{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-imports #-} -- Derived from AWS service descriptions, licensed under Apache 2.0. -- | -- Module : Network.AWS.Firehose.Types.Product -- Copyright : (c) 2013-2016 Brendan Hay -- License : Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. -- Maintainer : Brendan Hay -- Stability : auto-generated -- Portability : non-portable (GHC extensions) -- module Network.AWS.Firehose.Types.Product where import Network.AWS.Firehose.Types.Sum import Network.AWS.Lens import Network.AWS.Prelude -- | Describes hints for the buffering to perform before delivering data to the destination. Please note that these options are treated as hints, and therefore Firehose may choose to use different values when it is optimal. -- -- /See:/ 'bufferingHints' smart constructor. data BufferingHints = BufferingHints' { _bhSizeInMBs :: !(Maybe Nat) , _bhIntervalInSeconds :: !(Maybe Nat) } deriving (Eq,Read,Show,Data,Typeable,Generic) -- | Creates a value of 'BufferingHints' with the minimum fields required to make a request. -- -- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired: -- -- * 'bhSizeInMBs' -- -- * 'bhIntervalInSeconds' bufferingHints :: BufferingHints bufferingHints = BufferingHints' { _bhSizeInMBs = Nothing , _bhIntervalInSeconds = Nothing } -- | Buffer incoming data to the specified size, in MBs, before delivering it to the destination. The default value is 5. -- -- We recommend setting SizeInMBs to a value greater than the amount of data you typically ingest into the delivery stream in 10 seconds. For example, if you typically ingest data at 1 MB\/sec set SizeInMBs to be 10 MB or higher. bhSizeInMBs :: Lens' BufferingHints (Maybe Natural) bhSizeInMBs = lens _bhSizeInMBs (\ s a -> s{_bhSizeInMBs = a}) . mapping _Nat; -- | Buffer incoming data for the specified period of time, in seconds, before delivering it to the destination. The default value is 300. bhIntervalInSeconds :: Lens' BufferingHints (Maybe Natural) bhIntervalInSeconds = lens _bhIntervalInSeconds (\ s a -> s{_bhIntervalInSeconds = a}) . mapping _Nat; instance FromJSON BufferingHints where parseJSON = withObject "BufferingHints" (\ x -> BufferingHints' <$> (x .:? "SizeInMBs") <*> (x .:? "IntervalInSeconds")) instance Hashable BufferingHints instance NFData BufferingHints instance ToJSON BufferingHints where toJSON BufferingHints'{..} = object (catMaybes [("SizeInMBs" .=) <$> _bhSizeInMBs, ("IntervalInSeconds" .=) <$> _bhIntervalInSeconds]) -- | Describes CloudWatch logging options for your delivery stream. -- -- /See:/ 'cloudWatchLoggingOptions' smart constructor. data CloudWatchLoggingOptions = CloudWatchLoggingOptions' { _cwloEnabled :: !(Maybe Bool) , _cwloLogGroupName :: !(Maybe Text) , _cwloLogStreamName :: !(Maybe Text) } deriving (Eq,Read,Show,Data,Typeable,Generic) -- | Creates a value of 'CloudWatchLoggingOptions' with the minimum fields required to make a request. -- -- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired: -- -- * 'cwloEnabled' -- -- * 'cwloLogGroupName' -- -- * 'cwloLogStreamName' cloudWatchLoggingOptions :: CloudWatchLoggingOptions cloudWatchLoggingOptions = CloudWatchLoggingOptions' { _cwloEnabled = Nothing , _cwloLogGroupName = Nothing , _cwloLogStreamName = Nothing } -- | Enables or disables CloudWatch logging. cwloEnabled :: Lens' CloudWatchLoggingOptions (Maybe Bool) cwloEnabled = lens _cwloEnabled (\ s a -> s{_cwloEnabled = a}); -- | The CloudWatch group name for logging. This value is required if Enabled is true. cwloLogGroupName :: Lens' CloudWatchLoggingOptions (Maybe Text) cwloLogGroupName = lens _cwloLogGroupName (\ s a -> s{_cwloLogGroupName = a}); -- | The CloudWatch log stream name for logging. This value is required if Enabled is true. cwloLogStreamName :: Lens' CloudWatchLoggingOptions (Maybe Text) cwloLogStreamName = lens _cwloLogStreamName (\ s a -> s{_cwloLogStreamName = a}); instance FromJSON CloudWatchLoggingOptions where parseJSON = withObject "CloudWatchLoggingOptions" (\ x -> CloudWatchLoggingOptions' <$> (x .:? "Enabled") <*> (x .:? "LogGroupName") <*> (x .:? "LogStreamName")) instance Hashable CloudWatchLoggingOptions instance NFData CloudWatchLoggingOptions instance ToJSON CloudWatchLoggingOptions where toJSON CloudWatchLoggingOptions'{..} = object (catMaybes [("Enabled" .=) <$> _cwloEnabled, ("LogGroupName" .=) <$> _cwloLogGroupName, ("LogStreamName" .=) <$> _cwloLogStreamName]) -- | Describes a 'COPY' command for Amazon Redshift. -- -- /See:/ 'copyCommand' smart constructor. data CopyCommand = CopyCommand' { _ccCopyOptions :: !(Maybe Text) , _ccDataTableColumns :: !(Maybe Text) , _ccDataTableName :: !Text } deriving (Eq,Read,Show,Data,Typeable,Generic) -- | Creates a value of 'CopyCommand' with the minimum fields required to make a request. -- -- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired: -- -- * 'ccCopyOptions' -- -- * 'ccDataTableColumns' -- -- * 'ccDataTableName' copyCommand :: Text -- ^ 'ccDataTableName' -> CopyCommand copyCommand pDataTableName_ = CopyCommand' { _ccCopyOptions = Nothing , _ccDataTableColumns = Nothing , _ccDataTableName = pDataTableName_ } -- | Optional parameters to use with the Amazon Redshift 'COPY' command. For more information, see the \"Optional Parameters\" section of . Some possible examples that would apply to Firehose are as follows. -- -- 'delimiter \'\\t\' lzop;' - fields are delimited with \"\\t\" (TAB character) and compressed using lzop. -- -- 'delimiter \'|' - fields are delimited with \"|\" (this is the default delimiter). -- -- 'delimiter \'|\' escape' - the delimiter should be escaped. -- -- 'fixedwidth \'venueid:3,venuename:25,venuecity:12,venuestate:2,venueseats:6\'' - fields are fixed width in the source, with each width specified after every column in the table. -- -- 'JSON \'s3:\/\/mybucket\/jsonpaths.txt\'' - data is in JSON format, and the path specified is the format of the data. -- -- For more examples, see . ccCopyOptions :: Lens' CopyCommand (Maybe Text) ccCopyOptions = lens _ccCopyOptions (\ s a -> s{_ccCopyOptions = a}); -- | A comma-separated list of column names. ccDataTableColumns :: Lens' CopyCommand (Maybe Text) ccDataTableColumns = lens _ccDataTableColumns (\ s a -> s{_ccDataTableColumns = a}); -- | The name of the target table. The table must already exist in the database. ccDataTableName :: Lens' CopyCommand Text ccDataTableName = lens _ccDataTableName (\ s a -> s{_ccDataTableName = a}); instance FromJSON CopyCommand where parseJSON = withObject "CopyCommand" (\ x -> CopyCommand' <$> (x .:? "CopyOptions") <*> (x .:? "DataTableColumns") <*> (x .: "DataTableName")) instance Hashable CopyCommand instance NFData CopyCommand instance ToJSON CopyCommand where toJSON CopyCommand'{..} = object (catMaybes [("CopyOptions" .=) <$> _ccCopyOptions, ("DataTableColumns" .=) <$> _ccDataTableColumns, Just ("DataTableName" .= _ccDataTableName)]) -- | Contains information about a delivery stream. -- -- /See:/ 'deliveryStreamDescription' smart constructor. data DeliveryStreamDescription = DeliveryStreamDescription' { _dsdCreateTimestamp :: !(Maybe POSIX) , _dsdLastUpdateTimestamp :: !