{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards    #-}

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-imports #-}

-- Derived from AWS service descriptions, licensed under Apache 2.0.

-- |
-- Module      : Network.AWS.WAF.Types.Product
-- Copyright   : (c) 2013-2016 Brendan Hay
-- License     : Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
-- Maintainer  : Brendan Hay <brendan.g.hay@gmail.com>
-- Stability   : auto-generated
-- Portability : non-portable (GHC extensions)
module Network.AWS.WAF.Types.Product where

import           Network.AWS.Lens
import           Network.AWS.Prelude
import           Network.AWS.WAF.Types.Sum

-- | The 'ActivatedRule' object in an < UpdateWebACL> request specifies a
-- 'Rule' that you want to insert or delete, the priority of the 'Rule' in
-- the 'WebACL', and the action that you want AWS WAF to take when a web
-- request matches the 'Rule' ('ALLOW', 'BLOCK', or 'COUNT').
-- To specify whether to insert or delete a 'Rule', use the 'Action'
-- parameter in the < WebACLUpdate> data type.
-- /See:/ 'activatedRule' smart constructor.
data ActivatedRule = ActivatedRule'
    { _arPriority :: !Int
    , _arRuleId   :: !Text
    , _arAction   :: !WafAction
    } deriving (Eq,Read,Show,Data,Typeable,Generic)

-- | Creates a value of 'ActivatedRule' with the minimum fields required to make a request.
-- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
-- * 'arPriority'
-- * 'arRuleId'
-- * 'arAction'
    :: Int -- ^ 'arPriority'
    -> Text -- ^ 'arRuleId'
    -> WafAction -- ^ 'arAction'
    -> ActivatedRule
activatedRule pPriority_ pRuleId_ pAction_ =
    { _arPriority = pPriority_
    , _arRuleId = pRuleId_
    , _arAction = pAction_

-- | Specifies the order in which the 'Rules' in a 'WebACL' are evaluated.
-- Rules with a lower value for 'Priority' are evaluated before 'Rules'
-- with a higher value. The value must be a unique integer. If you add
-- multiple 'Rules' to a 'WebACL', the values don\'t need to be
-- consecutive.
arPriority :: Lens' ActivatedRule Int
arPriority = lens _arPriority (\ s a -> s{_arPriority = a});

-- | The 'RuleId' for a 'Rule'. You use 'RuleId' to get more information
-- about a 'Rule' (see < GetRule>), update a 'Rule' (see < UpdateRule>),
-- insert a 'Rule' into a 'WebACL' or delete a one from a 'WebACL' (see
-- < UpdateWebACL>), or delete a 'Rule' from AWS WAF (see < DeleteRule>).
-- 'RuleId' is returned by < CreateRule> and by < ListRules>.
arRuleId :: Lens' ActivatedRule Text
arRuleId = lens _arRuleId (\ s a -> s{_arRuleId = a});

-- | Specifies the action that CloudFront or AWS WAF takes when a web request
-- matches the conditions in the 'Rule'. Valid values for 'Action' include
-- the following:
-- -   'ALLOW': CloudFront responds with the requested object.
-- -   'BLOCK': CloudFront responds with an HTTP 403 (Forbidden) status
--     code.
-- -   'COUNT': AWS WAF increments a counter of requests that match the
--     conditions in the rule and then continues to inspect the web request
--     based on the remaining rules in the web ACL.
arAction :: Lens' ActivatedRule WafAction
arAction = lens _arAction (\ s a -> s{_arAction = a});

instance FromJSON ActivatedRule where
          = withObject "ActivatedRule"
              (\ x ->
                 ActivatedRule' <$>
                   (x .: "Priority") <*> (x .: "RuleId") <*>
                     (x .: "Action"))

instance Hashable ActivatedRule

instance NFData ActivatedRule

instance ToJSON ActivatedRule where
        toJSON ActivatedRule'{..}
          = object
                 [Just ("Priority" .= _arPriority),
                  Just ("RuleId" .= _arRuleId),
                  Just ("Action" .= _arAction)])

-- | In a < GetByteMatchSet> request, 'ByteMatchSet' is a complex type that
-- contains the 'ByteMatchSetId' and 'Name' of a 'ByteMatchSet', and the
-- values that you specified when you updated the 'ByteMatchSet'.
-- A complex type that contains 'ByteMatchTuple' objects, which specify the
-- parts of web requests that you want AWS WAF to inspect and the values
-- that you want AWS WAF to search for. If a 'ByteMatchSet' contains more
-- than one 'ByteMatchTuple' object, a request needs to match the settings
-- in only one 'ByteMatchTuple' to be considered a match.
-- /See:/ 'byteMatchSet' smart constructor.
data ByteMatchSet = ByteMatchSet'
    { _bmsName            :: !(Maybe Text)
    , _bmsByteMatchSetId  :: !Text
    , _bmsByteMatchTuples :: ![ByteMatchTuple]
    } deriving (Eq,Read,Show,Data,Typeable,Generic)

-- | Creates a value of 'ByteMatchSet' with the minimum fields required to make a request.
-- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
-- * 'bmsName'
-- * 'bmsByteMatchSetId'
-- * 'bmsByteMatchTuples'
    :: Text -- ^ 'bmsByteMatchSetId'
    -> ByteMatchSet
byteMatchSet pByteMatchSetId_ =
    { _bmsName = Nothing
    , _bmsByteMatchSetId = pByteMatchSetId_
    , _bmsByteMatchTuples = mempty

-- | A friendly name or description of the < ByteMatchSet>. You can\'t change
-- 'Name' after you create a 'ByteMatchSet'.
bmsName :: Lens' ByteMatchSet (Maybe Text)
bmsName = lens _bmsName (\ s a -> s{_bmsName = a});

-- | The 'ByteMatchSetId' for a 'ByteMatchSet'. You use 'ByteMatchSetId' to
-- get information about a 'ByteMatchSet' (see < GetByteMatchSet>), update
-- a 'ByteMatchSet' (see < UpdateByteMatchSet>), insert a 'ByteMatchSet'
-- into a 'Rule' or delete one from a 'Rule' (see < UpdateRule>), and
-- delete a 'ByteMatchSet' from AWS WAF (see < DeleteByteMatchSet>).
-- 'ByteMatchSetId' is returned by < CreateByteMatchSet> and by
-- < ListByteMatchSets>.
bmsByteMatchSetId :: Lens' ByteMatchSet Text
bmsByteMatchSetId = lens _bmsByteMatchSetId (\ s a -> s{_bmsByteMatchSetId = a});

-- | Specifies the bytes (typically a string that corresponds with ASCII
-- characters) that you want AWS WAF to search for in web requests, the
-- location in requests that you want AWS WAF to search, and other
-- settings.
bmsByteMatchTuples :: Lens' ByteMatchSet [ByteMatchTuple]
bmsByteMatchTuples = lens _bmsByteMatchTuples (\ s a -> s{_bmsByteMatchTuples = a}) . _Coerce;

instance FromJSON ByteMatchSet where
          = withObject "ByteMatchSet"
              (\ x ->
                 ByteMatchSet' <$>
                   (x .:? "Name") <*> (x .: "ByteMatchSetId") <*>
                     (x .:? "ByteMatchTuples" .!= mempty))

instance Hashable ByteMatchSet

instance NFData ByteMatchSet

-- | Returned by < ListByteMatchSets>. Each 'ByteMatchSetSummary' object
-- includes the 'Name' and 'ByteMatchSetId' for one < ByteMatchSet>.
-- /See:/ 'byteMatchSetSummary' smart constructor.
data ByteMatchSetSummary = ByteMatchSetSummary'
    { _bmssByteMatchSetId :: !Text
    , _bmssName           :: !Text
    } deriving (Eq,Read,Show,Data,Typeable,Generic)

-- | Creates a value of 'ByteMatchSetSummary' with the minimum fields required to make a request.
-- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
-- * 'bmssByteMatchSetId'
-- * 'bmssName'
    :: Text -- ^ 'bmssByteMatchSetId'
    -> Text -- ^ 'bmssName'
    -> ByteMatchSetSummary
byteMatchSetSummary pByteMatchSetId_ pName_ =
    { _bmssByteMatchSetId = pByteMatchSetId_
    , _bmssName = pName_

-- | The 'ByteMatchSetId' for a 'ByteMatchSet'. You use 'ByteMatchSetId' to
-- get information about a 'ByteMatchSet', update a 'ByteMatchSet', remove
-- a 'ByteMatchSet' from a 'Rule', and delete a 'ByteMatchSet' from AWS
-- WAF.
-- 'ByteMatchSetId' is returned by < CreateByteMatchSet> and by
-- < ListByteMatchSets>.
bmssByteMatchSetId :: Lens' ByteMatchSetSummary Text
bmssByteMatchSetId = lens _bmssByteMatchSetId (\ s a -> s{_bmssByteMatchSetId = a});

-- | A friendly name or description of the < ByteMatchSet>. You can\'t change
-- 'Name' after you create a 'ByteMatchSet'.
bmssName :: Lens' ByteMatchSetSummary Text
bmssName = lens _bmssName (\ s a -> s{_bmssName = a});

instance FromJSON ByteMatchSetSummary where
          = withObject "ByteMatchSetSummary"
              (\ x ->
                 ByteMatchSetSummary' <$>
                   (x .: "ByteMatchSetId") <*> (x .: "Name"))

instance Hashable ByteMatchSetSummary

instance NFData ByteMatchSetSummary

-- | In an < UpdateByteMatchSet> request, 'ByteMatchSetUpdate' specifies
-- whether to insert or delete a < ByteMatchTuple> and includes the
-- settings for the 'ByteMatchTuple'.
-- /See:/ 'byteMatchSetUpdate' smart constructor.
data ByteMatchSetUpdate = ByteMatchSetUpdate'
    { _bmsuAction         :: !ChangeAction
    , _bmsuByteMatchTuple :: !ByteMatchTuple
    } deriving (Eq,Read,Show,Data,Typeable,Generic)

-- | Creates a value of 'ByteMatchSetUpdate' with the minimum fields required to make a request.
-- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
-- * 'bmsuAction'
-- * 'bmsuByteMatchTuple'
    :: ChangeAction -- ^ 'bmsuAction'
    -> ByteMatchTuple -- ^ 'bmsuByteMatchTuple'
    -> ByteMatchSetUpdate
byteMatchSetUpdate pAction_ pByteMatchTuple_ =
    { _bmsuAction = pAction_
    , _bmsuByteMatchTuple = pByteMatchTuple_

-- | Specifies whether to insert or delete a < ByteMatchTuple>.
bmsuAction :: Lens' ByteMatchSetUpdate ChangeAction
bmsuAction = lens _bmsuAction (\ s a -> s{_bmsuAction = a});

-- | Information about the part of a web request that you want AWS WAF to
-- inspect and the value that you want AWS WAF to search for. If you
-- specify 'DELETE' for the value of 'Action', the 'ByteMatchTuple' values
-- must exactly match the values in the 'ByteMatchTuple' that you want to
-- delete from the 'ByteMatchSet'.
bmsuByteMatchTuple :: Lens' ByteMatchSetUpdate ByteMatchTuple
bmsuByteMatchTuple = lens _bmsuByteMatchTuple (\ s a -> s{_bmsuByteMatchTuple = a});

instance Hashable ByteMatchSetUpdate

instance NFData ByteMatchSetUpdate

instance ToJSON ByteMatchSetUpdate where
        toJSON ByteMatchSetUpdate'{..}
          = object
                 [Just ("Action" .= _bmsuAction),
                  Just ("ByteMatchTuple" .= _bmsuByteMatchTuple)])

-- | The bytes (typically a string that corresponds with ASCII characters)
-- that you want AWS WAF to search for in web requests, the location in
-- requests that you want AWS WAF to search, and other settings.
-- /See:/ 'byteMatchTuple' smart constructor.
data ByteMatchTuple = ByteMatchTuple'
    { _bmtFieldToMatch         :: !FieldToMatch
    , _bmtTargetString         :: !Base64
    , _bmtTextTransformation   :: !TextTransformation
    , _bmtPositionalConstraint :: !PositionalConstraint
    } deriving (Eq,Read,Show,Data,Typeable,Generic)

