{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds                   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric               #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase                  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards             #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies                #-}

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-imports #-}

-- Module      : Network.AWS.ElastiCache.CreateReplicationGroup
-- Copyright   : (c) 2013-2014 Brendan Hay <brendan.g.hay@gmail.com>
-- License     : This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of
--               the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
--               A copy of the MPL can be found in the LICENSE file or
--               you can obtain it at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
-- Maintainer  : Brendan Hay <brendan.g.hay@gmail.com>
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : non-portable (GHC extensions)
-- Derived from AWS service descriptions, licensed under Apache 2.0.

-- | The /CreateReplicationGroup/ operation creates a replication group. A
-- replication group is a collection of cache clusters, where one of the cache
-- clusters is a read/write primary and the others are read-only replicas.
-- Writes to the primary are automatically propagated to the replicas.
-- When you create a replication group, you must specify an existing cache
-- cluster that is in the primary role. When the replication group has been
-- successfully created, you can add one or more read replica replicas to it, up
-- to a total of five read replicas.
-- Note: This action is valid only for Redis.
-- <http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonElastiCache/latest/APIReference/API_CreateReplicationGroup.html>
module Network.AWS.ElastiCache.CreateReplicationGroup
    -- * Request
    -- ** Request constructor
    , createReplicationGroup
    -- ** Request lenses
    , crgAutoMinorVersionUpgrade
    , crgAutomaticFailoverEnabled
    , crgCacheNodeType
    , crgCacheParameterGroupName
    , crgCacheSecurityGroupNames
    , crgCacheSubnetGroupName
    , crgEngine
    , crgEngineVersion
    , crgNotificationTopicArn
    , crgNumCacheClusters
    , crgPort
    , crgPreferredCacheClusterAZs
    , crgPreferredMaintenanceWindow
    , crgPrimaryClusterId
    , crgReplicationGroupDescription
    , crgReplicationGroupId
    , crgSecurityGroupIds
    , crgSnapshotArns
    , crgSnapshotName
    , crgSnapshotRetentionLimit
    , crgSnapshotWindow

    -- * Response
    , CreateReplicationGroupResponse
    -- ** Response constructor
    , createReplicationGroupResponse
    -- ** Response lenses
    , crgrReplicationGroup
    ) where

import Network.AWS.Prelude
import Network.AWS.Request.Query
import Network.AWS.ElastiCache.Types
import qualified GHC.Exts

data CreateReplicationGroup = CreateReplicationGroup
    { _crgAutoMinorVersionUpgrade     :: Maybe Bool
    , _crgAutomaticFailoverEnabled    :: Maybe Bool
    , _crgCacheNodeType               :: Maybe Text
    , _crgCacheParameterGroupName     :: Maybe Text
    , _crgCacheSecurityGroupNames     :: List "member" Text
    , _crgCacheSubnetGroupName        :: Maybe Text
    , _crgEngine                      :: Maybe Text
    , _crgEngineVersion               :: Maybe Text
    , _crgNotificationTopicArn        :: Maybe Text
    , _crgNumCacheClusters            :: Maybe Int
    , _crgPort                        :: Maybe Int
    , _crgPreferredCacheClusterAZs    :: List "member" Text
    , _crgPreferredMaintenanceWindow  :: Maybe Text
    , _crgPrimaryClusterId            :: Maybe Text
    , _crgReplicationGroupDescription :: Text
    , _crgReplicationGroupId          :: Text
    , _crgSecurityGroupIds            :: List "member" Text
    , _crgSnapshotArns                :: List "member" Text
    , _crgSnapshotName                :: Maybe Text
    , _crgSnapshotRetentionLimit      :: Maybe Int
    , _crgSnapshotWindow              :: Maybe Text
    } deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show)