(Maybe POSIX) , _dsdDeliveryStreamName :: !Text , _dsdDeliveryStreamARN :: !Text , _dsdDeliveryStreamStatus :: !DeliveryStreamStatus , _dsdVersionId :: !Text , _dsdDestinations :: ![DestinationDescription] , _dsdHasMoreDestinations :: !Bool } deriving (Eq,Read,Show,Data,Typeable,Generic) -- | Creates a value of 'DeliveryStreamDescription' with the minimum fields required to make a request. -- -- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired: -- -- * 'dsdCreateTimestamp' -- -- * 'dsdLastUpdateTimestamp' -- -- * 'dsdDeliveryStreamName' -- -- * 'dsdDeliveryStreamARN' -- -- * 'dsdDeliveryStreamStatus' -- -- * 'dsdVersionId' -- -- * 'dsdDestinations' -- -- * 'dsdHasMoreDestinations' deliveryStreamDescription :: Text -- ^ 'dsdDeliveryStreamName' -> Text -- ^ 'dsdDeliveryStreamARN' -> DeliveryStreamStatus -- ^ 'dsdDeliveryStreamStatus' -> Text -- ^ 'dsdVersionId' -> Bool -- ^ 'dsdHasMoreDestinations' -> DeliveryStreamDescription deliveryStreamDescription pDeliveryStreamName_ pDeliveryStreamARN_ pDeliveryStreamStatus_ pVersionId_ pHasMoreDestinations_ = DeliveryStreamDescription' { _dsdCreateTimestamp = Nothing , _dsdLastUpdateTimestamp = Nothing , _dsdDeliveryStreamName = pDeliveryStreamName_ , _dsdDeliveryStreamARN = pDeliveryStreamARN_ , _dsdDeliveryStreamStatus = pDeliveryStreamStatus_ , _dsdVersionId = pVersionId_ , _dsdDestinations = mempty , _dsdHasMoreDestinations = pHasMoreDestinations_ } -- | The date and time that the delivery stream was created. dsdCreateTimestamp :: Lens' DeliveryStreamDescription (Maybe UTCTime) dsdCreateTimestamp = lens _dsdCreateTimestamp (\ s a -> s{_dsdCreateTimestamp = a}) . mapping _Time; -- | The date and time that the delivery stream was last updated. dsdLastUpdateTimestamp :: Lens' DeliveryStreamDescription (Maybe UTCTime) dsdLastUpdateTimestamp = lens _dsdLastUpdateTimestamp (\ s a -> s{_dsdLastUpdateTimestamp = a}) . mapping _Time; -- | The name of the delivery stream. dsdDeliveryStreamName :: Lens' DeliveryStreamDescription Text dsdDeliveryStreamName = lens _dsdDeliveryStreamName (\ s a -> s{_dsdDeliveryStreamName = a}); -- | The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the delivery stream. dsdDeliveryStreamARN :: Lens' DeliveryStreamDescription Text dsdDeliveryStreamARN = lens _dsdDeliveryStreamARN (\ s a -> s{_dsdDeliveryStreamARN = a}); -- | The status of the delivery stream. dsdDeliveryStreamStatus :: Lens' DeliveryStreamDescription DeliveryStreamStatus dsdDeliveryStreamStatus = lens _dsdDeliveryStreamStatus (\ s a -> s{_dsdDeliveryStreamStatus = a}); -- | Used when calling the < UpdateDestination> operation. Each time the destination is updated for the delivery stream, the VersionId is changed, and the current VersionId is required when updating the destination. This is so that the service knows it is applying the changes to the correct version of the delivery stream. dsdVersionId :: Lens' DeliveryStreamDescription Text dsdVersionId = lens _dsdVersionId (\ s a -> s{_dsdVersionId = a}); -- | The destinations. dsdDestinations :: Lens' DeliveryStreamDescription [DestinationDescription] dsdDestinations = lens _dsdDestinations (\ s a -> s{_dsdDestinations = a}) . _Coerce; -- | Indicates whether there are more destinations available to list. dsdHasMoreDestinations :: Lens' DeliveryStreamDescription Bool dsdHasMoreDestinations = lens _dsdHasMoreDestinations (\ s a -> s{_dsdHasMoreDestinations = a}); instance FromJSON DeliveryStreamDescription where parseJSON = withObject "DeliveryStreamDescription" (\ x -> DeliveryStreamDescription' <$> (x .:? "CreateTimestamp") <*> (x .:? "LastUpdateTimestamp") <*> (x .: "DeliveryStreamName") <*> (x .: "DeliveryStreamARN") <*> (x .: "DeliveryStreamStatus") <*> (x .: "VersionId") <*> (x .:? "Destinations" .!= mempty) <*> (x .: "HasMoreDestinations")) instance Hashable DeliveryStreamDescription instance NFData DeliveryStreamDescription -- | Describes the destination for a delivery stream. -- -- /See:/ 'destinationDescription' smart constructor. data DestinationDescription = DestinationDescription' { _ddS3DestinationDescription :: !(Maybe S3DestinationDescription) , _ddElasticsearchDestinationDescription :: !(Maybe ElasticsearchDestinationDescription) , _ddRedshiftDestinationDescription :: !(Maybe RedshiftDestinationDescription) , _ddDestinationId :: !Text } deriving (Eq,Read,Show,Data,Typeable,Generic) -- | Creates a value of 'DestinationDescription' with the minimum fields required to make a request. -- -- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired: -- -- * 'ddS3DestinationDescription' -- -- * 'ddElasticsearchDestinationDescription' -- -- * 'ddRedshiftDestinationDescription' -- -- * 'ddDestinationId' destinationDescription :: Text -- ^ 'ddDestinationId' -> DestinationDescription destinationDescription pDestinationId_ = DestinationDescription' { _ddS3DestinationDescription = Nothing , _ddElasticsearchDestinationDescription = Nothing , _ddRedshiftDestinationDescription = Nothing , _ddDestinationId = pDestinationId_ } -- | The Amazon S3 destination. ddS3DestinationDescription :: Lens' DestinationDescription (Maybe S3DestinationDescription) ddS3DestinationDescription = lens _ddS3DestinationDescription (\ s a -> s{_ddS3DestinationDescription = a}); -- | The destination in Amazon ES. ddElasticsearchDestinationDescription :: Lens' DestinationDescription (Maybe ElasticsearchDestinationDescription) ddElasticsearchDestinationDescription = lens _ddElasticsearchDestinationDescription (\ s a -> s{_ddElasticsearchDestinationDescription = a}); -- | The destination in Amazon Redshift. ddRedshiftDestinationDescription :: Lens' DestinationDescription (Maybe RedshiftDestinationDescription) ddRedshiftDestinationDescription = lens _ddRedshiftDestinationDescription (\ s a -> s{_ddRedshiftDestinationDescription = a}); -- | The ID of the destination. ddDestinationId :: Lens' DestinationDescription Text ddDestinationId = lens _ddDestinationId (\ s a -> s{_ddDestinationId = a}); instance FromJSON DestinationDescription where parseJSON = withObject "DestinationDescription" (\ x -> DestinationDescription' <$> (x .:? "S3DestinationDescription") <*> (x .:? "ElasticsearchDestinationDescription") <*> (x .:? "RedshiftDestinationDescription") <*> (x .: "DestinationId")) instance Hashable DestinationDescription instance NFData DestinationDescription -- | Describes the buffering to perform before delivering data to the Amazon ES destination. -- -- /See:/ 'elasticsearchBufferingHints' smart constructor. data ElasticsearchBufferingHints = ElasticsearchBufferingHints' { _ebhSizeInMBs :: !(Maybe Nat) , _ebhIntervalInSeconds :: !(Maybe Nat) } deriving (Eq,Read,Show,Data,Typeable,Generic) -- | Creates a value of 'ElasticsearchBufferingHints' with the minimum fields required to make a request. -- -- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired: -- -- * 'ebhSizeInMBs' -- -- * 'ebhIntervalInSeconds' elasticsearchBufferingHints :: ElasticsearchBufferingHints elasticsearchBufferingHints = ElasticsearchBufferingHints' { _ebhSizeInMBs = Nothing , _ebhIntervalInSeconds = Nothing } -- | Buffer incoming data to the specified size, in MBs, before delivering it to the destination. The default value is 5. -- -- We recommend setting __SizeInMBs__ to a value greater than the amount of data you typically ingest into the delivery stream in 10 seconds. For example, if you typically ingest data at 1 MB\/sec, set __SizeInMBs__ to be 10 MB or higher. ebhSizeInMBs :: Lens' ElasticsearchBufferingHints (Maybe Natural) ebhSizeInMBs = lens _ebhSizeInMBs (\ s a -> s{_ebhSizeInMBs = a}) . mapping _Nat; -- | Buffer incoming data for the specified period of time, in seconds, before delivering it to the destination. The default value is 300 (5 minutes). ebhIntervalInSeconds :: Lens' ElasticsearchBufferingHints (Maybe Natural) ebhIntervalInSeconds = lens _ebhIntervalInSeconds (\ s a -> s{_ebhIntervalInSeconds = a}) . mapping _Nat; instance FromJSON ElasticsearchBufferingHints where parseJSON = withObject "ElasticsearchBufferingHints" (\ x -> ElasticsearchBufferingHints' <$> (x .:? "SizeInMBs") <*> (x .:? "IntervalInSeconds")) instance Hashable ElasticsearchBufferingHints instance NFData ElasticsearchBufferingHints instance ToJSON ElasticsearchBufferingHints where toJSON ElasticsearchBufferingHints'{..