{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-imports #-} -- Module : Network.AWS.ElastiCache.Types -- Copyright : (c) 2013-2014 Brendan Hay -- License : This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of -- the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. -- A copy of the MPL can be found in the LICENSE file or -- you can obtain it at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. -- Maintainer : Brendan Hay -- Stability : experimental -- Portability : non-portable (GHC extensions) -- -- Derived from AWS service descriptions, licensed under Apache 2.0. module Network.AWS.ElastiCache.Types ( -- * Service ElastiCache -- ** Error , RESTError -- ** XML , ns -- * NodeSnapshot , NodeSnapshot , nodeSnapshot , nsCacheNodeCreateTime , nsCacheNodeId , nsCacheSize , nsSnapshotCreateTime -- * Snapshot , Snapshot , snapshot , sAutoMinorVersionUpgrade , sCacheClusterCreateTime , sCacheClusterId , sCacheNodeType , sCacheParameterGroupName , sCacheSubnetGroupName , sEngine , sEngineVersion , sNodeSnapshots , sNumCacheNodes , sPort , sPreferredAvailabilityZone , sPreferredMaintenanceWindow , sSnapshotName , sSnapshotRetentionLimit , sSnapshotSource , sSnapshotStatus , sSnapshotWindow , sTopicArn , sVpcId -- * Event , Event , event , eDate , eMessage , eSourceIdentifier , eSourceType -- * NodeGroup , NodeGroup , nodeGroup , ngNodeGroupId , ngNodeGroupMembers , ngPrimaryEndpoint , ngStatus -- * CacheNodeTypeSpecificValue , CacheNodeTypeSpecificValue , cacheNodeTypeSpecificValue , cntsvCacheNodeType , cntsvValue -- * PendingAutomaticFailoverStatus , PendingAutomaticFailoverStatus (..) -- * NotificationConfiguration , NotificationConfiguration , notificationConfiguration , ncTopicArn , ncTopicStatus -- * ReplicationGroupPendingModifiedValues , ReplicationGroupPendingModifiedValues , replicationGroupPendingModifiedValues , rgpmvAutomaticFailoverStatus , rgpmvPrimaryClusterId -- * EC2SecurityGroup , EC2SecurityGroup , ec2SecurityGroup , ecsgEC2SecurityGroupName , ecsgEC2SecurityGroupOwnerId , ecsgStatus -- * ParameterNameValue , ParameterNameValue , parameterNameValue , pnvParameterName , pnvParameterValue -- * SourceType , SourceType (..) -- * CacheSubnetGroup , CacheSubnetGroup , cacheSubnetGroup , csgCacheSubnetGroupDescription , csgCacheSubnetGroupName , csgSubnets , csgVpcId -- * ReservedCacheNode , ReservedCacheNode , reservedCacheNode , rcnCacheNodeCount , rcnCacheNodeType , rcnDuration , rcnFixedPrice , rcnOfferingType , rcnProductDescription , rcnRecurringCharges , rcnReservedCacheNodeId , rcnReservedCacheNodesOfferingId , rcnStartTime , rcnState , rcnUsagePrice -- * Subnet , Subnet , subnet , sSubnetAvailabilityZone , sSubnetIdentifier -- * SecurityGroupMembership , SecurityGroupMembership , securityGroupMembership , sgmSecurityGroupId , sgmStatus -- * CacheCluster , CacheCluster , cacheCluster , ccAutoMinorVersionUpgrade , ccCacheClusterCreateTime , ccCacheClusterId , ccCacheClusterStatus , ccCacheNodeType , ccCacheNodes , ccCacheParameterGroup , ccCacheSecurityGroups , ccCacheSubnetGroupName , ccClientDownloadLandingPage , ccConfigurationEndpoint , ccEngine , ccEngineVersion , ccNotificationConfiguration , ccNumCacheNodes , ccPendingModifiedValues , ccPreferredAvailabilityZone , ccPreferredMaintenanceWindow , ccReplicationGroupId , ccSecurityGroups , ccSnapshotRetentionLimit , ccSnapshotWindow -- * EngineDefaults , EngineDefaults , engineDefaults , edCacheNodeTypeSpecificParameters , edCacheParameterGroupFamily , edMarker , edParameters -- * CacheParameterGroupStatus , CacheParameterGroupStatus , cacheParameterGroupStatus , cpgsCacheNodeIdsToReboot , cpgsCacheParameterGroupName , cpgsParameterApplyStatus -- * CacheNode , CacheNode , cacheNode , cnCacheNodeCreateTime , cnCacheNodeId , cnCacheNodeStatus , cnCustomerAvailabilityZone , cnEndpoint , cnParameterGroupStatus , cnSourceCacheNodeId -- * CacheSecurityGroupMembership , CacheSecurityGroupMembership , cacheSecurityGroupMembership , csgmCacheSecurityGroupName , csgmStatus -- * AvailabilityZone , AvailabilityZone , availabilityZone , azName -- * NodeGroupMember , NodeGroupMember , nodeGroupMember , ngmCacheClusterId , ngmCacheNodeId , ngmCurrentRole , ngmPreferredAvailabilityZone , ngmReadEndpoint -- * CacheParameterGroup , CacheParameterGroup , cacheParameterGroup , cpgCacheParameterGroupFamily , cpgCacheParameterGroupName , cpgDescription -- * AutomaticFailoverStatus , AutomaticFailoverStatus (..) -- * CacheSecurityGroup , CacheSecurityGroup , cacheSecurityGroup , csgCacheSecurityGroupName , csgDescription , csgEC2SecurityGroups , csgOwnerId -- * CacheNodeTypeSpecificParameter , CacheNodeTypeSpecificParameter , cacheNodeTypeSpecificParameter , cntspAllowedValues , cntspCacheNodeTypeSpecificValues , cntspDataType , cntspDescription , cntspIsModifiable , cntspMinimumEngineVersion , cntspParameterName , cntspSource -- * AZMode , AZMode (..) -- * CacheEngineVersion , CacheEngineVersion , cacheEngineVersion , cevCacheEngineDescription , cevCacheEngineVersionDescription , cevCacheParameterGroupFamily , cevEngine , cevEngineVersion -- * ReplicationGroup , ReplicationGroup , replicationGroup , rgAutomaticFailover , rgDescription , rgMemberClusters , rgNodeGroups , rgPendingModifiedValues , rgReplicationGroupId , rgSnapshottingClusterId , rgStatus -- * RecurringCharge , RecurringCharge , recurringCharge , rcRecurringChargeAmount , rcRecurringChargeFrequency -- * ReservedCacheNodesOffering , ReservedCacheNodesOffering , reservedCacheNodesOffering , rcnoCacheNodeType , rcnoDuration , rcnoFixedPrice , rcnoOfferingType , rcnoProductDescription , rcnoRecurringCharges , rcnoReservedCacheNodesOfferingId , rcnoUsagePrice -- * Endpoint , Endpoint , endpoint , eAddress , ePort -- * PendingModifiedValues , PendingModifiedValues , pendingModifiedValues , pmvCacheNodeIdsToRemove , pmvEngineVersion , pmvNumCacheNodes -- * CacheParameterGroupNameMessage , CacheParameterGroupNameMessage , cacheParameterGroupNameMessage , cpgnmCacheParameterGroupName -- * Parameter , Parameter , parameter , pAllowedValues , pDataType , pDescription , pIsModifiable , pMinimumEngineVersion , pParameterName , pParameterValue , pSource ) where import Network.AWS.Error import Network.AWS.Prelude import Network.AWS.Signing import qualified GHC.Exts -- | Version @2014-09-30@ of the Amazon ElastiCache service. data ElastiCache instance AWSService ElastiCache where type Sg ElastiCache = V4 type Er ElastiCache = RESTError service = Service { _svcAbbrev = "ElastiCache" , _svcPrefix = "elasticache" , _svcVersion = "2014-09-30" , _svcTargetPrefix = Nothing , _svcJSONVersion = Nothing } handle = restError statusSuccess ns :: Text ns = "http://elasticache.amazonaws.com/doc/2014-09-30/" data NodeSnapshot = NodeSnapshot { _nsCacheNodeCreateTime :: Maybe ISO8601 , _nsCacheNodeId :: Maybe Text , _nsCacheSize :: Maybe Text , _nsSnapshotCreateTime :: Maybe ISO8601 } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) -- | 'NodeSnapshot' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'nsCacheNodeCreateTime' @::@ 'Maybe' 'UTCTime' -- -- * 'nsCacheNodeId' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'nsCacheSize' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'nsSnapshotCreateTime' @::@ 'Maybe' 'UTCTime' -- nodeSnapshot :: NodeSnapshot nodeSnapshot = NodeSnapshot { _nsCacheNodeId = Nothing , _nsCacheSize = Nothing , _nsCacheNodeCreateTime = Nothing , _nsSnapshotCreateTime = Nothing } -- | The date and time when the cache node was created in the source cache cluster. nsCacheNodeCreateTime :: Lens' NodeSnapshot (Maybe UTCTime) nsCacheNodeCreateTime = lens _nsCacheNodeCreateTime (\s a -> s { _nsCacheNodeCreateTime = a }) . mapping _Time -- | The cache node identifier for the node in the source cache cluster. nsCacheNodeId :: Lens' NodeSnapshot (Maybe Text) nsCacheNodeId = lens _nsCacheNodeId (\s a -> s { _nsCacheNodeId = a }) -- | The size of the cache on the source cache node. nsCacheSize :: Lens' NodeSnapshot (Maybe Text) nsCacheSize = lens _nsCacheSize (\s a -> s { _nsCacheSize = a }) -- | The date and time when the source node's metadata and cache data set was -- obtained for the snapshot. nsSnapshotCreateTime :: Lens' NodeSnapshot (Maybe UTCTime) nsSnapshotCreateTime = lens _nsSnapshotCreateTime (\s a -> s { _nsSnapshotCreateTime = a }) . mapping _Time instance FromXML NodeSnapshot where parseXML x = NodeSnapshot <$> x .