-- | 'CreateReplicationGroup' constructor.
-- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are:
-- * 'crgAutoMinorVersionUpgrade' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Bool'
-- * 'crgAutomaticFailoverEnabled' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Bool'
-- * 'crgCacheNodeType' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text'
-- * 'crgCacheParameterGroupName' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text'
-- * 'crgCacheSecurityGroupNames' @::@ ['Text']
-- * 'crgCacheSubnetGroupName' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text'
-- * 'crgEngine' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text'
-- * 'crgEngineVersion' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text'
-- * 'crgNotificationTopicArn' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text'
-- * 'crgNumCacheClusters' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Int'
-- * 'crgPort' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Int'
-- * 'crgPreferredCacheClusterAZs' @::@ ['Text']
-- * 'crgPreferredMaintenanceWindow' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text'
-- * 'crgPrimaryClusterId' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text'
-- * 'crgReplicationGroupDescription' @::@ 'Text'
-- * 'crgReplicationGroupId' @::@ 'Text'
-- * 'crgSecurityGroupIds' @::@ ['Text']
-- * 'crgSnapshotArns' @::@ ['Text']
-- * 'crgSnapshotName' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text'
-- * 'crgSnapshotRetentionLimit' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Int'
-- * 'crgSnapshotWindow' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text'
createReplicationGroup :: Text -- ^ 'crgReplicationGroupId'
                       -> Text -- ^ 'crgReplicationGroupDescription'
                       -> CreateReplicationGroup
createReplicationGroup p1 p2 = CreateReplicationGroup
    { _crgReplicationGroupId          = p1
    , _crgReplicationGroupDescription = p2
    , _crgPrimaryClusterId            = Nothing
    , _crgAutomaticFailoverEnabled    = Nothing
    , _crgNumCacheClusters            = Nothing
    , _crgPreferredCacheClusterAZs    = mempty
    , _crgCacheNodeType               = Nothing
    , _crgEngine                      = Nothing
    , _crgEngineVersion               = Nothing
    , _crgCacheParameterGroupName     = Nothing
    , _crgCacheSubnetGroupName        = Nothing
    , _crgCacheSecurityGroupNames     = mempty
    , _crgSecurityGroupIds            = mempty
    , _crgSnapshotArns                = mempty
    , _crgSnapshotName                = Nothing
    , _crgPreferredMaintenanceWindow  = Nothing
    , _crgPort                        = Nothing
    , _crgNotificationTopicArn        = Nothing
    , _crgAutoMinorVersionUpgrade     = Nothing
    , _crgSnapshotRetentionLimit      = Nothing
    , _crgSnapshotWindow              = Nothing

-- | Determines whether minor engine upgrades will be applied automatically to the
-- node group during the maintenance window. A value of 'true' allows these
-- upgrades to occur; 'false' disables automatic upgrades.
-- Default: 'true'
crgAutoMinorVersionUpgrade :: Lens' CreateReplicationGroup (Maybe Bool)
crgAutoMinorVersionUpgrade =
    lens _crgAutoMinorVersionUpgrade
        (\s a -> s { _crgAutoMinorVersionUpgrade = a })

-- | Specifies whether a read-only replica will be automatically promoted to
-- read/write primary if the existing primary fails.
-- If 'true', automatic failover is enabled for this replication group. If 'false',
-- automatic failover is disabled for this replication group.
-- Default: false
crgAutomaticFailoverEnabled :: Lens' CreateReplicationGroup (Maybe Bool)
crgAutomaticFailoverEnabled =
    lens _crgAutomaticFailoverEnabled
        (\s a -> s { _crgAutomaticFailoverEnabled = a })