} = object (catMaybes [("SizeInMBs" .=) <$> _ebhSizeInMBs, ("IntervalInSeconds" .=) <$> _ebhIntervalInSeconds]) -- | Describes the configuration of a destination in Amazon ES. -- -- /See:/ 'elasticsearchDestinationConfiguration' smart constructor. data ElasticsearchDestinationConfiguration = ElasticsearchDestinationConfiguration' { _edcIndexRotationPeriod :: !(Maybe ElasticsearchIndexRotationPeriod) , _edcS3BackupMode :: !(Maybe ElasticsearchS3BackupMode) , _edcCloudWatchLoggingOptions :: !(Maybe CloudWatchLoggingOptions) , _edcBufferingHints :: !(Maybe ElasticsearchBufferingHints) , _edcRetryOptions :: !(Maybe ElasticsearchRetryOptions) , _edcRoleARN :: !Text , _edcDomainARN :: !Text , _edcIndexName :: !Text , _edcTypeName :: !Text , _edcS3Configuration :: !S3DestinationConfiguration } deriving (Eq,Read,Show,Data,Typeable,Generic) -- | Creates a value of 'ElasticsearchDestinationConfiguration' with the minimum fields required to make a request. -- -- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired: -- -- * 'edcIndexRotationPeriod' -- -- * 'edcS3BackupMode' -- -- * 'edcCloudWatchLoggingOptions' -- -- * 'edcBufferingHints' -- -- * 'edcRetryOptions' -- -- * 'edcRoleARN' -- -- * 'edcDomainARN' -- -- * 'edcIndexName' -- -- * 'edcTypeName' -- -- * 'edcS3Configuration' elasticsearchDestinationConfiguration :: Text -- ^ 'edcRoleARN' -> Text -- ^ 'edcDomainARN' -> Text -- ^ 'edcIndexName' -> Text -- ^ 'edcTypeName' -> S3DestinationConfiguration -- ^ 'edcS3Configuration' -> ElasticsearchDestinationConfiguration elasticsearchDestinationConfiguration pRoleARN_ pDomainARN_ pIndexName_ pTypeName_ pS3Configuration_ = ElasticsearchDestinationConfiguration' { _edcIndexRotationPeriod = Nothing , _edcS3BackupMode = Nothing , _edcCloudWatchLoggingOptions = Nothing , _edcBufferingHints = Nothing , _edcRetryOptions = Nothing , _edcRoleARN = pRoleARN_ , _edcDomainARN = pDomainARN_ , _edcIndexName = pIndexName_ , _edcTypeName = pTypeName_ , _edcS3Configuration = pS3Configuration_ } -- | The Elasticsearch index rotation period. Index rotation appends a timestamp to the IndexName to facilitate expiration of old data. For more information, see . Default value is 'OneDay'. edcIndexRotationPeriod :: Lens' ElasticsearchDestinationConfiguration (Maybe ElasticsearchIndexRotationPeriod) edcIndexRotationPeriod = lens _edcIndexRotationPeriod (\ s a -> s{_edcIndexRotationPeriod = a}); -- | Defines how documents should be delivered to Amazon S3. When set to FailedDocumentsOnly, Firehose writes any documents that could not be indexed to the configured Amazon S3 destination, with elasticsearch-failed\/ appended to the key prefix. When set to AllDocuments, Firehose delivers all incoming records to Amazon S3, and also writes failed documents with elasticsearch-failed\/ appended to the prefix. For more information, see . Default value is FailedDocumentsOnly. edcS3BackupMode :: Lens' ElasticsearchDestinationConfiguration (Maybe ElasticsearchS3BackupMode) edcS3BackupMode = lens _edcS3BackupMode (\ s a -> s{_edcS3BackupMode = a}); -- | Describes CloudWatch logging options for your delivery stream. edcCloudWatchLoggingOptions :: Lens' ElasticsearchDestinationConfiguration (Maybe CloudWatchLoggingOptions) edcCloudWatchLoggingOptions = lens _edcCloudWatchLoggingOptions (\ s a -> s{_edcCloudWatchLoggingOptions = a}); -- | Buffering options. If no value is specified, __ElasticsearchBufferingHints__ object default values are used. edcBufferingHints :: Lens' ElasticsearchDestinationConfiguration (Maybe ElasticsearchBufferingHints) edcBufferingHints = lens _edcBufferingHints (\ s a -> s{_edcBufferingHints = a}); -- | Configures retry behavior in the event that Firehose is unable to deliver documents to Amazon ES. Default value is 300 (5 minutes). edcRetryOptions :: Lens' ElasticsearchDestinationConfiguration (Maybe ElasticsearchRetryOptions) edcRetryOptions = lens _edcRetryOptions (\ s a -> s{_edcRetryOptions = a}); -- | The ARN of the IAM role to be assumed by Firehose for calling the Amazon ES Configuration API and for indexing documents. For more information, see . edcRoleARN :: Lens' ElasticsearchDestinationConfiguration Text edcRoleARN = lens _edcRoleARN (\ s a -> s{_edcRoleARN = a}); -- | The ARN of the Amazon ES domain. The IAM role must have permission for 'DescribeElasticsearchDomain', 'DescribeElasticsearchDomains' , and 'DescribeElasticsearchDomainConfig' after assuming __RoleARN__. edcDomainARN :: Lens' ElasticsearchDestinationConfiguration Text edcDomainARN = lens _edcDomainARN (\ s a -> s{_edcDomainARN = a}); -- | The Elasticsearch index name. edcIndexName :: Lens' ElasticsearchDestinationConfiguration Text edcIndexName = lens _edcIndexName (\ s a -> s{_edcIndexName = a}); -- | The Elasticsearch type name. edcTypeName :: Lens' ElasticsearchDestinationConfiguration Text edcTypeName = lens _edcTypeName (\ s a -> s{_edcTypeName = a}); -- | Undocumented member. edcS3Configuration :: Lens' ElasticsearchDestinationConfiguration S3DestinationConfiguration edcS3Configuration = lens _edcS3Configuration (\ s a -> s{_edcS3Configuration = a}); instance Hashable ElasticsearchDestinationConfiguration instance NFData ElasticsearchDestinationConfiguration instance ToJSON ElasticsearchDestinationConfiguration where toJSON ElasticsearchDestinationConfiguration'{..} = object (catMaybes [("IndexRotationPeriod" .=) <$> _edcIndexRotationPeriod, ("S3BackupMode" .=) <$> _edcS3BackupMode, ("CloudWatchLoggingOptions" .=) <$> _edcCloudWatchLoggingOptions, ("BufferingHints" .=) <$> _edcBufferingHints, ("RetryOptions" .=) <$> _edcRetryOptions, Just ("RoleARN" .= _edcRoleARN), Just ("DomainARN" .= _edcDomainARN), Just ("IndexName" .= _edcIndexName), Just ("TypeName" .= _edcTypeName), Just ("S3Configuration" .= _edcS3Configuration)]) -- | The destination description in Amazon ES. -- -- /See:/ 'elasticsearchDestinationDescription' smart constructor. data ElasticsearchDestinationDescription = ElasticsearchDestinationDescription' { _eddIndexRotationPeriod :: !(Maybe ElasticsearchIndexRotationPeriod) , _eddTypeName :: !(Maybe Text) , _eddS3BackupMode :: !(Maybe ElasticsearchS3BackupMode) , _eddDomainARN :: !(Maybe Text) , _eddCloudWatchLoggingOptions :: !(Maybe CloudWatchLoggingOptions) , _eddS3DestinationDescription :: !(Maybe S3DestinationDescription) , _eddBufferingHints :: !(Maybe ElasticsearchBufferingHints) , _eddRetryOptions :: !(Maybe ElasticsearchRetryOptions) , _eddRoleARN :: !(Maybe Text) , _eddIndexName :: !