{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
-- |
-- Module:      Data.Digest.ApacheMD5
-- Copyright:   (c) 2009, 2010, 2012 - 2014 Peter Trško
-- License:     BSD3
-- Maintainer:  Peter Trško <peter.trsko@gmail.com>
-- Stability:   Provisional
-- Portability: non-portable (NoImplicitPrelude, depends on non-portable
--              internal module)
-- ApacheMD5 is one of the hash algorithms used by Apache HTTP server for basic
-- authentication. It is Apache specific, but e.g. nginx supports this
-- algorithm since version 1.0.3
-- <http://wiki.nginx.org/HttpAuthBasicModule#auth_basic_user_file>.
-- This is a naive implementation that doesn't aim for high speed, but to be
-- reasonably fast it uses @MD5()@ function from OpenSSL library so during
-- compilation you'll nead to have it installed including header files.
-- Many Linux distributions have separate dev packages for this.
module Data.Digest.ApacheMD5
    -- * Htpasswd
    -- | Apache comes with utility named @htpasswd@ that allows to create,
    -- delete and update flat files normally named @.htpasswd@ that store pairs
    -- of usernames and passwords.  While both this utility and Apache support
    -- more algorithms most of them rely on UNIX @crypt()@ function.  ApacheMD5
    -- is not one of them and therefore it is suitable for cross-platform
    -- usage.  See also @htpasswd@ documentation on
    -- <http://httpd.apache.org/docs/current/programs/htpasswd.html>.

    -- * Example: Creating htpasswd-like entry
    -- | Output of 'apacheMD5' function is not identical to what @htpasswd@
    -- does.  To create @htpasswd@-like entry one needs to do:
    -- > import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
    -- > import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C8 (concat, pack, singleton)
    -- > import Data.Digest.ApacheMD5 (Salt, apacheMD5, unSalt)
    -- >
    -- > htpasswdEntry :: ByteString -> ByteString -> Salt -> ByteString
    -- > htpasswdEntry username password salt = C8.concat
    -- >     [ username
    -- >     , C8.pack ":$apr1$"
    -- >     , unSalt salt
    -- >     , C8.singleton '$'
    -- >     , apacheMD5 password salt
    -- >     ]

    -- * API Documentation
    , Password
    , Salt
    , mkSalt
    , unSalt

import Data.Bool ((&&), not, otherwise)
import Data.Function ((.), ($))
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(Nothing, Just))

import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS (all, null)

import Data.Digest.ApacheMD5.Internal (Password, Salt(Salt))
import qualified Data.Digest.ApacheMD5.Internal as Internal
    ( apacheMD5
    , encode64
    , isAlpha64
    , md5BS

-- | Smart constructor for 'Salt'. It tests that provided 'ByteString' is not
-- empty and that all its octets are members of alphabet used for base 64
-- encoding 'Data.Digest.ApacheMD5.Internal.alpha64' and it uses
-- 'Internal.isAlpha64' predicate to do so.
mkSalt :: ByteString -> Maybe Salt
mkSalt str
  | isValidSalt = Just $ Salt str
  | otherwise   = Nothing
    isValidSalt = not (BS.null str) && BS.all Internal.isAlpha64 str

-- | Unpack 'Salt' in to 'ByteString'.
unSalt :: Salt -> ByteString
unSalt (Salt str) = str

-- | Taking password and salt this function produces resulting ApacheMD5 hash
-- which is already base 64 encoded.
    :: Password
    -> Salt
    -> ByteString
    -- ^ Apache MD5 Hash
apacheMD5 = (Internal.encode64 .) . Internal.apacheMD5 Internal.md5BS