@? "CacheNodeCreateTime" <*> x .@? "CacheNodeId" <*> x .@? "CacheSize" <*> x .@? "SnapshotCreateTime" instance ToQuery NodeSnapshot where toQuery NodeSnapshot{..} = mconcat [ "CacheNodeCreateTime" =? _nsCacheNodeCreateTime , "CacheNodeId" =? _nsCacheNodeId , "CacheSize" =? _nsCacheSize , "SnapshotCreateTime" =? _nsSnapshotCreateTime ] data Snapshot = Snapshot { _sAutoMinorVersionUpgrade :: Maybe Bool , _sCacheClusterCreateTime :: Maybe ISO8601 , _sCacheClusterId :: Maybe Text , _sCacheNodeType :: Maybe Text , _sCacheParameterGroupName :: Maybe Text , _sCacheSubnetGroupName :: Maybe Text , _sEngine :: Maybe Text , _sEngineVersion :: Maybe Text , _sNodeSnapshots :: List "member" NodeSnapshot , _sNumCacheNodes :: Maybe Int , _sPort :: Maybe Int , _sPreferredAvailabilityZone :: Maybe Text , _sPreferredMaintenanceWindow :: Maybe Text , _sSnapshotName :: Maybe Text , _sSnapshotRetentionLimit :: Maybe Int , _sSnapshotSource :: Maybe Text , _sSnapshotStatus :: Maybe Text , _sSnapshotWindow :: Maybe Text , _sTopicArn :: Maybe Text , _sVpcId :: Maybe Text } deriving (Eq, Show) -- | 'Snapshot' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'sAutoMinorVersionUpgrade' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Bool' -- -- * 'sCacheClusterCreateTime' @::@ 'Maybe' 'UTCTime' -- -- * 'sCacheClusterId' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'sCacheNodeType' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'sCacheParameterGroupName' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'sCacheSubnetGroupName' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'sEngine' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'sEngineVersion' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'sNodeSnapshots' @::@ ['NodeSnapshot'] -- -- * 'sNumCacheNodes' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Int' -- -- * 'sPort' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Int' -- -- * 'sPreferredAvailabilityZone' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'sPreferredMaintenanceWindow' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'sSnapshotName' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'sSnapshotRetentionLimit' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Int' -- -- * 'sSnapshotSource' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'sSnapshotStatus' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'sSnapshotWindow' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'sTopicArn' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'sVpcId' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- snapshot :: Snapshot snapshot = Snapshot { _sSnapshotName = Nothing , _sCacheClusterId = Nothing , _sSnapshotStatus = Nothing , _sSnapshotSource = Nothing , _sCacheNodeType = Nothing , _sEngine = Nothing , _sEngineVersion = Nothing , _sNumCacheNodes = Nothing , _sPreferredAvailabilityZone = Nothing , _sCacheClusterCreateTime = Nothing , _sPreferredMaintenanceWindow = Nothing , _sTopicArn = Nothing , _sPort = Nothing , _sCacheParameterGroupName = Nothing , _sCacheSubnetGroupName = Nothing , _sVpcId = Nothing , _sAutoMinorVersionUpgrade = Nothing , _sSnapshotRetentionLimit = Nothing , _sSnapshotWindow = Nothing , _sNodeSnapshots = mempty } -- | For the source cache cluster, indicates whether minor version patches are -- applied automatically ('true') or not ('false'). sAutoMinorVersionUpgrade :: Lens' Snapshot (Maybe Bool) sAutoMinorVersionUpgrade = lens _sAutoMinorVersionUpgrade (\s a -> s { _sAutoMinorVersionUpgrade = a }) -- | The date and time when the source cache cluster was created. sCacheClusterCreateTime :: Lens' Snapshot (Maybe UTCTime) sCacheClusterCreateTime = lens _sCacheClusterCreateTime (\s a -> s { _sCacheClusterCreateTime = a }) . mapping _Time -- | The user-supplied identifier of the source cache cluster. sCacheClusterId :: Lens' Snapshot (Maybe Text) sCacheClusterId = lens _sCacheClusterId (\s a -> s { _sCacheClusterId = a }) -- | The name of the compute and memory capacity node type for the source cache -- cluster. sCacheNodeType :: Lens' Snapshot (Maybe Text) sCacheNodeType = lens _sCacheNodeType (\s a -> s { _sCacheNodeType = a }) -- | The cache parameter group that is associated with the source cache cluster. sCacheParameterGroupName :: Lens' Snapshot (Maybe Text) sCacheParameterGroupName = lens _sCacheParameterGroupName (\s a -> s { _sCacheParameterGroupName = a }) -- | The name of the cache subnet group associated with the source cache cluster. sCacheSubnetGroupName :: Lens' Snapshot (Maybe Text) sCacheSubnetGroupName = lens _sCacheSubnetGroupName (\s a -> s { _sCacheSubnetGroupName = a }) -- | The name of the cache engine (/memcached/ or /redis/) used by the source cache -- cluster. sEngine :: Lens' Snapshot (Maybe Text) sEngine = lens _sEngine (\s a -> s { _sEngine = a }) -- | The version of the cache engine version that is used by the source cache -- cluster. sEngineVersion :: Lens' Snapshot (Maybe Text) sEngineVersion = lens _sEngineVersion (\s a -> s { _sEngineVersion = a }) -- | A list of the cache nodes in the source cache cluster. sNodeSnapshots :: Lens' Snapshot [NodeSnapshot] sNodeSnapshots = lens _sNodeSnapshots (\s a -> s { _sNodeSnapshots = a }) . _List -- | The number of cache nodes in the source cache cluster. sNumCacheNodes :: Lens' Snapshot (Maybe Int) sNumCacheNodes = lens _sNumCacheNodes (\s a -> s { _sNumCacheNodes = a }) -- | The port number used by each cache nodes in the source cache cluster. sPort :: Lens' Snapshot (Maybe Int) sPort = lens _sPort (\s a -> s { _sPort = a }) -- | The name of the Availability Zone in which the source cache cluster is -- located. sPreferredAvailabilityZone :: Lens' Snapshot (Maybe Text) sPreferredAvailabilityZone = lens _sPreferredAvailabilityZone (\s a -> s { _sPreferredAvailabilityZone = a }) -- | The time range (in UTC) during which weekly system maintenance can occur on -- the source cache cluster. sPreferredMaintenanceWindow :: Lens' Snapshot (Maybe Text) sPreferredMaintenanceWindow = lens _sPreferredMaintenanceWindow (\s a -> s { _sPreferredMaintenanceWindow = a }) -- | The name of a snapshot. For an automatic snapshot, the name is -- system-generated; for a manual snapshot, this is the user-provided name. sSnapshotName :: Lens' Snapshot (Maybe Text) sSnapshotName = lens _sSnapshotName (\s a -> s { _sSnapshotName = a }) -- | For an automatic snapshot, the number of days for which ElastiCache will -- retain the snapshot before deleting it. -- -- For manual snapshots, this field reflects the /SnapshotRetentionLimit/ for the -- source cache cluster when the snapshot was created. This field is otherwise -- ignored: Manual snapshots do not expire, and can only be deleted using the /DeleteSnapshot/ action. -- -- Important -- If the value of SnapshotRetentionLimit is set to zero (0), backups -- are turned off. sSnapshotRetentionLimit :: Lens' Snapshot (Maybe Int) sSnapshotRetentionLimit = lens _sSnapshotRetentionLimit (\s a -> s { _sSnapshotRetentionLimit = a }) -- | Indicates whether the snapshot is from an automatic backup ('automated') or was -- created manually ('manual'). sSnapshotSource :: Lens' Snapshot (Maybe Text) sSnapshotSource = lens _sSnapshotSource (\s a -> s { _sSnapshotSource = a }) -- | The status of the snapshot. Valid values: 'creating' | 'available' | 'restoring' | 'copying' | 'deleting'. sSnapshotStatus :: Lens' Snapshot (Maybe Text) sSnapshotStatus = lens _sSnapshotStatus (\s a -> s { _sSnapshotStatus = a }) -- | The daily time range during which ElastiCache takes daily snapshots of the -- source cache cluster. sSnapshotWindow :: Lens' Snapshot (Maybe Text) sSnapshotWindow = lens _sSnapshotWindow (\s a -> s { _sSnapshotWindow = a }) -- | The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the topic used by the source cache cluster -- for publishing notifications. sTopicArn :: Lens' Snapshot (Maybe Text) sTopicArn = lens _sTopicArn (\s a -> s { _sTopicArn = a }) -- | The Amazon Virtual Private Cloud identifier (VPC ID) of the cache subnet -- group for the source cache cluster. sVpcId :: Lens' Snapshot (Maybe Text) sVpcId = lens _sVpcId (\s a -> s { _sVpcId = a }) instance FromXML Snapshot where parseXML x = Snapshot <$> x .