{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards, OverloadedStrings, DeriveDataTypeable, FlexibleContexts #-}
-- | Example:
-- > import Text.Recognition.Antigate
-- > import Data.Default
-- > import Network
-- > import Control.Monad
-- > import Control.Monad.IO.Class
-- > import Data.ByteString.Lazy hiding (putStrLn)
-- > import System.Timeout
-- > 
-- > myAntigateKey :: String
-- > myAntigateKey = "0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef"
-- > 
-- > downloadJpegCaptcha :: Manager -> IO ByteString
-- > downloadJpegCaptcha = undefined
-- > 
-- > answerCaptcha :: String -> Manager -> IO Bool
-- > answerCaptcha = undefined
-- > 
-- > main :: IO ()
-- > main = withSocketsDo $ do
-- >     res <- timeout (30*1000000) $ withManager $ \m -> do
-- >         bytes <- liftIO $ downloadJpegCaptcha m
-- >         (id, answer) <- solveCaptcha (3*1000000) (3*1000000) myAntigateKey def{phrase=True} "captcha.jpg" bytes m
-- >         res <- liftIO $ answerCaptcha answer m
-- >         unless res $ reportBad myAntigateKey id m
-- >         return res
-- >     case res of
-- >         Nothing -> do
-- >             putStrLn "Timed out"
-- >         Just True -> do
-- >             putStrLn "Solved successfully"
-- >         Just False -> do
-- >             putStrLn "Couldn't solve"

module Text.Recognition.Antigate
    -- * High level
    -- * Core functions
    -- * Connection manager
    -- * Miscellaneous
    ) where
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding as TLE
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL

import Network.HTTP.Conduit
import Network.HTTP.Conduit.MultipartFormData

import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import Control.Exception (Exception, throwIO)
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)

import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Control.Monad (void)
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Data.Default (Default(..))
import Data.List (stripPrefix, isPrefixOf, intercalate)
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, fromMaybe, fromJust)
import Data.String (fromString)
import Data.Word (Word)
import Safe (readMay)
import Text.Printf (printf)

httpRequest :: MonadResource m => String -> Manager -> m BL.ByteString
httpRequest u m = liftResourceT $ do
    rq <- liftIO $ parseUrl u
    responseBody <$> httpLbs rq{responseTimeout = Just 15000000} m

delimit :: Char -> String -> [String]
delimit _ [] = []
delimit a b =
    case break (==a) b of
        (c, []) -> [c]
        (c, (_:d)) -> c : delimit a d

type AntigateKey = String

type CaptchaID = Int

-- | See <http://antigate.com/panel.php?action=api>
data CaptchaConf = CaptchaConf
    {phrase :: Bool -- ^ * 'False' = default value (one word)
                    -- * 'True' = captcha has 2-4 words
    ,regsense :: Bool -- ^ * 'False' = default value (case is not important)
                      -- * 'True' = captcha is case sensitive
    ,numeric :: Maybe Bool -- ^ * 'Nothing' = default value
                           -- * 'Just' 'True' = captcha consists from numbers only
                           -- * 'Just' 'False' = captcha does not have numbers on it 
    ,calc :: Bool -- ^ * 'False' = default value
                  -- * 'True' = numbers on captcha must be summed
    ,min_len :: Word -- ^ * 0 = default value
                     -- * \>0 = minimum length of captcha text workers required to input 
    ,max_len :: Word -- ^ * 0 = default value (unlimited)
                     -- * \>0 = maximum length of captcha text workers required to input 
    ,is_russian :: Bool -- ^ * 'False' = default value
                        -- * 'True' = captcha goes to Russian-speaking worker 
    ,max_bid :: Maybe Double -- ^ 'Default' value is set on bids page. This parameter allows to control maximum bid without setting it on the bids page.
    deriving (Show, Read)