-- | Creates a value of 'ByteMatchTuple' with the minimum fields required to make a request.
-- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
-- * 'bmtFieldToMatch'
-- * 'bmtTargetString'
-- * 'bmtTextTransformation'
-- * 'bmtPositionalConstraint'
    :: FieldToMatch -- ^ 'bmtFieldToMatch'
    -> ByteString -- ^ 'bmtTargetString'
    -> TextTransformation -- ^ 'bmtTextTransformation'
    -> PositionalConstraint -- ^ 'bmtPositionalConstraint'
    -> ByteMatchTuple
byteMatchTuple pFieldToMatch_ pTargetString_ pTextTransformation_ pPositionalConstraint_ =
    { _bmtFieldToMatch = pFieldToMatch_
    , _bmtTargetString = _Base64 # pTargetString_
    , _bmtTextTransformation = pTextTransformation_
    , _bmtPositionalConstraint = pPositionalConstraint_

-- | The part of a web request that you want AWS WAF to search, such as a
-- specified header or a query string. For more information, see
-- < FieldToMatch>.
bmtFieldToMatch :: Lens' ByteMatchTuple FieldToMatch
bmtFieldToMatch = lens _bmtFieldToMatch (\ s a -> s{_bmtFieldToMatch = a});

-- | The value that you want AWS WAF to search for. AWS WAF searches for the
-- specified string in the part of web requests that you specified in
-- 'FieldToMatch'. The maximum length of the value is 50 bytes.
-- Valid values depend on the values that you specified for 'FieldToMatch':
-- -   'HEADER': The value that you want AWS WAF to search for in the
--     request header that you specified in < FieldToMatch>, for example,
--     the value of the 'User-Agent' or 'Referer' header.
-- -   'METHOD': The HTTP method, which indicates the type of operation
--     specified in the request. CloudFront supports the following methods:
--     'DELETE', 'GET', 'HEAD', 'OPTIONS', 'PATCH', 'POST', and 'PUT'.
-- -   'QUERY_STRING': The value that you want AWS WAF to search for in the
--     query string, which is the part of a URL that appears after a '?'
--     character.
-- -   'URI': The value that you want AWS WAF to search for in the part of
--     a URL that identifies a resource, for example,
--     '\/images\/daily-ad.jpg'.
-- -   'BODY': The part of a request that contains any additional data that
--     you want to send to your web server as the HTTP request body, such
--     as data from a form. The request body immediately follows the
--     request headers. Note that only the first '8192' bytes of the
--     request body are forwarded to AWS WAF for inspection. To allow or
--     block requests based on the length of the body, you can create a
--     size constraint set. For more information, see
--     < CreateSizeConstraintSet>.
-- If 'TargetString' includes alphabetic characters A-Z and a-z, note that
-- the value is case sensitive.
-- __If you\'re using the AWS WAF API__
-- Specify a base64-encoded version of the value. The maximum length of the
-- value before you base64-encode it is 50 bytes.
-- For example, suppose the value of 'Type' is 'HEADER' and the value of
-- 'Data' is 'User-Agent'. If you want to search the 'User-Agent' header
-- for the value 'BadBot', you base64-encode 'BadBot' using MIME base64
-- encoding and include the resulting value, 'QmFkQm90', in the value of
-- 'TargetString'.
-- __If you\'re using the AWS CLI or one of the AWS SDKs__
-- The value that you want AWS WAF to search for. The SDK automatically
-- base64 encodes the value.
-- /Note:/ This 'Lens' automatically encodes and decodes Base64 data,
-- despite what the AWS documentation might say.
-- The underlying isomorphism will encode to Base64 representation during
-- serialisation, and decode from Base64 representation during deserialisation.
-- This 'Lens' accepts and returns only raw unencoded data.
bmtTargetString :: Lens' ByteMatchTuple ByteString
bmtTargetString = lens _bmtTargetString (\ s a -> s{_bmtTargetString = a}) . _Base64;

-- | Text transformations eliminate some of the unusual formatting that
-- attackers use in web requests in an effort to bypass AWS WAF. If you
-- specify a transformation, AWS WAF performs the transformation on
-- 'TargetString' before inspecting a request for a match.
-- __CMD_LINE__
-- When you\'re concerned that attackers are injecting an operating system
-- commandline command and using unusual formatting to disguise some or all
-- of the command, use this option to perform the following
-- transformations:
-- -   Delete the following characters: \\ \" \' ^
-- -   Delete spaces before the following characters: \/ (
-- -   Replace the following characters with a space: , ;
-- -   Replace multiple spaces with one space
-- -   Convert uppercase letters (A-Z) to lowercase (a-z)
-- Use this option to replace the following characters with a space
-- character (decimal 32):
-- -   \\f, formfeed, decimal 12
-- -   \\t, tab, decimal 9
-- -   \\n, newline, decimal 10
-- -   \\r, carriage return, decimal 13
-- -   \\v, vertical tab, decimal 11
-- -   non-breaking space, decimal 160
-- 'COMPRESS_WHITE_SPACE' also replaces multiple spaces with one space.
-- Use this option to replace HTML-encoded characters with unencoded
-- characters. 'HTML_ENTITY_DECODE' performs the following operations:
-- -   Replaces '(ampersand)quot;' with '\"'
-- -   Replaces '(ampersand)nbsp;' with a non-breaking space, decimal 160
-- -   Replaces '(ampersand)lt;' with a \"less than\" symbol
-- -   Replaces '(ampersand)gt;' with '>'
-- -   Replaces characters that are represented in hexadecimal format,
--     '(ampersand)#xhhhh;', with the corresponding characters
-- -   Replaces characters that are represented in decimal format,
--     '(ampersand)#nnnn;', with the corresponding characters
-- Use this option to convert uppercase letters (A-Z) to lowercase (a-z).
-- Use this option to decode a URL-encoded value.
-- __NONE__
-- Specify 'NONE' if you don\'t want to perform any text transformations.
bmtTextTransformation :: Lens' ByteMatchTuple TextTransformation
bmtTextTransformation = lens _bmtTextTransformation (\ s a -> s{_bmtTextTransformation = a});

-- | Within the portion of a web request that you want to search (for
-- example, in the query string, if any), specify where you want AWS WAF to
-- search. Valid values include the following:
-- The specified part of the web request must include the value of
-- 'TargetString', but the location doesn\'t matter.
-- The specified part of the web request must include the value of
-- 'TargetString', and 'TargetString' must contain only alphanumeric
-- characters or underscore (A-Z, a-z, 0-9, or _). In addition,
-- 'TargetString' must be a word, which means one of the following:
-- -   'TargetString' exactly matches the value of the specified part of
--     the web request, such as the value of a header.
-- -   'TargetString' is at the beginning of the specified part of the web
--     request and is followed by a character other than an alphanumeric
--     character or underscore (_), for example, 'BadBot;'.
-- -   'TargetString' is at the end of the specified part of the web
--     request and is preceded by a character other than an alphanumeric
--     character or underscore (_), for example, ';BadBot'.
-- -   'TargetString' is in the middle of the specified part of the web
--     request and is preceded and followed by characters other than
--     alphanumeric characters or underscore (_), for example, '-BadBot;'.
-- __EXACTLY__
-- The value of the specified part of the web request must exactly match
-- the value of 'TargetString'.
-- The value of 'TargetString' must appear at the beginning of the
-- specified part of the web request.
-- __ENDS_WITH__
-- The value of 'TargetString' must appear at the end of the specified part
-- of the web request.
bmtPositionalConstraint :: Lens' ByteMatchTuple PositionalConstraint
bmtPositionalConstraint = lens _bmtPositionalConstraint (\ s a -> s{_bmtPositionalConstraint = a});

instance FromJSON ByteMatchTuple where
          = withObject "ByteMatchTuple"
              (\ x ->
                 ByteMatchTuple' <$>
                   (x .: "FieldToMatch") <*> (x .: "TargetString") <*>
                     (x .: "TextTransformation")
                     <*> (x .: "PositionalConstraint"))

instance Hashable ByteMatchTuple

instance NFData ByteMatchTuple

instance ToJSON ByteMatchTuple where
        toJSON ByteMatchTuple'{..}
          = object
                 [Just ("FieldToMatch" .= _bmtFieldToMatch),
                  Just ("TargetString" .= _bmtTargetString),
                    ("TextTransformation" .= _bmtTextTransformation),
                    ("PositionalConstraint" .=

-- | Specifies where in a web request to look for 'TargetString'.
-- /See:/ 'fieldToMatch' smart constructor.
data FieldToMatch = FieldToMatch'
    { _ftmData :: !(Maybe Text)
    , _ftmType :: !MatchFieldType
    } deriving (Eq,Read,Show,Data,Typeable,Generic)

-- | Creates a value of 'FieldToMatch' with the minimum fields required to make a request.
-- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
-- * 'ftmData'
-- * 'ftmType'
    :: MatchFieldType -- ^ 'ftmType'
    -> FieldToMatch
fieldToMatch pType_ =
    { _ftmData = Nothing
    , _ftmType = pType_

-- | When the value of 'Type' is 'HEADER', enter the name of the header that
-- you want AWS WAF to search, for example, 'User-Agent' or 'Referer'. If
-- the value of 'Type' is any other value, omit 'Data'.
-- The name of the header is not case sensitive.
ftmData :: Lens' FieldToMatch (Maybe Text)
ftmData = lens _ftmData (\ s a -> s{_ftmData = a});

-- | The part of the web request that you want AWS WAF to search for a
-- specified string. Parts of a request that you can search include the
-- following:
-- -   'HEADER': A specified request header, for example, the value of the
--     'User-Agent' or 'Referer' header. If you choose 'HEADER' for the
--     type, specify the name of the header in 'Data'.
-- -   'METHOD': The HTTP method, which indicated the type of operation
--     that the request is asking the origin to perform. Amazon CloudFront
--     supports the following methods: 'DELETE', 'GET', 'HEAD', 'OPTIONS',
--     'PATCH', 'POST', and 'PUT'.
-- -   'QUERY_STRING': A query string, which is the part of a URL that
--     appears after a '?' character, if any.
-- -   'URI': The part of a web request that identifies a resource, for
--     example, '\/images\/daily-ad.jpg'.
-- -   'BODY': The part of a request that contains any additional data that
--     you want to send to your web server as the HTTP request body, such
--     as data from a form. The request body immediately follows the
--     request headers. Note that only the first '8192' bytes of the
--     request body are forwarded to AWS WAF for inspection. To allow or
--     block requests based on the length of the body, you can create a
--     size constraint set. For more information, see
--     < CreateSizeConstraintSet>.
ftmType :: Lens' FieldToMatch MatchFieldType
ftmType = lens _ftmType (\ s a -> s{_ftmType = a});

instance FromJSON FieldToMatch where
          = withObject "FieldToMatch"
              (\ x ->
                 FieldToMatch' <$> (x .:? "Data") <*> (x .: "Type"))

instance Hashable FieldToMatch

instance NFData FieldToMatch

instance ToJSON FieldToMatch where
        toJSON FieldToMatch'{..}
          = object
                 [("Data" .=) <$> _ftmData,
                  Just ("Type" .= _ftmType)])

-- | The response from a < GetSampledRequests> request includes an
-- 'HTTPHeader' complex type that appears as 'Headers' in the response
-- syntax. 'HTTPHeader' contains the names and values of all of the headers
-- that appear in one of the web requests that were returned by
-- 'GetSampledRequests'.
-- /See:/ 'hTTPHeader' smart constructor.
data HTTPHeader = HTTPHeader'
    { _httphValue :: !(Maybe Text)
    , _httphName  :: !(Maybe Text)
    } deriving (Eq,Read,Show,Data,Typeable,Generic)

-- | Creates a value of 'HTTPHeader' with the minimum fields required to make a request.
-- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
-- * 'httphValue'
-- * 'httphName'
    :: HTTPHeader
hTTPHeader =
    { _httphValue = Nothing
    , _httphName = Nothing

-- | The value of one of the headers in the sampled web request.
httphValue :: Lens' HTTPHeader (Maybe Text)
httphValue = lens _httphValue (\ s a -> s{_httphValue = a});

