Changes ======= Version 1.0.1 ------------- * On Windows, the processing of \'ANSI\' control characters in output is enabled by default in Windows Terminal but is not enabled by default in ConHost terminals. Additions have been made to allow support of users of ConHost terminals. * Add `hNowSupportsANSI`. On Unix, the function is equivalent to `hSupportsANSI`. On Windows, in Windows Terminal and ConHost terminals, the action can try to enable the processing of \'ANSI\' control characters in output. * In Windows Terminal and ConHost terminals, `hSupportsANSI` will yield `False` if the the processing of \'ANSI\' control characters in output is not enabled. * Deprecated `hSupportsANSIWithoutEmulation` is now consistent with `hNowSupportsANSI`. * Improvements to Haddock documentation. Version 1.0 ----------- * On Windows, drop support for legacy Windows requiring emulation. The package assumes Windows Terminal has replaced ConHost terminals on supported versions of Windows. Functions that yield actions no longer enable (re-enable) the processing of \'ANSI\' control characters in output. * On Windows, the package no longer depends (directly or indirectly) on the `Win32`, `array`,`containers`, `deepseq`, `filepath`, `ghc-boot-th`, `mintty`, `pretty` or `template-haskell` packages. * `hSupportsANSI` no longer assumes that the given handle is writeable. * `hSupportsANSIWithoutEmulation` is deprecated. Version 0.11.5 -------------- * Module `System.Console.ANSI.Types` spun out to new dependency package `ansi-terminal-types-0.11.5`. * Drop support for GHC versions before GHC 7.10.1 (released March 2015). * Improvements to Haddock documentation. Version 0.11.4 -------------- * Add `reportLayerColor`, `getReportedLayerColor` and `getLayerColor` for querying the layer color on terminals that support the functionality. * Add `useAlternateScreenBuffer` and `useNormalScreenBuffer`, and support for switching between the Alternate and Normal Screen Buffers. * When the argument is `0`, `cursorUpCode`, `cursorDownCode`, `cursorForwardCode`, `cursorBackwardCode`,`scrollPageUpCode` and `scrollPageDownCode` now yield `""`, and `cursorUpLineCode` and `cursorDownLineCode` now yield the equivalent of `setCursorColumnCode 0`. This is because, on some terminals, a `0` parameter for the underlying 'ANSI' code specifies a default parameter of `1`. * Add `osc` as a utility function, for OSC sequences. * `setTitle` now uses the recommended STRING TERMINATOR (ST) of `\ESC\\`, rather than the legacy `\BEL` (`\007`), and filters the title of all non-printable characters, not just `\BEL`. * Improvements to Haddock documentation. Version 0.11.3 -------------- * Add `hyperlink`, `hyperlinkWithId` and `hyperlinkWithParams`, and support for clickable hyperlinks. Version 0.11.2 -------------- * On Windows, fix compatability with the Windows I/O Manager (WinIO) when GHC >= 9.0.1 but `Win32` < * Improvements to Haddock documentation. Version 0.11.1 -------------- * On Windows, fix compatability with the Windows I/O Manager (WinIO) introduced in GHC 9.0.1, by incorporating changes made in package `Win32-` in that regard. * Improvements to Haddock documentation. Version 0.11 ------------ * Remove deprecated `getCursorPosition0`. (Use `getCursorPosition` instead.) * On Unix-like operating systems, the temporary turning off of echoing is moved from `getReportedCursorPosition` to `hGetCursorPositon`. * On Unix-like operating systems, fix a bug in `getCursorPosition` and `hGetCursorPosition`, where the console input stream was was not always clear before the cursor position was emitted into it. Version 0.10.3 -------------- * Add `getCursorPosition` as a synonym of `getCursorPosition0` and deprecate the latter. Version 0.10.2 -------------- * `hGetTerminalSize` now assumes a terminal is no bigger than 9,999 by 9,999 (previously, no bigger than 999 by 999). * On Windows, fix a bug where emulated cursor movement functions differed from Windows 10 (movement bounded by the current viewport). Version 0.10.1 -------------- * Add `hGetCursorPosition` and `hGetTerminalSize`. * On Unix-like operating systems, fix a bug where `getReportedCursorPosition` could block indefinitely if no information was forthcoming on the console input stream. * Improvements to Haddock documentation. Version 0.10 ------------ * Add support for setting the default color with new `SetDefaultColor` constructor of the `SGR` type. * `getTerminalSize` now flushes the `stdout` channel, to ensure the cursor position is unaffected. Version 0.9.1 ------------- * Flag modules with GHC's 'Safe Haskell' language extensions (from GHC 7.2.1). * Improvements and corrections to Haddock documentation. Version 0.9 ----------- * Add support for 256-color palettes with new `SetPaletteColor` constructor of the `SGR` type, and `xterm6LevelRGB`, `xterm24LevelGray` and `xtermSystem`. * Remove deprecated `getCursorPosition`. (Use `getCursorPosition0` instead.) * Add `hSupportsANSIColor`. * Add `getTerminalSize`. * Improvements to Haddock documentation. Version 0.8.2 ------------- * Add `getCursorPosition0` and deprecate `getCursorPosition`. Any position provided by the latter is 1-based. Any position provided by the former is 0-based, consistent with `setCursorColumn` and `setCursorPosition`. * Improvements to Haddock documentation in respect of 0-based and 1-based cursor positions. Version 0.8.1 ------------- * Add `hSupportsANSIWithoutEmulation`. On Windows 10, if the handle is identified as connected to a native terminal ('Command Prompt' or 'PowerShell'), the processing of 'ANSI' control characters will be enabled. Version --------------- * On Windows, `hSupportsANSI` now recognises if the handle is connected to a 'mintty' terminal. * Drop support for GHC versions before GHC 7.0.1 (released November 2010) Version --------------- * On Windows, try to enable ANSI on ConHost terminals even if a TERM environment variable exits (such as with the Hyper 2 terminal) * Minor improvements to Haddock documentation Version --------------- * Improve README and Haddock documentation * On Windows, fix compatability with earlier GHC versions * Drop support for GHC versions before 6.12.1 (released December 2009) Version --------------- * On Windows, if the standard output channel is valid but not a ConHost terminal, assume it is ANSI-enabled rather than failing * On Windows, output the improved error message to the standard error channel rather than the standard output channel Version 0.8 ----------- * Make the fields of `SGR` strict * Make compatible with GHC 8.2.2 * Improve the error message on Windows when not ANSI-capable or ConHost * Recognise Appveyor build environment as ANSI-enabled Version --------------- `getReportedCursorPosition`: don't let the cursor reporting code be echo'd Version 0.7.1 ------------- * Allow saving, restoring, and querying the current cursor position * Fix a couple of issues with the Reset emulation on Windows Version 0.7 ----------- Add 24-bit RGB color support Version --------------- Fix Windows + ghc 7.8 compatibility Version 0.6.3 ------------- * Add ANSI support for Windows * Add compatibility with Win32- and above Version --------------- Add an example to the haddocks Version --------------- Fix a GHC 7.10 warning Version --------------- Restore compatibility with GHC 7.4 and older Version 0.6.2 ------------- * Add `hSupportsANSI` * Drop support for `base < 4` Version --------------- Fix to build with GHC 7.8 on Windows Version 0.6.1 ------------- * `BoldIntensity` no longer changes background color on Windows * `setSGR []` was not equivalent to `setSGR [Reset]` on Windows, even though it should be according to the documentation. This is now fixed.