(Maybe Text) } deriving (Eq,Read,Show,Data,Typeable,Generic) -- | Creates a value of 'ElasticsearchDestinationDescription' with the minimum fields required to make a request. -- -- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired: -- -- * 'eddIndexRotationPeriod' -- -- * 'eddTypeName' -- -- * 'eddS3BackupMode' -- -- * 'eddDomainARN' -- -- * 'eddCloudWatchLoggingOptions' -- -- * 'eddS3DestinationDescription' -- -- * 'eddBufferingHints' -- -- * 'eddRetryOptions' -- -- * 'eddRoleARN' -- -- * 'eddIndexName' elasticsearchDestinationDescription :: ElasticsearchDestinationDescription elasticsearchDestinationDescription = ElasticsearchDestinationDescription' { _eddIndexRotationPeriod = Nothing , _eddTypeName = Nothing , _eddS3BackupMode = Nothing , _eddDomainARN = Nothing , _eddCloudWatchLoggingOptions = Nothing , _eddS3DestinationDescription = Nothing , _eddBufferingHints = Nothing , _eddRetryOptions = Nothing , _eddRoleARN = Nothing , _eddIndexName = Nothing } -- | The Elasticsearch index rotation period eddIndexRotationPeriod :: Lens' ElasticsearchDestinationDescription (Maybe ElasticsearchIndexRotationPeriod) eddIndexRotationPeriod = lens _eddIndexRotationPeriod (\ s a -> s{_eddIndexRotationPeriod = a}); -- | The Elasticsearch type name. eddTypeName :: Lens' ElasticsearchDestinationDescription (Maybe Text) eddTypeName = lens _eddTypeName (\ s a -> s{_eddTypeName = a}); -- | Amazon S3 backup mode. eddS3BackupMode :: Lens' ElasticsearchDestinationDescription (Maybe ElasticsearchS3BackupMode) eddS3BackupMode = lens _eddS3BackupMode (\ s a -> s{_eddS3BackupMode = a}); -- | The ARN of the Amazon ES domain. eddDomainARN :: Lens' ElasticsearchDestinationDescription (Maybe Text) eddDomainARN = lens _eddDomainARN (\ s a -> s{_eddDomainARN = a}); -- | CloudWatch logging options. eddCloudWatchLoggingOptions :: Lens' ElasticsearchDestinationDescription (Maybe CloudWatchLoggingOptions) eddCloudWatchLoggingOptions = lens _eddCloudWatchLoggingOptions (\ s a -> s{_eddCloudWatchLoggingOptions = a}); -- | Undocumented member. eddS3DestinationDescription :: Lens' ElasticsearchDestinationDescription (Maybe S3DestinationDescription) eddS3DestinationDescription = lens _eddS3DestinationDescription (\ s a -> s{_eddS3DestinationDescription = a}); -- | Buffering options. eddBufferingHints :: Lens' ElasticsearchDestinationDescription (Maybe ElasticsearchBufferingHints) eddBufferingHints = lens _eddBufferingHints (\ s a -> s{_eddBufferingHints = a}); -- | Elasticsearch retry options. eddRetryOptions :: Lens' ElasticsearchDestinationDescription (Maybe ElasticsearchRetryOptions) eddRetryOptions = lens _eddRetryOptions (\ s a -> s{_eddRetryOptions = a}); -- | The ARN of the AWS credentials. eddRoleARN :: Lens' ElasticsearchDestinationDescription (Maybe Text) eddRoleARN = lens _eddRoleARN (\ s a -> s{_eddRoleARN = a}); -- | The Elasticsearch index name. eddIndexName :: Lens' ElasticsearchDestinationDescription (Maybe Text) eddIndexName = lens _eddIndexName (\ s a -> s{_eddIndexName = a}); instance FromJSON ElasticsearchDestinationDescription where parseJSON = withObject "ElasticsearchDestinationDescription" (\ x -> ElasticsearchDestinationDescription' <$> (x .:? "IndexRotationPeriod") <*> (x .:? "TypeName") <*> (x .:? "S3BackupMode") <*> (x .:? "DomainARN") <*> (x .:? "CloudWatchLoggingOptions") <*> (x .:? "S3DestinationDescription") <*> (x .:? "BufferingHints") <*> (x .:? "RetryOptions") <*> (x .:? "RoleARN") <*> (x .:? "IndexName")) instance Hashable ElasticsearchDestinationDescription instance NFData ElasticsearchDestinationDescription -- | Describes an update for a destination in Amazon ES. -- -- /See:/ 'elasticsearchDestinationUpdate' smart constructor. data ElasticsearchDestinationUpdate = ElasticsearchDestinationUpdate' { _eduIndexRotationPeriod :: !(Maybe ElasticsearchIndexRotationPeriod) , _eduTypeName :: !(Maybe Text) , _eduDomainARN :: !(Maybe Text) , _eduCloudWatchLoggingOptions :: !(Maybe CloudWatchLoggingOptions) , _eduS3Update :: !(Maybe S3DestinationUpdate) , _eduBufferingHints :: !(Maybe ElasticsearchBufferingHints) , _eduRetryOptions :: !(Maybe ElasticsearchRetryOptions) , _eduRoleARN :: !(Maybe Text) , _eduIndexName :: !(Maybe Text) } deriving (Eq,Read,Show,Data,Typeable,Generic) -- | Creates a value of 'ElasticsearchDestinationUpdate' with the minimum fields required to make a request. -- -- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired: -- -- * 'eduIndexRotationPeriod' -- -- * 'eduTypeName' -- -- * 'eduDomainARN' -- -- * 'eduCloudWatchLoggingOptions' -- -- * 'eduS3Update' -- -- * 'eduBufferingHints' -- -- * 'eduRetryOptions' -- -- * 'eduRoleARN' -- -- * 'eduIndexName' elasticsearchDestinationUpdate :: ElasticsearchDestinationUpdate elasticsearchDestinationUpdate = ElasticsearchDestinationUpdate' { _eduIndexRotationPeriod = Nothing , _eduTypeName = Nothing , _eduDomainARN = Nothing , _eduCloudWatchLoggingOptions = Nothing , _eduS3Update = Nothing , _eduBufferingHints = Nothing , _eduRetryOptions = Nothing , _eduRoleARN = Nothing , _eduIndexName = Nothing } -- | The Elasticsearch index rotation period. Index rotation appends a timestamp to the IndexName to facilitate the expiration of old data. For more information, see . Default value is 'OneDay'. eduIndexRotationPeriod :: Lens' ElasticsearchDestinationUpdate (Maybe ElasticsearchIndexRotationPeriod) eduIndexRotationPeriod = lens _eduIndexRotationPeriod (\ s a -> s{_eduIndexRotationPeriod = a}); -- | The Elasticsearch type name. eduTypeName :: Lens' ElasticsearchDestinationUpdate (Maybe Text) eduTypeName = lens _eduTypeName (\ s a -> s{_eduTypeName = a}); -- | The ARN of the Amazon ES domain. The IAM role must have permission for DescribeElasticsearchDomain, DescribeElasticsearchDomains , and DescribeElasticsearchDomainConfig after assuming __RoleARN__. eduDomainARN :: Lens' ElasticsearchDestinationUpdate (Maybe Text) eduDomainARN = lens _eduDomainARN (\ s a -> s{_eduDomainARN = a}); -- | Describes CloudWatch logging options for your delivery stream. eduCloudWatchLoggingOptions :: Lens' ElasticsearchDestinationUpdate (Maybe CloudWatchLoggingOptions) eduCloudWatchLoggingOptions = lens _eduCloudWatchLoggingOptions (\ s a -> s{_eduCloudWatchLoggingOptions = a}); -- | Undocumented member. eduS3Update :: Lens' ElasticsearchDestinationUpdate (Maybe S3DestinationUpdate) eduS3Update = lens _eduS3Update (\ s a -> s{_eduS3Update = a}); -- | Buffering options. If no value is specified, __ElasticsearchBufferingHints__ object default values are used. eduBufferingHints :: Lens' ElasticsearchDestinationUpdate (Maybe ElasticsearchBufferingHints) eduBufferingHints = lens _eduBufferingHints (\ s a -> s{_eduBufferingHints = a}); -- | Configures retry behavior in the event that Firehose is unable to deliver documents to Amazon ES. Default value is 300 (5 minutes). eduRetryOptions :: Lens' ElasticsearchDestinationUpdate (Maybe ElasticsearchRetryOptions) eduRetryOptions = lens _eduRetryOptions (\ s a -> s{_eduRetryOptions = a}); -- | The ARN of the IAM role to be assumed by Firehose for calling the Amazon ES Configuration API and for indexing documents. For more information, see . eduRoleARN :: Lens' ElasticsearchDestinationUpdate (Maybe Text) eduRoleARN = lens _eduRoleARN (\ s a -> s{_eduRoleARN = a}); -- | The Elasticsearch index name. eduIndexName :: Lens' ElasticsearchDestinationUpdate (Maybe Text) eduIndexName = lens _eduIndexName (\ s a -> s{_eduIndexName = a}); instance Hashable ElasticsearchDestinationUpdate instance NFData ElasticsearchDestinationUpdate instance ToJSON ElasticsearchDestinationUpdate where toJSON ElasticsearchDestinationUpdate'{..