@? "AutoMinorVersionUpgrade" <*> x .@? "CacheClusterCreateTime" <*> x .@? "CacheClusterId" <*> x .@? "CacheNodeType" <*> x .@? "CacheParameterGroupName" <*> x .@? "CacheSubnetGroupName" <*> x .@? "Engine" <*> x .@? "EngineVersion" <*> x .@ "NodeSnapshots" <*> x .@? "NumCacheNodes" <*> x .@? "Port" <*> x .@? "PreferredAvailabilityZone" <*> x .@? "PreferredMaintenanceWindow" <*> x .@? "SnapshotName" <*> x .@? "SnapshotRetentionLimit" <*> x .@? "SnapshotSource" <*> x .@? "SnapshotStatus" <*> x .@? "SnapshotWindow" <*> x .@? "TopicArn" <*> x .@? "VpcId" instance ToQuery Snapshot where toQuery Snapshot{..} = mconcat [ "AutoMinorVersionUpgrade" =? _sAutoMinorVersionUpgrade , "CacheClusterCreateTime" =? _sCacheClusterCreateTime , "CacheClusterId" =? _sCacheClusterId , "CacheNodeType" =? _sCacheNodeType , "CacheParameterGroupName" =? _sCacheParameterGroupName , "CacheSubnetGroupName" =? _sCacheSubnetGroupName , "Engine" =? _sEngine , "EngineVersion" =? _sEngineVersion , "NodeSnapshots" =? _sNodeSnapshots , "NumCacheNodes" =? _sNumCacheNodes , "Port" =? _sPort , "PreferredAvailabilityZone" =? _sPreferredAvailabilityZone , "PreferredMaintenanceWindow" =? _sPreferredMaintenanceWindow , "SnapshotName" =? _sSnapshotName , "SnapshotRetentionLimit" =? _sSnapshotRetentionLimit , "SnapshotSource" =? _sSnapshotSource , "SnapshotStatus" =? _sSnapshotStatus , "SnapshotWindow" =? _sSnapshotWindow , "TopicArn" =? _sTopicArn , "VpcId" =? _sVpcId ] data Event = Event { _eDate :: Maybe ISO8601 , _eMessage :: Maybe Text , _eSourceIdentifier :: Maybe Text , _eSourceType :: Maybe SourceType } deriving (Eq, Show) -- | 'Event' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'eDate' @::@ 'Maybe' 'UTCTime' -- -- * 'eMessage' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'eSourceIdentifier' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'eSourceType' @::@ 'Maybe' 'SourceType' -- event :: Event event = Event { _eSourceIdentifier = Nothing , _eSourceType = Nothing , _eMessage = Nothing , _eDate = Nothing } -- | The date and time when the event occurred. eDate :: Lens' Event (Maybe UTCTime) eDate = lens _eDate (\s a -> s { _eDate = a }) . mapping _Time -- | The text of the event. eMessage :: Lens' Event (Maybe Text) eMessage = lens _eMessage (\s a -> s { _eMessage = a }) -- | The identifier for the source of the event. For example, if the event -- occurred at the cache cluster level, the identifier would be the name of the -- cache cluster. eSourceIdentifier :: Lens' Event (Maybe Text) eSourceIdentifier = lens _eSourceIdentifier (\s a -> s { _eSourceIdentifier = a }) -- | Specifies the origin of this event - a cache cluster, a parameter group, a -- security group, etc. eSourceType :: Lens' Event (Maybe SourceType) eSourceType = lens _eSourceType (\s a -> s { _eSourceType = a }) instance FromXML Event where parseXML x = Event <$> x .@? "Date" <*> x .@? "Message" <*> x .@? "SourceIdentifier" <*> x .@? "SourceType" instance ToQuery Event where toQuery Event{..} = mconcat [ "Date" =? _eDate , "Message" =? _eMessage , "SourceIdentifier" =? _eSourceIdentifier , "SourceType" =? _eSourceType ] data NodeGroup = NodeGroup { _ngNodeGroupId :: Maybe Text , _ngNodeGroupMembers :: List "member" NodeGroupMember , _ngPrimaryEndpoint :: Maybe Endpoint , _ngStatus :: Maybe Text } deriving (Eq, Show) -- | 'NodeGroup' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'ngNodeGroupId' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'ngNodeGroupMembers' @::@ ['NodeGroupMember'] -- -- * 'ngPrimaryEndpoint' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Endpoint' -- -- * 'ngStatus' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- nodeGroup :: NodeGroup nodeGroup = NodeGroup { _ngNodeGroupId = Nothing , _ngStatus = Nothing , _ngPrimaryEndpoint = Nothing , _ngNodeGroupMembers = mempty } -- | The identifier for the node group. A replication group contains only one node -- group; therefore, the node group ID is 0001. ngNodeGroupId :: Lens' NodeGroup (Maybe Text) ngNodeGroupId = lens _ngNodeGroupId (\s a -> s { _ngNodeGroupId = a }) -- | A list containing information about individual nodes within the node group. ngNodeGroupMembers :: Lens' NodeGroup [NodeGroupMember] ngNodeGroupMembers = lens _ngNodeGroupMembers (\s a -> s { _ngNodeGroupMembers = a }) . _List ngPrimaryEndpoint :: Lens' NodeGroup (Maybe Endpoint) ngPrimaryEndpoint = lens _ngPrimaryEndpoint (\s a -> s { _ngPrimaryEndpoint = a }) -- | The current state of this replication group - /creating/, /available/, etc. ngStatus :: Lens' NodeGroup (Maybe Text) ngStatus = lens _ngStatus (\s a -> s { _ngStatus = a }) instance FromXML NodeGroup where parseXML x = NodeGroup <$> x .@? "NodeGroupId" <*> x .@ "NodeGroupMembers" <*> x .@? "PrimaryEndpoint" <*> x .@? "Status" instance ToQuery NodeGroup where toQuery NodeGroup{..} = mconcat [ "NodeGroupId" =? _ngNodeGroupId , "NodeGroupMembers" =? _ngNodeGroupMembers , "PrimaryEndpoint" =? _ngPrimaryEndpoint , "Status" =? _ngStatus ] data CacheNodeTypeSpecificValue = CacheNodeTypeSpecificValue { _cntsvCacheNodeType :: Maybe Text , _cntsvValue :: Maybe Text } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) -- | 'CacheNodeTypeSpecificValue' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'cntsvCacheNodeType' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'cntsvValue' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- cacheNodeTypeSpecificValue :: CacheNodeTypeSpecificValue cacheNodeTypeSpecificValue = CacheNodeTypeSpecificValue { _cntsvCacheNodeType = Nothing , _cntsvValue = Nothing } -- | The cache node type for which this value applies. cntsvCacheNodeType :: Lens' CacheNodeTypeSpecificValue (Maybe Text) cntsvCacheNodeType = lens _cntsvCacheNodeType (\s a -> s { _cntsvCacheNodeType = a }) -- | The value for the cache node type. cntsvValue :: Lens' CacheNodeTypeSpecificValue (Maybe Text) cntsvValue = lens _cntsvValue (\s a -> s { _cntsvValue = a }) instance FromXML CacheNodeTypeSpecificValue where parseXML x = CacheNodeTypeSpecificValue <$> x .@? "CacheNodeType" <*> x .@? "Value" instance ToQuery CacheNodeTypeSpecificValue where toQuery CacheNodeTypeSpecificValue{..} = mconcat [ "CacheNodeType" =? _cntsvCacheNodeType , "Value" =? _cntsvValue ] data PendingAutomaticFailoverStatus = Disabled -- ^ disabled | Enabled -- ^ enabled deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic, Enum) instance Hashable PendingAutomaticFailoverStatus instance FromText PendingAutomaticFailoverStatus where parser = takeText >>= \case "disabled" -> pure Disabled "enabled" -> pure Enabled e -> fail $ "Failure parsing PendingAutomaticFailoverStatus from " ++ show e instance ToText PendingAutomaticFailoverStatus where toText = \case Disabled -> "disabled" Enabled -> "enabled" instance ToByteString PendingAutomaticFailoverStatus instance ToHeader PendingAutomaticFailoverStatus instance ToQuery PendingAutomaticFailoverStatus instance FromXML PendingAutomaticFailoverStatus where parseXML = parseXMLText "PendingAutomaticFailoverStatus" data NotificationConfiguration = NotificationConfiguration { _ncTopicArn :: Maybe Text , _ncTopicStatus :: Maybe Text } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) -- | 'NotificationConfiguration' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'ncTopicArn' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'ncTopicStatus' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- notificationConfiguration :: NotificationConfiguration notificationConfiguration = NotificationConfiguration { _ncTopicArn = Nothing , _ncTopicStatus = Nothing } -- | The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that identifies the topic. ncTopicArn :: Lens' NotificationConfiguration (Maybe Text) ncTopicArn = lens _ncTopicArn (\s a -> s { _ncTopicArn = a }) -- | The current state of the topic. ncTopicStatus :: Lens' NotificationConfiguration (Maybe Text) ncTopicStatus = lens _ncTopicStatus (\s a -> s { _ncTopicStatus = a }) instance FromXML NotificationConfiguration where parseXML x = NotificationConfiguration <$> x .