-- | The name of one of the headers in the sampled web request.
httphName :: Lens' HTTPHeader (Maybe Text)
httphName = lens _httphName (\ s a -> s{_httphName = a});

instance FromJSON HTTPHeader where
          = withObject "HTTPHeader"
              (\ x ->
                 HTTPHeader' <$> (x .:? "Value") <*> (x .:? "Name"))

instance Hashable HTTPHeader

instance NFData HTTPHeader

-- | The response from a < GetSampledRequests> request includes an
-- 'HTTPRequest' complex type that appears as 'Request' in the response
-- syntax. 'HTTPRequest' contains information about one of the web requests
-- that were returned by 'GetSampledRequests'.
-- /See:/ 'hTTPRequest' smart constructor.
data HTTPRequest = HTTPRequest'
    { _httprHTTPVersion :: !(Maybe Text)
    , _httprCountry     :: !(Maybe Text)
    , _httprURI         :: !(Maybe Text)
    , _httprHeaders     :: !(Maybe [HTTPHeader])
    , _httprMethod      :: !(Maybe Text)
    , _httprClientIP    :: !(Maybe Text)
    } deriving (Eq,Read,Show,Data,Typeable,Generic)

-- | Creates a value of 'HTTPRequest' with the minimum fields required to make a request.
-- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
-- * 'httprHTTPVersion'
-- * 'httprCountry'
-- * 'httprURI'
-- * 'httprHeaders'
-- * 'httprMethod'
-- * 'httprClientIP'
    :: HTTPRequest
hTTPRequest =
    { _httprHTTPVersion = Nothing
    , _httprCountry = Nothing
    , _httprURI = Nothing
    , _httprHeaders = Nothing
    , _httprMethod = Nothing
    , _httprClientIP = Nothing

-- | The HTTP version specified in the sampled web request, for example,
-- 'HTTP\/1.1'.
httprHTTPVersion :: Lens' HTTPRequest (Maybe Text)
httprHTTPVersion = lens _httprHTTPVersion (\ s a -> s{_httprHTTPVersion = a});

-- | The two-letter country code for the country that the request originated
-- from. For a current list of country codes, see the Wikipedia entry
-- <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1_alpha-2 ISO 3166-1 alpha-2>.
httprCountry :: Lens' HTTPRequest (Maybe Text)
httprCountry = lens _httprCountry (\ s a -> s{_httprCountry = a});

-- | The part of a web request that identifies the resource, for example,
-- '\/images\/daily-ad.jpg'.
httprURI :: Lens' HTTPRequest (Maybe Text)
httprURI = lens _httprURI (\ s a -> s{_httprURI = a});

-- | A complex type that contains two values for each header in the sampled
-- web request: the name of the header and the value of the header.
httprHeaders :: Lens' HTTPRequest [HTTPHeader]
httprHeaders = lens _httprHeaders (\ s a -> s{_httprHeaders = a}) . _Default . _Coerce;

-- | The HTTP method specified in the sampled web request. CloudFront
-- supports the following methods: 'DELETE', 'GET', 'HEAD', 'OPTIONS',
-- 'PATCH', 'POST', and 'PUT'.
httprMethod :: Lens' HTTPRequest (Maybe Text)
httprMethod = lens _httprMethod (\ s a -> s{_httprMethod = a});

-- | The IP address that the request originated from. If the 'WebACL' is
-- associated with a CloudFront distribution, this is the value of one of
-- the following fields in CloudFront access logs:
-- -   'c-ip', if the viewer did not use an HTTP proxy or a load balancer
--     to send the request
-- -   'x-forwarded-for', if the viewer did use an HTTP proxy or a load
--     balancer to send the request
httprClientIP :: Lens' HTTPRequest (Maybe Text)
httprClientIP = lens _httprClientIP (\ s a -> s{_httprClientIP = a});

instance FromJSON HTTPRequest where
          = withObject "HTTPRequest"
              (\ x ->
                 HTTPRequest' <$>
                   (x .:? "HTTPVersion") <*> (x .:? "Country") <*>
                     (x .:? "URI")
                     <*> (x .:? "Headers" .!= mempty)
                     <*> (x .:? "Method")
                     <*> (x .:? "ClientIP"))

instance Hashable HTTPRequest

instance NFData HTTPRequest

-- | Contains one or more IP addresses or blocks of IP addresses specified in
-- Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) notation. To specify an individual
-- IP address, you specify the four-part IP address followed by a '\/32',
-- for example,\/31. To block a range of IP addresses, you can
-- specify a '\/24', a '\/16', or a '\/8' CIDR. For more information about
-- CIDR notation, perform an Internet search on 'cidr notation'.
-- /See:/ 'ipSet' smart constructor.
data IPSet = IPSet'
    { _isName             :: !(Maybe Text)
    , _isIPSetId          :: !Text
    , _isIPSetDescriptors :: ![IPSetDescriptor]
    } deriving (Eq,Read,Show,Data,Typeable,Generic)

-- | Creates a value of 'IPSet' with the minimum fields required to make a request.
-- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
-- * 'isName'
-- * 'isIPSetId'
-- * 'isIPSetDescriptors'
    :: Text -- ^ 'isIPSetId'
    -> IPSet
ipSet pIPSetId_ =
    { _isName = Nothing
    , _isIPSetId = pIPSetId_
    , _isIPSetDescriptors = mempty

-- | A friendly name or description of the < IPSet>. You can\'t change the
-- name of an 'IPSet' after you create it.
isName :: Lens' IPSet (Maybe Text)
isName = lens _isName (\ s a -> s{_isName = a});

-- | The 'IPSetId' for an 'IPSet'. You use 'IPSetId' to get information about
-- an 'IPSet' (see < GetIPSet>), update an 'IPSet' (see < UpdateIPSet>),
-- insert an 'IPSet' into a 'Rule' or delete one from a 'Rule' (see
-- < UpdateRule>), and delete an 'IPSet' from AWS WAF (see < DeleteIPSet>).
-- 'IPSetId' is returned by < CreateIPSet> and by < ListIPSets>.
isIPSetId :: Lens' IPSet Text
isIPSetId = lens _isIPSetId (\ s a -> s{_isIPSetId = a});

-- | The IP address type ('IPV4') and the IP address range (in CIDR notation)
-- that web requests originate from. If the 'WebACL' is associated with a
-- CloudFront distribution, this is the value of one of the following
-- fields in CloudFront access logs:
-- -   'c-ip', if the viewer did not use an HTTP proxy or a load balancer
--     to send the request
-- -   'x-forwarded-for', if the viewer did use an HTTP proxy or a load
--     balancer to send the request
isIPSetDescriptors :: Lens' IPSet [IPSetDescriptor]
isIPSetDescriptors = lens _isIPSetDescriptors (\ s a -> s{_isIPSetDescriptors = a}) . _Coerce;

instance FromJSON IPSet where
          = withObject "IPSet"
              (\ x ->
                 IPSet' <$>
                   (x .:? "Name") <*> (x .: "IPSetId") <*>
                     (x .:? "IPSetDescriptors" .!= mempty))

instance Hashable IPSet

instance NFData IPSet

-- | Specifies the IP address type ('IPV4') and the IP address range (in CIDR
-- format) that web requests originate from.
-- /See:/ 'ipSetDescriptor' smart constructor.
data IPSetDescriptor = IPSetDescriptor'
    { _isdType  :: !IPSetDescriptorType
    , _isdValue :: !Text
    } deriving (Eq,Read,Show,Data,Typeable,Generic)

-- | Creates a value of 'IPSetDescriptor' with the minimum fields required to make a request.
-- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
-- * 'isdType'
-- * 'isdValue'
    :: IPSetDescriptorType -- ^ 'isdType'
    -> Text -- ^ 'isdValue'
    -> IPSetDescriptor
ipSetDescriptor pType_ pValue_ =
    { _isdType = pType_
    , _isdValue = pValue_

-- | Specify 'IPV4'.
isdType :: Lens' IPSetDescriptor IPSetDescriptorType
isdType = lens _isdType (\ s a -> s{_isdType = a});

-- | Specify an IPv4 address by using CIDR notation. For example:
-- -   To configure AWS WAF to allow, block, or count requests that
--     originated from the IP address, specify '\/32'.
-- -   To configure AWS WAF to allow, block, or count requests that
--     originated from IP addresses from to, specify
--     '\/24'.
-- AWS WAF supports only \/8, \/16, \/24, and \/32 IP addresses.
-- For more information about CIDR notation, see the Wikipedia entry
-- <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Classless_Inter-Domain_Routing Classless Inter-Domain Routing>.
isdValue :: Lens' IPSetDescriptor Text
isdValue = lens _isdValue (\ s a -> s{_isdValue = a});

instance FromJSON IPSetDescriptor where
          = withObject "IPSetDescriptor"
              (\ x ->
                 IPSetDescriptor' <$>
                   (x .: "Type") <*> (x .: "Value"))

instance Hashable IPSetDescriptor

instance NFData IPSetDescriptor

instance ToJSON IPSetDescriptor where
        toJSON IPSetDescriptor'{..}
          = object
                 [Just ("Type" .= _isdType),
                  Just ("Value" .= _isdValue)])

-- | Contains the identifier and the name of the 'IPSet'.
-- /See:/ 'ipSetSummary' smart constructor.
data IPSetSummary = IPSetSummary'
    { _issIPSetId :: !Text
    , _issName    :: !Text
    } deriving (Eq,Read,Show,Data,Typeable,Generic)

-- | Creates a value of 'IPSetSummary' with the minimum fields required to make a request.
-- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
-- * 'issIPSetId'
-- * 'issName'
    :: Text -- ^ 'issIPSetId'
    -> Text -- ^ 'issName'
    -> IPSetSummary
ipSetSummary pIPSetId_ pName_ =
    { _issIPSetId = pIPSetId_
    , _issName = pName_

-- | The 'IPSetId' for an < IPSet>. You can use 'IPSetId' in a < GetIPSet>
-- request to get detailed information about an < IPSet>.
issIPSetId :: Lens' IPSetSummary Text
issIPSetId = lens _issIPSetId (\ s a -> s{_issIPSetId = a});

-- | A friendly name or description of the < IPSet>. You can\'t change the
-- name of an 'IPSet' after you create it.
issName :: Lens' IPSetSummary Text
issName = lens _issName (\ s a -> s{_issName = a});

instance FromJSON IPSetSummary where
          = withObject "IPSetSummary"
              (\ x ->
                 IPSetSummary' <$> (x .: "IPSetId") <*> (x .: "Name"))

instance Hashable IPSetSummary

instance NFData IPSetSummary

-- | Specifies the type of update to perform to an < IPSet> with
-- < UpdateIPSet>.
-- /See:/ 'ipSetUpdate' smart constructor.
data IPSetUpdate = IPSetUpdate'
    { _isuAction          :: !ChangeAction
    , _isuIPSetDescriptor :: !IPSetDescriptor
    } deriving (Eq,Read,Show,Data,Typeable,Generic)

-- | Creates a value of 'IPSetUpdate' with the minimum fields required to make a request.
-- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
-- * 'isuAction'
-- * 'isuIPSetDescriptor'
    :: ChangeAction -- ^ 'isuAction'
    -> IPSetDescriptor -- ^ 'isuIPSetDescriptor'
    -> IPSetUpdate
ipSetUpdate pAction_ pIPSetDescriptor_ =
    { _isuAction = pAction_
    , _isuIPSetDescriptor = pIPSetDescriptor_

-- | Specifies whether to insert or delete an IP address with < UpdateIPSet>.
isuAction :: Lens' IPSetUpdate ChangeAction
isuAction = lens _isuAction (\ s a -> s{_isuAction = a});

-- | The IP address type ('IPV4') and the IP address range (in CIDR notation)
-- that web requests originate from.
isuIPSetDescriptor :: Lens' IPSetUpdate IPSetDescriptor
isuIPSetDescriptor = lens _isuIPSetDescriptor (\ s a -> s{_isuIPSetDescriptor = a});

instance Hashable IPSetUpdate

instance NFData IPSetUpdate

instance ToJSON IPSetUpdate where
        toJSON IPSetUpdate'{..}
          = object
                 [Just ("Action" .= _isuAction),
                  Just ("IPSetDescriptor" .= _isuIPSetDescriptor)])

