{-# LANGUAGE Trustworthy #-} {-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK hide #-} module System.Console.ANSI.Windows.Emulator ( #include "Exports-Include.hs" ) where import Control.Exception (catchJust, IOException) import qualified Control.Exception as CE (catch) import Control.Monad (unless) import Data.Bits ((.&.), (.|.), complement, shiftL, shiftR) import Data.IORef (IORef, newIORef, readIORef, writeIORef) import Data.List (foldl', minimumBy) import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe) import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map (Map, empty, insert, lookup) import System.IO (Handle, hIsTerminalDevice, stdin) import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO) import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP (readP_to_S) import Data.Colour (Colour) import Data.Colour.Names (black, blue, cyan, green, grey, lime, magenta, maroon, navy, olive, purple, red, silver, teal, white, yellow) import Data.Colour.SRGB (RGB (..), toSRGB) import System.Console.MinTTY (isMinTTYHandle) import System.Console.ANSI.Types import qualified System.Console.ANSI.Unix as Unix import System.Console.ANSI.Windows.Detect import System.Console.ANSI.Windows.Emulator.Codes import System.Console.ANSI.Windows.Foreign -- This file contains code that is common to modules System.Console.ANSI.Unix, -- System.Console.ANSI.Windows and System.Console.ANSI.Windows.Emulator, such as -- type signatures and the definition of functions specific to stdout in terms -- of the corresponding more general functions, inclduding the related Haddock -- documentation. #include "Common-Include.hs" -- This file contains code that is required in the case of the module -- System.Console.ANSI.Windows.Emulator and differs from the common code in -- file Common-Include-Enabled.hs. #include "Common-Include-Emulator.hs" withHandle :: Handle -> (HANDLE -> IO a) -> IO a withHandle handle action = do -- It's VERY IMPORTANT that we flush before issuing any sort of Windows API -- call to change the console because on Windows the arrival of -- API-initiated state changes is not necessarily synchronised with that of -- the text they are attempting to modify. hFlush handle withHandleToHANDLE handle action -- Unfortunately, the emulator is not perfect. In particular, it has a tendency -- to die with exceptions about invalid handles when it is used with certain -- Windows consoles (e.g. mintty, terminator, or cygwin sshd). -- -- This happens because in those environments the stdout family of handles are -- not actually associated with a real console. -- -- My observation is that every time I've seen this in practice, the handle we -- have instead of the actual console handle is there so that the terminal -- supports ANSI escape codes. So 99% of the time, the correct thing to do is -- just to fall back on the Unix module to output the ANSI codes and hope for -- the best. emulatorFallback :: IO a -> IO a -> IO a emulatorFallback fallback first_try = catchJust invalidHandle first_try (const fallback) where invalidHandle (ConsoleException 6) = Just () -- 6 is the Windows error code -- for invalid handles invalidHandle (_) = Nothing adjustCursorPosition :: HANDLE -> (SHORT -> SHORT -> SHORT) -> (SHORT -> SHORT -> SHORT) -> IO () adjustCursorPosition handle change_x change_y = do screen_buffer_info <- getConsoleScreenBufferInfo handle let window = csbi_window screen_buffer_info l = rect_left window t = rect_top window r = rect_right window b = rect_bottom window (COORD x y) = csbi_cursor_position screen_buffer_info clamp mn mx = max mn . min mx x' = clamp l r (change_x l x) y' = clamp t b (change_y t y) cursor_pos' = COORD x' y' setConsoleCursorPosition handle cursor_pos' hCursorUp h n = emulatorFallback (Unix.hCursorUp h n) $ withHandle h $ \handle -> adjustCursorPosition handle (\_ x -> x) (\_ y -> y - fromIntegral n) hCursorDown h n = emulatorFallback (Unix.hCursorDown h n) $ withHandle h $ \handle -> adjustCursorPosition handle (\_ x -> x) (\_ y -> y + fromIntegral n) hCursorForward h n = emulatorFallback (Unix.hCursorForward h n) $ withHandle h $ \handle -> adjustCursorPosition handle (\_ x -> x + fromIntegral n) (\_ y -> y) hCursorBackward h n = emulatorFallback (Unix.hCursorBackward h n) $ withHandle h $ \handle -> adjustCursorPosition handle (\_ x -> x - fromIntegral n) (\_ y -> y) adjustLine :: HANDLE -> (SHORT -> SHORT -> SHORT) -> IO () adjustLine handle change_y = adjustCursorPosition handle (\window_left _ -> window_left) change_y hCursorDownLine h n = emulatorFallback (Unix.hCursorDownLine h n) $ withHandle h $ \handle -> adjustLine handle (\_ y -> y + fromIntegral n) hCursorUpLine h n = emulatorFallback (Unix.hCursorUpLine h n) $ withHandle h $ \handle -> adjustLine handle (\_ y -> y - fromIntegral n) hSetCursorColumn h x = emulatorFallback (Unix.hSetCursorColumn h x) $ withHandle h $ \handle -> adjustCursorPosition handle (\window_left _ -> window_left + fromIntegral x) (\_ y -> y) hSetCursorPosition h y x = emulatorFallback (Unix.hSetCursorPosition h y x) $ withHandle h $ \handle -> adjustCursorPosition handle (\window_left _ -> window_left + fromIntegral x) (\window_top _ -> window_top + fromIntegral y) clearChar :: WCHAR clearChar = charToWCHAR ' ' -- | The 'clear' attribute is equated with the default background attributes. clearAttribute :: ConsoleDefaultState -> WORD clearAttribute = defaultBackgroundAttributes hClearScreenFraction :: ConsoleDefaultState -> HANDLE -> (SMALL_RECT -> COORD -> (SHORT, SHORT, SHORT, SHORT, SHORT, SHORT)) -> IO () hClearScreenFraction cds handle fraction_finder = do screen_buffer_info <- getConsoleScreenBufferInfo handle let window = csbi_window screen_buffer_info cursor_pos = csbi_cursor_position screen_buffer_info (left, top, right, bottom, start_x, end_x) = fraction_finder window cursor_pos mapM_ (fill_line left top right bottom start_x end_x) [top .. bottom] where fill_line left top right bottom start_x end_x y = do let left' = if y == top then start_x else left right' = if y == bottom then end_x else right fill_cursor_pos = COORD left' y fill_length = fromIntegral $ right' - left' + 1 _ <- fillConsoleOutputCharacter handle clearChar fill_length fill_cursor_pos fillConsoleOutputAttribute handle (clearAttribute cds) fill_length fill_cursor_pos hClearFromCursorToScreenEnd cds h = emulatorFallback (Unix.hClearFromCursorToScreenEnd h) $ withHandle h $ \handle -> hClearScreenFraction cds handle go where go window cursor_pos = (left, top, right, bottom, start_x, right) where SMALL_RECT (COORD left _) (COORD right bottom) = window COORD start_x top = cursor_pos hClearFromCursorToScreenBeginning cds h = emulatorFallback (Unix.hClearFromCursorToScreenBeginning h) $ withHandle h $ \handle -> hClearScreenFraction cds handle go where go window cursor_pos = (left, top, right, bottom, left, end_x) where SMALL_RECT (COORD left top) (COORD right _) = window COORD end_x bottom = cursor_pos hClearScreen cds h = emulatorFallback (Unix.hClearScreen h) $ withHandle h $ \handle -> hClearScreenFraction cds handle go where go window _ = (left, top, right, bottom, left, right) where SMALL_RECT (COORD left top) (COORD right bottom) = window hClearFromCursorToLineEnd cds h = emulatorFallback (Unix.hClearFromCursorToLineEnd h) $ withHandle h $ \handle -> hClearScreenFraction cds handle go where go window cursor_pos = (left, y, right, y, start_x, right) where SMALL_RECT (COORD left _) (COORD right _) = window COORD start_x y = cursor_pos hClearFromCursorToLineBeginning cds h = emulatorFallback (Unix.hClearFromCursorToLineBeginning h) $ withHandle h $ \handle -> hClearScreenFraction cds handle go where go window cursor_pos = (left, y, right, y, left, end_x) where