data UploadResult = UPLOAD_OK CaptchaID -- ^ result is positive, your captcha is accepted for recognition and its ID follows. You may now attempt to retrieve captcha status with this ID.
                  | ERROR_WRONG_USER_KEY -- ^ user authorization key is invalid (its length is not 32 bytes as it should be)
                  | UPLOAD_ERROR_KEY_DOES_NOT_EXIST -- ^ you have set wrong user authorization key in request
                  | ERROR_ZERO_BALANCE -- ^ account has zero or negative balance
                  | ERROR_NO_SLOT_AVAILABLE -- ^ no idle captcha workers are available at the moment, please try a bit later or try increasing your bid
                  | ERROR_ZERO_CAPTCHA_FILESIZE -- ^ the size of the captcha you are uploading or pointing to is zero
                  | ERROR_TOO_BIG_CAPTCHA_FILESIZE -- ^ your captcha size is exceeding 100kb limit
                  | ERROR_WRONG_FILE_EXTENSION -- ^ your captcha file has wrong extension, the only allowed extensions are gif,jpg,jpeg,png
                  | ERROR_IMAGE_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED -- ^ Could not determine captcha file type, only allowed formats are JPG, GIF, PNG
                  | ERROR_IP_NOT_ALLOWED -- ^ Request with current account key is not allowed from your IP. Please refer to IP list section
                  | UPLOAD_ERROR_UNKNOWN String
    deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord)

data CheckResult = CHECK_OK String -- ^ the captcha is recognized, the guessed text follows
                 | CAPCHA_NOT_READY -- ^ captcha is not recognized yet, repeat request withing 1-5 seconds
                 | CHECK_ERROR_KEY_DOES_NOT_EXIST -- ^ you have set wrong user authorization key in request
                 | ERROR_WRONG_ID_FORMAT -- ^ the captcha ID you are sending is non-numeric
                 | CHECK_ERROR_UNKNOWN String
    deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord)

instance Default CaptchaConf where
    def = CaptchaConf {phrase = False
                      ,regsense = False
                      ,numeric = Nothing
                      ,calc = False
                      ,min_len = 0
                      ,max_len = 0
                      ,is_russian = False
                      ,max_bid = Nothing

captchaConfFields :: (Monad m, Monad m') => CaptchaConf -> [Part m m']
captchaConfFields c = catMaybes
        [bool "phrase" phrase
        ,bool "regsense" regsense
        ,tri "numeric" numeric
        ,bool "calc" calc
        ,num "min_len" min_len
        ,num "max_len" max_len
        ,bool "is_russian" is_russian
        ,partBS "max_bid" . fromString . printf "%f" <$> max_bid c
    where fromBool False = "0"
          fromBool True = "1"
          fromTri Nothing = "0"
          fromTri (Just True) = "1"
          fromTri (Just False) = "2"
          optField :: (Monad m, Monad m', Eq a) => T.Text -> (a -> BS.ByteString) -> CaptchaConf -> (CaptchaConf -> a) -> Maybe (Part m m')
          optField name conv conf get = do
            let rec = get conf
            if rec == get def
              then Nothing
              else Just $ partBS name $ conv rec
          bool name = optField name fromBool c
          tri name = optField name fromTri c
          num name = optField name (fromString . show) c

-- | report bad captcha result
-- throws 'HttpException' on network errors.
reportBad :: MonadResource m => AntigateKey -> CaptchaID -> Manager -> m ()
reportBad key captchaid m = liftResourceT $
    void $ flip httpRequest m $
        "http://antigate.com/res.php?key=" ++ key ++
            "&action=reportbad&id=" ++ show captchaid

-- | retrieve your current account balance
-- throws 'HttpException' on network errors.
getBalance :: MonadResource m => AntigateKey -> Manager -> m Double
getBalance key m = liftResourceT $
    read . TL.unpack . TLE.decodeUtf8 <$> httpRequest
        ("http://antigate.com/res.php?key="++ key ++"&action=getbalance") m

-- | Marshal "UploadResult" back to its text form
renderUploadResult :: UploadResult -> String
renderUploadResult (UPLOAD_OK i) = "OK|" ++ show i
renderUploadResult (UPLOAD_ERROR_UNKNOWN s) = s
renderUploadResult a = show a

-- | Parse antigate's upload response
parseUploadResult :: String -> UploadResult
parseUploadResult s
    | Just e <- readMay s = e
    | otherwise =
        fromMaybe (UPLOAD_ERROR_UNKNOWN s) $
            UPLOAD_OK <$> (readMay =<< stripPrefix "OK|" s)

inReq :: MonadResource m => Manager -> AntigateKey -> CaptchaConf -> Part m (ResourceT IO) -> m UploadResult
inReq m key conf part = do
    req <- (`formDataBody` url) $
        ([partBS "method" "post"
         ,partBS "key" (fromString key)
        ]) ++
        (captchaConfFields conf
        ) ++
    liftResourceT $ parseUploadResult . TL.unpack . TLE.decodeUtf8 . responseBody <$> httpLbs req m
  where url = fromJust (parseUrl "http://antigate.com/in.php")

