-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : Terminal.Game -- Copyright : © 2017-2019 Francesco Ariis -- License : GPLv3 (see LICENSE file) -- -- Maintainer : Francesco Ariis <fa-ml@ariis.it> -- Stability : provisional -- Portability : portable -- -- Machinery and utilities for 2D terminal games. -- -- New? Start from 'Game'. -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Basic col-on-black ASCII terminal, operations. -- Only module to be imported. -- todo test that handlers are closed in case of errr [test] -- xxx timer in contrib o altro modulo? -- xxx qptain e jimreed, implement normal movement module Terminal.Game ( -- * Running FPS, Event(..), Game(..), playGame, -- * Game Logic -- | Some convenient function dealing with -- Timers ('Timed') and 'Animation's. -- -- Usage of these is not mandatry: 'Game' is -- parametrised over any state @s@, you are free -- to implement game logic as you prefer. -- ** Timers Timed, creaTimer, creaBoolTimer, creaTimerLoop, creaBoolTimerLoop, fetchFrame, isExpired, -- ** Animations Animation, -- xxx elimina animation? -- xxx o di certo Loop e ExpBehaviour Loop(..), ExpBehaviour(..), creaAnimation, tick, reset, fetchAniFrame, isAniExpired, getFrames, -- * Drawing -- | To get to the gist of drawing, check the -- documentation of '%'. -- ** Plane Plane, Coords, Row, Column, Width, Height, blankPlane, stringPlane, stringPlaneTrans, makeTransparent, makeOpaque, paperPlane, planeSize, -- ** Draw Draw, (%), (#), (&), mergePlanes, cell, box, textBox, Color(..), ColorIntensity(..), color, bold, invert, -- * Testing testGame, setupGame, recordGame, readRecord, narrateGame, errorPress -- * Cross platform -- $threaded ) where import System.Console.ANSI import Terminal.Game.Layer.Imperative import Terminal.Game.Layer.Object import Terminal.Game.Plane import Terminal.Game.Draw import Terminal.Game.Animation -- $threaded -- Good practices for cross-compatibility: -- -- * choose game dimensions of no more than __24 rows__ and __80 columns__. -- This ensures compatibility with the trickiest terminals (i.e. Win32 -- console); -- -- * use __ASCII characters__ only. Again this is for Win32 console -- compatibility, until -- [this GHC bug](https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/issues/7593) gets -- fixed; -- -- * employ colour sparingly: as some users will play your game in a -- light-background terminal and some in a dark one, choose only colours -- that go well with either (blue, red, etc.); -- -- * some terminals/multiplexers (i.e. tmux) do not make a distinction -- between vivid/dull, do not base your game mechanics on that -- difference.