@? "TopicArn" <*> x .@? "TopicStatus" instance ToQuery NotificationConfiguration where toQuery NotificationConfiguration{..} = mconcat [ "TopicArn" =? _ncTopicArn , "TopicStatus" =? _ncTopicStatus ] data ReplicationGroupPendingModifiedValues = ReplicationGroupPendingModifiedValues { _rgpmvAutomaticFailoverStatus :: Maybe PendingAutomaticFailoverStatus , _rgpmvPrimaryClusterId :: Maybe Text } deriving (Eq, Show) -- | 'ReplicationGroupPendingModifiedValues' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'rgpmvAutomaticFailoverStatus' @::@ 'Maybe' 'PendingAutomaticFailoverStatus' -- -- * 'rgpmvPrimaryClusterId' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- replicationGroupPendingModifiedValues :: ReplicationGroupPendingModifiedValues replicationGroupPendingModifiedValues = ReplicationGroupPendingModifiedValues { _rgpmvPrimaryClusterId = Nothing , _rgpmvAutomaticFailoverStatus = Nothing } -- | Indicates the status of automatic failover for this replication group. rgpmvAutomaticFailoverStatus :: Lens' ReplicationGroupPendingModifiedValues (Maybe PendingAutomaticFailoverStatus) rgpmvAutomaticFailoverStatus = lens _rgpmvAutomaticFailoverStatus (\s a -> s { _rgpmvAutomaticFailoverStatus = a }) -- | The primary cluster ID which will be applied immediately (if '--apply-immediately' was specified), or during the next maintenance window. rgpmvPrimaryClusterId :: Lens' ReplicationGroupPendingModifiedValues (Maybe Text) rgpmvPrimaryClusterId = lens _rgpmvPrimaryClusterId (\s a -> s { _rgpmvPrimaryClusterId = a }) instance FromXML ReplicationGroupPendingModifiedValues where parseXML x = ReplicationGroupPendingModifiedValues <$> x .@? "AutomaticFailoverStatus" <*> x .@? "PrimaryClusterId" instance ToQuery ReplicationGroupPendingModifiedValues where toQuery ReplicationGroupPendingModifiedValues{..} = mconcat [ "AutomaticFailoverStatus" =? _rgpmvAutomaticFailoverStatus , "PrimaryClusterId" =? _rgpmvPrimaryClusterId ] data EC2SecurityGroup = EC2SecurityGroup { _ecsgEC2SecurityGroupName :: Maybe Text , _ecsgEC2SecurityGroupOwnerId :: Maybe Text , _ecsgStatus :: Maybe Text } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) -- | 'EC2SecurityGroup' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'ecsgEC2SecurityGroupName' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'ecsgEC2SecurityGroupOwnerId' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'ecsgStatus' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- ec2SecurityGroup :: EC2SecurityGroup ec2SecurityGroup = EC2SecurityGroup { _ecsgStatus = Nothing , _ecsgEC2SecurityGroupName = Nothing , _ecsgEC2SecurityGroupOwnerId = Nothing } -- | The name of the Amazon EC2 security group. ecsgEC2SecurityGroupName :: Lens' EC2SecurityGroup (Maybe Text) ecsgEC2SecurityGroupName = lens _ecsgEC2SecurityGroupName (\s a -> s { _ecsgEC2SecurityGroupName = a }) -- | The AWS account ID of the Amazon EC2 security group owner. ecsgEC2SecurityGroupOwnerId :: Lens' EC2SecurityGroup (Maybe Text) ecsgEC2SecurityGroupOwnerId = lens _ecsgEC2SecurityGroupOwnerId (\s a -> s { _ecsgEC2SecurityGroupOwnerId = a }) -- | The status of the Amazon EC2 security group. ecsgStatus :: Lens' EC2SecurityGroup (Maybe Text) ecsgStatus = lens _ecsgStatus (\s a -> s { _ecsgStatus = a }) instance FromXML EC2SecurityGroup where parseXML x = EC2SecurityGroup <$> x .@? "EC2SecurityGroupName" <*> x .@? "EC2SecurityGroupOwnerId" <*> x .@? "Status" instance ToQuery EC2SecurityGroup where toQuery EC2SecurityGroup{..} = mconcat [ "EC2SecurityGroupName" =? _ecsgEC2SecurityGroupName , "EC2SecurityGroupOwnerId" =? _ecsgEC2SecurityGroupOwnerId , "Status" =? _ecsgStatus ] data ParameterNameValue = ParameterNameValue { _pnvParameterName :: Maybe Text , _pnvParameterValue :: Maybe Text } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) -- | 'ParameterNameValue' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'pnvParameterName' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'pnvParameterValue' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- parameterNameValue :: ParameterNameValue parameterNameValue = ParameterNameValue { _pnvParameterName = Nothing , _pnvParameterValue = Nothing } -- | The name of the parameter. pnvParameterName :: Lens' ParameterNameValue (Maybe Text) pnvParameterName = lens _pnvParameterName (\s a -> s { _pnvParameterName = a }) -- | The value of the parameter. pnvParameterValue :: Lens' ParameterNameValue (Maybe Text) pnvParameterValue = lens _pnvParameterValue (\s a -> s { _pnvParameterValue = a }) instance FromXML ParameterNameValue where parseXML x = ParameterNameValue <$> x .@? "ParameterName" <*> x .@? "ParameterValue" instance ToQuery ParameterNameValue where toQuery ParameterNameValue{..} = mconcat [ "ParameterName" =? _pnvParameterName , "ParameterValue" =? _pnvParameterValue ] data SourceType = STCacheCluster -- ^ cache-cluster | STCacheParameterGroup -- ^ cache-parameter-group | STCacheSecurityGroup -- ^ cache-security-group | STCacheSubnetGroup -- ^ cache-subnet-group deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic, Enum) instance Hashable SourceType instance FromText SourceType where parser = takeText >>= \case "cache-cluster" -> pure STCacheCluster "cache-parameter-group" -> pure STCacheParameterGroup "cache-security-group" -> pure STCacheSecurityGroup "cache-subnet-group" -> pure STCacheSubnetGroup e -> fail $ "Failure parsing SourceType from " ++ show e instance ToText SourceType where toText = \case STCacheCluster -> "cache-cluster" STCacheParameterGroup -> "cache-parameter-group" STCacheSecurityGroup -> "cache-security-group" STCacheSubnetGroup -> "cache-subnet-group" instance ToByteString SourceType instance ToHeader SourceType instance ToQuery SourceType instance FromXML SourceType where parseXML = parseXMLText "SourceType" data CacheSubnetGroup = CacheSubnetGroup { _csgCacheSubnetGroupDescription :: Maybe Text , _csgCacheSubnetGroupName :: Maybe Text , _csgSubnets :: List "member" Subnet , _csgVpcId :: Maybe Text } deriving (Eq, Show) -- | 'CacheSubnetGroup' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'csgCacheSubnetGroupDescription' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'csgCacheSubnetGroupName' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'csgSubnets' @::@ ['Subnet'] -- -- * 'csgVpcId' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- cacheSubnetGroup :: CacheSubnetGroup cacheSubnetGroup = CacheSubnetGroup { _csgCacheSubnetGroupName = Nothing , _csgCacheSubnetGroupDescription = Nothing , _csgVpcId = Nothing , _csgSubnets = mempty } -- | The description of the cache subnet group. csgCacheSubnetGroupDescription :: Lens' CacheSubnetGroup (Maybe Text) csgCacheSubnetGroupDescription = lens _csgCacheSubnetGroupDescription (\s a -> s { _csgCacheSubnetGroupDescription = a }) -- | The name of the cache subnet group. csgCacheSubnetGroupName :: Lens' CacheSubnetGroup (Maybe Text) csgCacheSubnetGroupName = lens _csgCacheSubnetGroupName (\s a -> s { _csgCacheSubnetGroupName = a }) -- | A list of subnets associated with the cache subnet group. csgSubnets :: Lens' CacheSubnetGroup [Subnet] csgSubnets = lens _csgSubnets (\s a -> s { _csgSubnets = a }) . _List -- | The Amazon Virtual Private Cloud identifier (VPC ID) of the cache subnet -- group. csgVpcId :: Lens' CacheSubnetGroup (Maybe Text) csgVpcId = lens _csgVpcId (\s a -> s { _csgVpcId = a }) instance FromXML CacheSubnetGroup where parseXML x = CacheSubnetGroup <$> x .