-- | Specifies the < ByteMatchSet>, < IPSet>, < SqlInjectionMatchSet>,
-- < XssMatchSet>, and < SizeConstraintSet> objects that you want to add to
-- a 'Rule' and, for each object, indicates whether you want to negate the
-- settings, for example, requests that do NOT originate from the IP
-- address
-- /See:/ 'predicate' smart constructor.
data Predicate = Predicate'
    { _pNegated :: !Bool
    , _pType    :: !PredicateType
    , _pDataId  :: !Text
    } deriving (Eq,Read,Show,Data,Typeable,Generic)

-- | Creates a value of 'Predicate' with the minimum fields required to make a request.
-- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
-- * 'pNegated'
-- * 'pType'
-- * 'pDataId'
    :: Bool -- ^ 'pNegated'
    -> PredicateType -- ^ 'pType'
    -> Text -- ^ 'pDataId'
    -> Predicate
predicate pNegated_ pType_ pDataId_ =
    { _pNegated = pNegated_
    , _pType = pType_
    , _pDataId = pDataId_

-- | Set 'Negated' to 'False' if you want AWS WAF to allow, block, or count
-- requests based on the settings in the specified < ByteMatchSet>,
-- < IPSet>, < SqlInjectionMatchSet>, < XssMatchSet>, or
-- < SizeConstraintSet>. For example, if an 'IPSet' includes the IP address
-- '', AWS WAF will allow or block requests based on that IP
-- address.
-- Set 'Negated' to 'True' if you want AWS WAF to allow or block a request
-- based on the negation of the settings in the < ByteMatchSet>, < IPSet>,
-- < SqlInjectionMatchSet>, < XssMatchSet>, or < SizeConstraintSet>. For
-- example, if an 'IPSet' includes the IP address '', AWS WAF
-- will allow, block, or count requests based on all IP addresses /except/
-- ''.
pNegated :: Lens' Predicate Bool
pNegated = lens _pNegated (\ s a -> s{_pNegated = a});

-- | The type of predicate in a 'Rule', such as 'ByteMatchSet' or 'IPSet'.
pType :: Lens' Predicate PredicateType
pType = lens _pType (\ s a -> s{_pType = a});

-- | A unique identifier for a predicate in a 'Rule', such as
-- 'ByteMatchSetId' or 'IPSetId'. The ID is returned by the corresponding
-- 'Create' or 'List' command.
pDataId :: Lens' Predicate Text
pDataId = lens _pDataId (\ s a -> s{_pDataId = a});

instance FromJSON Predicate where
          = withObject "Predicate"
              (\ x ->
                 Predicate' <$>
                   (x .: "Negated") <*> (x .: "Type") <*>
                     (x .: "DataId"))

instance Hashable Predicate

instance NFData Predicate

instance ToJSON Predicate where
        toJSON Predicate'{..}
          = object
                 [Just ("Negated" .= _pNegated),
                  Just ("Type" .= _pType),
                  Just ("DataId" .= _pDataId)])

-- | A combination of < ByteMatchSet>, < IPSet>, and\/or
-- < SqlInjectionMatchSet> objects that identify the web requests that you
-- want to allow, block, or count. For example, you might create a 'Rule'
-- that includes the following predicates:
-- -   An 'IPSet' that causes AWS WAF to search for web requests that
--     originate from the IP address ''
-- -   A 'ByteMatchSet' that causes AWS WAF to search for web requests for
--     which the value of the 'User-Agent' header is 'BadBot'.
-- To match the settings in this 'Rule', a request must originate from
-- '' AND include a 'User-Agent' header for which the value is
-- 'BadBot'.
-- /See:/ 'rule' smart constructor.
data Rule = Rule'
    { _rMetricName :: !(Maybe Text)
    , _rName       :: !(Maybe Text)
    , _rRuleId     :: !Text
    , _rPredicates :: ![Predicate]
    } deriving (Eq,Read,Show,Data,Typeable,Generic)

-- | Creates a value of 'Rule' with the minimum fields required to make a request.
-- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
-- * 'rMetricName'
-- * 'rName'
-- * 'rRuleId'
-- * 'rPredicates'
    :: Text -- ^ 'rRuleId'
    -> Rule
rule pRuleId_ =
    { _rMetricName = Nothing
    , _rName = Nothing
    , _rRuleId = pRuleId_
    , _rPredicates = mempty

-- | Undocumented member.
rMetricName :: Lens' Rule (Maybe Text)
rMetricName = lens _rMetricName (\ s a -> s{_rMetricName = a});

-- | The friendly name or description for the 'Rule'. You can\'t change the
-- name of a 'Rule' after you create it.
rName :: Lens' Rule (Maybe Text)
rName = lens _rName (\ s a -> s{_rName = a});

-- | A unique identifier for a 'Rule'. You use 'RuleId' to get more
-- information about a 'Rule' (see < GetRule>), update a 'Rule' (see
-- < UpdateRule>), insert a 'Rule' into a 'WebACL' or delete a one from a
-- 'WebACL' (see < UpdateWebACL>), or delete a 'Rule' from AWS WAF (see
-- < DeleteRule>).
-- 'RuleId' is returned by < CreateRule> and by < ListRules>.
rRuleId :: Lens' Rule Text
rRuleId = lens _rRuleId (\ s a -> s{_rRuleId = a});

-- | The 'Predicates' object contains one 'Predicate' element for each
-- < ByteMatchSet>, < IPSet>, or < SqlInjectionMatchSet> object that you
-- want to include in a 'Rule'.
rPredicates :: Lens' Rule [Predicate]
rPredicates = lens _rPredicates (\ s a -> s{_rPredicates = a}) . _Coerce;

instance FromJSON Rule where
          = withObject "Rule"
              (\ x ->
                 Rule' <$>
                   (x .:? "MetricName") <*> (x .:? "Name") <*>
                     (x .: "RuleId")
                     <*> (x .:? "Predicates" .!= mempty))

instance Hashable Rule

instance NFData Rule

-- | Contains the identifier and the friendly name or description of the
-- 'Rule'.
-- /See:/ 'ruleSummary' smart constructor.
data RuleSummary = RuleSummary'
    { _rsRuleId :: !Text
    , _rsName   :: !Text
    } deriving (Eq,Read,Show,Data,Typeable,Generic)

-- | Creates a value of 'RuleSummary' with the minimum fields required to make a request.
-- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
-- * 'rsRuleId'
-- * 'rsName'
    :: Text -- ^ 'rsRuleId'
    -> Text -- ^ 'rsName'
    -> RuleSummary
ruleSummary pRuleId_ pName_ =
    { _rsRuleId = pRuleId_
    , _rsName = pName_

-- | A unique identifier for a 'Rule'. You use 'RuleId' to get more
-- information about a 'Rule' (see < GetRule>), update a 'Rule' (see
-- < UpdateRule>), insert a 'Rule' into a 'WebACL' or delete one from a
-- 'WebACL' (see < UpdateWebACL>), or delete a 'Rule' from AWS WAF (see
-- < DeleteRule>).
-- 'RuleId' is returned by < CreateRule> and by < ListRules>.
rsRuleId :: Lens' RuleSummary Text
rsRuleId = lens _rsRuleId (\ s a -> s{_rsRuleId = a});

-- | A friendly name or description of the < Rule>. You can\'t change the
-- name of a 'Rule' after you create it.
rsName :: Lens' RuleSummary Text
rsName = lens _rsName (\ s a -> s{_rsName = a});

instance FromJSON RuleSummary where
          = withObject "RuleSummary"
              (\ x ->
                 RuleSummary' <$> (x .: "RuleId") <*> (x .: "Name"))

instance Hashable RuleSummary

instance NFData RuleSummary

-- | Specifies a 'Predicate' (such as an 'IPSet') and indicates whether you
-- want to add it to a 'Rule' or delete it from a 'Rule'.
-- /See:/ 'ruleUpdate' smart constructor.
data RuleUpdate = RuleUpdate'
    { _ruAction    :: !ChangeAction
    , _ruPredicate :: !Predicate
    } deriving (Eq,Read,Show,Data,Typeable,Generic)

-- | Creates a value of 'RuleUpdate' with the minimum fields required to make a request.
-- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
-- * 'ruAction'
-- * 'ruPredicate'
    :: ChangeAction -- ^ 'ruAction'
    -> Predicate -- ^ 'ruPredicate'
    -> RuleUpdate
ruleUpdate pAction_ pPredicate_ =
    { _ruAction = pAction_
    , _ruPredicate = pPredicate_

-- | Specify 'INSERT' to add a 'Predicate' to a 'Rule'. Use 'DELETE' to
-- remove a 'Predicate' from a 'Rule'.
ruAction :: Lens' RuleUpdate ChangeAction
ruAction = lens _ruAction (\ s a -> s{_ruAction = a});

-- | The ID of the 'Predicate' (such as an 'IPSet') that you want to add to a
-- 'Rule'.
ruPredicate :: Lens' RuleUpdate Predicate
ruPredicate = lens _ruPredicate (\ s a -> s{_ruPredicate = a});

instance Hashable RuleUpdate

instance NFData RuleUpdate

instance ToJSON RuleUpdate where
        toJSON RuleUpdate'{..}
          = object
                 [Just ("Action" .= _ruAction),
                  Just ("Predicate" .= _ruPredicate)])

-- | The response from a < GetSampledRequests> request includes a
-- 'SampledHTTPRequests' complex type that appears as 'SampledRequests' in
-- the response syntax. 'SampledHTTPRequests' contains one
-- 'SampledHTTPRequest' object for each web request that is returned by
-- 'GetSampledRequests'.
-- /See:/ 'sampledHTTPRequest' smart constructor.
data SampledHTTPRequest = SampledHTTPRequest'
    { _shttprAction    :: !(Maybe Text)
    , _shttprTimestamp :: !(Maybe POSIX)
    , _shttprRequest   :: !HTTPRequest
    , _shttprWeight    :: !Nat
    } deriving (Eq,Read,Show,Data,Typeable,Generic)

-- | Creates a value of 'SampledHTTPRequest' with the minimum fields required to make a request.
-- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
-- * 'shttprAction'
-- * 'shttprTimestamp'
-- * 'shttprRequest'
-- * 'shttprWeight'
    :: HTTPRequest -- ^ 'shttprRequest'
    -> Natural -- ^ 'shttprWeight'
    -> SampledHTTPRequest
sampledHTTPRequest pRequest_ pWeight_ =
    { _shttprAction = Nothing
    , _shttprTimestamp = Nothing
    , _shttprRequest = pRequest_
    , _shttprWeight = _Nat # pWeight_

-- | The action for the 'Rule' that the request matched: 'ALLOW', 'BLOCK', or
-- 'COUNT'.
shttprAction :: Lens' SampledHTTPRequest (Maybe Text)
shttprAction = lens _shttprAction (\ s a -> s{_shttprAction = a});

-- | The time at which AWS WAF received the request from your AWS resource,
-- in Unix time format (in seconds).
shttprTimestamp :: Lens' SampledHTTPRequest (Maybe UTCTime)
shttprTimestamp = lens _shttprTimestamp (\ s a -> s{_shttprTimestamp = a}) . mapping _Time;

-- | A complex type that contains detailed information about the request.
shttprRequest :: Lens' SampledHTTPRequest HTTPRequest
shttprRequest = lens _shttprRequest (\ s a -> s{_shttprRequest = a});

