool
exampleTool = apiNodeTool $ apiSpecTool gen_sn_ex gen_sr_ex gen_su_ex gen_se_ex mempty
gen_sn_ex :: Tool (APINode, SpecNewtype)
gen_sn_ex = mkTool $ \ ts (an, sn) -> case snFilter sn of
Just (FtrStrg _) -> return []
Just _ -> inst ts an [e| QC.arbitrary |]
Nothing -> inst ts an [e| fmap $(nodeNewtypeConE ts an sn) example |]
inst ts an e = optionalInstanceD ts ''Example [nodeRepT an] [simpleD 'example e]
gen_sr_ex :: Tool (APINode, SpecRecord)
gen_sr_ex = mkTool $ \ ts (an, sr) -> optionalInstanceD ts ''Example [nodeRepT an] [simpleD 'example (bdy an sr)]
bdy an sr = do x <- newName "x"
appE (varE 'QC.sized) $ lamE [varP x] $
applicativeE (nodeConE an) $
replicate (length $ srFields sr) $
[e| QC.resize ($(varE x) `div` 2) example |]
gen_su_ex :: Tool (APINode, SpecUnion)
gen_su_ex = mkTool $ \ ts (an, su) -> optionalInstanceD ts ''Example [nodeRepT an] [simpleD 'example (bdy an su)]
bdy an su | null (suFields su) = nodeConE an
| otherwise = [e| oneof $(listE (alts an su)) |]
alts an su = [ [e| fmap $(nodeAltConE an k) example |]
| (k,_) <- suFields su ]
gen_se_ex :: Tool (APINode, SpecEnum)
gen_se_ex = mkTool $ \ ts (an, _) -> optionalInstanceD ts ''Example [nodeRepT an] []