{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-} -- | This module contains Version of Ampersand module DatabaseDesign.Ampersand.Basics.Version (ampersandVersionStr, ampersandVersionWithoutBuildTimeStr, fatalMsg) where import DatabaseDesign.Ampersand.Basics.BuildInfo_Generated -- | a function to create error message in a structured way, containing the version of Ampersand. -- It throws an error, showing a (module)name and a number. This makes debugging pretty easy. fatalMsg :: String -> Int -> String -> a fatalMsg haskellModuleName lineNr msg = error ("!fatal "++show lineNr++" (module "++haskellModuleName++") "++ampersandVersionWithoutBuildTimeStr++"\n "++ let maxLen = 1500 -- This trick is to make sure the process is terminated after the error. -- If the string is too long, it seems that the sentinel `hangs`. -- But what is too long??? in case drop maxLen msg of [] -> msg _ -> take maxLen msg ++"\n" ) -- | String, containing the Ampersand version, including the build timestamp. ampersandVersionStr :: String ampersandVersionStr = ampersandVersionWithoutBuildTimeStr ++", build time: "++buildTimeStr -- | String, containing the Ampersand version ampersandVersionWithoutBuildTimeStr :: String ampersandVersionWithoutBuildTimeStr = "Ampersand v"++cabalVersionStr++"."++svnRevisionStr {- #1.#2.#3.#4 : #1 major version; #2 student release version; #3 production fix version (normally 0 ); #4 SVN revision number: - may be a range separated by ':' if the working copy contains mixed revisions (e.g. "163:165") - ends with an 'M' if the working copy was modified (e.g. "163M") - for other (rare) values, see the output of the command 'svnversion --help' -}