} = object (catMaybes [("IndexRotationPeriod" .=) <$> _eduIndexRotationPeriod, ("TypeName" .=) <$> _eduTypeName, ("DomainARN" .=) <$> _eduDomainARN, ("CloudWatchLoggingOptions" .=) <$> _eduCloudWatchLoggingOptions, ("S3Update" .=) <$> _eduS3Update, ("BufferingHints" .=) <$> _eduBufferingHints, ("RetryOptions" .=) <$> _eduRetryOptions, ("RoleARN" .=) <$> _eduRoleARN, ("IndexName" .=) <$> _eduIndexName]) -- | Configures retry behavior in the event that Firehose is unable to deliver documents to Amazon ES. -- -- /See:/ 'elasticsearchRetryOptions' smart constructor. newtype ElasticsearchRetryOptions = ElasticsearchRetryOptions' { _eroDurationInSeconds :: Maybe Nat } deriving (Eq,Read,Show,Data,Typeable,Generic) -- | Creates a value of 'ElasticsearchRetryOptions' with the minimum fields required to make a request. -- -- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired: -- -- * 'eroDurationInSeconds' elasticsearchRetryOptions :: ElasticsearchRetryOptions elasticsearchRetryOptions = ElasticsearchRetryOptions' { _eroDurationInSeconds = Nothing } -- | After an initial failure to deliver to Amazon ES, the total amount of time during which Firehose re-attempts delivery. After this time has elapsed, the failed documents are written to Amazon S3. Default value is 300 seconds. A value of 0 (zero) results in no retries. eroDurationInSeconds :: Lens' ElasticsearchRetryOptions (Maybe Natural) eroDurationInSeconds = lens _eroDurationInSeconds (\ s a -> s{_eroDurationInSeconds = a}) . mapping _Nat; instance FromJSON ElasticsearchRetryOptions where parseJSON = withObject "ElasticsearchRetryOptions" (\ x -> ElasticsearchRetryOptions' <$> (x .:? "DurationInSeconds")) instance Hashable ElasticsearchRetryOptions instance NFData ElasticsearchRetryOptions instance ToJSON ElasticsearchRetryOptions where toJSON ElasticsearchRetryOptions'{..} = object (catMaybes [("DurationInSeconds" .=) <$> _eroDurationInSeconds]) -- | Describes the encryption for a destination in Amazon S3. -- -- /See:/ 'encryptionConfiguration' smart constructor. data EncryptionConfiguration = EncryptionConfiguration' { _ecNoEncryptionConfig :: !(Maybe NoEncryptionConfig) , _ecKMSEncryptionConfig :: !(Maybe KMSEncryptionConfig) } deriving (Eq,Read,Show,Data,Typeable,Generic) -- | Creates a value of 'EncryptionConfiguration' with the minimum fields required to make a request. -- -- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired: -- -- * 'ecNoEncryptionConfig' -- -- * 'ecKMSEncryptionConfig' encryptionConfiguration :: EncryptionConfiguration encryptionConfiguration = EncryptionConfiguration' { _ecNoEncryptionConfig = Nothing , _ecKMSEncryptionConfig = Nothing } -- | Specifically override existing encryption information to ensure no encryption is used. ecNoEncryptionConfig :: Lens' EncryptionConfiguration (Maybe NoEncryptionConfig) ecNoEncryptionConfig = lens _ecNoEncryptionConfig (\ s a -> s{_ecNoEncryptionConfig = a}); -- | The encryption key. ecKMSEncryptionConfig :: Lens' EncryptionConfiguration (Maybe KMSEncryptionConfig) ecKMSEncryptionConfig = lens _ecKMSEncryptionConfig (\ s a -> s{_ecKMSEncryptionConfig = a}); instance FromJSON EncryptionConfiguration where parseJSON = withObject "EncryptionConfiguration" (\ x -> EncryptionConfiguration' <$> (x .:? "NoEncryptionConfig") <*> (x .:? "KMSEncryptionConfig")) instance Hashable EncryptionConfiguration instance NFData EncryptionConfiguration instance ToJSON EncryptionConfiguration where toJSON EncryptionConfiguration'{..} = object (catMaybes [("NoEncryptionConfig" .=) <$> _ecNoEncryptionConfig, ("KMSEncryptionConfig" .=) <$> _ecKMSEncryptionConfig]) -- | Describes an encryption key for a destination in Amazon S3. -- -- /See:/ 'kmsEncryptionConfig' smart constructor. newtype KMSEncryptionConfig = KMSEncryptionConfig' { _kecAWSKMSKeyARN :: Text } deriving (Eq,Read,Show,Data,Typeable,Generic) -- | Creates a value of 'KMSEncryptionConfig' with the minimum fields required to make a request. -- -- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired: -- -- * 'kecAWSKMSKeyARN' kmsEncryptionConfig :: Text -- ^ 'kecAWSKMSKeyARN' -> KMSEncryptionConfig kmsEncryptionConfig pAWSKMSKeyARN_ = KMSEncryptionConfig' { _kecAWSKMSKeyARN = pAWSKMSKeyARN_ } -- | The ARN of the encryption key. Must belong to the same region as the destination Amazon S3 bucket. kecAWSKMSKeyARN :: Lens' KMSEncryptionConfig Text kecAWSKMSKeyARN = lens _kecAWSKMSKeyARN (\ s a -> s{_kecAWSKMSKeyARN = a}); instance FromJSON KMSEncryptionConfig where parseJSON = withObject "KMSEncryptionConfig" (\ x -> KMSEncryptionConfig' <$> (x .: "AWSKMSKeyARN")) instance Hashable KMSEncryptionConfig instance NFData KMSEncryptionConfig instance ToJSON KMSEncryptionConfig where toJSON KMSEncryptionConfig'{..} = object (catMaybes [Just ("AWSKMSKeyARN" .= _kecAWSKMSKeyARN)]) -- | Contains the result for an individual record from a < PutRecordBatch> request. If the record is successfully added to your delivery stream, it receives a record ID. If the record fails to be added to your delivery stream, the result includes an error code and an error message. -- -- /See:/ 'putRecordBatchResponseEntry' smart constructor. data PutRecordBatchResponseEntry = PutRecordBatchResponseEntry' { _prbreRecordId :: !(Maybe Text) , _prbreErrorCode :: !(Maybe Text) , _prbreErrorMessage :: !(Maybe Text) } deriving (Eq,Read,Show,Data,Typeable,Generic) -- | Creates a value of 'PutRecordBatchResponseEntry' with the minimum fields required to make a request. -- -- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired: -- -- * 'prbreRecordId' -- -- * 'prbreErrorCode' -- -- * 'prbreErrorMessage' putRecordBatchResponseEntry :: PutRecordBatchResponseEntry putRecordBatchResponseEntry = PutRecordBatchResponseEntry' { _prbreRecordId = Nothing , _prbreErrorCode = Nothing , _prbreErrorMessage = Nothing } -- | The ID of the record. prbreRecordId :: Lens' PutRecordBatchResponseEntry (Maybe Text) prbreRecordId = lens _prbreRecordId (\ s a -> s{_prbreRecordId = a}); -- | The error code for an individual record result. prbreErrorCode :: Lens' PutRecordBatchResponseEntry (Maybe Text) prbreErrorCode = lens _prbreErrorCode (\ s a -> s{_prbreErrorCode = a}); -- | The error message for an individual record result. prbreErrorMessage :: Lens' PutRecordBatchResponseEntry (Maybe Text) prbreErrorMessage = lens _prbreErrorMessage (\ s a -> s{_prbreErrorMessage = a}); instance FromJSON PutRecordBatchResponseEntry where parseJSON = withObject "PutRecordBatchResponseEntry" (\ x -> PutRecordBatchResponseEntry' <$> (x .:? "RecordId") <*> (x .:? "ErrorCode") <*> (x .:? "ErrorMessage")) instance Hashable PutRecordBatchResponseEntry instance NFData PutRecordBatchResponseEntry -- | The unit of data in a delivery stream. -- -- /See:/ 'record' smart constructor. newtype Record = Record' { _rData :: Base64 } deriving (Eq,Read,Show,Data,Typeable,Generic) -- | Creates a value of 'Record' with the minimum fields required to make a request. -- -- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired: -- -- * 'rData' record :: ByteString -- ^ 'rData' -> Record record pData_ = Record' { _rData = _Base64 # pData_ } -- | The data blob, which is base64-encoded when the blob is serialized. The maximum size of the data blob, before base64-encoding, is 1,000 KB. -- -- /Note:/ This 'Lens' automatically encodes and decodes Base64 data, -- despite what the AWS documentation might say. -- The underlying isomorphism will encode to Base64 representation during -- serialisation, and decode from Base64 representation during deserialisation. -- This 'Lens' accepts and returns only raw unencoded data. rData :: Lens' Record ByteString rData = lens _rData (\ s a -> s{_rData = a}) . _Base64; instance Hashable Record instance NFData Record instance ToJSON Record where toJSON Record'{..