-- | upload captcha for recognition
-- throws 'HttpException' on network errors.
uploadCaptcha :: MonadResource m => AntigateKey -> CaptchaConf -> FilePath -> BL.ByteString -> Manager -> m UploadResult
uploadCaptcha key sets filename image m = do
    inReq m key sets $ partFileRequestBody "file" filename $ RequestBodyLBS image

uploadCaptchaFromFile :: MonadResource m => AntigateKey -> CaptchaConf -> FilePath -> Manager -> m UploadResult
uploadCaptchaFromFile key sets filename m = do
    inReq m key sets $ partFile "file" filename

-- | Marshal "CheckResult" back to its text form 
renderCheckResult :: CheckResult -> String
renderCheckResult (CHECK_OK s) = "OK|" ++ s
renderCheckResult (CHECK_ERROR_UNKNOWN s) = s
renderCheckResult a = show a

-- | Parse antigate's check response
parseCheckResult :: String -> CheckResult
parseCheckResult s
    | Just e <- readMay s = e
    | otherwise = fromMaybe (CHECK_ERROR_UNKNOWN s) $
                        CHECK_OK <$> stripPrefix "OK|" s

-- | Parse antigate's multi-check response
parseCheckResultNoOK :: String -> CheckResult
parseCheckResultNoOK s
    | Just e <- readMay s = e
    | isPrefixOf "ERROR_" s = CHECK_ERROR_UNKNOWN s
    | otherwise = CHECK_OK s

-- | Parse antigate's multi-check response
parseCheckResults :: String -> [CheckResult]
parseCheckResults = map parseCheckResultNoOK . delimit '|'

-- | retrieve captcha status
-- throws 'HttpException' on network errors.
checkCaptcha :: MonadResource m => AntigateKey -> CaptchaID -> Manager -> m CheckResult
checkCaptcha key captchaid m = liftResourceT $ do
    parseCheckResult . TL.unpack . TLE.decodeUtf8 <$> httpRequest
        ("http://antigate.com/res.php?key="++ key ++"&action=get&id="++ show captchaid) m

-- | retrieve multiple captcha status
-- throws 'HttpException' on network errors.
checkCaptchas :: MonadResource m => AntigateKey -> [CaptchaID] -> Manager -> m [CheckResult]
checkCaptchas key captchaids m = liftResourceT $ do
    parseCheckResults . TL.unpack . TLE.decodeUtf8 <$> httpRequest
        ("http://antigate.com/res.php?key="++ key ++"&action=get&ids="++
            intercalate "," (map show captchaids)) m

data SolveException = SolveExceptionUpload UploadResult
                    | SolveExceptionCheck CaptchaID CheckResult
    deriving (Show, Typeable)

instance Exception SolveException

-- | High level function to solve captcha, blocks until answer is provided (about 2-10 seconds).
-- throws 'SolveException' or 'HttpException' when something goes wrong.
solveCaptcha :: MonadResource m =>
                Int -- ^ how much to sleep while waiting for available slot. Microseconds.
             -> Int -- ^ how much to sleep between captcha checks. Microseconds.
             -> AntigateKey
             -> CaptchaConf
             -> FilePath -- ^ image filename (antigate guesses filetype by file extension)
             -> BL.ByteString -- ^ image contents
             -> Manager -- ^ HTTP connection manager to use
             -> m (CaptchaID, String)
solveCaptcha sleepwait sleepcaptcha key conf filename image m = goupload
  where goupload = do
            ur <- uploadCaptcha key conf filename image m
            case ur of
                ERROR_NO_SLOT_AVAILABLE -> do
                    liftIO $ threadDelay sleepwait
                UPLOAD_OK i -> gocheck i
                a -> liftIO $ throwIO $ SolveExceptionUpload a
        gocheck captchaid = do
            liftIO $ threadDelay sleepcaptcha
            res <- checkCaptcha key captchaid m
            case res of
                CHECK_OK answer ->
                    return (captchaid, answer)
                CAPCHA_NOT_READY -> do
                    liftIO $ threadDelay sleepcaptcha
                    gocheck captchaid
                ex -> liftIO $ throwIO $ SolveExceptionCheck captchaid ex

solveCaptchaFromFile :: (MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadResource m) => Int -> Int -> AntigateKey -> CaptchaConf -> FilePath -> Manager -> m (CaptchaID, String)
solveCaptchaFromFile a b c d f m =
    liftIO (BL.readFile f) >>= \s -> solveCaptcha a b c d f s m