{-# LANGUAGE DisambiguateRecordFields #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE StrictData #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-matches #-} -- Derived from AWS service descriptions, licensed under Apache 2.0. -- | -- Module : Amazonka.SecretsManager.Types -- Copyright : (c) 2013-2023 Brendan Hay -- License : Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. -- Maintainer : Brendan Hay -- Stability : auto-generated -- Portability : non-portable (GHC extensions) module Amazonka.SecretsManager.Types ( -- * Service Configuration defaultService, -- * Errors _DecryptionFailure, _EncryptionFailure, _InternalServiceError, _InvalidNextTokenException, _InvalidParameterException, _InvalidRequestException, _LimitExceededException, _MalformedPolicyDocumentException, _PreconditionNotMetException, _PublicPolicyException, _ResourceExistsException, _ResourceNotFoundException, -- * FilterNameStringType FilterNameStringType (..), -- * SortOrderType SortOrderType (..), -- * StatusType StatusType (..), -- * Filter Filter (..), newFilter, filter_key, filter_values, -- * ReplicaRegionType ReplicaRegionType (..), newReplicaRegionType, replicaRegionType_kmsKeyId, replicaRegionType_region, -- * ReplicationStatusType ReplicationStatusType (..), newReplicationStatusType, replicationStatusType_kmsKeyId, replicationStatusType_lastAccessedDate, replicationStatusType_region, replicationStatusType_status, replicationStatusType_statusMessage, -- * RotationRulesType RotationRulesType (..), newRotationRulesType, rotationRulesType_automaticallyAfterDays, rotationRulesType_duration, rotationRulesType_scheduleExpression, -- * SecretListEntry SecretListEntry (..), newSecretListEntry, secretListEntry_arn, secretListEntry_createdDate, secretListEntry_deletedDate, secretListEntry_description, secretListEntry_kmsKeyId, secretListEntry_lastAccessedDate, secretListEntry_lastChangedDate, secretListEntry_lastRotatedDate, secretListEntry_name, secretListEntry_nextRotationDate, secretListEntry_owningService, secretListEntry_primaryRegion, secretListEntry_rotationEnabled, secretListEntry_rotationLambdaARN, secretListEntry_rotationRules, secretListEntry_secretVersionsToStages, secretListEntry_tags, -- * SecretVersionsListEntry SecretVersionsListEntry (..), newSecretVersionsListEntry, secretVersionsListEntry_createdDate, secretVersionsListEntry_kmsKeyIds, secretVersionsListEntry_lastAccessedDate, secretVersionsListEntry_versionId, secretVersionsListEntry_versionStages, -- * Tag Tag (..), newTag, tag_key, tag_value, -- * ValidationErrorsEntry ValidationErrorsEntry (..), newValidationErrorsEntry, validationErrorsEntry_checkName, validationErrorsEntry_errorMessage, ) where import qualified Amazonka.Core as Core import qualified Amazonka.Core.Lens.Internal as Lens import qualified Amazonka.Prelude as Prelude import Amazonka.SecretsManager.Types.Filter import Amazonka.SecretsManager.Types.FilterNameStringType import Amazonka.SecretsManager.Types.ReplicaRegionType import Amazonka.SecretsManager.Types.ReplicationStatusType import Amazonka.SecretsManager.Types.RotationRulesType import Amazonka.SecretsManager.Types.SecretListEntry import Amazonka.SecretsManager.Types.SecretVersionsListEntry import Amazonka.SecretsManager.Types.SortOrderType import Amazonka.SecretsManager.Types.StatusType import Amazonka.SecretsManager.Types.Tag import Amazonka.SecretsManager.Types.ValidationErrorsEntry import qualified Amazonka.Sign.V4 as Sign -- | API version @2017-10-17@ of the Amazon Secrets Manager SDK configuration. defaultService :: Core.Service defaultService = Core.Service { Core.abbrev = "SecretsManager", Core.signer = Sign.v4, Core.endpointPrefix = "secretsmanager", Core.signingName = "secretsmanager", Core.version = "2017-10-17", Core.s3AddressingStyle = Core.S3AddressingStyleAuto, Core.endpoint = Core.defaultEndpoint defaultService, Core.timeout = Prelude.Just 70, Core.check = Core.statusSuccess, Core.error = Core.parseJSONError "SecretsManager", Core.retry = retry } where retry = Core.Exponential { Core.base = 5.0e-2, Core.growth = 2, Core.attempts = 5, Core.check = check } check e | Lens.has (Core.hasStatus 502) e = Prelude.Just "bad_gateway" | Lens.has (Core.hasStatus 504) e = Prelude.Just "gateway_timeout" | Lens.has (Core.hasStatus 