} = object (catMaybes [Just ("Data" .= _rData)]) -- | Describes the configuration of a destination in Amazon Redshift. -- -- /See:/ 'redshiftDestinationConfiguration' smart constructor. data RedshiftDestinationConfiguration = RedshiftDestinationConfiguration' { _rdcCloudWatchLoggingOptions :: !(Maybe CloudWatchLoggingOptions) , _rdcRoleARN :: !Text , _rdcClusterJDBCURL :: !Text , _rdcCopyCommand :: !CopyCommand , _rdcUsername :: !(Sensitive Text) , _rdcPassword :: !(Sensitive Text) , _rdcS3Configuration :: !S3DestinationConfiguration } deriving (Eq,Read,Show,Data,Typeable,Generic) -- | Creates a value of 'RedshiftDestinationConfiguration' with the minimum fields required to make a request. -- -- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired: -- -- * 'rdcCloudWatchLoggingOptions' -- -- * 'rdcRoleARN' -- -- * 'rdcClusterJDBCURL' -- -- * 'rdcCopyCommand' -- -- * 'rdcUsername' -- -- * 'rdcPassword' -- -- * 'rdcS3Configuration' redshiftDestinationConfiguration :: Text -- ^ 'rdcRoleARN' -> Text -- ^ 'rdcClusterJDBCURL' -> CopyCommand -- ^ 'rdcCopyCommand' -> Text -- ^ 'rdcUsername' -> Text -- ^ 'rdcPassword' -> S3DestinationConfiguration -- ^ 'rdcS3Configuration' -> RedshiftDestinationConfiguration redshiftDestinationConfiguration pRoleARN_ pClusterJDBCURL_ pCopyCommand_ pUsername_ pPassword_ pS3Configuration_ = RedshiftDestinationConfiguration' { _rdcCloudWatchLoggingOptions = Nothing , _rdcRoleARN = pRoleARN_ , _rdcClusterJDBCURL = pClusterJDBCURL_ , _rdcCopyCommand = pCopyCommand_ , _rdcUsername = _Sensitive # pUsername_ , _rdcPassword = _Sensitive # pPassword_ , _rdcS3Configuration = pS3Configuration_ } -- | Describes CloudWatch logging options for your delivery stream. rdcCloudWatchLoggingOptions :: Lens' RedshiftDestinationConfiguration (Maybe CloudWatchLoggingOptions) rdcCloudWatchLoggingOptions = lens _rdcCloudWatchLoggingOptions (\ s a -> s{_rdcCloudWatchLoggingOptions = a}); -- | The ARN of the AWS credentials. rdcRoleARN :: Lens' RedshiftDestinationConfiguration Text rdcRoleARN = lens _rdcRoleARN (\ s a -> s{_rdcRoleARN = a}); -- | The database connection string. rdcClusterJDBCURL :: Lens' RedshiftDestinationConfiguration Text rdcClusterJDBCURL = lens _rdcClusterJDBCURL (\ s a -> s{_rdcClusterJDBCURL = a}); -- | The 'COPY' command. rdcCopyCommand :: Lens' RedshiftDestinationConfiguration CopyCommand rdcCopyCommand = lens _rdcCopyCommand (\ s a -> s{_rdcCopyCommand = a}); -- | The name of the user. rdcUsername :: Lens' RedshiftDestinationConfiguration Text rdcUsername = lens _rdcUsername (\ s a -> s{_rdcUsername = a}) . _Sensitive; -- | The user password. rdcPassword :: Lens' RedshiftDestinationConfiguration Text rdcPassword = lens _rdcPassword (\ s a -> s{_rdcPassword = a}) . _Sensitive; -- | The S3 configuration for the intermediate location from which Amazon Redshift obtains data. Restrictions are described in the topic for < CreateDeliveryStream>. -- -- The compression formats 'SNAPPY' or 'ZIP' cannot be specified in __RedshiftDestinationConfiguration.S3Configuration__ because the Amazon Redshift 'COPY' operation that reads from the S3 bucket doesn\'t support these compression formats. rdcS3Configuration :: Lens' RedshiftDestinationConfiguration S3DestinationConfiguration rdcS3Configuration = lens _rdcS3Configuration (\ s a -> s{_rdcS3Configuration = a}); instance Hashable RedshiftDestinationConfiguration instance NFData RedshiftDestinationConfiguration instance ToJSON RedshiftDestinationConfiguration where toJSON RedshiftDestinationConfiguration'{..} = object (catMaybes [("CloudWatchLoggingOptions" .=) <$> _rdcCloudWatchLoggingOptions, Just ("RoleARN" .= _rdcRoleARN), Just ("ClusterJDBCURL" .= _rdcClusterJDBCURL), Just ("CopyCommand" .= _rdcCopyCommand), Just ("Username" .= _rdcUsername), Just ("Password" .= _rdcPassword), Just ("S3Configuration" .= _rdcS3Configuration)]) -- | Describes a destination in Amazon Redshift. -- -- /See:/ 'redshiftDestinationDescription' smart constructor. data RedshiftDestinationDescription = RedshiftDestinationDescription' { _rddCloudWatchLoggingOptions :: !(Maybe CloudWatchLoggingOptions) , _rddRoleARN :: !Text , _rddClusterJDBCURL :: !Text , _rddCopyCommand :: !CopyCommand , _rddUsername :: !(Sensitive Text) , _rddS3DestinationDescription :: !S3DestinationDescription } deriving (Eq,Read,Show,Data,Typeable,Generic) -- | Creates a value of 'RedshiftDestinationDescription' with the minimum fields required to make a request. -- -- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired: -- -- * 'rddCloudWatchLoggingOptions' -- -- * 'rddRoleARN' -- -- * 'rddClusterJDBCURL' -- -- * 'rddCopyCommand' -- -- * 'rddUsername' -- -- * 'rddS3DestinationDescription' redshiftDestinationDescription :: Text -- ^ 'rddRoleARN' -> Text -- ^ 'rddClusterJDBCURL' -> CopyCommand -- ^ 'rddCopyCommand' -> Text -- ^ 'rddUsername' -> S3DestinationDescription -- ^ 'rddS3DestinationDescription' -> RedshiftDestinationDescription redshiftDestinationDescription pRoleARN_ pClusterJDBCURL_ pCopyCommand_ pUsername_ pS3DestinationDescription_ = RedshiftDestinationDescription' { _rddCloudWatchLoggingOptions = Nothing , _rddRoleARN = pRoleARN_ , _rddClusterJDBCURL = pClusterJDBCURL_ , _rddCopyCommand = pCopyCommand_ , _rddUsername = _Sensitive # pUsername_ , _rddS3DestinationDescription = pS3DestinationDescription_ } -- | Describes CloudWatch logging options for your delivery stream. rddCloudWatchLoggingOptions :: Lens' RedshiftDestinationDescription (Maybe CloudWatchLoggingOptions) rddCloudWatchLoggingOptions = lens _rddCloudWatchLoggingOptions (\ s a -> s{_rddCloudWatchLoggingOptions = a}); -- | The ARN of the AWS credentials. rddRoleARN :: Lens' RedshiftDestinationDescription Text rddRoleARN = lens _rddRoleARN (\ s a -> s{_rddRoleARN = a}); -- | The database connection string. rddClusterJDBCURL :: Lens' RedshiftDestinationDescription Text rddClusterJDBCURL = lens _rddClusterJDBCURL (\ s a -> s{_rddClusterJDBCURL = a}); -- | The 'COPY' command. rddCopyCommand :: Lens' RedshiftDestinationDescription CopyCommand rddCopyCommand = lens _rddCopyCommand (\ s a -> s{_rddCopyCommand = a}); -- | The name of the user. rddUsername :: Lens' RedshiftDestinationDescription Text rddUsername = lens _rddUsername (\ s a -> s{_rddUsername = a}) . _Sensitive; -- | The Amazon S3 destination. rddS3DestinationDescription :: Lens' RedshiftDestinationDescription S3DestinationDescription rddS3DestinationDescription = lens _rddS3DestinationDescription (\ s a -> s{_rddS3DestinationDescription = a}); instance FromJSON RedshiftDestinationDescription where parseJSON = withObject "RedshiftDestinationDescription" (\ x -> RedshiftDestinationDescription' <$> (x .:? "CloudWatchLoggingOptions") <*> (x .: "RoleARN") <*> (x .: "ClusterJDBCURL") <*> (x .: "CopyCommand") <*> (x .: "Username") <*> (x .: "S3DestinationDescription")) instance Hashable RedshiftDestinationDescription instance NFData RedshiftDestinationDescription -- | Describes an update for a destination in Amazon Redshift. -- -- /See:/ 'redshiftDestinationUpdate' smart constructor. data RedshiftDestinationUpdate = RedshiftDestinationUpdate' { _rduCloudWatchLoggingOptions :: !