-- | A value that indicates how one result in the response relates
-- proportionally to other results in the response. A result that has a
-- weight of '2' represents roughly twice as many CloudFront web requests
-- as a result that has a weight of '1'.
shttprWeight :: Lens' SampledHTTPRequest Natural
shttprWeight = lens _shttprWeight (\ s a -> s{_shttprWeight = a}) . _Nat;

instance FromJSON SampledHTTPRequest where
          = withObject "SampledHTTPRequest"
              (\ x ->
                 SampledHTTPRequest' <$>
                   (x .:? "Action") <*> (x .:? "Timestamp") <*>
                     (x .: "Request")
                     <*> (x .: "Weight"))

instance Hashable SampledHTTPRequest

instance NFData SampledHTTPRequest

-- | Specifies a constraint on the size of a part of the web request. AWS WAF
-- uses the 'Size', 'ComparisonOperator', and 'FieldToMatch' to build an
-- expression in the form of \"'Size' 'ComparisonOperator' size in bytes of
-- 'FieldToMatch'\". If that expression is true, the 'SizeConstraint' is
-- considered to match.
-- /See:/ 'sizeConstraint' smart constructor.
data SizeConstraint = SizeConstraint'
    { _scFieldToMatch       :: !FieldToMatch
    , _scTextTransformation :: !TextTransformation
    , _scComparisonOperator :: !ComparisonOperator
    , _scSize               :: !Nat
    } deriving (Eq,Read,Show,Data,Typeable,Generic)

-- | Creates a value of 'SizeConstraint' with the minimum fields required to make a request.
-- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
-- * 'scFieldToMatch'
-- * 'scTextTransformation'
-- * 'scComparisonOperator'
-- * 'scSize'
    :: FieldToMatch -- ^ 'scFieldToMatch'
    -> TextTransformation -- ^ 'scTextTransformation'
    -> ComparisonOperator -- ^ 'scComparisonOperator'
    -> Natural -- ^ 'scSize'
    -> SizeConstraint
sizeConstraint pFieldToMatch_ pTextTransformation_ pComparisonOperator_ pSize_ =
    { _scFieldToMatch = pFieldToMatch_
    , _scTextTransformation = pTextTransformation_
    , _scComparisonOperator = pComparisonOperator_
    , _scSize = _Nat # pSize_

-- | Undocumented member.
scFieldToMatch :: Lens' SizeConstraint FieldToMatch
scFieldToMatch = lens _scFieldToMatch (\ s a -> s{_scFieldToMatch = a});

-- | Text transformations eliminate some of the unusual formatting that
-- attackers use in web requests in an effort to bypass AWS WAF. If you
-- specify a transformation, AWS WAF performs the transformation on
-- 'FieldToMatch' before inspecting a request for a match.
-- Note that if you choose 'BODY' for the value of 'Type', you must choose
-- 'NONE' for 'TextTransformation' because CloudFront forwards only the
-- first 8192 bytes for inspection.
-- __NONE__
-- Specify 'NONE' if you don\'t want to perform any text transformations.
-- __CMD_LINE__
-- When you\'re concerned that attackers are injecting an operating system
-- command line command and using unusual formatting to disguise some or
-- all of the command, use this option to perform the following
-- transformations:
-- -   Delete the following characters: \\ \" \' ^
-- -   Delete spaces before the following characters: \/ (
-- -   Replace the following characters with a space: , ;
-- -   Replace multiple spaces with one space
-- -   Convert uppercase letters (A-Z) to lowercase (a-z)
-- Use this option to replace the following characters with a space
-- character (decimal 32):
-- -   \\f, formfeed, decimal 12
-- -   \\t, tab, decimal 9
-- -   \\n, newline, decimal 10
-- -   \\r, carriage return, decimal 13
-- -   \\v, vertical tab, decimal 11
-- -   non-breaking space, decimal 160
-- 'COMPRESS_WHITE_SPACE' also replaces multiple spaces with one space.
-- Use this option to replace HTML-encoded characters with unencoded
-- characters. 'HTML_ENTITY_DECODE' performs the following operations:
-- -   Replaces '(ampersand)quot;' with '\"'
-- -   Replaces '(ampersand)nbsp;' with a non-breaking space, decimal 160
-- -   Replaces '(ampersand)lt;' with a \"less than\" symbol
-- -   Replaces '(ampersand)gt;' with '>'
-- -   Replaces characters that are represented in hexadecimal format,
--     '(ampersand)#xhhhh;', with the corresponding characters
-- -   Replaces characters that are represented in decimal format,
--     '(ampersand)#nnnn;', with the corresponding characters
-- Use this option to convert uppercase letters (A-Z) to lowercase (a-z).
-- Use this option to decode a URL-encoded value.
scTextTransformation :: Lens' SizeConstraint TextTransformation
scTextTransformation = lens _scTextTransformation (\ s a -> s{_scTextTransformation = a});

-- | The type of comparison you want AWS WAF to perform. AWS WAF uses this in
-- combination with the provided 'Size' and 'FieldToMatch' to build an
-- expression in the form of \"'Size' 'ComparisonOperator' size in bytes of
-- 'FieldToMatch'\". If that expression is true, the 'SizeConstraint' is
-- considered to match.
-- __EQ__: Used to test if the 'Size' is equal to the size of the
-- 'FieldToMatch'
-- __NE__: Used to test if the 'Size' is not equal to the size of the
-- 'FieldToMatch'
-- __LE__: Used to test if the 'Size' is less than or equal to the size of
-- the 'FieldToMatch'
-- __LT__: Used to test if the 'Size' is strictly less than the size of the
-- 'FieldToMatch'
-- __GE__: Used to test if the 'Size' is greater than or equal to the size
-- of the 'FieldToMatch'
-- __GT__: Used to test if the 'Size' is strictly greater than the size of
-- the 'FieldToMatch'
scComparisonOperator :: Lens' SizeConstraint ComparisonOperator
scComparisonOperator = lens _scComparisonOperator (\ s a -> s{_scComparisonOperator = a});

-- | The size in bytes that you want AWS WAF to compare against the size of
-- the specified 'FieldToMatch'. AWS WAF uses this in combination with
-- 'ComparisonOperator' and 'FieldToMatch' to build an expression in the
-- form of \"'Size' 'ComparisonOperator' size in bytes of 'FieldToMatch'\".
-- If that expression is true, the 'SizeConstraint' is considered to match.
-- Valid values for size are 0 - 21474836480 bytes (0 - 20 GB).
-- If you specify 'URI' for the value of 'Type', the \/ in the URI counts
-- as one character. For example, the URI '\/logo.jpg' is nine characters
-- long.
scSize :: Lens' SizeConstraint Natural
scSize = lens _scSize (\ s a -> s{_scSize = a}) . _Nat;

instance FromJSON SizeConstraint where
          = withObject "SizeConstraint"
              (\ x ->
                 SizeConstraint' <$>
                   (x .: "FieldToMatch") <*> (x .: "TextTransformation")
                     <*> (x .: "ComparisonOperator")
                     <*> (x .: "Size"))

instance Hashable SizeConstraint

instance NFData SizeConstraint

instance ToJSON SizeConstraint where
        toJSON SizeConstraint'{..}
          = object
                 [Just ("FieldToMatch" .= _scFieldToMatch),
                  Just ("TextTransformation" .= _scTextTransformation),
                  Just ("ComparisonOperator" .= _scComparisonOperator),
                  Just ("Size" .= _scSize)])

-- | A complex type that contains 'SizeConstraint' objects, which specify the
-- parts of web requests that you want AWS WAF to inspect the size of. If a
-- 'SizeConstraintSet' contains more than one 'SizeConstraint' object, a
-- request only needs to match one constraint to be considered a match.
-- /See:/ 'sizeConstraintSet' smart constructor.
data SizeConstraintSet = SizeConstraintSet'
    { _scsName                :: !(Maybe Text)
    , _scsSizeConstraintSetId :: !Text
    , _scsSizeConstraints     :: ![SizeConstraint]
    } deriving (Eq,Read,Show,Data,Typeable,Generic)

-- | Creates a value of 'SizeConstraintSet' with the minimum fields required to make a request.
-- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
-- * 'scsName'
-- * 'scsSizeConstraintSetId'
-- * 'scsSizeConstraints'
    :: Text -- ^ 'scsSizeConstraintSetId'
    -> SizeConstraintSet
sizeConstraintSet pSizeConstraintSetId_ =
    { _scsName = Nothing
    , _scsSizeConstraintSetId = pSizeConstraintSetId_
    , _scsSizeConstraints = mempty

-- | The name, if any, of the 'SizeConstraintSet'.
scsName :: Lens' SizeConstraintSet (Maybe Text)
scsName = lens _scsName (\ s a -> s{_scsName = a});

-- | A unique identifier for a 'SizeConstraintSet'. You use
-- 'SizeConstraintSetId' to get information about a 'SizeConstraintSet'
-- (see < GetSizeConstraintSet>), update a 'SizeConstraintSet' (see
-- < UpdateSizeConstraintSet>), insert a 'SizeConstraintSet' into a 'Rule'
-- or delete one from a 'Rule' (see < UpdateRule>), and delete a
-- 'SizeConstraintSet' from AWS WAF (see < DeleteSizeConstraintSet>).
-- 'SizeConstraintSetId' is returned by < CreateSizeConstraintSet> and by
-- < ListSizeConstraintSets>.
scsSizeConstraintSetId :: Lens' SizeConstraintSet Text
scsSizeConstraintSetId = lens _scsSizeConstraintSetId (\ s a -> s{_scsSizeConstraintSetId = a});

-- | Specifies the parts of web requests that you want to inspect the size
-- of.
scsSizeConstraints :: Lens' SizeConstraintSet [SizeConstraint]
scsSizeConstraints = lens _scsSizeConstraints (\ s a -> s{_scsSizeConstraints = a}) . _Coerce;

instance FromJSON SizeConstraintSet where
          = withObject "SizeConstraintSet"
              (\ x ->
                 SizeConstraintSet' <$>
                   (x .:? "Name") <*> (x .: "SizeConstraintSetId") <*>
                     (x .:? "SizeConstraints" .!= mempty))

instance Hashable SizeConstraintSet

instance NFData SizeConstraintSet

-- | The 'Id' and 'Name' of a 'SizeConstraintSet'.
-- /See:/ 'sizeConstraintSetSummary' smart constructor.
data SizeConstraintSetSummary = SizeConstraintSetSummary'
    { _scssSizeConstraintSetId :: !Text
    , _scssName                :: !Text
    } deriving (Eq,Read,Show,Data,Typeable,Generic)

-- | Creates a value of 'SizeConstraintSetSummary' with the minimum fields required to make a request.
-- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
-- * 'scssSizeConstraintSetId'
-- * 'scssName'
    :: Text -- ^ 'scssSizeConstraintSetId'
    -> Text -- ^ 'scssName'
    -> SizeConstraintSetSummary
sizeConstraintSetSummary pSizeConstraintSetId_ pName_ =
    { _scssSizeConstraintSetId = pSizeConstraintSetId_
    , _scssName = pName_

-- | A unique identifier for a 'SizeConstraintSet'. You use
-- 'SizeConstraintSetId' to get information about a 'SizeConstraintSet'
-- (see < GetSizeConstraintSet>), update a 'SizeConstraintSet' (see
-- < UpdateSizeConstraintSet>), insert a 'SizeConstraintSet' into a 'Rule'
-- or delete one from a 'Rule' (see < UpdateRule>), and delete a
-- 'SizeConstraintSet' from AWS WAF (see < DeleteSizeConstraintSet>).
-- 'SizeConstraintSetId' is returned by < CreateSizeConstraintSet> and by
-- < ListSizeConstraintSets>.
scssSizeConstraintSetId :: Lens' SizeConstraintSetSummary Text
scssSizeConstraintSetId = lens _scssSizeConstraintSetId (\ s a -> s{_scssSizeConstraintSetId = a});

-- | The name of the 'SizeConstraintSet', if any.
scssName :: Lens' SizeConstraintSetSummary Text
scssName = lens _scssName (\ s a -> s{_scssName = a});

instance FromJSON SizeConstraintSetSummary where
          = withObject "SizeConstraintSetSummary"
              (\ x ->
                 SizeConstraintSetSummary' <$>
                   (x .: "SizeConstraintSetId") <*> (x .: "Name"))

instance Hashable SizeConstraintSetSummary

instance NFData SizeConstraintSetSummary

-- | Specifies the part of a web request that you want to inspect the size of
-- and indicates whether you want to add the specification to a
-- < SizeConstraintSet> or delete it from a 'SizeConstraintSet'.
-- /See:/ 'sizeConstraintSetUpdate' smart constructor.
data SizeConstraintSetUpdate = SizeConstraintSetUpdate'
    { _scsuAction         :: !ChangeAction
    , _scsuSizeConstraint :: !SizeConstraint
    } deriving (Eq,Read,Show,Data,Typeable,Generic)

