{-# LANGUAGE DisambiguateRecordFields #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE StrictData #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-matches #-} -- Derived from AWS service descriptions, licensed under Apache 2.0. -- | -- Module : Amazonka.RDSData.Types -- Copyright : (c) 2013-2023 Brendan Hay -- License : Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. -- Maintainer : Brendan Hay -- Stability : auto-generated -- Portability : non-portable (GHC extensions) module Amazonka.RDSData.Types ( -- * Service Configuration defaultService, -- * Errors _AccessDeniedException, _BadRequestException, _ForbiddenException, _InternalServerErrorException, _NotFoundException, _ServiceUnavailableError, _StatementTimeoutException, -- * DecimalReturnType DecimalReturnType (..), -- * LongReturnType LongReturnType (..), -- * RecordsFormatType RecordsFormatType (..), -- * TypeHint TypeHint (..), -- * ArrayValue ArrayValue (..), newArrayValue, arrayValue_arrayValues, arrayValue_booleanValues, arrayValue_doubleValues, arrayValue_longValues, arrayValue_stringValues, -- * ColumnMetadata ColumnMetadata (..), newColumnMetadata, columnMetadata_arrayBaseColumnType, columnMetadata_isAutoIncrement, columnMetadata_isCaseSensitive, columnMetadata_isCurrency, columnMetadata_isSigned, columnMetadata_label, columnMetadata_name, columnMetadata_nullable, columnMetadata_precision, columnMetadata_scale, columnMetadata_schemaName, columnMetadata_tableName, columnMetadata_type, columnMetadata_typeName, -- * Field Field (..), newField, field_arrayValue, field_blobValue, field_booleanValue, field_doubleValue, field_isNull, field_longValue, field_stringValue, -- * ResultSetOptions ResultSetOptions (..), newResultSetOptions, resultSetOptions_decimalReturnType, resultSetOptions_longReturnType, -- * SqlParameter SqlParameter (..), newSqlParameter, sqlParameter_name, sqlParameter_typeHint, sqlParameter_value, -- * UpdateResult UpdateResult (..), newUpdateResult, updateResult_generatedFields, ) where import qualified Amazonka.Core as Core import qualified Amazonka.Core.Lens.Internal as Lens import qualified Amazonka.Prelude as Prelude import Amazonka.RDSData.Types.ArrayValue import Amazonka.RDSData.Types.ColumnMetadata import Amazonka.RDSData.Types.DecimalReturnType import Amazonka.RDSData.Types.Field import Amazonka.RDSData.Types.LongReturnType import Amazonka.RDSData.Types.RecordsFormatType import Amazonka.RDSData.Types.ResultSetOptions import Amazonka.RDSData.Types.SqlParameter import Amazonka.RDSData.Types.TypeHint import Amazonka.RDSData.Types.UpdateResult import qualified Amazonka.Sign.V4 as Sign -- | API version @2018-08-01@ of the Amazon RDS DataService SDK configuration. defaultService :: Core.Service defaultService = Core.Service { Core.abbrev = "RDSData", Core.signer = Sign.v4, Core.endpointPrefix = "rds-data", Core.signingName = "rds-data", Core.version = "2018-08-01", Core.s3AddressingStyle = Core.S3AddressingStyleAuto, Core.endpoint = Core.defaultEndpoint defaultService, Core.timeout = Prelude.Just 70, Core.check = Core.statusSuccess, Core.error = Core.parseJSONError "RDSData", Core.retry = retry } where retry = Core.Exponential { Core.base = 5.0e-2, Core.growth = 2, Core.attempts = 5, Core.check = check } check e | Lens.has (Core.hasStatus 502) e = Prelude.Just "bad_gateway" | Lens.has (Core.hasStatus 504) e = Prelude.Just "gateway_timeout" | Lens.has (Core.hasStatus 500) e = Prelude.Just "general_server_error" | Lens.has (Core.hasStatus 509) e = Prelude.Just "limit_exceeded" | Lens.has ( Core.hasCode "RequestThrottledException" Prelude.. Core.hasStatus 400 ) e = Prelude.Just "request_throttled_exception" | Lens.has (Core.hasStatus 503) e = Prelude.Just "service_unavailable" | Lens.has ( Core.hasCode "ThrottledException" Prelude.. Core.hasStatus 400 ) e = Prelude.Just "throttled_exception" | Lens.has ( Core.hasCode "Throttling" Prelude.. Core.hasStatus 400 ) e = Prelude.Just "throttling" | Lens.has ( Core.hasCode "ThrottlingException" Prelude.. Core.hasStatus 400 ) e = Prelude.Just "throttling_exception" | Lens.has ( Core.hasCode "ProvisionedThroughputExceededException" Prelude.. Core.hasStatus 400 ) e = Prelude.Just "throughput_exceeded" | Lens.has (Core.hasStatus 429) e = Prelude.Just "too_many_requests" | Prelude.otherwise = Prelude.Nothing -- | You do not have sufficient access to perform this action. _AccessDeniedException :: (Core.AsError a) => Lens.Fold a Core.ServiceError _AccessDeniedException = Core._MatchServiceError defaultService "AccessDeniedException" Prelude.. Core.hasStatus 403 -- | There is an error in the call or in a SQL statement. _BadRequestException :: (Core.AsError a) => Lens.Fold a Core.ServiceError _BadRequestException = Core._MatchServiceError defaultService "BadRequestException" Prelude.. Core.hasStatus 400 -- | There are insufficient privileges to make the call. _ForbiddenException :: (Core.AsError a) => Lens.Fold a Core.ServiceError _ForbiddenException = Core._MatchServiceError defaultService "ForbiddenException" Prelude.. Core.hasStatus 403 -- | An internal error occurred. _InternalServerErrorException :: (Core.AsError a) => Lens.Fold a Core.ServiceError _InternalServerErrorException = Core._MatchServiceError defaultService "InternalServerErrorException" Prelude.. Core.hasStatus 500 -- | The @resourceArn@, @secretArn@, or @transactionId@ value can\'t be -- found. _NotFoundException :: (Core.AsError a) => Lens.Fold a Core.ServiceError _NotFoundException = Core._MatchServiceError defaultService "NotFoundException" Prelude.. Core.hasStatus 404 -- | The service specified by the @resourceArn@ parameter is not available. _ServiceUnavailableError :: (Core.AsError a) => Lens.Fold a Core.ServiceError _ServiceUnavailableError = Core._MatchServiceError defaultService "ServiceUnavailableError" Prelude.. Core.hasStatus 503 -- | The execution of the SQL statement timed out. _StatementTimeoutException :: (Core.AsError a) => Lens.Fold a Core.ServiceError _StatementTimeoutException = Core._MatchServiceError defaultService "StatementTimeoutException" Prelude.. Core.hasStatus 400