-- | The compute and memory capacity of the nodes in the node group.
-- Valid node types are as follows:
-- General purpose:  Current generation: 'cache.t2.micro', 'cache.t2.small', 'cache.t2.medium', 'cache.m3.medium', 'cache.m3.large', 'cache.m3.xlarge', 'cache.m3.2xlarge' Previous
-- generation: 'cache.t1.micro', 'cache.m1.small', 'cache.m1.medium', 'cache.m1.large', 'cache.m1.xlarge'  Compute optimized: 'cache.c1.xlarge' Memory optimized  Current generation: 'cache.r3.large', 'cache.r3.xlarge', 'cache.r3.2xlarge', 'cache.r3.4xlarge', 'cache.r3.8xlarge' Previous generation:
-- 'cache.m2.xlarge', 'cache.m2.2xlarge', 'cache.m2.4xlarge'   Notes:
-- All t2 instances are created in an Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). Redis backup/restore is not supported for t2 instances.
-- Redis Append-only files (AOF) functionality is not supported for t1 or t2
-- instances.  For a complete listing of cache node types and specifications,
-- see <http://aws.amazon.com/elasticache/details Amazon ElastiCache Product Features and Details> and <http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonElastiCache/latest/UserGuide/CacheParameterGroups.Memcached.html#CacheParameterGroups.Memcached.NodeSpecific Cache NodeType-Specific Parameters for Memcached> or <http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonElastiCache/latest/UserGuide/CacheParameterGroups.Redis.html#CacheParameterGroups.Redis.NodeSpecific Cache Node Type-Specific Parametersfor Redis>.
crgCacheNodeType :: Lens' CreateReplicationGroup (Maybe Text)
crgCacheNodeType = lens _crgCacheNodeType (\s a -> s { _crgCacheNodeType = a })

-- | The name of the parameter group to associate with this replication group. If
-- this argument is omitted, the default cache parameter group for the specified
-- engine is used.
crgCacheParameterGroupName :: Lens' CreateReplicationGroup (Maybe Text)
crgCacheParameterGroupName =
    lens _crgCacheParameterGroupName
        (\s a -> s { _crgCacheParameterGroupName = a })

-- | A list of cache security group names to associate with this replication group.
crgCacheSecurityGroupNames :: Lens' CreateReplicationGroup [Text]
crgCacheSecurityGroupNames =
    lens _crgCacheSecurityGroupNames
        (\s a -> s { _crgCacheSecurityGroupNames = a })
            . _List

-- | The name of the cache subnet group to be used for the replication group.
crgCacheSubnetGroupName :: Lens' CreateReplicationGroup (Maybe Text)
crgCacheSubnetGroupName =
    lens _crgCacheSubnetGroupName (\s a -> s { _crgCacheSubnetGroupName = a })

-- | The name of the cache engine to be used for the cache clusters in this
-- replication group.
-- Default: redis
crgEngine :: Lens' CreateReplicationGroup (Maybe Text)
crgEngine = lens _crgEngine (\s a -> s { _crgEngine = a })

-- | The version number of the cach engine to be used for the cache clusters in
-- this replication group. To view the supported cache engine versions, use the /DescribeCacheEngineVersions/ operation.
crgEngineVersion :: Lens' CreateReplicationGroup (Maybe Text)
crgEngineVersion = lens _crgEngineVersion (\s a -> s { _crgEngineVersion = a })

-- | The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Amazon Simple Notification Service
-- (SNS) topic to which notifications will be sent.
crgNotificationTopicArn :: Lens' CreateReplicationGroup (Maybe Text)
crgNotificationTopicArn =
    lens _crgNotificationTopicArn (\s a -> s { _crgNotificationTopicArn = a })

-- | The number of cache clusters this replication group will initially have.
-- If /AutomaticFailover/ is 'enabled', the value of this parameter must be at
-- least 2.
-- The maximum permitted value for /NumCacheClusters/ is 6 (primary plus 5
-- replicas). If you need to exceed this limit, please fill out the ElastiCache
-- Limit Increase Request forrm at <http://aws.amazon.com/contact-us/elasticache-node-limit-request http://aws.amazon.com/contact-us/elasticache-node-limit-request>.
crgNumCacheClusters :: Lens' CreateReplicationGroup (Maybe Int)
crgNumCacheClusters =
    lens _crgNumCacheClusters (\s a -> s { _crgNumCacheClusters = a })