-- | Creates a value of 'SizeConstraintSetUpdate' with the minimum fields required to make a request.
-- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
-- * 'scsuAction'
-- * 'scsuSizeConstraint'
    :: ChangeAction -- ^ 'scsuAction'
    -> SizeConstraint -- ^ 'scsuSizeConstraint'
    -> SizeConstraintSetUpdate
sizeConstraintSetUpdate pAction_ pSizeConstraint_ =
    { _scsuAction = pAction_
    , _scsuSizeConstraint = pSizeConstraint_

-- | Specify 'INSERT' to add a < SizeConstraintSetUpdate> to a
-- < SizeConstraintSet>. Use 'DELETE' to remove a 'SizeConstraintSetUpdate'
-- from a 'SizeConstraintSet'.
scsuAction :: Lens' SizeConstraintSetUpdate ChangeAction
scsuAction = lens _scsuAction (\ s a -> s{_scsuAction = a});

-- | Specifies a constraint on the size of a part of the web request. AWS WAF
-- uses the 'Size', 'ComparisonOperator', and 'FieldToMatch' to build an
-- expression in the form of \"'Size' 'ComparisonOperator' size in bytes of
-- 'FieldToMatch'\". If that expression is true, the 'SizeConstraint' is
-- considered to match.
scsuSizeConstraint :: Lens' SizeConstraintSetUpdate SizeConstraint
scsuSizeConstraint = lens _scsuSizeConstraint (\ s a -> s{_scsuSizeConstraint = a});

instance Hashable SizeConstraintSetUpdate

instance NFData SizeConstraintSetUpdate

instance ToJSON SizeConstraintSetUpdate where
        toJSON SizeConstraintSetUpdate'{..}
          = object
                 [Just ("Action" .= _scsuAction),
                  Just ("SizeConstraint" .= _scsuSizeConstraint)])

-- | A complex type that contains 'SqlInjectionMatchTuple' objects, which
-- specify the parts of web requests that you want AWS WAF to inspect for
-- snippets of malicious SQL code and, if you want AWS WAF to inspect a
-- header, the name of the header. If a 'SqlInjectionMatchSet' contains
-- more than one 'SqlInjectionMatchTuple' object, a request needs to
-- include snippets of SQL code in only one of the specified parts of the
-- request to be considered a match.
-- /See:/ 'sqlInjectionMatchSet' smart constructor.
data SqlInjectionMatchSet = SqlInjectionMatchSet'
    { _simsName                    :: !(Maybe Text)
    , _simsSqlInjectionMatchSetId  :: !Text
    , _simsSqlInjectionMatchTuples :: ![SqlInjectionMatchTuple]
    } deriving (Eq,Read,Show,Data,Typeable,Generic)

-- | Creates a value of 'SqlInjectionMatchSet' with the minimum fields required to make a request.
-- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
-- * 'simsName'
-- * 'simsSqlInjectionMatchSetId'
-- * 'simsSqlInjectionMatchTuples'
    :: Text -- ^ 'simsSqlInjectionMatchSetId'
    -> SqlInjectionMatchSet
sqlInjectionMatchSet pSqlInjectionMatchSetId_ =
    { _simsName = Nothing
    , _simsSqlInjectionMatchSetId = pSqlInjectionMatchSetId_
    , _simsSqlInjectionMatchTuples = mempty

-- | The name, if any, of the 'SqlInjectionMatchSet'.
simsName :: Lens' SqlInjectionMatchSet (Maybe Text)
simsName = lens _simsName (\ s a -> s{_simsName = a});

-- | A unique identifier for a 'SqlInjectionMatchSet'. You use
-- 'SqlInjectionMatchSetId' to get information about a
-- 'SqlInjectionMatchSet' (see < GetSqlInjectionMatchSet>), update a
-- 'SqlInjectionMatchSet' (see < UpdateSqlInjectionMatchSet>), insert a
-- 'SqlInjectionMatchSet' into a 'Rule' or delete one from a 'Rule' (see
-- < UpdateRule>), and delete a 'SqlInjectionMatchSet' from AWS WAF (see
-- < DeleteSqlInjectionMatchSet>).
-- 'SqlInjectionMatchSetId' is returned by < CreateSqlInjectionMatchSet>
-- and by < ListSqlInjectionMatchSets>.
simsSqlInjectionMatchSetId :: Lens' SqlInjectionMatchSet Text
simsSqlInjectionMatchSetId = lens _simsSqlInjectionMatchSetId (\ s a -> s{_simsSqlInjectionMatchSetId = a});

-- | Specifies the parts of web requests that you want to inspect for
-- snippets of malicious SQL code.
simsSqlInjectionMatchTuples :: Lens' SqlInjectionMatchSet [SqlInjectionMatchTuple]
simsSqlInjectionMatchTuples = lens _simsSqlInjectionMatchTuples (\ s a -> s{_simsSqlInjectionMatchTuples = a}) . _Coerce;

instance FromJSON SqlInjectionMatchSet where
          = withObject "SqlInjectionMatchSet"
              (\ x ->
                 SqlInjectionMatchSet' <$>
                   (x .:? "Name") <*> (x .: "SqlInjectionMatchSetId")
                     <*> (x .:? "SqlInjectionMatchTuples" .!= mempty))

instance Hashable SqlInjectionMatchSet

instance NFData SqlInjectionMatchSet

-- | The 'Id' and 'Name' of a 'SqlInjectionMatchSet'.
-- /See:/ 'sqlInjectionMatchSetSummary' smart constructor.
data SqlInjectionMatchSetSummary = SqlInjectionMatchSetSummary'
    { _simssSqlInjectionMatchSetId :: !Text
    , _simssName                   :: !Text
    } deriving (Eq,Read,Show,Data,Typeable,Generic)

-- | Creates a value of 'SqlInjectionMatchSetSummary' with the minimum fields required to make a request.
-- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
-- * 'simssSqlInjectionMatchSetId'
-- * 'simssName'
    :: Text -- ^ 'simssSqlInjectionMatchSetId'
    -> Text -- ^ 'simssName'
    -> SqlInjectionMatchSetSummary
sqlInjectionMatchSetSummary pSqlInjectionMatchSetId_ pName_ =
    { _simssSqlInjectionMatchSetId = pSqlInjectionMatchSetId_
    , _simssName = pName_

-- | A unique identifier for a 'SqlInjectionMatchSet'. You use
-- 'SqlInjectionMatchSetId' to get information about a
-- 'SqlInjectionMatchSet' (see < GetSqlInjectionMatchSet>), update a
-- 'SqlInjectionMatchSet' (see < UpdateSqlInjectionMatchSet>), insert a
-- 'SqlInjectionMatchSet' into a 'Rule' or delete one from a 'Rule' (see
-- < UpdateRule>), and delete a 'SqlInjectionMatchSet' from AWS WAF (see
-- < DeleteSqlInjectionMatchSet>).
-- 'SqlInjectionMatchSetId' is returned by < CreateSqlInjectionMatchSet>
-- and by < ListSqlInjectionMatchSets>.
simssSqlInjectionMatchSetId :: Lens' SqlInjectionMatchSetSummary Text
simssSqlInjectionMatchSetId = lens _simssSqlInjectionMatchSetId (\ s a -> s{_simssSqlInjectionMatchSetId = a});

-- | The name of the 'SqlInjectionMatchSet', if any, specified by 'Id'.
simssName :: Lens' SqlInjectionMatchSetSummary Text
simssName = lens _simssName (\ s a -> s{_simssName = a});

instance FromJSON SqlInjectionMatchSetSummary where
          = withObject "SqlInjectionMatchSetSummary"
              (\ x ->
                 SqlInjectionMatchSetSummary' <$>
                   (x .: "SqlInjectionMatchSetId") <*> (x .: "Name"))

instance Hashable SqlInjectionMatchSetSummary

instance NFData SqlInjectionMatchSetSummary

-- | Specifies the part of a web request that you want to inspect for
-- snippets of malicious SQL code and indicates whether you want to add the
-- specification to a < SqlInjectionMatchSet> or delete it from a
-- 'SqlInjectionMatchSet'.
-- /See:/ 'sqlInjectionMatchSetUpdate' smart constructor.
data SqlInjectionMatchSetUpdate = SqlInjectionMatchSetUpdate'
    { _simsuAction                 :: !ChangeAction
    , _simsuSqlInjectionMatchTuple :: !SqlInjectionMatchTuple
    } deriving (Eq,Read,Show,Data,Typeable,Generic)

-- | Creates a value of 'SqlInjectionMatchSetUpdate' with the minimum fields required to make a request.
-- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
-- * 'simsuAction'
-- * 'simsuSqlInjectionMatchTuple'
    :: ChangeAction -- ^ 'simsuAction'
    -> SqlInjectionMatchTuple -- ^ 'simsuSqlInjectionMatchTuple'
    -> SqlInjectionMatchSetUpdate
sqlInjectionMatchSetUpdate pAction_ pSqlInjectionMatchTuple_ =
    { _simsuAction = pAction_
    , _simsuSqlInjectionMatchTuple = pSqlInjectionMatchTuple_

-- | Specify 'INSERT' to add a < SqlInjectionMatchSetUpdate> to a
-- < SqlInjectionMatchSet>. Use 'DELETE' to remove a
-- 'SqlInjectionMatchSetUpdate' from a 'SqlInjectionMatchSet'.
simsuAction :: Lens' SqlInjectionMatchSetUpdate ChangeAction
simsuAction = lens _simsuAction (\ s a -> s{_simsuAction = a});

-- | Specifies the part of a web request that you want AWS WAF to inspect for
-- snippets of malicious SQL code and, if you want AWS WAF to inspect a
-- header, the name of the header.
simsuSqlInjectionMatchTuple :: Lens' SqlInjectionMatchSetUpdate SqlInjectionMatchTuple
simsuSqlInjectionMatchTuple = lens _simsuSqlInjectionMatchTuple (\ s a -> s{_simsuSqlInjectionMatchTuple = a});

instance Hashable SqlInjectionMatchSetUpdate

instance NFData SqlInjectionMatchSetUpdate

instance ToJSON SqlInjectionMatchSetUpdate where
        toJSON SqlInjectionMatchSetUpdate'{..}
          = object
                 [Just ("Action" .= _simsuAction),
                    ("SqlInjectionMatchTuple" .=

-- | Specifies the part of a web request that you want AWS WAF to inspect for
-- snippets of malicious SQL code and, if you want AWS WAF to inspect a
-- header, the name of the header.
-- /See:/ 'sqlInjectionMatchTuple' smart constructor.
data SqlInjectionMatchTuple = SqlInjectionMatchTuple'
    { _simtFieldToMatch       :: !FieldToMatch
    , _simtTextTransformation :: !TextTransformation
    } deriving (Eq,Read,Show,Data,Typeable,Generic)

-- | Creates a value of 'SqlInjectionMatchTuple' with the minimum fields required to make a request.
-- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
-- * 'simtFieldToMatch'
-- * 'simtTextTransformation'
    :: FieldToMatch -- ^ 'simtFieldToMatch'
    -> TextTransformation -- ^ 'simtTextTransformation'
    -> SqlInjectionMatchTuple
sqlInjectionMatchTuple pFieldToMatch_ pTextTransformation_ =
    { _simtFieldToMatch = pFieldToMatch_
    , _simtTextTransformation = pTextTransformation_

-- | Undocumented member.
simtFieldToMatch :: Lens' SqlInjectionMatchTuple FieldToMatch
simtFieldToMatch = lens _simtFieldToMatch (\ s a -> s{_simtFieldToMatch = a});