SMALL_RECT (COORD left _) (COORD right _) = window COORD end_x y = cursor_pos hClearLine cds h = emulatorFallback (Unix.hClearLine h) $ withHandle h $ \handle -> hClearScreenFraction cds handle go where go window cursor_pos = (left, y, right, y, left, right) where SMALL_RECT (COORD left _) (COORD right _) = window COORD _ y = cursor_pos hScrollPage :: ConsoleDefaultState -- ^ The default console state -> HANDLE -> Int -> IO () hScrollPage cds handle new_origin_y = do screen_buffer_info <- getConsoleScreenBufferInfo handle let fill = CHAR_INFO clearChar (clearAttribute cds) window = csbi_window screen_buffer_info origin = COORD (rect_left window) (rect_top window + fromIntegral new_origin_y) scrollConsoleScreenBuffer handle window Nothing origin fill hScrollPageUp cds h n = emulatorFallback (Unix.hScrollPageUp h n) $ withHandle h $ \handle -> hScrollPage cds handle (negate n) hScrollPageDown cds h n = emulatorFallback (Unix.hScrollPageDown h n) $ withHandle h $ \handle -> hScrollPage cds handle n {-# INLINE applyANSIColorToAttribute #-} applyANSIColorToAttribute :: WORD -> WORD -> WORD -> Color -> WORD -> WORD applyANSIColorToAttribute rED gREEN bLUE color attribute = case color of Black -> attribute' Red -> attribute' .|. rED Green -> attribute' .|. gREEN Yellow -> attribute' .|. rED .|. gREEN Blue -> attribute' .|. bLUE Magenta -> attribute' .|. rED .|. bLUE Cyan -> attribute' .|. gREEN .|. bLUE White -> attribute' .|. wHITE where wHITE = rED .|. gREEN .|. bLUE attribute' = attribute .&. (complement wHITE) applyForegroundANSIColorToAttribute, applyBackgroundANSIColorToAttribute :: Color -> WORD -> WORD applyForegroundANSIColorToAttribute = applyANSIColorToAttribute fOREGROUND_RED fOREGROUND_GREEN fOREGROUND_BLUE applyBackgroundANSIColorToAttribute = applyANSIColorToAttribute bACKGROUND_RED bACKGROUND_GREEN bACKGROUND_BLUE swapForegroundBackgroundColors :: WORD -> WORD swapForegroundBackgroundColors attribute = clean_attribute .|. foreground_attribute' .|. background_attribute' where foreground_attribute = attribute .&. fOREGROUND_INTENSE_WHITE background_attribute = attribute .&. bACKGROUND_INTENSE_WHITE clean_attribute = attribute .&. complement (fOREGROUND_INTENSE_WHITE .|. bACKGROUND_INTENSE_WHITE) foreground_attribute' = background_attribute `shiftR` 4 background_attribute' = foreground_attribute `shiftL` 4 applyANSISGRToAttribute :: WORD -> SGR -> WORD -> WORD applyANSISGRToAttribute def sgr attribute = case sgr of Reset -> def SetDefaultColor Foreground -> (attribute .&. complement fOREGROUND_INTENSE_WHITE) .|. (def .&. fOREGROUND_INTENSE_WHITE) SetDefaultColor Background -> (attribute .&. complement bACKGROUND_INTENSE_WHITE) .|. (def .&. bACKGROUND_INTENSE_WHITE) SetConsoleIntensity intensity -> case intensity of BoldIntensity -> attribute .|. iNTENSITY FaintIntensity -> attribute .&. (complement iNTENSITY) -- Not supported NormalIntensity -> attribute .&. (complement iNTENSITY) SetItalicized _ -> attribute -- Not supported SetUnderlining underlining -> case underlining of NoUnderline -> attribute .&. (complement cOMMON_LVB_UNDERSCORE) _ -> attribute .|. cOMMON_LVB_UNDERSCORE -- Not supported, since -- cOMMON_LVB_UNDERSCORE seems to have no effect SetBlinkSpeed _ -> attribute -- Not supported SetVisible _ -> attribute -- Not supported -- The cOMMON_LVB_REVERSE_VIDEO doesn't actually appear to have any affect -- on the colors being displayed, so the emulator just uses it to carry -- information and implements the color-swapping behaviour itself. Bit of a -- hack, I guess :-) SetSwapForegroundBackground True -> -- Check if the color-swapping flag is already set if attribute .&. cOMMON_LVB_REVERSE_VIDEO /= 0 then attribute else swapForegroundBackgroundColors attribute .|. cOMMON_LVB_REVERSE_VIDEO SetSwapForegroundBackground False -> -- Check if the color-swapping flag is already not set if attribute .