# Self-normalizing applicative expressions [![Hackage](https://img.shields.io/hackage/v/ap-normalize.svg)](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/ap-normalize) [![pipeline status](https://gitlab.com/lysxia/ap-normalize/badges/main/pipeline.svg)](https://gitlab.com/lysxia/ap-normalize/-/commits/main) Normalize applicative expressions by simplifying intermediate `pure` and `(<$>)` and reassociating `(<*>)`. This works by transforming the underlying applicative functor into one whose operations (`pure`, `(<$>)`, `(<*>)`) reassociate themselves by inlining and beta-reduction. It relies entirely on GHC's simplifier. No rewrite rules, no Template Haskell, no plugins. Only Haskell code with two common extensions: `GADTs` and `RankNTypes`. ## Example In the following traversal, one of the actions is `pure b`, which can be simplified in principle, but only assuming the applicative functor laws. As far as GHC is concerned, `pure`, `(<$>)`, and `(<*>)` are completely opaque because `f` is abstract, so it cannot simplify this expression. ```haskell data Example a = Example a Bool [a] (Example a) traverseE :: Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> Example a -> f (Example b) traverseE go (Example a b c d) = Example <$> go a <*> pure b <*> traverse go c <*> traverseE go d -- Total: 1 <$>, 3 <*> ``` Using this library, we can compose actions in a specialized applicative functor `Aps f`, keeping the code in roughly the same structure. ```haskell traverseE :: Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> Example a -> f (Example b) traverseE go (Example a b c d) = Example <$>^ go a <*> pure b <*>^ traverse go c <*>^ traverseE go d & lowerAps -- Total: 1 <$>, 3 <*> ``` GHC simplifies that traversal to the following, using only two combinators in total. ```haskell traverseE :: Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> Example a -> f (Example b) traverseE go (Example a b c d) = liftA2 (\a' -> Example a' b) (go a) (traverse go c) <*> traverseE go d -- Total: 1 liftA2, 1 <*> ``` For more details see the `ApNormalize` module. ## Related links The same idea can be applied to monoids and monads. They are all applications of Cayley's representation theorem. - [`Endo`][endo] to normalize `(<>)` and `mempty`, in *base* - [`Codensity`][codensity] to normalize `pure` and `(>>=)`, in *kan-extensions* [endo]: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/base- [codensity]: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/kan-extensions-5.2/docs/Control-Monad-Codensity.html