(Maybe CloudWatchLoggingOptions) , _rduUsername :: !(Maybe (Sensitive Text)) , _rduS3Update :: !(Maybe S3DestinationUpdate) , _rduPassword :: !(Maybe (Sensitive Text)) , _rduCopyCommand :: !(Maybe CopyCommand) , _rduClusterJDBCURL :: !(Maybe Text) , _rduRoleARN :: !(Maybe Text) } deriving (Eq,Read,Show,Data,Typeable,Generic) -- | Creates a value of 'RedshiftDestinationUpdate' with the minimum fields required to make a request. -- -- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired: -- -- * 'rduCloudWatchLoggingOptions' -- -- * 'rduUsername' -- -- * 'rduS3Update' -- -- * 'rduPassword' -- -- * 'rduCopyCommand' -- -- * 'rduClusterJDBCURL' -- -- * 'rduRoleARN' redshiftDestinationUpdate :: RedshiftDestinationUpdate redshiftDestinationUpdate = RedshiftDestinationUpdate' { _rduCloudWatchLoggingOptions = Nothing , _rduUsername = Nothing , _rduS3Update = Nothing , _rduPassword = Nothing , _rduCopyCommand = Nothing , _rduClusterJDBCURL = Nothing , _rduRoleARN = Nothing } -- | Describes CloudWatch logging options for your delivery stream. rduCloudWatchLoggingOptions :: Lens' RedshiftDestinationUpdate (Maybe CloudWatchLoggingOptions) rduCloudWatchLoggingOptions = lens _rduCloudWatchLoggingOptions (\ s a -> s{_rduCloudWatchLoggingOptions = a}); -- | The name of the user. rduUsername :: Lens' RedshiftDestinationUpdate (Maybe Text) rduUsername = lens _rduUsername (\ s a -> s{_rduUsername = a}) . mapping _Sensitive; -- | The Amazon S3 destination. -- -- The compression formats 'SNAPPY' or 'ZIP' cannot be specified in __RedshiftDestinationUpdate.S3Update__ because the Amazon Redshift 'COPY' operation that reads from the S3 bucket doesn\'t support these compression formats. rduS3Update :: Lens' RedshiftDestinationUpdate (Maybe S3DestinationUpdate) rduS3Update = lens _rduS3Update (\ s a -> s{_rduS3Update = a}); -- | The user password. rduPassword :: Lens' RedshiftDestinationUpdate (Maybe Text) rduPassword = lens _rduPassword (\ s a -> s{_rduPassword = a}) . mapping _Sensitive; -- | The 'COPY' command. rduCopyCommand :: Lens' RedshiftDestinationUpdate (Maybe CopyCommand) rduCopyCommand = lens _rduCopyCommand (\ s a -> s{_rduCopyCommand = a}); -- | The database connection string. rduClusterJDBCURL :: Lens' RedshiftDestinationUpdate (Maybe Text) rduClusterJDBCURL = lens _rduClusterJDBCURL (\ s a -> s{_rduClusterJDBCURL = a}); -- | The ARN of the AWS credentials. rduRoleARN :: Lens' RedshiftDestinationUpdate (Maybe Text) rduRoleARN = lens _rduRoleARN (\ s a -> s{_rduRoleARN = a}); instance Hashable RedshiftDestinationUpdate instance NFData RedshiftDestinationUpdate instance ToJSON RedshiftDestinationUpdate where toJSON RedshiftDestinationUpdate'{..} = object (catMaybes [("CloudWatchLoggingOptions" .=) <$> _rduCloudWatchLoggingOptions, ("Username" .=) <$> _rduUsername, ("S3Update" .=) <$> _rduS3Update, ("Password" .=) <$> _rduPassword, ("CopyCommand" .=) <$> _rduCopyCommand, ("ClusterJDBCURL" .=) <$> _rduClusterJDBCURL, ("RoleARN" .=) <$> _rduRoleARN]) -- | Describes the configuration of a destination in Amazon S3. -- -- /See:/ 's3DestinationConfiguration' smart constructor. data S3DestinationConfiguration = S3DestinationConfiguration' { _sdcPrefix :: !(Maybe Text) , _sdcCloudWatchLoggingOptions :: !(Maybe CloudWatchLoggingOptions) , _sdcEncryptionConfiguration :: !(Maybe EncryptionConfiguration) , _sdcCompressionFormat :: !(Maybe CompressionFormat) , _sdcBufferingHints :: !(Maybe BufferingHints) , _sdcRoleARN :: !Text , _sdcBucketARN :: !Text } deriving (Eq,Read,Show,Data,Typeable,Generic) -- | Creates a value of 'S3DestinationConfiguration' with the minimum fields required to make a request. -- -- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired: -- -- * 'sdcPrefix' -- -- * 'sdcCloudWatchLoggingOptions' -- -- * 'sdcEncryptionConfiguration' -- -- * 'sdcCompressionFormat' -- -- * 'sdcBufferingHints' -- -- * 'sdcRoleARN' -- -- * 'sdcBucketARN' s3DestinationConfiguration :: Text -- ^ 'sdcRoleARN' -> Text -- ^ 'sdcBucketARN' -> S3DestinationConfiguration s3DestinationConfiguration pRoleARN_ pBucketARN_ = S3DestinationConfiguration' { _sdcPrefix = Nothing , _sdcCloudWatchLoggingOptions = Nothing , _sdcEncryptionConfiguration = Nothing , _sdcCompressionFormat = Nothing , _sdcBufferingHints = Nothing , _sdcRoleARN = pRoleARN_ , _sdcBucketARN = pBucketARN_ } -- | The \"YYYY\/MM\/DD\/HH\" time format prefix is automatically used for delivered S3 files. You can specify an extra prefix to be added in front of the time format prefix. Note that if the prefix ends with a slash, it appears as a folder in the S3 bucket. For more information, see in the . sdcPrefix :: Lens' S3DestinationConfiguration (Maybe Text) sdcPrefix = lens _sdcPrefix (\ s a -> s{_sdcPrefix = a}); -- | Describes CloudWatch logging options for your delivery stream. sdcCloudWatchLoggingOptions :: Lens' S3DestinationConfiguration (Maybe CloudWatchLoggingOptions) sdcCloudWatchLoggingOptions = lens _sdcCloudWatchLoggingOptions (\ s a -> s{_sdcCloudWatchLoggingOptions = a}); -- | The encryption configuration. If no value is specified, the default is no encryption. sdcEncryptionConfiguration :: Lens' S3DestinationConfiguration (Maybe EncryptionConfiguration) sdcEncryptionConfiguration = lens _sdcEncryptionConfiguration (\ s a -> s{_sdcEncryptionConfiguration = a}); -- | The compression format. If no value is specified, the default is 'UNCOMPRESSED'. -- -- The compression formats 'SNAPPY' or 'ZIP' cannot be specified for Amazon Redshift destinations because they are not supported by the Amazon Redshift 'COPY' operation that reads from the S3 bucket. sdcCompressionFormat :: Lens' S3DestinationConfiguration (Maybe CompressionFormat) sdcCompressionFormat = lens _sdcCompressionFormat (\ s a -> s{_sdcCompressionFormat = a}); -- | The buffering option. If no value is specified, __BufferingHints__ object default values are used. sdcBufferingHints :: Lens' S3DestinationConfiguration (Maybe BufferingHints) sdcBufferingHints = lens _sdcBufferingHints (\ s a -> s{_sdcBufferingHints = a}); -- | The ARN of the AWS credentials. sdcRoleARN :: Lens' S3DestinationConfiguration Text sdcRoleARN = lens _sdcRoleARN (\ s a -> s{_sdcRoleARN = a}); -- | The ARN of the S3 bucket. sdcBucketARN :: Lens' S3DestinationConfiguration Text sdcBucketARN = lens _sdcBucketARN (\ s a -> s{_sdcBucketARN = a}); instance Hashable S3DestinationConfiguration instance NFData S3DestinationConfiguration instance ToJSON S3DestinationConfiguration where toJSON S3DestinationConfiguration'{..} = object (catMaybes [("Prefix" .=) <$> _sdcPrefix, ("CloudWatchLoggingOptions" .=) <$> _sdcCloudWatchLoggingOptions, ("EncryptionConfiguration" .=) <$> _sdcEncryptionConfiguration, ("CompressionFormat" .=) <$> _sdcCompressionFormat, ("BufferingHints" .=) <$> _sdcBufferingHints, Just ("RoleARN" .= _sdcRoleARN), Just ("BucketARN" .