500) e = Prelude.Just "general_server_error" | Lens.has (Core.hasStatus 509) e = Prelude.Just "limit_exceeded" | Lens.has ( Core.hasCode "RequestThrottledException" Prelude.. Core.hasStatus 400 ) e = Prelude.Just "request_throttled_exception" | Lens.has (Core.hasStatus 503) e = Prelude.Just "service_unavailable" | Lens.has ( Core.hasCode "ThrottledException" Prelude.. Core.hasStatus 400 ) e = Prelude.Just "throttled_exception" | Lens.has ( Core.hasCode "Throttling" Prelude.. Core.hasStatus 400 ) e = Prelude.Just "throttling" | Lens.has ( Core.hasCode "ThrottlingException" Prelude.. Core.hasStatus 400 ) e = Prelude.Just "throttling_exception" | Lens.has ( Core.hasCode "ProvisionedThroughputExceededException" Prelude.. Core.hasStatus 400 ) e = Prelude.Just "throughput_exceeded" | Lens.has (Core.hasStatus 429) e = Prelude.Just "too_many_requests" | Prelude.otherwise = Prelude.Nothing -- | Secrets Manager can\'t decrypt the protected secret text using the -- provided KMS key. _DecryptionFailure :: (Core.AsError a) => Lens.Fold a Core.ServiceError _DecryptionFailure = Core._MatchServiceError defaultService "DecryptionFailure" -- | Secrets Manager can\'t encrypt the protected secret text using the -- provided KMS key. Check that the KMS key is available, enabled, and not -- in an invalid state. For more information, see -- . _EncryptionFailure :: (Core.AsError a) => Lens.Fold a Core.ServiceError _EncryptionFailure = Core._MatchServiceError defaultService "EncryptionFailure" -- | An error occurred on the server side. _InternalServiceError :: (Core.AsError a) => Lens.Fold a Core.ServiceError _InternalServiceError = Core._MatchServiceError defaultService "InternalServiceError" -- | The @NextToken@ value is invalid. _InvalidNextTokenException :: (Core.AsError a) => Lens.Fold a Core.ServiceError _InvalidNextTokenException = Core._MatchServiceError defaultService "InvalidNextTokenException" -- | The parameter name or value is invalid. _InvalidParameterException :: (Core.AsError a) => Lens.Fold a Core.ServiceError _InvalidParameterException = Core._MatchServiceError defaultService "InvalidParameterException" -- | A parameter value is not valid for the current state of the resource. -- -- Possible causes: -- -- - The secret is scheduled for deletion. -- -- - You tried to enable rotation on a secret that doesn\'t already have -- a Lambda function ARN configured and you didn\'t include such an ARN -- as a parameter in this call. -- -- - The secret is managed by another service, and you must use that -- service to update it. For more information, see -- . _InvalidRequestException :: (Core.AsError a) => Lens.Fold a Core.ServiceError _InvalidRequestException = Core._MatchServiceError defaultService "InvalidRequestException" -- | The request failed because it would exceed one of the Secrets Manager -- quotas. _LimitExceededException :: (Core.AsError a) => Lens.Fold a Core.ServiceError _LimitExceededException = Core._MatchServiceError defaultService "LimitExceededException" -- | The resource policy has syntax errors. _MalformedPolicyDocumentException :: (Core.AsError a) => Lens.Fold a Core.ServiceError _MalformedPolicyDocumentException = Core._MatchServiceError defaultService "MalformedPolicyDocumentException" -- | The request failed because you did not complete all the prerequisite -- steps. _PreconditionNotMetException :: (Core.AsError a) => Lens.Fold a Core.ServiceError _PreconditionNotMetException = Core._MatchServiceError defaultService "PreconditionNotMetException" -- | The @BlockPublicPolicy@ parameter is set to true, and the resource -- policy did not prevent broad access to the secret. _PublicPolicyException :: (Core.AsError a) => Lens.Fold a Core.ServiceError _PublicPolicyException = Core._MatchServiceError defaultService "PublicPolicyException" -- | A resource with the ID you requested already exists. _ResourceExistsException :: (Core.AsError a) => Lens.Fold a Core.ServiceError _ResourceExistsException = Core._MatchServiceError defaultService "ResourceExistsException" -- | Secrets Manager can\'t find the resource that you asked for. _ResourceNotFoundException :: (Core.AsError a) => Lens.Fold a Core.ServiceError _ResourceNotFoundException = Core._MatchServiceError defaultService "ResourceNotFoundException"