{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} -- Derived from AWS service descriptions, licensed under Apache 2.0. -- | -- Module : Network.AWS.ElasticBeanstalk.Types -- Copyright : (c) 2013-2017 Brendan Hay -- License : Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. -- Maintainer : Brendan Hay -- Stability : auto-generated -- Portability : non-portable (GHC extensions) -- module Network.AWS.ElasticBeanstalk.Types ( -- * Service Configuration elasticBeanstalk -- * Errors , _InvalidRequestException , _TooManyBucketsException , _S3SubscriptionRequiredException , _OperationInProgressException , _PlatformVersionStillReferencedException , _TooManyApplicationVersionsException , _TooManyConfigurationTemplatesException , _ResourceTypeNotSupportedException , _InsufficientPrivilegesException , _ElasticBeanstalkServiceException , _TooManyTagsException , _TooManyApplicationsException , _TooManyPlatformsException , _ManagedActionInvalidStateException , _SourceBundleDeletionException , _S3LocationNotInServiceRegionException , _CodeBuildNotInServiceRegionException , _TooManyEnvironmentsException , _ResourceNotFoundException -- * ActionHistoryStatus , ActionHistoryStatus (..) -- * ActionStatus , ActionStatus (..) -- * ActionType , ActionType (..) -- * ApplicationVersionStatus , ApplicationVersionStatus (..) -- * ComputeType , ComputeType (..) -- * ConfigurationDeploymentStatus , ConfigurationDeploymentStatus (..) -- * ConfigurationOptionValueType , ConfigurationOptionValueType (..) -- * EnvironmentHealth , EnvironmentHealth (..) -- * EnvironmentHealthAttribute , EnvironmentHealthAttribute (..) -- * EnvironmentHealthStatus , EnvironmentHealthStatus (..) -- * EnvironmentInfoType , EnvironmentInfoType (..) -- * EnvironmentStatus , EnvironmentStatus (..) -- * EventSeverity , EventSeverity (..) -- * FailureType , FailureType (..) -- * InstancesHealthAttribute , InstancesHealthAttribute (..) -- * PlatformStatus , PlatformStatus (..) -- * SourceRepository , SourceRepository (..) -- * SourceType , SourceType (..) -- * ValidationSeverity , ValidationSeverity (..) -- * ApplicationDescription , ApplicationDescription , applicationDescription , adVersions , adDateUpdated , adDateCreated , adApplicationName , adConfigurationTemplates , adResourceLifecycleConfig , adDescription -- * ApplicationDescriptionMessage , ApplicationDescriptionMessage , applicationDescriptionMessage , admApplication -- * ApplicationMetrics , ApplicationMetrics , applicationMetrics , amRequestCount , amLatency , amStatusCodes , amDuration -- * ApplicationResourceLifecycleConfig , ApplicationResourceLifecycleConfig , applicationResourceLifecycleConfig , arlcVersionLifecycleConfig , arlcServiceRole -- * ApplicationVersionDescription , ApplicationVersionDescription , applicationVersionDescription , avdStatus , avdSourceBundle , avdDateUpdated , avdDateCreated , avdVersionLabel , avdSourceBuildInformation , avdApplicationName , avdBuildARN , avdDescription -- * ApplicationVersionDescriptionMessage , ApplicationVersionDescriptionMessage , applicationVersionDescriptionMessage , avdmApplicationVersion -- * ApplicationVersionLifecycleConfig , ApplicationVersionLifecycleConfig , applicationVersionLifecycleConfig , avlcMaxAgeRule , avlcMaxCountRule -- * AutoScalingGroup , AutoScalingGroup , autoScalingGroup , asgName -- * BuildConfiguration , BuildConfiguration , buildConfiguration , bcArtifactName , bcComputeType , bcTimeoutInMinutes , bcCodeBuildServiceRole , bcImage -- * Builder , Builder , builder , bARN -- * CPUUtilization , CPUUtilization , cpuUtilization , cuSoftIRQ , cuIdle , cuIRQ , cuSystem , cuUser , cuIOWait , cuNice -- * ConfigurationOptionDescription , ConfigurationOptionDescription , configurationOptionDescription , codMaxValue , codRegex , codMaxLength , codUserDefined , codNamespace , codValueOptions , codName , codChangeSeverity , codDefaultValue , codValueType , codMinValue -- * ConfigurationOptionSetting , ConfigurationOptionSetting , configurationOptionSetting , cosOptionName , cosResourceName , cosNamespace , cosValue -- * ConfigurationSettingsDescription , ConfigurationSettingsDescription , configurationSettingsDescription , csdTemplateName , csdOptionSettings , csdDateUpdated , csdDateCreated , csdPlatformARN , csdEnvironmentName , csdApplicationName , csdDeploymentStatus , csdSolutionStackName , csdDescription -- * CustomAMI , CustomAMI , customAMI , caVirtualizationType , caImageId -- * Deployment , Deployment , deployment , dDeploymentId , dStatus , dDeploymentTime , dVersionLabel -- * EnvironmentDescription , EnvironmentDescription , environmentDescription , eStatus , eCNAME , eTemplateName , eAbortableOperationInProgress , eEndpointURL , eResources , eDateUpdated , eDateCreated , eHealth , eVersionLabel , ePlatformARN , eTier , eEnvironmentName , eApplicationName , eEnvironmentARN , eSolutionStackName , eEnvironmentId , eHealthStatus , eEnvironmentLinks , eDescription -- * EnvironmentDescriptionsMessage , EnvironmentDescriptionsMessage , environmentDescriptionsMessage , edmNextToken , edmEnvironments -- * EnvironmentInfoDescription , EnvironmentInfoDescription , environmentInfoDescription , eidSampleTimestamp , eidEC2InstanceId , eidInfoType , eidMessage -- * EnvironmentLink , EnvironmentLink , environmentLink , elLinkName , elEnvironmentName -- * EnvironmentResourceDescription , EnvironmentResourceDescription , environmentResourceDescription , erdQueues , erdTriggers , erdLoadBalancers , erdEnvironmentName , erdInstances , erdLaunchConfigurations , erdAutoScalingGroups -- * EnvironmentResourcesDescription , EnvironmentResourcesDescription , environmentResourcesDescription , erdLoadBalancer -- * EnvironmentTier , EnvironmentTier , environmentTier , etName , etVersion , etType -- * EventDescription , EventDescription , eventDescription , edRequestId , edTemplateName , edSeverity , edVersionLabel , edPlatformARN , edEnvironmentName , edApplicationName , edEventDate , edMessage -- * Instance , Instance , instance' , iId -- * InstanceHealthSummary , InstanceHealthSummary , instanceHealthSummary , ihsOK , ihsPending , ihsSevere , ihsUnknown , ihsNoData , ihsWarning , ihsDegraded , ihsInfo -- * Latency , Latency , latency , lP75 , lP50 , lP85 , lP999 , lP90 , lP95 , lP99 , lP10 -- * LaunchConfiguration , LaunchConfiguration , launchConfiguration , lcName -- * Listener , Listener , listener , lProtocol , lPort -- * LoadBalancer , LoadBalancer , loadBalancer , lbName -- * LoadBalancerDescription , LoadBalancerDescription , loadBalancerDescription , lbdLoadBalancerName , lbdDomain , lbdListeners -- * ManagedAction , ManagedAction , managedAction , maStatus , maActionId , maWindowStartTime , maActionDescription , maActionType -- * ManagedActionHistoryItem , ManagedActionHistoryItem , managedActionHistoryItem , mahiStatus , mahiFailureType , mahiActionId , mahiFailureDescription , mahiFinishedTime , mahiActionDescription , mahiExecutedTime , mahiActionType -- * MaxAgeRule , MaxAgeRule , maxAgeRule , marDeleteSourceFromS3 , marMaxAgeInDays , marEnabled -- * MaxCountRule , MaxCountRule , maxCountRule , mcrMaxCount , mcrDeleteSourceFromS3 , mcrEnabled -- * OptionRestrictionRegex , OptionRestrictionRegex , optionRestrictionRegex , orrPattern , orrLabel -- * OptionSpecification , OptionSpecification , optionSpecification , osOptionName , osResourceName , osNamespace -- * PlatformDescription , PlatformDescription , platformDescription , pdSupportedAddonList , pdPlatformCategory , pdPlatformVersion , pdPlatformStatus , pdMaintainer , pdPlatformOwner , pdDateUpdated , pdCustomAMIList , pdDateCreated , pdOperatingSystemName , pdFrameworks , pdPlatformARN , pdOperatingSystemVersion , pdProgrammingLanguages , pdSolutionStackName , pdPlatformName , pdDescription , pdSupportedTierList -- * PlatformFilter , PlatformFilter , platformFilter , pfValues , pfOperator , pfType -- * PlatformFramework , PlatformFramework , platformFramework , pfName , pfVersion -- * PlatformProgrammingLanguage , PlatformProgrammingLanguage , platformProgrammingLanguage , pplName , pplVersion -- * PlatformSummary , PlatformSummary , platformSummary , psSupportedAddonList , psPlatformCategory , psPlatformStatus , psPlatformOwner , psOperatingSystemName , psPlatformARN , psOperatingSystemVersion , psSupportedTierList -- * Queue , Queue , queue , qURL , qName -- * S3Location , S3Location , s3Location , slS3Key , slS3Bucket -- * SingleInstanceHealth , SingleInstanceHealth , singleInstanceHealth , sihInstanceId , sihCauses , sihSystem , sihApplicationMetrics , sihColor , sihInstanceType , sihAvailabilityZone , sihHealthStatus , sihDeployment , sihLaunchedAt -- * SolutionStackDescription , SolutionStackDescription , solutionStackDescription , ssdPermittedFileTypes , ssdSolutionStackName -- * SourceBuildInformation , SourceBuildInformation , sourceBuildInformation , sbiSourceType , sbiSourceRepository , sbiSourceLocation -- * SourceConfiguration , SourceConfiguration , sourceConfiguration , scTemplateName , scApplicationName -- * StatusCodes , StatusCodes , statusCodes , scStatus2xx , scStatus3xx , scStatus4xx , scStatus5xx -- * SystemStatus , SystemStatus , systemStatus , ssCPUUtilization , ssLoadAverage -- * Tag , Tag , tag , tagValue , tagKey -- * Trigger , Trigger , trigger , tName -- * ValidationMessage , ValidationMessage , validationMessage , vmOptionName , vmSeverity , vmNamespace , vmMessage ) where import Network.AWS.ElasticBeanstalk.Types.Product import Network.AWS.ElasticBeanstalk.Types.Sum import Network.AWS.Lens import Network.AWS.Prelude import Network.AWS.Sign.V4 -- | API version @2010-12-01@ of the Amazon Elastic Beanstalk SDK configuration. elasticBeanstalk :: Service elasticBeanstalk = Service { _svcAbbrev = "ElasticBeanstalk" , _svcSigner = v4 , _svcPrefix = "elasticbeanstalk" , _svcVersion = "2010-12-01" , _svcEndpoint = defaultEndpoint elasticBeanstalk , _svcTimeout = Just 70 , _svcCheck = statusSuccess , _svcError = parseXMLError "ElasticBeanstalk" , _svcRetry = retry } where retry = Exponential { _retryBase = 5.0e-2 , _retryGrowth = 2 , _retryAttempts = 5 , _retryCheck = check } check e | has (hasCode "ThrottledException" . hasStatus 400) e = Just "throttled_exception" | has (hasStatus 429) e = Just "too_many_requests" | has (hasCode "ThrottlingException" . hasStatus 400) e = Just "throttling_exception" | has (hasCode "Throttling" . hasStatus 400) e = Just "throttling" | has (hasStatus 504) e = Just "gateway_timeout" | has (hasStatus 502) e = Just "bad_gateway" | has (hasStatus 503) e = Just "service_unavailable" | has (hasStatus 500) e = Just "general_server_error" | has (hasStatus 509) e = Just "limit_exceeded" | otherwise = Nothing -- | One or more input parameters is not valid. Please correct the input parameters and try the operation again. -- -- _InvalidRequestException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError _InvalidRequestException = _MatchServiceError elasticBeanstalk "InvalidRequestException" . hasStatus 400 -- | The specified account has reached its limit of Amazon S3 buckets. -- -- _TooManyBucketsException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError _TooManyBucketsException = _MatchServiceError elasticBeanstalk "TooManyBucketsException" . hasStatus 400 -- | The specified account does not have a subscription to Amazon S3. -- -- _S3SubscriptionRequiredException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError _S3SubscriptionRequiredException = _MatchServiceError elasticBeanstalk "S3SubscriptionRequiredException" . hasStatus 400 -- | Unable to perform the specified operation because another operation that effects an element in this activity is already in progress. -- -- _OperationInProgressException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError _OperationInProgressException = _MatchServiceError elasticBeanstalk "OperationInProgressFailure" . hasStatus 400 -- | You cannot delete the platform version because there are still environments running on it. -- -- _PlatformVersionStillReferencedException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError _PlatformVersionStillReferencedException = _MatchServiceError elasticBeanstalk "PlatformVersionStillReferencedException" . hasStatus 400 -- | The specified account has reached its limit of application versions. -- -- _TooManyApplicationVersionsException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError _TooManyApplicationVersionsException = _MatchServiceError elasticBeanstalk "TooManyApplicationVersionsException" -- | The specified account has reached its limit of configuration templates. -- -- _TooManyConfigurationTemplatesException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError _TooManyConfigurationTemplatesException = _MatchServiceError elasticBeanstalk "TooManyConfigurationTemplatesException" . hasStatus 400 -- | The type of the specified Amazon Resource Name (ARN) isn't supported for this operation. -- -- _ResourceTypeNotSupportedException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError _ResourceTypeNotSupportedException = _MatchServiceError elasticBeanstalk "ResourceTypeNotSupportedException" . hasStatus 400 -- | The specified account does not have sufficient privileges for one of more AWS services. -- -- _InsufficientPrivilegesException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError _InsufficientPrivilegesException = _MatchServiceError elasticBeanstalk "InsufficientPrivilegesException" . hasStatus 403 -- | A generic service exception has occurred. -- -- _ElasticBeanstalkServiceException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError _ElasticBeanstalkServiceException = _MatchServiceError elasticBeanstalk "ElasticBeanstalkServiceException" -- | The number of tags in the resource would exceed the number of tags that each resource can have. -- -- -- To calculate this, the operation considers both the number of tags the resource already has and the tags this operation would add if it succeeded. -- _TooManyTagsException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError _TooManyTagsException = _MatchServiceError elasticBeanstalk "TooManyTagsException" . hasStatus 400 -- | The specified account has reached its limit of applications. -- -- _TooManyApplicationsException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError _TooManyApplicationsException = _MatchServiceError elasticBeanstalk "TooManyApplicationsException" . hasStatus 400 -- | You have exceeded the maximum number of allowed platforms associated with the account. -- -- _TooManyPlatformsException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError _TooManyPlatformsException = _MatchServiceError elasticBeanstalk "TooManyPlatformsException" . hasStatus 400 -- | Cannot modify the managed action in its current state. -- -- _ManagedActionInvalidStateException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError _ManagedActionInvalidStateException = _MatchServiceError elasticBeanstalk "ManagedActionInvalidStateException" . hasStatus 400 -- | Unable to delete the Amazon S3 source bundle associated with the application version. The application version was deleted successfully. -- -- _SourceBundleDeletionException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError _SourceBundleDeletionException = _MatchServiceError elasticBeanstalk "SourceBundleDeletionFailure" . hasStatus 400 -- | The specified S3 bucket does not belong to the S3 region in which the service is running. The following regions are supported: -- -- -- * IAD/us-east-1 -- -- * PDX/us-west-2 -- -- * DUB/eu-west-1 -- -- -- _S3LocationNotInServiceRegionException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError _S3LocationNotInServiceRegionException = _MatchServiceError elasticBeanstalk "S3LocationNotInServiceRegionException" . hasStatus 400 -- | AWS CodeBuild is not available in the specified region. -- -- _CodeBuildNotInServiceRegionException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError _CodeBuildNotInServiceRegionException = _MatchServiceError elasticBeanstalk "CodeBuildNotInServiceRegionException" . hasStatus 400 -- | The specified account has reached its limit of environments. -- -- _TooManyEnvironmentsException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError _TooManyEnvironmentsException = _MatchServiceError elasticBeanstalk "TooManyEnvironmentsException" . hasStatus 400 -- | A resource doesn't exist for the specified Amazon Resource Name (ARN). -- -- _ResourceNotFoundException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError _ResourceNotFoundException = _MatchServiceError elasticBeanstalk "ResourceNotFoundException" . hasStatus 400