= _sdcBucketARN)]) -- | Describes a destination in Amazon S3. -- -- /See:/ 's3DestinationDescription' smart constructor. data S3DestinationDescription = S3DestinationDescription' { _sddPrefix :: !(Maybe Text) , _sddCloudWatchLoggingOptions :: !(Maybe CloudWatchLoggingOptions) , _sddRoleARN :: !Text , _sddBucketARN :: !Text , _sddBufferingHints :: !BufferingHints , _sddCompressionFormat :: !CompressionFormat , _sddEncryptionConfiguration :: !EncryptionConfiguration } deriving (Eq,Read,Show,Data,Typeable,Generic) -- | Creates a value of 'S3DestinationDescription' with the minimum fields required to make a request. -- -- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired: -- -- * 'sddPrefix' -- -- * 'sddCloudWatchLoggingOptions' -- -- * 'sddRoleARN' -- -- * 'sddBucketARN' -- -- * 'sddBufferingHints' -- -- * 'sddCompressionFormat' -- -- * 'sddEncryptionConfiguration' s3DestinationDescription :: Text -- ^ 'sddRoleARN' -> Text -- ^ 'sddBucketARN' -> BufferingHints -- ^ 'sddBufferingHints' -> CompressionFormat -- ^ 'sddCompressionFormat' -> EncryptionConfiguration -- ^ 'sddEncryptionConfiguration' -> S3DestinationDescription s3DestinationDescription pRoleARN_ pBucketARN_ pBufferingHints_ pCompressionFormat_ pEncryptionConfiguration_ = S3DestinationDescription' { _sddPrefix = Nothing , _sddCloudWatchLoggingOptions = Nothing , _sddRoleARN = pRoleARN_ , _sddBucketARN = pBucketARN_ , _sddBufferingHints = pBufferingHints_ , _sddCompressionFormat = pCompressionFormat_ , _sddEncryptionConfiguration = pEncryptionConfiguration_ } -- | The \"YYYY\/MM\/DD\/HH\" time format prefix is automatically used for delivered S3 files. You can specify an extra prefix to be added in front of the time format prefix. Note that if the prefix ends with a slash, it appears as a folder in the S3 bucket. For more information, see in the . sddPrefix :: Lens' S3DestinationDescription (Maybe Text) sddPrefix = lens _sddPrefix (\ s a -> s{_sddPrefix = a}); -- | Describes CloudWatch logging options for your delivery stream. sddCloudWatchLoggingOptions :: Lens' S3DestinationDescription (Maybe CloudWatchLoggingOptions) sddCloudWatchLoggingOptions = lens _sddCloudWatchLoggingOptions (\ s a -> s{_sddCloudWatchLoggingOptions = a}); -- | The ARN of the AWS credentials. sddRoleARN :: Lens' S3DestinationDescription Text sddRoleARN = lens _sddRoleARN (\ s a -> s{_sddRoleARN = a}); -- | The ARN of the S3 bucket. sddBucketARN :: Lens' S3DestinationDescription Text sddBucketARN = lens _sddBucketARN (\ s a -> s{_sddBucketARN = a}); -- | The buffering option. If no value is specified, __BufferingHints__ object default values are used. sddBufferingHints :: Lens' S3DestinationDescription BufferingHints sddBufferingHints = lens _sddBufferingHints (\ s a -> s{_sddBufferingHints = a}); -- | The compression format. If no value is specified, the default is 'NOCOMPRESSION'. sddCompressionFormat :: Lens' S3DestinationDescription CompressionFormat sddCompressionFormat = lens _sddCompressionFormat (\ s a -> s{_sddCompressionFormat = a}); -- | The encryption configuration. If no value is specified, the default is no encryption. sddEncryptionConfiguration :: Lens' S3DestinationDescription EncryptionConfiguration sddEncryptionConfiguration = lens _sddEncryptionConfiguration (\ s a -> s{_sddEncryptionConfiguration = a}); instance FromJSON S3DestinationDescription where parseJSON = withObject "S3DestinationDescription" (\ x -> S3DestinationDescription' <$> (x .:? "Prefix") <*> (x .:? "CloudWatchLoggingOptions") <*> (x .: "RoleARN") <*> (x .: "BucketARN") <*> (x .: "BufferingHints") <*> (x .: "CompressionFormat") <*> (x .: "EncryptionConfiguration")) instance Hashable S3DestinationDescription instance NFData S3DestinationDescription -- | Describes an update for a destination in Amazon S3. -- -- /See:/ 's3DestinationUpdate' smart constructor. data S3DestinationUpdate = S3DestinationUpdate' { _sduPrefix :: !(Maybe Text) , _sduCloudWatchLoggingOptions :: !(Maybe CloudWatchLoggingOptions) , _sduEncryptionConfiguration :: !(Maybe EncryptionConfiguration) , _sduCompressionFormat :: !(Maybe CompressionFormat) , _sduBufferingHints :: !(Maybe BufferingHints) , _sduBucketARN :: !(Maybe Text) , _sduRoleARN :: !(Maybe Text) } deriving (Eq,Read,Show,Data,Typeable,Generic) -- | Creates a value of 'S3DestinationUpdate' with the minimum fields required to make a request. -- -- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired: -- -- * 'sduPrefix' -- -- * 'sduCloudWatchLoggingOptions' -- -- * 'sduEncryptionConfiguration' -- -- * 'sduCompressionFormat' -- -- * 'sduBufferingHints' -- -- * 'sduBucketARN' -- -- * 'sduRoleARN' s3DestinationUpdate :: S3DestinationUpdate s3DestinationUpdate = S3DestinationUpdate' { _sduPrefix = Nothing , _sduCloudWatchLoggingOptions = Nothing , _sduEncryptionConfiguration = Nothing , _sduCompressionFormat = Nothing , _sduBufferingHints = Nothing , _sduBucketARN = Nothing , _sduRoleARN = Nothing } -- | The \"YYYY\/MM\/DD\/HH\" time format prefix is automatically used for delivered S3 files. You can specify an extra prefix to be added in front of the time format prefix. Note that if the prefix ends with a slash, it appears as a folder in the S3 bucket. For more information, see in the . sduPrefix :: Lens' S3DestinationUpdate (Maybe Text) sduPrefix = lens _sduPrefix (\ s a -> s{_sduPrefix = a}); -- | Describes CloudWatch logging options for your delivery stream. sduCloudWatchLoggingOptions :: Lens' S3DestinationUpdate (Maybe CloudWatchLoggingOptions) sduCloudWatchLoggingOptions = lens _sduCloudWatchLoggingOptions (\ s a -> s{_sduCloudWatchLoggingOptions = a}); -- | The encryption configuration. If no value is specified, the default is no encryption. sduEncryptionConfiguration :: Lens' S3DestinationUpdate (Maybe EncryptionConfiguration) sduEncryptionConfiguration = lens _sduEncryptionConfiguration (\ s a -> s{_sduEncryptionConfiguration = a}); -- | The compression format. If no value is specified, the default is 'NOCOMPRESSION'. -- -- The compression formats 'SNAPPY' or 'ZIP' cannot be specified for Amazon Redshift destinations because they are not supported by the Amazon Redshift 'COPY' operation that reads from the S3 bucket. sduCompressionFormat :: Lens' S3DestinationUpdate (Maybe CompressionFormat) sduCompressionFormat = lens _sduCompressionFormat (\ s a -> s{_sduCompressionFormat = a}); -- | The buffering option. If no value is specified, __BufferingHints__ object default values are used. sduBufferingHints :: Lens' S3DestinationUpdate (Maybe BufferingHints) sduBufferingHints = lens _sduBufferingHints (\ s a -> s{_sduBufferingHints = a}); -- | The ARN of the S3 bucket. sduBucketARN :: Lens' S3DestinationUpdate (Maybe Text) sduBucketARN = lens _sduBucketARN (\ s a -> s{_sduBucketARN = a}); -- | The ARN of the AWS credentials. sduRoleARN :: Lens' S3DestinationUpdate (Maybe Text) sduRoleARN = lens _sduRoleARN (\ s a -> s{_sduRoleARN = a}); instance Hashable S3DestinationUpdate instance NFData S3DestinationUpdate instance ToJSON S3DestinationUpdate where toJSON S3DestinationUpdate'{..} = object (catMaybes [("Prefix" .=) <$> _sduPrefix, ("CloudWatchLoggingOptions" .=) <$> _sduCloudWatchLoggingOptions, ("EncryptionConfiguration" .=) <$> _sduEncryptionConfiguration, ("CompressionFormat" .=) <$> _sduCompressionFormat, ("BufferingHints" .=) <$> _sduBufferingHints, ("BucketARN" .=) <$> _sduBucketARN, ("RoleARN" .=) <$> _sduRoleARN])