@? "CacheSubnetGroupDescription" <*> x .@? "CacheSubnetGroupName" <*> x .@ "Subnets" <*> x .@? "VpcId" instance ToQuery CacheSubnetGroup where toQuery CacheSubnetGroup{..} = mconcat [ "CacheSubnetGroupDescription" =? _csgCacheSubnetGroupDescription , "CacheSubnetGroupName" =? _csgCacheSubnetGroupName , "Subnets" =? _csgSubnets , "VpcId" =? _csgVpcId ] data ReservedCacheNode = ReservedCacheNode { _rcnCacheNodeCount :: Maybe Int , _rcnCacheNodeType :: Maybe Text , _rcnDuration :: Maybe Int , _rcnFixedPrice :: Maybe Double , _rcnOfferingType :: Maybe Text , _rcnProductDescription :: Maybe Text , _rcnRecurringCharges :: List "member" RecurringCharge , _rcnReservedCacheNodeId :: Maybe Text , _rcnReservedCacheNodesOfferingId :: Maybe Text , _rcnStartTime :: Maybe ISO8601 , _rcnState :: Maybe Text , _rcnUsagePrice :: Maybe Double } deriving (Eq, Show) -- | 'ReservedCacheNode' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'rcnCacheNodeCount' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Int' -- -- * 'rcnCacheNodeType' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'rcnDuration' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Int' -- -- * 'rcnFixedPrice' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Double' -- -- * 'rcnOfferingType' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'rcnProductDescription' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'rcnRecurringCharges' @::@ ['RecurringCharge'] -- -- * 'rcnReservedCacheNodeId' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'rcnReservedCacheNodesOfferingId' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'rcnStartTime' @::@ 'Maybe' 'UTCTime' -- -- * 'rcnState' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'rcnUsagePrice' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Double' -- reservedCacheNode :: ReservedCacheNode reservedCacheNode = ReservedCacheNode { _rcnReservedCacheNodeId = Nothing , _rcnReservedCacheNodesOfferingId = Nothing , _rcnCacheNodeType = Nothing , _rcnStartTime = Nothing , _rcnDuration = Nothing , _rcnFixedPrice = Nothing , _rcnUsagePrice = Nothing , _rcnCacheNodeCount = Nothing , _rcnProductDescription = Nothing , _rcnOfferingType = Nothing , _rcnState = Nothing , _rcnRecurringCharges = mempty } -- | The number of cache nodes that have been reserved. rcnCacheNodeCount :: Lens' ReservedCacheNode (Maybe Int) rcnCacheNodeCount = lens _rcnCacheNodeCount (\s a -> s { _rcnCacheNodeCount = a }) -- | The cache node type for the reserved cache nodes. rcnCacheNodeType :: Lens' ReservedCacheNode (Maybe Text) rcnCacheNodeType = lens _rcnCacheNodeType (\s a -> s { _rcnCacheNodeType = a }) -- | The duration of the reservation in seconds. rcnDuration :: Lens' ReservedCacheNode (Maybe Int) rcnDuration = lens _rcnDuration (\s a -> s { _rcnDuration = a }) -- | The fixed price charged for this reserved cache node. rcnFixedPrice :: Lens' ReservedCacheNode (Maybe Double) rcnFixedPrice = lens _rcnFixedPrice (\s a -> s { _rcnFixedPrice = a }) -- | The offering type of this reserved cache node. rcnOfferingType :: Lens' ReservedCacheNode (Maybe Text) rcnOfferingType = lens _rcnOfferingType (\s a -> s { _rcnOfferingType = a }) -- | The description of the reserved cache node. rcnProductDescription :: Lens' ReservedCacheNode (Maybe Text) rcnProductDescription = lens _rcnProductDescription (\s a -> s { _rcnProductDescription = a }) -- | The recurring price charged to run this reserved cache node. rcnRecurringCharges :: Lens' ReservedCacheNode [RecurringCharge] rcnRecurringCharges = lens _rcnRecurringCharges (\s a -> s { _rcnRecurringCharges = a }) . _List -- | The unique identifier for the reservation. rcnReservedCacheNodeId :: Lens' ReservedCacheNode (Maybe Text) rcnReservedCacheNodeId = lens _rcnReservedCacheNodeId (\s a -> s { _rcnReservedCacheNodeId = a }) -- | The offering identifier. rcnReservedCacheNodesOfferingId :: Lens' ReservedCacheNode (Maybe Text) rcnReservedCacheNodesOfferingId = lens _rcnReservedCacheNodesOfferingId (\s a -> s { _rcnReservedCacheNodesOfferingId = a }) -- | The time the reservation started. rcnStartTime :: Lens' ReservedCacheNode (Maybe UTCTime) rcnStartTime = lens _rcnStartTime (\s a -> s { _rcnStartTime = a }) . mapping _Time -- | The state of the reserved cache node. rcnState :: Lens' ReservedCacheNode (Maybe Text) rcnState = lens _rcnState (\s a -> s { _rcnState = a }) -- | The hourly price charged for this reserved cache node. rcnUsagePrice :: Lens' ReservedCacheNode (Maybe Double) rcnUsagePrice = lens _rcnUsagePrice (\s a -> s { _rcnUsagePrice = a }) instance FromXML ReservedCacheNode where parseXML x = ReservedCacheNode <$> x .@? "CacheNodeCount" <*> x .@? "CacheNodeType" <*> x .@? "Duration" <*> x .@? "FixedPrice" <*> x .@? "OfferingType" <*> x .@? "ProductDescription" <*> x .@ "RecurringCharges" <*> x .@? "ReservedCacheNodeId" <*> x .@? "ReservedCacheNodesOfferingId" <*> x .@? "StartTime" <*> x .@? "State" <*> x .@? "UsagePrice" instance ToQuery ReservedCacheNode where toQuery ReservedCacheNode{..} = mconcat [ "CacheNodeCount" =? _rcnCacheNodeCount , "CacheNodeType" =? _rcnCacheNodeType , "Duration" =? _rcnDuration , "FixedPrice" =? _rcnFixedPrice , "OfferingType" =? _rcnOfferingType , "ProductDescription" =? _rcnProductDescription , "RecurringCharges" =? _rcnRecurringCharges , "ReservedCacheNodeId" =? _rcnReservedCacheNodeId , "ReservedCacheNodesOfferingId" =? _rcnReservedCacheNodesOfferingId , "StartTime" =? _rcnStartTime , "State" =? _rcnState , "UsagePrice" =? _rcnUsagePrice ] data Subnet = Subnet { _sSubnetAvailabilityZone :: Maybe AvailabilityZone , _sSubnetIdentifier :: Maybe Text } deriving (Eq, Show) -- | 'Subnet' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'sSubnetAvailabilityZone' @::@ 'Maybe' 'AvailabilityZone' -- -- * 'sSubnetIdentifier' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- subnet :: Subnet subnet = Subnet { _sSubnetIdentifier = Nothing , _sSubnetAvailabilityZone = Nothing } -- | The Availability Zone associated with the subnet sSubnetAvailabilityZone :: Lens' Subnet (Maybe AvailabilityZone) sSubnetAvailabilityZone = lens _sSubnetAvailabilityZone (\s a -> s { _sSubnetAvailabilityZone = a }) -- | The unique identifier for the subnet sSubnetIdentifier :: Lens' Subnet (Maybe Text) sSubnetIdentifier = lens _sSubnetIdentifier (\s a -> s { _sSubnetIdentifier = a }) instance FromXML Subnet where parseXML x = Subnet <$> x .@? "SubnetAvailabilityZone" <*> x .@? "SubnetIdentifier" instance ToQuery Subnet where toQuery Subnet{..} = mconcat [ "SubnetAvailabilityZone" =? _sSubnetAvailabilityZone , "SubnetIdentifier" =? _sSubnetIdentifier ] data SecurityGroupMembership = SecurityGroupMembership { _sgmSecurityGroupId :: Maybe Text , _sgmStatus :: Maybe Text } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) -- | 'SecurityGroupMembership' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'sgmSecurityGroupId' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'sgmStatus' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- securityGroupMembership :: SecurityGroupMembership securityGroupMembership = SecurityGroupMembership { _sgmSecurityGroupId = Nothing , _sgmStatus = Nothing } -- | The identifier of the cache security group. sgmSecurityGroupId :: Lens' SecurityGroupMembership (Maybe Text) sgmSecurityGroupId = lens _sgmSecurityGroupId (\s a -> s { _sgmSecurityGroupId = a }) -- | The status of the cache security group membership. The status changes -- whenever a cache security group is modified, or when the cache security -- groups assigned to a cache cluster are modified. sgmStatus :: Lens' SecurityGroupMembership (Maybe Text) sgmStatus = lens _sgmStatus (\s a -> s { _sgmStatus = a }) instance FromXML SecurityGroupMembership where parseXML x = SecurityGroupMembership <$> x .