-- | The port number on which each member of the replication group will accept
-- connections.
crgPort :: Lens' CreateReplicationGroup (Maybe Int)
crgPort = lens _crgPort (\s a -> s { _crgPort = a })

-- | A list of EC2 availability zones in which the replication group's cache
-- clusters will be created. The order of the availability zones in the list is
-- not important.
-- Default: system chosen availability zones.
-- Example: One Redis cache cluster in each of three availability zones.
-- PreferredAvailabilityZones.member.1=us-east-1a
-- PreferredAvailabilityZones.member.2=us-east-1c
-- PreferredAvailabilityZones.member.3=us-east-1d
crgPreferredCacheClusterAZs :: Lens' CreateReplicationGroup [Text]
crgPreferredCacheClusterAZs =
    lens _crgPreferredCacheClusterAZs
        (\s a -> s { _crgPreferredCacheClusterAZs = a })
            . _List

-- | The weekly time range (in UTC) during which system maintenance can occur.
-- Example: 'sun:05:00-sun:09:00'
crgPreferredMaintenanceWindow :: Lens' CreateReplicationGroup (Maybe Text)
crgPreferredMaintenanceWindow =
    lens _crgPreferredMaintenanceWindow
        (\s a -> s { _crgPreferredMaintenanceWindow = a })

-- | The identifier of the cache cluster that will serve as the primary for this
-- replication group. This cache cluster must already exist and have a status of /available/.
-- This parameter is not required if /NumCacheClusters/ is specified.
crgPrimaryClusterId :: Lens' CreateReplicationGroup (Maybe Text)
crgPrimaryClusterId =
    lens _crgPrimaryClusterId (\s a -> s { _crgPrimaryClusterId = a })

-- | A user-created description for the replication group.
crgReplicationGroupDescription :: Lens' CreateReplicationGroup Text
crgReplicationGroupDescription =
    lens _crgReplicationGroupDescription
        (\s a -> s { _crgReplicationGroupDescription = a })

-- | The replication group identifier. This parameter is stored as a lowercase
-- string.
-- Constraints:
-- A name must contain from 1 to 20 alphanumeric characters or hyphens. The
-- first character must be a letter. A name cannot end with a hyphen or contain
-- two consecutive hyphens.
crgReplicationGroupId :: Lens' CreateReplicationGroup Text
crgReplicationGroupId =
    lens _crgReplicationGroupId (\s a -> s { _crgReplicationGroupId = a })

-- | One or more Amazon VPC security groups associated with this replication group.
-- Use this parameter only when you are creating a replication group in an
-- Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC).
crgSecurityGroupIds :: Lens' CreateReplicationGroup [Text]
crgSecurityGroupIds =
    lens _crgSecurityGroupIds (\s a -> s { _crgSecurityGroupIds = a })
        . _List

-- | A single-element string list containing an Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that
-- uniquely identifies a Redis RDB snapshot file stored in Amazon S3. The
-- snapshot file will be used to populate the node group. The Amazon S3 object
-- name in the ARN cannot contain any commas.
-- Note: This parameter is only valid if the 'Engine' parameter is 'redis'.
-- Example of an Amazon S3 ARN: 'arn:aws:s3:::my_bucket/snapshot1.rdb'
crgSnapshotArns :: Lens' CreateReplicationGroup [Text]
crgSnapshotArns = lens _crgSnapshotArns (\s a -> s { _crgSnapshotArns = a }) . _List

-- | The name of a snapshot from which to restore data into the new node group.
-- The snapshot status changes to 'restoring' while the new node group is being
-- created.
-- Note: This parameter is only valid if the 'Engine' parameter is 'redis'.
crgSnapshotName :: Lens' CreateReplicationGroup (Maybe Text)
crgSnapshotName = lens _crgSnapshotName (\s a -> s { _crgSnapshotName = a })