-- | Text transformations eliminate some of the unusual formatting that
-- attackers use in web requests in an effort to bypass AWS WAF. If you
-- specify a transformation, AWS WAF performs the transformation on
-- 'FieldToMatch' before inspecting a request for a match.
-- __CMD_LINE__
-- When you\'re concerned that attackers are injecting an operating system
-- commandline command and using unusual formatting to disguise some or all
-- of the command, use this option to perform the following
-- transformations:
-- -   Delete the following characters: \\ \" \' ^
-- -   Delete spaces before the following characters: \/ (
-- -   Replace the following characters with a space: , ;
-- -   Replace multiple spaces with one space
-- -   Convert uppercase letters (A-Z) to lowercase (a-z)
-- Use this option to replace the following characters with a space
-- character (decimal 32):
-- -   \\f, formfeed, decimal 12
-- -   \\t, tab, decimal 9
-- -   \\n, newline, decimal 10
-- -   \\r, carriage return, decimal 13
-- -   \\v, vertical tab, decimal 11
-- -   non-breaking space, decimal 160
-- 'COMPRESS_WHITE_SPACE' also replaces multiple spaces with one space.
-- Use this option to replace HTML-encoded characters with unencoded
-- characters. 'HTML_ENTITY_DECODE' performs the following operations:
-- -   Replaces '(ampersand)quot;' with '\"'
-- -   Replaces '(ampersand)nbsp;' with a non-breaking space, decimal 160
-- -   Replaces '(ampersand)lt;' with a \"less than\" symbol
-- -   Replaces '(ampersand)gt;' with '>'
-- -   Replaces characters that are represented in hexadecimal format,
--     '(ampersand)#xhhhh;', with the corresponding characters
-- -   Replaces characters that are represented in decimal format,
--     '(ampersand)#nnnn;', with the corresponding characters
-- Use this option to convert uppercase letters (A-Z) to lowercase (a-z).
-- Use this option to decode a URL-encoded value.
-- __NONE__
-- Specify 'NONE' if you don\'t want to perform any text transformations.
simtTextTransformation :: Lens' SqlInjectionMatchTuple TextTransformation
simtTextTransformation = lens _simtTextTransformation (\ s a -> s{_simtTextTransformation = a});

instance FromJSON SqlInjectionMatchTuple where
          = withObject "SqlInjectionMatchTuple"
              (\ x ->
                 SqlInjectionMatchTuple' <$>
                   (x .: "FieldToMatch") <*>
                     (x .: "TextTransformation"))

instance Hashable SqlInjectionMatchTuple

instance NFData SqlInjectionMatchTuple

instance ToJSON SqlInjectionMatchTuple where
        toJSON SqlInjectionMatchTuple'{..}
          = object
                 [Just ("FieldToMatch" .= _simtFieldToMatch),
                    ("TextTransformation" .= _simtTextTransformation)])

-- | In a < GetSampledRequests> request, the 'StartTime' and 'EndTime'
-- objects specify the time range for which you want AWS WAF to return a
-- sample of web requests.
-- In a < GetSampledRequests> response, the 'StartTime' and 'EndTime'
-- objects specify the time range for which AWS WAF actually returned a
-- sample of web requests. AWS WAF gets the specified number of requests
-- from among the first 5,000 requests that your AWS resource receives
-- during the specified time period. If your resource receives more than
-- 5,000 requests during that period, AWS WAF stops sampling after the
-- 5,000th request. In that case, 'EndTime' is the time that AWS WAF
-- received the 5,000th request.
-- /See:/ 'timeWindow' smart constructor.
data TimeWindow = TimeWindow'
    { _twStartTime :: !POSIX
    , _twEndTime   :: !POSIX
    } deriving (Eq,Read,Show,Data,Typeable,Generic)

-- | Creates a value of 'TimeWindow' with the minimum fields required to make a request.
-- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
-- * 'twStartTime'
-- * 'twEndTime'
    :: UTCTime -- ^ 'twStartTime'
    -> UTCTime -- ^ 'twEndTime'
    -> TimeWindow
timeWindow pStartTime_ pEndTime_ =
    { _twStartTime = _Time # pStartTime_
    , _twEndTime = _Time # pEndTime_

-- | The beginning of the time range from which you want 'GetSampledRequests'
-- to return a sample of the requests that your AWS resource received. You
-- can specify any time range in the previous three hours.
twStartTime :: Lens' TimeWindow UTCTime
twStartTime = lens _twStartTime (\ s a -> s{_twStartTime = a}) . _Time;

-- | The end of the time range from which you want 'GetSampledRequests' to
-- return a sample of the requests that your AWS resource received. You can
-- specify any time range in the previous three hours.
twEndTime :: Lens' TimeWindow UTCTime
twEndTime = lens _twEndTime (\ s a -> s{_twEndTime = a}) . _Time;

instance FromJSON TimeWindow where
          = withObject "TimeWindow"
              (\ x ->
                 TimeWindow' <$>
                   (x .: "StartTime") <*> (x .: "EndTime"))

instance Hashable TimeWindow

instance NFData TimeWindow

instance ToJSON TimeWindow where
        toJSON TimeWindow'{..}
          = object
                 [Just ("StartTime" .= _twStartTime),
                  Just ("EndTime" .= _twEndTime)])

-- | For the action that is associated with a rule in a 'WebACL', specifies
-- the action that you want AWS WAF to perform when a web request matches
-- all of the conditions in a rule. For the default action in a 'WebACL',
-- specifies the action that you want AWS WAF to take when a web request
-- doesn\'t match all of the conditions in any of the rules in a 'WebACL'.
-- /See:/ 'wafAction' smart constructor.
newtype WafAction = WafAction'
    { _waType :: WafActionType
    } deriving (Eq,Read,Show,Data,Typeable,Generic)

-- | Creates a value of 'WafAction' with the minimum fields required to make a request.
-- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
-- * 'waType'
    :: WafActionType -- ^ 'waType'
    -> WafAction
wafAction pType_ =
    { _waType = pType_

-- | Specifies how you want AWS WAF to respond to requests that match the
-- settings in a 'Rule'. Valid settings include the following:
-- -   'ALLOW': AWS WAF allows requests
-- -   'BLOCK': AWS WAF blocks requests
-- -   'COUNT': AWS WAF increments a counter of the requests that match all
--     of the conditions in the rule. AWS WAF then continues to inspect the
--     web request based on the remaining rules in the web ACL. You can\'t
--     specify 'COUNT' for the default action for a 'WebACL'.
waType :: Lens' WafAction WafActionType
waType = lens _waType (\ s a -> s{_waType = a});

instance FromJSON WafAction where
          = withObject "WafAction"
              (\ x -> WafAction' <$> (x .: "Type"))

instance Hashable WafAction

instance NFData WafAction

instance ToJSON WafAction where
        toJSON WafAction'{..}
          = object (catMaybes [Just ("Type" .= _waType)])

-- | Contains the 'Rules' that identify the requests that you want to allow,
-- block, or count. In a 'WebACL', you also specify a default action
-- ('ALLOW' or 'BLOCK'), and the action for each 'Rule' that you add to a
-- 'WebACL', for example, block requests from specified IP addresses or
-- block requests from specified referrers. You also associate the 'WebACL'
-- with a CloudFront distribution to identify the requests that you want
-- AWS WAF to filter. If you add more than one 'Rule' to a 'WebACL', a
-- request needs to match only one of the specifications to be allowed,
-- blocked, or counted. For more information, see < UpdateWebACL>.
-- /See:/ 'webACL' smart constructor.
data WebACL = WebACL'
    { _waMetricName    :: !(Maybe Text)
    , _waName          :: !(Maybe Text)
    , _waWebACLId      :: !Text
    , _waDefaultAction :: !WafAction
    , _waRules         :: ![ActivatedRule]
    } deriving (Eq,Read,Show,Data,Typeable,Generic)

-- | Creates a value of 'WebACL' with the minimum fields required to make a request.
-- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
-- * 'waMetricName'
-- * 'waName'
-- * 'waWebACLId'
-- * 'waDefaultAction'
-- * 'waRules'
    :: Text -- ^ 'waWebACLId'
    -> WafAction -- ^ 'waDefaultAction'
    -> WebACL
webACL pWebACLId_ pDefaultAction_ =
    { _waMetricName = Nothing
    , _waName = Nothing
    , _waWebACLId = pWebACLId_
    , _waDefaultAction = pDefaultAction_
    , _waRules = mempty

-- | Undocumented member.
waMetricName :: Lens' WebACL (Maybe Text)
waMetricName = lens _waMetricName (\ s a -> s{_waMetricName = a});

-- | A friendly name or description of the 'WebACL'. You can\'t change the
-- name of a 'WebACL' after you create it.
waName :: Lens' WebACL (Maybe Text)
waName = lens _waName (\ s a -> s{_waName = a});

-- | A unique identifier for a 'WebACL'. You use 'WebACLId' to get
-- information about a 'WebACL' (see < GetWebACL>), update a 'WebACL' (see
-- < UpdateWebACL>), and delete a 'WebACL' from AWS WAF (see
-- < DeleteWebACL>).
-- 'WebACLId' is returned by < CreateWebACL> and by < ListWebACLs>.
waWebACLId :: Lens' WebACL Text
waWebACLId = lens _waWebACLId (\ s a -> s{_waWebACLId = a});

-- | The action to perform if none of the 'Rules' contained in the 'WebACL'
-- match. The action is specified by the < WafAction> object.
waDefaultAction :: Lens' WebACL WafAction
waDefaultAction = lens _waDefaultAction (\ s a -> s{_waDefaultAction = a});

-- | An array that contains the action for each 'Rule' in a 'WebACL', the
-- priority of the 'Rule', and the ID of the 'Rule'.
waRules :: Lens' WebACL [ActivatedRule]
waRules = lens _waRules (\ s a -> s{_waRules = a}) . _Coerce;

instance FromJSON WebACL where
          = withObject "WebACL"
              (\ x ->
                 WebACL' <$>
                   (x .:? "MetricName") <*> (x .:? "Name") <*>
                     (x .: "WebACLId")
                     <*> (x .: "DefaultAction")
                     <*> (x .:? "Rules" .!= mempty))

instance Hashable WebACL

instance NFData WebACL

-- | Contains the identifier and the name or description of the < WebACL>.
-- /See:/ 'webACLSummary' smart constructor.
data WebACLSummary = WebACLSummary'
    { _wasWebACLId :: !Text
    , _wasName     :: !Text
    } deriving (Eq,Read,Show,Data,Typeable,Generic)

-- | Creates a value of 'WebACLSummary' with the minimum fields required to make a request.
-- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
-- * 'wasWebACLId'
-- * 'wasName'
    :: Text -- ^ 'wasWebACLId'
    -> Text -- ^ 'wasName'
    -> WebACLSummary
webACLSummary pWebACLId_ pName_ =
    { _wasWebACLId = pWebACLId_
    , _wasName = pName_

-- | A unique identifier for a 'WebACL'. You use 'WebACLId' to get
-- information about a 'WebACL' (see < GetWebACL>), update a 'WebACL' (see
-- < UpdateWebACL>), and delete a 'WebACL' from AWS WAF (see
-- < DeleteWebACL>).
-- 'WebACLId' is returned by < CreateWebACL> and by < ListWebACLs>.
wasWebACLId :: Lens' WebACLSummary Text
wasWebACLId = lens _wasWebACLId (\ s a -> s{_wasWebACLId = a});

-- | A friendly name or description of the < WebACL>. You can\'t change the
-- name of a 'WebACL' after you create it.
wasName :: Lens' WebACLSummary Text
wasName = lens _wasName (\ s a -> s{_wasName = a});

instance FromJSON WebACLSummary where
          = withObject "WebACLSummary"
              (\ x ->
                 WebACLSummary' <$>
                   (x .: "WebACLId") <*> (x .: "Name"))

instance Hashable WebACLSummary

instance NFData WebACLSummary

-- | Specifies whether to insert a 'Rule' into or delete a 'Rule' from a
-- 'WebACL'.
-- /See:/ 'webACLUpdate' smart constructor.
data WebACLUpdate = WebACLUpdate'
    { _wauAction        :: !ChangeAction
    , _wauActivatedRule :: !ActivatedRule
    } deriving (Eq,Read,Show,Data,Typeable,Generic)

-- | Creates a value of 'WebACLUpdate' with the minimum fields required to make a request.
-- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
-- * 'wauAction'
-- * 'wauActivatedRule'
    :: ChangeAction -- ^ 'wauAction'
    -> ActivatedRule -- ^ 'wauActivatedRule'
    -> WebACLUpdate
webACLUpdate pAction_ pActivatedRule_ =
    { _wauAction = pAction_
    , _wauActivatedRule = pActivatedRule_