@? "SecurityGroupId" <*> x .@? "Status" instance ToQuery SecurityGroupMembership where toQuery SecurityGroupMembership{..} = mconcat [ "SecurityGroupId" =? _sgmSecurityGroupId , "Status" =? _sgmStatus ] data CacheCluster = CacheCluster { _ccAutoMinorVersionUpgrade :: Maybe Bool , _ccCacheClusterCreateTime :: Maybe ISO8601 , _ccCacheClusterId :: Maybe Text , _ccCacheClusterStatus :: Maybe Text , _ccCacheNodeType :: Maybe Text , _ccCacheNodes :: List "member" CacheNode , _ccCacheParameterGroup :: Maybe CacheParameterGroupStatus , _ccCacheSecurityGroups :: List "member" CacheSecurityGroupMembership , _ccCacheSubnetGroupName :: Maybe Text , _ccClientDownloadLandingPage :: Maybe Text , _ccConfigurationEndpoint :: Maybe Endpoint , _ccEngine :: Maybe Text , _ccEngineVersion :: Maybe Text , _ccNotificationConfiguration :: Maybe NotificationConfiguration , _ccNumCacheNodes :: Maybe Int , _ccPendingModifiedValues :: Maybe PendingModifiedValues , _ccPreferredAvailabilityZone :: Maybe Text , _ccPreferredMaintenanceWindow :: Maybe Text , _ccReplicationGroupId :: Maybe Text , _ccSecurityGroups :: List "member" SecurityGroupMembership , _ccSnapshotRetentionLimit :: Maybe Int , _ccSnapshotWindow :: Maybe Text } deriving (Eq, Show) -- | 'CacheCluster' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'ccAutoMinorVersionUpgrade' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Bool' -- -- * 'ccCacheClusterCreateTime' @::@ 'Maybe' 'UTCTime' -- -- * 'ccCacheClusterId' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'ccCacheClusterStatus' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'ccCacheNodeType' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'ccCacheNodes' @::@ ['CacheNode'] -- -- * 'ccCacheParameterGroup' @::@ 'Maybe' 'CacheParameterGroupStatus' -- -- * 'ccCacheSecurityGroups' @::@ ['CacheSecurityGroupMembership'] -- -- * 'ccCacheSubnetGroupName' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'ccClientDownloadLandingPage' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'ccConfigurationEndpoint' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Endpoint' -- -- * 'ccEngine' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'ccEngineVersion' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'ccNotificationConfiguration' @::@ 'Maybe' 'NotificationConfiguration' -- -- * 'ccNumCacheNodes' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Int' -- -- * 'ccPendingModifiedValues' @::@ 'Maybe' 'PendingModifiedValues' -- -- * 'ccPreferredAvailabilityZone' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'ccPreferredMaintenanceWindow' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'ccReplicationGroupId' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'ccSecurityGroups' @::@ ['SecurityGroupMembership'] -- -- * 'ccSnapshotRetentionLimit' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Int' -- -- * 'ccSnapshotWindow' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- cacheCluster :: CacheCluster cacheCluster = CacheCluster { _ccCacheClusterId = Nothing , _ccConfigurationEndpoint = Nothing , _ccClientDownloadLandingPage = Nothing , _ccCacheNodeType = Nothing , _ccEngine = Nothing , _ccEngineVersion = Nothing , _ccCacheClusterStatus = Nothing , _ccNumCacheNodes = Nothing , _ccPreferredAvailabilityZone = Nothing , _ccCacheClusterCreateTime = Nothing , _ccPreferredMaintenanceWindow = Nothing , _ccPendingModifiedValues = Nothing , _ccNotificationConfiguration = Nothing , _ccCacheSecurityGroups = mempty , _ccCacheParameterGroup = Nothing , _ccCacheSubnetGroupName = Nothing , _ccCacheNodes = mempty , _ccAutoMinorVersionUpgrade = Nothing , _ccSecurityGroups = mempty , _ccReplicationGroupId = Nothing , _ccSnapshotRetentionLimit = Nothing , _ccSnapshotWindow = Nothing } -- | If 'true', then minor version patches are applied automatically; if 'false', then -- automatic minor version patches are disabled. ccAutoMinorVersionUpgrade :: Lens' CacheCluster (Maybe Bool) ccAutoMinorVersionUpgrade = lens _ccAutoMinorVersionUpgrade (\s a -> s { _ccAutoMinorVersionUpgrade = a }) -- | The date and time when the cache cluster was created. ccCacheClusterCreateTime :: Lens' CacheCluster (Maybe UTCTime) ccCacheClusterCreateTime = lens _ccCacheClusterCreateTime (\s a -> s { _ccCacheClusterCreateTime = a }) . mapping _Time -- | The user-supplied identifier of the cache cluster. This identifier is a -- unique key that identifies a cache cluster. ccCacheClusterId :: Lens' CacheCluster (Maybe Text) ccCacheClusterId = lens _ccCacheClusterId (\s a -> s { _ccCacheClusterId = a }) -- | The current state of this cache cluster, one of the following values: /available/, /creating/, /deleted/, /deleting/, /incompatible-network/, /modifying/, /rebootingcache cluster nodes/, /restore-failed/, or /snapshotting/. ccCacheClusterStatus :: Lens' CacheCluster (Maybe Text) ccCacheClusterStatus = lens _ccCacheClusterStatus (\s a -> s { _ccCacheClusterStatus = a }) -- | The name of the compute and memory capacity node type for the cache cluster. ccCacheNodeType :: Lens' CacheCluster (Maybe Text) ccCacheNodeType = lens _ccCacheNodeType (\s a -> s { _ccCacheNodeType = a }) -- | A list of cache nodes that are members of the cache cluster. ccCacheNodes :: Lens' CacheCluster [CacheNode] ccCacheNodes = lens _ccCacheNodes (\s a -> s { _ccCacheNodes = a }) . _List ccCacheParameterGroup :: Lens' CacheCluster (Maybe CacheParameterGroupStatus) ccCacheParameterGroup = lens _ccCacheParameterGroup (\s a -> s { _ccCacheParameterGroup = a }) -- | A list of cache security group elements, composed of name and status -- sub-elements. ccCacheSecurityGroups :: Lens' CacheCluster [CacheSecurityGroupMembership] ccCacheSecurityGroups = lens _ccCacheSecurityGroups (\s a -> s { _ccCacheSecurityGroups = a }) . _List -- | The name of the cache subnet group associated with the cache cluster. ccCacheSubnetGroupName :: Lens' CacheCluster (Maybe Text) ccCacheSubnetGroupName = lens _ccCacheSubnetGroupName (\s a -> s { _ccCacheSubnetGroupName = a }) -- | The URL of the web page where you can download the latest ElastiCache client -- library. ccClientDownloadLandingPage :: Lens' CacheCluster (Maybe Text) ccClientDownloadLandingPage = lens _ccClientDownloadLandingPage (\s a -> s { _ccClientDownloadLandingPage = a }) ccConfigurationEndpoint :: Lens' CacheCluster (Maybe Endpoint) ccConfigurationEndpoint = lens _ccConfigurationEndpoint (\s a -> s { _ccConfigurationEndpoint = a }) -- | The name of the cache engine (/memcached/ or /redis/) to be used for this cache -- cluster. ccEngine :: Lens' CacheCluster (Maybe Text) ccEngine = lens _ccEngine (\s a -> s { _ccEngine = a }) -- | The version of the cache engine version that is used in this cache cluster. ccEngineVersion :: Lens' CacheCluster (Maybe Text) ccEngineVersion = lens _ccEngineVersion (\s a -> s { _ccEngineVersion = a }) ccNotificationConfiguration :: Lens' CacheCluster (Maybe NotificationConfiguration) ccNotificationConfiguration = lens _ccNotificationConfiguration (\s a -> s { _ccNotificationConfiguration = a }) -- | The number of cache nodes in the cache cluster. ccNumCacheNodes :: Lens' CacheCluster (Maybe Int) ccNumCacheNodes = lens _ccNumCacheNodes (\s a -> s { _ccNumCacheNodes = a }) ccPendingModifiedValues :: Lens' CacheCluster (Maybe PendingModifiedValues) ccPendingModifiedValues = lens _ccPendingModifiedValues (\s a -> s { _ccPendingModifiedValues = a }) -- | The name of the Availability Zone in which the cache cluster is located or -- "Multiple" if the cache nodes are located in different Availability Zones. ccPreferredAvailabilityZone :: Lens' CacheCluster (Maybe Text) ccPreferredAvailabilityZone = lens _ccPreferredAvailabilityZone (\s a -> s { _ccPreferredAvailabilityZone = a }) -- | The time range (in UTC) during which weekly system maintenance can occur. ccPreferredMaintenanceWindow :: Lens' CacheCluster (Maybe Text) ccPreferredMaintenanceWindow = lens _ccPreferredMaintenanceWindow (\s a -> s { _ccPreferredMaintenanceWindow = a }) -- | The replication group to which this cache cluster belongs. If this field is -- empty, the cache cluster is not associated with any replication group. ccReplicationGroupId :: Lens' CacheCluster (Maybe Text) ccReplicationGroupId = lens _ccReplicationGroupId (\s a -> s { _ccReplicationGroupId = a }) -- | A list of VPC Security Groups associated with the cache cluster. ccSecurityGroups :: Lens' CacheCluster [SecurityGroupMembership] ccSecurityGroups = lens _ccSecurityGroups (\s a -> s { _ccSecurityGroups = a }) . _List -- | The number of days for which ElastiCache will retain automatic cache cluster -- snapshots before deleting them. For example, if you set /SnapshotRetentionLimit/ -- to 5, then a snapshot that was taken today will be retained for 5 days -- before being deleted. -- -- Important -- If the value of SnapshotRetentionLimit is set to zero (0), backups -- are turned off. ccSnapshotRetentionLimit :: Lens' CacheCluster (Maybe Int) ccSnapshotRetentionLimit = lens _ccSnapshotRetentionLimit (\s a -> s { _ccSnapshotRetentionLimit = a }) -- | The daily time range (in UTC) during which ElastiCache will begin taking a -- daily snapshot of your cache cluster. -- -- Example: '05:00-09:00' ccSnapshotWindow :: Lens' CacheCluster (Maybe Text) ccSnapshotWindow = lens _ccSnapshotWindow (\s a -> s { _ccSnapshotWindow = a }) instance FromXML CacheCluster where parseXML x = CacheCluster <$> x .@? "AutoMinorVersionUpgrade" <*> x .@? "CacheClusterCreateTime" <*> x .@? "CacheClusterId" <*> x .@? "CacheClusterStatus" <*> x .@? "CacheNodeType" <*> x .@ "CacheNodes" <*> x .@? "CacheParameterGroup" <*> x .@ "CacheSecurityGroups" <*> x .@? "CacheSubnetGroupName" <*> x .@? "ClientDownloadLandingPage" <*> x .@? "ConfigurationEndpoint" <*> x .@? "Engine" <*> x .@? "EngineVersion" <*> x .@? "NotificationConfiguration" <*> x .@? "NumCacheNodes" <*> x .@? "PendingModifiedValues" <*> x .@? "PreferredAvailabilityZone" <*> x .@? "PreferredMaintenanceWindow" <*> x .@? "ReplicationGroupId" <*> x .@ "SecurityGroups" <*> x .@? "SnapshotRetentionLimit" <*> x .@? "SnapshotWindow" instance ToQuery CacheCluster where toQuery CacheCluster{..} = mconcat [ "AutoMinorVersionUpgrade" =? _ccAutoMinorVersionUpgrade , "CacheClusterCreateTime" =? _ccCacheClusterCreateTime , "CacheClusterId" =? _ccCacheClusterId , "CacheClusterStatus" =? _ccCacheClusterStatus , "CacheNodeType" =? _ccCacheNodeType , "CacheNodes" =? _ccCacheNodes , "CacheParameterGroup" =? _ccCacheParameterGroup , "CacheSecurityGroups" =? _ccCacheSecurityGroups , "CacheSubnetGroupName" =? _ccCacheSubnetGroupName , "ClientDownloadLandingPage" =? _ccClientDownloadLandingPage , "ConfigurationEndpoint" =? _ccConfigurationEndpoint , "Engine" =? _ccEngine , "EngineVersion" =? _ccEngineVersion , "NotificationConfiguration" =? _ccNotificationConfiguration , "NumCacheNodes" =? _ccNumCacheNodes , "PendingModifiedValues" =? _ccPendingModifiedValues , "PreferredAvailabilityZone" =? _ccPreferredAvailabilityZone , "PreferredMaintenanceWindow" =? _ccPreferredMaintenanceWindow , "ReplicationGroupId" =? _ccReplicationGroupId , "SecurityGroups" =? _ccSecurityGroups , "SnapshotRetentionLimit" =? _ccSnapshotRetentionLimit , "SnapshotWindow" =? _ccSnapshotWindow ] data EngineDefaults = EngineDefaults { _edCacheNodeTypeSpecificParameters :: List "member" CacheNodeTypeSpecificParameter , _edCacheParameterGroupFamily :: Maybe Text , _edMarker :: Maybe Text , _edParameters :: List "member" Parameter } deriving (Eq, Show) -- | 'EngineDefaults' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'edCacheNodeTypeSpecificParameters' @::@ ['CacheNodeTypeSpecificParameter'] -- -- * 'edCacheParameterGroupFamily' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'edMarker' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'edParameters' @::@ ['Parameter'] -- engineDefaults :: EngineDefaults engineDefaults = EngineDefaults { _edCacheParameterGroupFamily = Nothing , _edMarker = Nothing , _edParameters = mempty , _edCacheNodeTypeSpecificParameters = mempty } -- | A list of parameters specific to a particular cache node type. Each element -- in the list contains detailed information about one parameter. edCacheNodeTypeSpecificParameters :: Lens' EngineDefaults [CacheNodeTypeSpecificParameter] edCacheNodeTypeSpecificParameters = lens _edCacheNodeTypeSpecificParameters (\s a -> s { _edCacheNodeTypeSpecificParameters = a }) . _List -- | Specifies the name of the cache parameter group family to which the engine -- default parameters apply. edCacheParameterGroupFamily :: Lens' EngineDefaults (Maybe Text) edCacheParameterGroupFamily = lens _edCacheParameterGroupFamily (\s a -> s { _edCacheParameterGroupFamily = a }) -- | Provides an identifier to allow retrieval of paginated results. edMarker :: Lens' EngineDefaults (Maybe Text) edMarker = lens _edMarker (\s a -> s { _edMarker = a }) -- | Contains a list of engine default parameters. edParameters :: Lens' EngineDefaults [Parameter] edParameters = lens _edParameters (\s a -> s { _edParameters = a }) . _List instance FromXML EngineDefaults where parseXML x = EngineDefaults <$> x .@ "CacheNodeTypeSpecificParameters" <*> x .@? "CacheParameterGroupFamily" <*> x .@? "Marker" <*> x .@ "Parameters" instance ToQuery EngineDefaults where toQuery EngineDefaults{..} = mconcat [ "CacheNodeTypeSpecificParameters" =? _edCacheNodeTypeSpecificParameters , "CacheParameterGroupFamily" =? _edCacheParameterGroupFamily , "Marker" =? _edMarker , "Parameters" =? _edParameters ] data CacheParameterGroupStatus = CacheParameterGroupStatus { _cpgsCacheNodeIdsToReboot :: List "member" Text , _cpgsCacheParameterGroupName :: Maybe Text , _cpgsParameterApplyStatus :: Maybe Text } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) -- | 'CacheParameterGroupStatus' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'cpgsCacheNodeIdsToReboot' @::@ ['Text'] -- -- * 'cpgsCacheParameterGroupName' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'cpgsParameterApplyStatus' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- cacheParameterGroupStatus :: CacheParameterGroupStatus cacheParameterGroupStatus = CacheParameterGroupStatus { _cpgsCacheParameterGroupName = Nothing , _cpgsParameterApplyStatus = Nothing , _cpgsCacheNodeIdsToReboot = mempty } -- | A list of the cache node IDs which need to be rebooted for parameter changes -- to be applied. A node ID is a numeric identifier (0001, 0002, etc.). cpgsCacheNodeIdsToReboot :: Lens' CacheParameterGroupStatus [Text] cpgsCacheNodeIdsToReboot = lens _cpgsCacheNodeIdsToReboot (\s a -> s { _cpgsCacheNodeIdsToReboot = a }) . _List -- | The name of the cache parameter group. cpgsCacheParameterGroupName :: Lens' CacheParameterGroupStatus (Maybe Text) cpgsCacheParameterGroupName = lens _cpgsCacheParameterGroupName (\s a -> s { _cpgsCacheParameterGroupName = a }) -- | The status of parameter updates. cpgsParameterApplyStatus :: Lens' CacheParameterGroupStatus (Maybe Text) cpgsParameterApplyStatus = lens _cpgsParameterApplyStatus (\s a -> s { _cpgsParameterApplyStatus = a }) instance FromXML CacheParameterGroupStatus where parseXML x = CacheParameterGroupStatus <$> x .@ "CacheNodeIdsToReboot" <*> x .@? "CacheParameterGroupName" <*> x .@? "ParameterApplyStatus" instance ToQuery CacheParameterGroupStatus where toQuery CacheParameterGroupStatus{..