{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} -- Derived from AWS service descriptions, licensed under Apache 2.0. -- | -- Module : Network.AWS.IoT.Types -- Copyright : (c) 2013-2016 Brendan Hay -- License : Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. -- Maintainer : Brendan Hay -- Stability : auto-generated -- Portability : non-portable (GHC extensions) -- module Network.AWS.IoT.Types ( -- * Service Configuration ioT -- * Errors , _CertificateConflictException , _SqlParseException , _InvalidRequestException , _TransferConflictException , _CertificateStateException , _RegistrationCodeValidationException , _MalformedPolicyException , _DeleteConflictException , _ResourceAlreadyExistsException , _CertificateValidationException , _TransferAlreadyCompletedException , _ThrottlingException , _InternalFailureException , _VersionsLimitExceededException , _ServiceUnavailableException , _InternalException , _UnauthorizedException , _ResourceNotFoundException , _LimitExceededException -- * CACertificateStatus , CACertificateStatus (..) -- * CertificateStatus , CertificateStatus (..) -- * LogLevel , LogLevel (..) -- * MessageFormat , MessageFormat (..) -- * Action , Action , action , aCloudwatchMetric , aCloudwatchAlarm , aSns , aDynamoDB , aFirehose , aLambda , aKinesis , aS3 , aElasticsearch , aRepublish , aSqs -- * AttributePayload , AttributePayload , attributePayload , apAttributes -- * CACertificate , CACertificate , cACertificate , cacStatus , cacCertificateARN , cacCertificateId , cacCreationDate -- * CACertificateDescription , CACertificateDescription , cACertificateDescription , cacdStatus , cacdOwnedBy , cacdCertificatePem , cacdCertificateARN , cacdCertificateId , cacdCreationDate -- * Certificate , Certificate , certificate , cStatus , cCertificateARN , cCertificateId , cCreationDate -- * CertificateDescription , CertificateDescription , certificateDescription , cdStatus , cdOwnedBy , cdLastModifiedDate , cdCaCertificateId , cdPreviousOwnedBy , cdCertificatePem , cdCertificateARN , cdCertificateId , cdCreationDate , cdTransferData -- * CloudwatchAlarmAction , CloudwatchAlarmAction , cloudwatchAlarmAction , caaRoleARN , caaAlarmName , caaStateReason , caaStateValue -- * CloudwatchMetricAction , CloudwatchMetricAction , cloudwatchMetricAction , cmaMetricTimestamp , cmaRoleARN , cmaMetricNamespace , cmaMetricName , cmaMetricValue , cmaMetricUnit -- * DynamoDBAction , DynamoDBAction , dynamoDBAction , ddaPayloadField , ddaTableName , ddaRoleARN , ddaHashKeyField , ddaHashKeyValue , ddaRangeKeyField , ddaRangeKeyValue -- * ElasticsearchAction , ElasticsearchAction , elasticsearchAction , eaRoleARN , eaEndpoint , eaIndex , eaType , eaId -- * FirehoseAction , FirehoseAction , firehoseAction , faRoleARN , faDeliveryStreamName -- * KeyPair , KeyPair , keyPair , kpPrivateKey , kpPublicKey -- * KinesisAction , KinesisAction , kinesisAction , kaPartitionKey , kaRoleARN , kaStreamName -- * LambdaAction , LambdaAction , lambdaAction , laFunctionARN -- * LoggingOptionsPayload , LoggingOptionsPayload , loggingOptionsPayload , lopLogLevel , lopRoleARN -- * Policy , Policy , policy , pPolicyName , pPolicyARN -- * PolicyVersion , PolicyVersion , policyVersion , pvVersionId , pvCreateDate , pvIsDefaultVersion -- * RepublishAction , RepublishAction , republishAction , raRoleARN , raTopic -- * S3Action , S3Action , s3Action , sRoleARN , sBucketName , sKey -- * SNSAction , SNSAction , snsAction , snsaMessageFormat , snsaTargetARN , snsaRoleARN -- * SqsAction , SqsAction , sqsAction , saUseBase64 , saRoleARN , saQueueURL -- * ThingAttribute , ThingAttribute , thingAttribute , taAttributes , taThingName -- * TopicRule , TopicRule , topicRule , trCreatedAt , trActions , trAwsIotSqlVersion , trRuleDisabled , trRuleName , trSql , trDescription -- * TopicRuleListItem , TopicRuleListItem , topicRuleListItem , trliCreatedAt , trliRuleDisabled , trliRuleName , trliRuleARN , trliTopicPattern -- * TopicRulePayload , TopicRulePayload , topicRulePayload , trpAwsIotSqlVersion , trpRuleDisabled , trpDescription , trpSql , trpActions -- * TransferData , TransferData , transferData , tdTransferDate , tdAcceptDate , tdTransferMessage , tdRejectDate , tdRejectReason ) where import Network.AWS.IoT.Types.Product import Network.AWS.IoT.Types.Sum import Network.AWS.Lens import Network.AWS.Prelude import Network.AWS.Sign.V4 -- | API version '2015-05-28' of the Amazon IoT SDK configuration. ioT :: Service ioT = Service { _svcAbbrev = "IoT" , _svcSigner = v4 , _svcPrefix = "iot" , _svcVersion = "2015-05-28" , _svcEndpoint = defaultEndpoint ioT , _svcTimeout = Just 70 , _svcCheck = statusSuccess , _svcError = parseJSONError "IoT" , _svcRetry = retry } where retry = Exponential { _retryBase = 5.0e-2 , _retryGrowth = 2 , _retryAttempts = 5 , _retryCheck = check } check e | has (hasStatus 429) e = Just "too_many_requests" | has (hasCode "ThrottlingException" . hasStatus 400) e = Just "throttling_exception" | has (hasCode "Throttling" . hasStatus 400) e = Just "throttling" | has (hasStatus 504) e = Just "gateway_timeout" | has (hasStatus 502) e = Just "bad_gateway" | has (hasStatus 503) e = Just "service_unavailable" | has (hasStatus 500) e = Just "general_server_error" | has (hasStatus 509) e = Just "limit_exceeded" | otherwise = Nothing -- | Unable to verify the CA certificate used to sign the device certificate -- you are attempting to register. This is happens when you have registered -- more than one CA certificate that has the same subject field and public -- key. _CertificateConflictException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError _CertificateConflictException = _ServiceError . hasStatus 409 . hasCode "CertificateConflictException" -- | The Rule-SQL expression can\'t be parsed correctly. _SqlParseException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError _SqlParseException = _ServiceError . hasStatus 400 . hasCode "SqlParseException" -- | The request is not valid. _InvalidRequestException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError _InvalidRequestException = _ServiceError . hasStatus 400 . hasCode "InvalidRequestException" -- | You can\'t transfer the certificate because authorization policies are -- still attached. _TransferConflictException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError _TransferConflictException = _ServiceError . hasStatus 409 . hasCode "TransferConflictException" -- | The certificate operation is not allowed. _CertificateStateException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError _CertificateStateException = _ServiceError . hasStatus 406 . hasCode "CertificateStateException" -- | The registration code is invalid. _RegistrationCodeValidationException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError _RegistrationCodeValidationException = _ServiceError . hasStatus 400 . hasCode "RegistrationCodeValidationException" -- | The policy documentation is not valid. _MalformedPolicyException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError _MalformedPolicyException = _ServiceError . hasStatus 400 . hasCode "MalformedPolicyException" -- | You can\'t delete the resource because it is attached to one or more -- resources. _DeleteConflictException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError _DeleteConflictException = _ServiceError . hasStatus 409 . hasCode "DeleteConflictException" -- | The resource already exists. _ResourceAlreadyExistsException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError _ResourceAlreadyExistsException = _ServiceError . hasStatus 409 . hasCode "ResourceAlreadyExistsException" -- | The certificate is invalid. _CertificateValidationException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError _CertificateValidationException = _ServiceError . hasStatus 400 . hasCode "CertificateValidationException" -- | You can\'t revert the certificate transfer because the transfer is -- already complete. _TransferAlreadyCompletedException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError _TransferAlreadyCompletedException = _ServiceError . hasStatus 410 . hasCode "TransferAlreadyCompletedException" -- | The rate exceeds the limit. _ThrottlingException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError _ThrottlingException = _ServiceError . hasStatus 429 . hasCode "ThrottlingException" -- | An unexpected error has occurred. _InternalFailureException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError _InternalFailureException = _ServiceError . hasStatus 500 . hasCode "InternalFailureException" -- | The number of policy versions exceeds the limit. _VersionsLimitExceededException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError _VersionsLimitExceededException = _ServiceError . hasStatus 409 . hasCode "VersionsLimitExceededException" -- | The service is temporarily unavailable. _ServiceUnavailableException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError _ServiceUnavailableException = _ServiceError . hasStatus 503 . hasCode "ServiceUnavailableException" -- | An unexpected error has occurred. _InternalException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError _InternalException = _ServiceError . hasStatus 500 . hasCode "InternalException" -- | You are not authorized to perform this operation. _UnauthorizedException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError _UnauthorizedException = _ServiceError . hasStatus 401 . hasCode "UnauthorizedException" -- | The specified resource does not exist. _ResourceNotFoundException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError _ResourceNotFoundException = _ServiceError . hasStatus 404 . hasCode "ResourceNotFoundException" -- | The number of attached entities exceeds the limit. _LimitExceededException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError _LimitExceededException = _ServiceError . hasStatus 410 . hasCode "LimitExceededException"