&. cOMMON_LVB_REVERSE_VIDEO == 0 then attribute else swapForegroundBackgroundColors attribute .&. (complement cOMMON_LVB_REVERSE_VIDEO) SetColor Foreground Dull color -> applyForegroundANSIColorToAttribute color (attribute .&. (complement fOREGROUND_INTENSITY)) SetColor Foreground Vivid color -> applyForegroundANSIColorToAttribute color (attribute .|. fOREGROUND_INTENSITY) SetColor Background Dull color -> applyBackgroundANSIColorToAttribute color (attribute .&. (complement bACKGROUND_INTENSITY)) SetColor Background Vivid color -> applyBackgroundANSIColorToAttribute color (attribute .|. bACKGROUND_INTENSITY) SetRGBColor Foreground color -> let (colorIntensity, aNSIColor) = toANSIColor color attribute' = case colorIntensity of Dull -> attribute .&. complement fOREGROUND_INTENSITY Vivid -> attribute .|. fOREGROUND_INTENSITY in applyForegroundANSIColorToAttribute aNSIColor attribute' SetRGBColor Background color -> let (colorIntensity, aNSIColor) = toANSIColor color attribute' = case colorIntensity of Dull -> attribute .&. complement bACKGROUND_INTENSITY Vivid -> attribute .|. bACKGROUND_INTENSITY in applyBackgroundANSIColorToAttribute aNSIColor attribute' SetPaletteColor _ _ -> attribute -- Not supported where iNTENSITY = fOREGROUND_INTENSITY hSetSGR cds h sgr = emulatorFallback (Unix.hSetSGR h sgr) $ withHandle h $ \handle -> do screen_buffer_info <- getConsoleScreenBufferInfo handle let attribute = csbi_attributes screen_buffer_info def = defaultForegroundAttributes cds .|. defaultBackgroundAttributes cds attribute' = foldl' (flip $ applyANSISGRToAttribute def) attribute -- make [] equivalent to [Reset], as documented (if null sgr then [Reset] else sgr) setConsoleTextAttribute handle attribute' hChangeCursorVisibility :: HANDLE -> Bool -> IO () hChangeCursorVisibility handle cursor_visible = do cursor_info <- getConsoleCursorInfo handle setConsoleCursorInfo handle (cursor_info { cci_cursor_visible = cursor_visible }) hHideCursor h = emulatorFallback (Unix.hHideCursor h) $ withHandle h $ \handle -> hChangeCursorVisibility handle False hShowCursor h = emulatorFallback (Unix.hShowCursor h) $ withHandle h $ \handle -> hChangeCursorVisibility handle True -- Windows only supports setting the terminal title on a process-wide basis, so -- for now we will assume that that is what the user intended. This will fail if -- they are sending the command over e.g. a network link... but that's not -- really what I'm designing for. hSetTitle h title = emulatorFallback (Unix.hSetTitle h title) $ withTString title $ setConsoleTitle cursorPositionRef :: IORef (Map.Map HANDLE COORD) {-# NOINLINE cursorPositionRef #-} cursorPositionRef = unsafePerformIO $ newIORef Map.empty hSaveCursor h = emulatorFallback (Unix.hSaveCursor h) $ withHandle h $ \handle -> do screen_buffer_info <- getConsoleScreenBufferInfo handle m <- readIORef cursorPositionRef writeIORef cursorPositionRef (Map.insert handle (csbi_cursor_position screen_buffer_info) m) hRestoreCursor h = emulatorFallback (Unix.hRestoreCursor h) $ withHandle h $ \handle -> do m <- readIORef cursorPositionRef let result = Map.lookup handle m maybe (return ()) (setConsoleCursorPosition handle) result hReportCursorPosition h = emulatorFallback (Unix.hReportCursorPosition h) $ withHandle h $ \handle -> do result <- getConsoleScreenBufferInfo handle let (COORD cx cy) = csbi_cursor_position result window = csbi_window result x = cx - rect_left window + 1 y = cy - rect_top window + 1 hIn <- getStdHandle sTD_INPUT_HANDLE _ <- writeConsoleInput hIn $ keyPresses $ "\ESC[" ++ show y ++ ";" ++ show x ++ "R" return () keyPress :: Char -> [INPUT_RECORD] keyPress c = [keyDown, keyUp] where keyDown = key True keyUp = key False c' = UnicodeAsciiChar $ charToWCHAR c key isDown = INPUT_RECORD kEY_EVENT $ InputKeyEvent (KEY_EVENT_RECORD isDown 1 0 0 c' 0) keyPresses :: String -> [INPUT_RECORD] keyPresses = concatMap keyPress aNSIColors :: [((ColorIntensity, Color), Colour Float)] aNSIColors = [ ((Dull, Black), black) , ((Dull, Blue), navy) , ((Dull, Green), green) , ((Dull, Cyan), teal) , ((Dull, Red), maroon) , ((Dull, Magenta), purple) , ((Dull, Yellow), olive) , ((Dull, White), silver) , ((Vivid, Black), grey) , ((Vivid, Blue), blue) , ((Vivid, Green), lime) , ((Vivid, Cyan), cyan) , ((Vivid, Red), red) , ((Vivid, Magenta), magenta) , ((Vivid, Yellow), yellow) , ((Vivid, White), white) ] toANSIColor :: Colour Float -> (ColorIntensity, Color) toANSIColor color = fst $ minimumBy order aNSIColors where RGB r g b = toSRGB color order (_, c1) (_, c2) = compare (dist c1) (dist c2) dist c = let RGB r' g' b' = toSRGB c dr = r' - r dg = g' - g db = b' - b in dr * dr + dg * dg + db * db -- hSupportsANSI :: Handle -> IO Bool -- (See Common-Include.hs for Haddock documentation) hSupportsANSI h = (||) <$> isTDNotDumb h <*> isMinTTY where isMinTTY = withHandleToHANDLE h isMinTTYHandle -- hSupportsANSIWithoutEmulation :: Handle -> IO (Maybe Bool) -- (See Common-Include.hs for Haddock documentation) hSupportsANSIWithoutEmulation handle = do supportsANSI <- detectHandleSupportsANSI handle -- Without reference to the -- environment case supportsANSI of Just isSupported -> return (Just isSupported) Nothing -> do -- Not sure, based on the handle alone notDumb <- isNotDumb -- Test the environment if notDumb then return Nothing -- Still not sure! else return (Just False) -- A dumb terminal -- Borrowed from an HSpec patch by Simon Hengel -- (https://github.com/hspec/hspec/commit/d932f03317e0e2bd08c85b23903fb8616ae642bd) isTDNotDumb :: Handle -> IO Bool isTDNotDumb h = (&&) <$> hIsTerminalDevice h <*> isNotDumb -- Borrowed from an HSpec patch by Simon Hengel -- (https://github.com/hspec/hspec/commit/d932f03317e0e2bd08c85b23903fb8616ae642bd) isNotDumb :: IO Bool -- cannot use lookupEnv since it only appeared in GHC 7.6 isNotDumb = (/= Just "dumb") . lookup "TERM" <$> getEnvironment -- getReportedCursorPosition :: IO String -- (See Common-Include.hs for Haddock documentation) getReportedCursorPosition = CE.catch getReportedCursorPosition' getCPExceptionHandler where getReportedCursorPosition' = withHandleToHANDLE stdin action where action hdl = do n <- getNumberOfConsoleInputEvents hdl if n == 0 then return "" else do es <- readConsoleInput hdl n return $ stringFromInputEvents es stringFromInputEvents = cWcharsToChars . wCharsFromInputEvents wCharsFromInputEvents = mapMaybe wCharFromInputEvent wCharFromInputEvent e = if isKeyDownEvent then Just (unicodeAsciiChar $ keyEventChar keyEventRecord) else Nothing where eventType = inputEventType e InputKeyEvent keyEventRecord = inputEvent e isKeyDown = keyEventKeyDown keyEventRecord isKeyDownEvent = eventType == 1 && isKeyDown -- hGetCursorPosition :: Handle -> IO (Maybe (Int, Int)) -- (See Common-Include.hs for Haddock documentation) hGetCursorPosition h = fmap to0base <$> getCursorPosition' where to0base (row, col) = (row - 1, col - 1) getCursorPosition' = CE.catch getCursorPosition'' getCPExceptionHandler where getCursorPosition'' = do withHandleToHANDLE stdin flush -- Flush the console input buffer hReportCursorPosition h hFlush h -- ensure the report cursor position code is sent to the -- operating system input <- getReportedCursorPosition case readP_to_S cursorPosition input of [] -> return Nothing [((row, col),_)] -> return $ Just (row, col) (_:_) -> return Nothing where flush hdl = do n <- getNumberOfConsoleInputEvents hdl unless (n == 0) (void $ readConsoleInput hdl n) getCPExceptionHandler :: IOException -> IO a getCPExceptionHandler e = error msg where msg = "Error: " ++ show e ++ "\nThis error may be avoided by using a " ++ "console based on the Win32 console of the Windows API, such as " ++ "Command Prompt or PowerShell."