-- | The number of days for which ElastiCache will retain automatic snapshots
-- before deleting them. For example, if you set 'SnapshotRetentionLimit' to 5,
-- then a snapshot that was taken today will be retained for 5 days before being
-- deleted.
-- Note: This parameter is only valid if the 'Engine' parameter is 'redis'.
-- Default: 0 (i.e., automatic backups are disabled for this cache cluster).
crgSnapshotRetentionLimit :: Lens' CreateReplicationGroup (Maybe Int)
crgSnapshotRetentionLimit =
    lens _crgSnapshotRetentionLimit
        (\s a -> s { _crgSnapshotRetentionLimit = a })

-- | The daily time range (in UTC) during which ElastiCache will begin taking a
-- daily snapshot of your node group.
-- Example: '05:00-09:00'
-- If you do not specify this parameter, then ElastiCache will automatically
-- choose an appropriate time range.
-- Note: This parameter is only valid if the 'Engine' parameter is 'redis'.
crgSnapshotWindow :: Lens' CreateReplicationGroup (Maybe Text)
crgSnapshotWindow =
    lens _crgSnapshotWindow (\s a -> s { _crgSnapshotWindow = a })

newtype CreateReplicationGroupResponse = CreateReplicationGroupResponse
    { _crgrReplicationGroup :: Maybe ReplicationGroup
    } deriving (Eq, Read, Show)

-- | 'CreateReplicationGroupResponse' constructor.
-- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are:
-- * 'crgrReplicationGroup' @::@ 'Maybe' 'ReplicationGroup'
createReplicationGroupResponse :: CreateReplicationGroupResponse
createReplicationGroupResponse = CreateReplicationGroupResponse
    { _crgrReplicationGroup = Nothing

crgrReplicationGroup :: Lens' CreateReplicationGroupResponse (Maybe ReplicationGroup)
crgrReplicationGroup =
    lens _crgrReplicationGroup (\s a -> s { _crgrReplicationGroup = a })

instance ToPath CreateReplicationGroup where
    toPath = const "/"

instance ToQuery CreateReplicationGroup where
    toQuery CreateReplicationGroup{..} = mconcat
        [ "AutoMinorVersionUpgrade"     =? _crgAutoMinorVersionUpgrade
        , "AutomaticFailoverEnabled"    =? _crgAutomaticFailoverEnabled
        , "CacheNodeType"               =? _crgCacheNodeType
        , "CacheParameterGroupName"     =? _crgCacheParameterGroupName
        , "CacheSecurityGroupNames"     =? _crgCacheSecurityGroupNames
        , "CacheSubnetGroupName"        =? _crgCacheSubnetGroupName
        , "Engine"                      =? _crgEngine
        , "EngineVersion"               =? _crgEngineVersion
        , "NotificationTopicArn"        =? _crgNotificationTopicArn
        , "NumCacheClusters"            =? _crgNumCacheClusters
        , "Port"                        =? _crgPort
        , "PreferredCacheClusterAZs"    =? _crgPreferredCacheClusterAZs
        , "PreferredMaintenanceWindow"  =? _crgPreferredMaintenanceWindow
        , "PrimaryClusterId"            =? _crgPrimaryClusterId
        , "ReplicationGroupDescription" =? _crgReplicationGroupDescription
        , "ReplicationGroupId"          =? _crgReplicationGroupId
        , "SecurityGroupIds"            =? _crgSecurityGroupIds
        , "SnapshotArns"                =? _crgSnapshotArns
        , "SnapshotName"                =? _crgSnapshotName
        , "SnapshotRetentionLimit"      =? _crgSnapshotRetentionLimit
        , "SnapshotWindow"              =? _crgSnapshotWindow

instance ToHeaders CreateReplicationGroup

instance AWSRequest CreateReplicationGroup where
    type Sv CreateReplicationGroup = ElastiCache
    type Rs CreateReplicationGroup = CreateReplicationGroupResponse

    request  = post "CreateReplicationGroup"
    response = xmlResponse

instance FromXML CreateReplicationGroupResponse where
    parseXML = withElement "CreateReplicationGroupResult" $ \x -> CreateReplicationGroupResponse
        <$> x .@? "ReplicationGroup"