-- | Specifies whether to insert a 'Rule' into or delete a 'Rule' from a
-- 'WebACL'.
wauAction :: Lens' WebACLUpdate ChangeAction
wauAction = lens _wauAction (\ s a -> s{_wauAction = a});

-- | Undocumented member.
wauActivatedRule :: Lens' WebACLUpdate ActivatedRule
wauActivatedRule = lens _wauActivatedRule (\ s a -> s{_wauActivatedRule = a});

instance Hashable WebACLUpdate

instance NFData WebACLUpdate

instance ToJSON WebACLUpdate where
        toJSON WebACLUpdate'{..}
          = object
                 [Just ("Action" .= _wauAction),
                  Just ("ActivatedRule" .= _wauActivatedRule)])

-- | A complex type that contains 'XssMatchTuple' objects, which specify the
-- parts of web requests that you want AWS WAF to inspect for cross-site
-- scripting attacks and, if you want AWS WAF to inspect a header, the name
-- of the header. If a 'XssMatchSet' contains more than one 'XssMatchTuple'
-- object, a request needs to include cross-site scripting attacks in only
-- one of the specified parts of the request to be considered a match.
-- /See:/ 'xssMatchSet' smart constructor.
data XSSMatchSet = XSSMatchSet'
    { _xmsName           :: !(Maybe Text)
    , _xmsXSSMatchSetId  :: !Text
    , _xmsXSSMatchTuples :: ![XSSMatchTuple]
    } deriving (Eq,Read,Show,Data,Typeable,Generic)

-- | Creates a value of 'XSSMatchSet' with the minimum fields required to make a request.
-- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
-- * 'xmsName'
-- * 'xmsXSSMatchSetId'
-- * 'xmsXSSMatchTuples'
    :: Text -- ^ 'xmsXSSMatchSetId'
    -> XSSMatchSet
xssMatchSet pXSSMatchSetId_ =
    { _xmsName = Nothing
    , _xmsXSSMatchSetId = pXSSMatchSetId_
    , _xmsXSSMatchTuples = mempty

-- | The name, if any, of the 'XssMatchSet'.
xmsName :: Lens' XSSMatchSet (Maybe Text)
xmsName = lens _xmsName (\ s a -> s{_xmsName = a});

-- | A unique identifier for an 'XssMatchSet'. You use 'XssMatchSetId' to get
-- information about an 'XssMatchSet' (see < GetXssMatchSet>), update an
-- 'XssMatchSet' (see < UpdateXssMatchSet>), insert an 'XssMatchSet' into a
-- 'Rule' or delete one from a 'Rule' (see < UpdateRule>), and delete an
-- 'XssMatchSet' from AWS WAF (see < DeleteXssMatchSet>).
-- 'XssMatchSetId' is returned by < CreateXssMatchSet> and by
-- < ListXssMatchSets>.
xmsXSSMatchSetId :: Lens' XSSMatchSet Text
xmsXSSMatchSetId = lens _xmsXSSMatchSetId (\ s a -> s{_xmsXSSMatchSetId = a});

-- | Specifies the parts of web requests that you want to inspect for
-- cross-site scripting attacks.
xmsXSSMatchTuples :: Lens' XSSMatchSet [XSSMatchTuple]
xmsXSSMatchTuples = lens _xmsXSSMatchTuples (\ s a -> s{_xmsXSSMatchTuples = a}) . _Coerce;

instance FromJSON XSSMatchSet where
          = withObject "XSSMatchSet"
              (\ x ->
                 XSSMatchSet' <$>
                   (x .:? "Name") <*> (x .: "XssMatchSetId") <*>
                     (x .:? "XssMatchTuples" .!= mempty))

instance Hashable XSSMatchSet

instance NFData XSSMatchSet

-- | The 'Id' and 'Name' of an 'XssMatchSet'.
-- /See:/ 'xssMatchSetSummary' smart constructor.
data XSSMatchSetSummary = XSSMatchSetSummary'
    { _xmssXSSMatchSetId :: !Text
    , _xmssName          :: !Text
    } deriving (Eq,Read,Show,Data,Typeable,Generic)

-- | Creates a value of 'XSSMatchSetSummary' with the minimum fields required to make a request.
-- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
-- * 'xmssXSSMatchSetId'
-- * 'xmssName'
    :: Text -- ^ 'xmssXSSMatchSetId'
    -> Text -- ^ 'xmssName'
    -> XSSMatchSetSummary
xssMatchSetSummary pXSSMatchSetId_ pName_ =
    { _xmssXSSMatchSetId = pXSSMatchSetId_
    , _xmssName = pName_

-- | A unique identifier for an 'XssMatchSet'. You use 'XssMatchSetId' to get
-- information about a 'XssMatchSet' (see < GetXssMatchSet>), update an
-- 'XssMatchSet' (see < UpdateXssMatchSet>), insert an 'XssMatchSet' into a
-- 'Rule' or delete one from a 'Rule' (see < UpdateRule>), and delete an
-- 'XssMatchSet' from AWS WAF (see < DeleteXssMatchSet>).
-- 'XssMatchSetId' is returned by < CreateXssMatchSet> and by
-- < ListXssMatchSets>.
xmssXSSMatchSetId :: Lens' XSSMatchSetSummary Text
xmssXSSMatchSetId = lens _xmssXSSMatchSetId (\ s a -> s{_xmssXSSMatchSetId = a});

-- | The name of the 'XssMatchSet', if any, specified by 'Id'.
xmssName :: Lens' XSSMatchSetSummary Text
xmssName = lens _xmssName (\ s a -> s{_xmssName = a});

instance FromJSON XSSMatchSetSummary where
          = withObject "XSSMatchSetSummary"
              (\ x ->
                 XSSMatchSetSummary' <$>
                   (x .: "XssMatchSetId") <*> (x .: "Name"))

instance Hashable XSSMatchSetSummary

instance NFData XSSMatchSetSummary

-- | Specifies the part of a web request that you want to inspect for
-- cross-site scripting attacks and indicates whether you want to add the
-- specification to an < XssMatchSet> or delete it from an 'XssMatchSet'.
-- /See:/ 'xssMatchSetUpdate' smart constructor.
data XSSMatchSetUpdate = XSSMatchSetUpdate'
    { _xmsuAction        :: !ChangeAction
    , _xmsuXSSMatchTuple :: !XSSMatchTuple
    } deriving (Eq,Read,Show,Data,Typeable,Generic)

-- | Creates a value of 'XSSMatchSetUpdate' with the minimum fields required to make a request.
-- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
-- * 'xmsuAction'
-- * 'xmsuXSSMatchTuple'
    :: ChangeAction -- ^ 'xmsuAction'
    -> XSSMatchTuple -- ^ 'xmsuXSSMatchTuple'
    -> XSSMatchSetUpdate
xssMatchSetUpdate pAction_ pXSSMatchTuple_ =
    { _xmsuAction = pAction_
    , _xmsuXSSMatchTuple = pXSSMatchTuple_

-- | Specify 'INSERT' to add a < XssMatchSetUpdate> to an < XssMatchSet>. Use
-- 'DELETE' to remove a 'XssMatchSetUpdate' from an 'XssMatchSet'.
xmsuAction :: Lens' XSSMatchSetUpdate ChangeAction
xmsuAction = lens _xmsuAction (\ s a -> s{_xmsuAction = a});

-- | Specifies the part of a web request that you want AWS WAF to inspect for
-- cross-site scripting attacks and, if you want AWS WAF to inspect a
-- header, the name of the header.
xmsuXSSMatchTuple :: Lens' XSSMatchSetUpdate XSSMatchTuple
xmsuXSSMatchTuple = lens _xmsuXSSMatchTuple (\ s a -> s{_xmsuXSSMatchTuple = a});

instance Hashable XSSMatchSetUpdate

instance NFData XSSMatchSetUpdate

instance ToJSON XSSMatchSetUpdate where
        toJSON XSSMatchSetUpdate'{..}
          = object
                 [Just ("Action" .= _xmsuAction),
                  Just ("XssMatchTuple" .= _xmsuXSSMatchTuple)])

-- | Specifies the part of a web request that you want AWS WAF to inspect for
-- cross-site scripting attacks and, if you want AWS WAF to inspect a
-- header, the name of the header.
-- /See:/ 'xssMatchTuple' smart constructor.
data XSSMatchTuple = XSSMatchTuple'
    { _xmtFieldToMatch       :: !FieldToMatch
    , _xmtTextTransformation :: !TextTransformation
    } deriving (Eq,Read,Show,Data,Typeable,Generic)

-- | Creates a value of 'XSSMatchTuple' with the minimum fields required to make a request.
-- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
-- * 'xmtFieldToMatch'
-- * 'xmtTextTransformation'
    :: FieldToMatch -- ^ 'xmtFieldToMatch'
    -> TextTransformation -- ^ 'xmtTextTransformation'
    -> XSSMatchTuple
xssMatchTuple pFieldToMatch_ pTextTransformation_ =
    { _xmtFieldToMatch = pFieldToMatch_
    , _xmtTextTransformation = pTextTransformation_

-- | Undocumented member.
xmtFieldToMatch :: Lens' XSSMatchTuple FieldToMatch
xmtFieldToMatch = lens _xmtFieldToMatch (\ s a -> s{_xmtFieldToMatch = a});

-- | Text transformations eliminate some of the unusual formatting that
-- attackers use in web requests in an effort to bypass AWS WAF. If you
-- specify a transformation, AWS WAF performs the transformation on
-- 'FieldToMatch' before inspecting a request for a match.
-- __CMD_LINE__
-- When you\'re concerned that attackers are injecting an operating system
-- commandline command and using unusual formatting to disguise some or all
-- of the command, use this option to perform the following
-- transformations:
-- -   Delete the following characters: \\ \" \' ^
-- -   Delete spaces before the following characters: \/ (
-- -   Replace the following characters with a space: , ;
-- -   Replace multiple spaces with one space
-- -   Convert uppercase letters (A-Z) to lowercase (a-z)
-- Use this option to replace the following characters with a space
-- character (decimal 32):
-- -   \\f, formfeed, decimal 12
-- -   \\t, tab, decimal 9
-- -   \\n, newline, decimal 10
-- -   \\r, carriage return, decimal 13
-- -   \\v, vertical tab, decimal 11
-- -   non-breaking space, decimal 160
-- 'COMPRESS_WHITE_SPACE' also replaces multiple spaces with one space.
-- Use this option to replace HTML-encoded characters with unencoded
-- characters. 'HTML_ENTITY_DECODE' performs the following operations:
-- -   Replaces '(ampersand)quot;' with '\"'
-- -   Replaces '(ampersand)nbsp;' with a non-breaking space, decimal 160
-- -   Replaces '(ampersand)lt;' with a \"less than\" symbol
-- -   Replaces '(ampersand)gt;' with '>'
-- -   Replaces characters that are represented in hexadecimal format,
--     '(ampersand)#xhhhh;', with the corresponding characters
-- -   Replaces characters that are represented in decimal format,
--     '(ampersand)#nnnn;', with the corresponding characters
-- Use this option to convert uppercase letters (A-Z) to lowercase (a-z).
-- Use this option to decode a URL-encoded value.
-- __NONE__
-- Specify 'NONE' if you don\'t want to perform any text transformations.
xmtTextTransformation :: Lens' XSSMatchTuple TextTransformation
xmtTextTransformation = lens _xmtTextTransformation (\ s a -> s{_xmtTextTransformation = a});

instance FromJSON XSSMatchTuple where
          = withObject "XSSMatchTuple"
              (\ x ->
                 XSSMatchTuple' <$>
                   (x .: "FieldToMatch") <*>
                     (x .: "TextTransformation"))

instance Hashable XSSMatchTuple

instance NFData XSSMatchTuple

instance ToJSON XSSMatchTuple where
        toJSON XSSMatchTuple'{..}
          = object
                 [Just ("FieldToMatch" .= _xmtFieldToMatch),
                    ("TextTransformation" .= _xmtTextTransformation)])