} = mconcat [ "CacheNodeIdsToReboot" =? _cpgsCacheNodeIdsToReboot , "CacheParameterGroupName" =? _cpgsCacheParameterGroupName , "ParameterApplyStatus" =? _cpgsParameterApplyStatus ] data CacheNode = CacheNode { _cnCacheNodeCreateTime :: Maybe ISO8601 , _cnCacheNodeId :: Maybe Text , _cnCacheNodeStatus :: Maybe Text , _cnCustomerAvailabilityZone :: Maybe Text , _cnEndpoint :: Maybe Endpoint , _cnParameterGroupStatus :: Maybe Text , _cnSourceCacheNodeId :: Maybe Text } deriving (Eq, Show) -- | 'CacheNode' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'cnCacheNodeCreateTime' @::@ 'Maybe' 'UTCTime' -- -- * 'cnCacheNodeId' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'cnCacheNodeStatus' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'cnCustomerAvailabilityZone' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'cnEndpoint' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Endpoint' -- -- * 'cnParameterGroupStatus' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'cnSourceCacheNodeId' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- cacheNode :: CacheNode cacheNode = CacheNode { _cnCacheNodeId = Nothing , _cnCacheNodeStatus = Nothing , _cnCacheNodeCreateTime = Nothing , _cnEndpoint = Nothing , _cnParameterGroupStatus = Nothing , _cnSourceCacheNodeId = Nothing , _cnCustomerAvailabilityZone = Nothing } -- | The date and time when the cache node was created. cnCacheNodeCreateTime :: Lens' CacheNode (Maybe UTCTime) cnCacheNodeCreateTime = lens _cnCacheNodeCreateTime (\s a -> s { _cnCacheNodeCreateTime = a }) . mapping _Time -- | The cache node identifier. A node ID is a numeric identifier (0001, 0002, -- etc.). The combination of cluster ID and node ID uniquely identifies every -- cache node used in a customer's AWS account. cnCacheNodeId :: Lens' CacheNode (Maybe Text) cnCacheNodeId = lens _cnCacheNodeId (\s a -> s { _cnCacheNodeId = a }) -- | The current state of this cache node. cnCacheNodeStatus :: Lens' CacheNode (Maybe Text) cnCacheNodeStatus = lens _cnCacheNodeStatus (\s a -> s { _cnCacheNodeStatus = a }) -- | The Availability Zone where this node was created and now resides. cnCustomerAvailabilityZone :: Lens' CacheNode (Maybe Text) cnCustomerAvailabilityZone = lens _cnCustomerAvailabilityZone (\s a -> s { _cnCustomerAvailabilityZone = a }) -- | The hostname and IP address for connecting to this cache node. cnEndpoint :: Lens' CacheNode (Maybe Endpoint) cnEndpoint = lens _cnEndpoint (\s a -> s { _cnEndpoint = a }) -- | The status of the parameter group applied to this cache node. cnParameterGroupStatus :: Lens' CacheNode (Maybe Text) cnParameterGroupStatus = lens _cnParameterGroupStatus (\s a -> s { _cnParameterGroupStatus = a }) -- | The ID of the primary node to which this read replica node is synchronized. -- If this field is empty, then this node is not associated with a primary cache -- cluster. cnSourceCacheNodeId :: Lens' CacheNode (Maybe Text) cnSourceCacheNodeId = lens _cnSourceCacheNodeId (\s a -> s { _cnSourceCacheNodeId = a }) instance FromXML CacheNode where parseXML x = CacheNode <$> x .@? "CacheNodeCreateTime" <*> x .@? "CacheNodeId" <*> x .@? "CacheNodeStatus" <*> x .@? "CustomerAvailabilityZone" <*> x .@? "Endpoint" <*> x .@? "ParameterGroupStatus" <*> x .@? "SourceCacheNodeId" instance ToQuery CacheNode where toQuery CacheNode{..} = mconcat [ "CacheNodeCreateTime" =? _cnCacheNodeCreateTime , "CacheNodeId" =? _cnCacheNodeId , "CacheNodeStatus" =? _cnCacheNodeStatus , "CustomerAvailabilityZone" =? _cnCustomerAvailabilityZone , "Endpoint" =? _cnEndpoint , "ParameterGroupStatus" =? _cnParameterGroupStatus , "SourceCacheNodeId" =? _cnSourceCacheNodeId ] data CacheSecurityGroupMembership = CacheSecurityGroupMembership { _csgmCacheSecurityGroupName :: Maybe Text , _csgmStatus :: Maybe Text } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) -- | 'CacheSecurityGroupMembership' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'csgmCacheSecurityGroupName' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'csgmStatus' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- cacheSecurityGroupMembership :: CacheSecurityGroupMembership cacheSecurityGroupMembership = CacheSecurityGroupMembership { _csgmCacheSecurityGroupName = Nothing , _csgmStatus = Nothing } -- | The name of the cache security group. csgmCacheSecurityGroupName :: Lens' CacheSecurityGroupMembership (Maybe Text) csgmCacheSecurityGroupName = lens _csgmCacheSecurityGroupName (\s a -> s { _csgmCacheSecurityGroupName = a }) -- | The membership status in the cache security group. The status changes when a -- cache security group is modified, or when the cache security groups assigned -- to a cache cluster are modified. csgmStatus :: Lens' CacheSecurityGroupMembership (Maybe Text) csgmStatus = lens _csgmStatus (\s a -> s { _csgmStatus = a }) instance FromXML CacheSecurityGroupMembership where parseXML x = CacheSecurityGroupMembership <$> x .@? "CacheSecurityGroupName" <*> x .@? "Status" instance ToQuery CacheSecurityGroupMembership where toQuery CacheSecurityGroupMembership{..} = mconcat [ "CacheSecurityGroupName" =? _csgmCacheSecurityGroupName , "Status" =? _csgmStatus ] newtype AvailabilityZone = AvailabilityZone { _azName :: Maybe Text } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Monoid) -- | 'AvailabilityZone' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'azName' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- availabilityZone :: AvailabilityZone availabilityZone = AvailabilityZone { _azName = Nothing } -- | The name of the Availability Zone. azName :: Lens' AvailabilityZone (Maybe Text) azName = lens _azName (\s a -> s { _azName = a }) instance FromXML AvailabilityZone where parseXML x = AvailabilityZone <$> x .@? "Name" instance ToQuery AvailabilityZone where toQuery AvailabilityZone{..} = mconcat [ "Name" =? _azName ] data NodeGroupMember = NodeGroupMember { _ngmCacheClusterId :: Maybe Text , _ngmCacheNodeId :: Maybe Text , _ngmCurrentRole :: Maybe Text , _ngmPreferredAvailabilityZone :: Maybe Text , _ngmReadEndpoint :: Maybe Endpoint } deriving (Eq, Show) -- | 'NodeGroupMember' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'ngmCacheClusterId' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'ngmCacheNodeId' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'ngmCurrentRole' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'ngmPreferredAvailabilityZone' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'ngmReadEndpoint' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Endpoint' -- nodeGroupMember :: NodeGroupMember nodeGroupMember = NodeGroupMember { _ngmCacheClusterId = Nothing , _ngmCacheNodeId = Nothing , _ngmReadEndpoint = Nothing , _ngmPreferredAvailabilityZone = Nothing , _ngmCurrentRole = Nothing } -- | The ID of the cache cluster to which the node belongs. ngmCacheClusterId :: Lens' NodeGroupMember (Maybe Text) ngmCacheClusterId = lens _ngmCacheClusterId (\s a -> s { _ngmCacheClusterId = a }) -- | The ID of the node within its cache cluster. A node ID is a numeric -- identifier (0001, 0002, etc.). ngmCacheNodeId :: Lens' NodeGroupMember (Maybe Text) ngmCacheNodeId = lens _ngmCacheNodeId (\s a -> s { _ngmCacheNodeId = a }) -- | The role that is currently assigned to the node - /primary/ or /replica/. ngmCurrentRole :: Lens' NodeGroupMember (Maybe Text) ngmCurrentRole = lens _ngmCurrentRole (\s a -> s { _ngmCurrentRole = a }) -- | The name of the Availability Zone in which the node is located. ngmPreferredAvailabilityZone :: Lens' NodeGroupMember (Maybe Text) ngmPreferredAvailabilityZone = lens _ngmPreferredAvailabilityZone (\s a -> s { _ngmPreferredAvailabilityZone = a }) ngmReadEndpoint :: Lens' NodeGroupMember (Maybe Endpoint) ngmReadEndpoint = lens _ngmReadEndpoint (\s a -> s { _ngmReadEndpoint = a }) instance FromXML NodeGroupMember where parseXML x = NodeGroupMember <$> x .@? "CacheClusterId" <*> x .@? "CacheNodeId" <*> x .@? "CurrentRole" <*> x .@? "PreferredAvailabilityZone" <*> x .@? "ReadEndpoint" instance ToQuery NodeGroupMember where toQuery NodeGroupMember{..} = mconcat [ "CacheClusterId" =? _ngmCacheClusterId , "CacheNodeId" =? _ngmCacheNodeId , "CurrentRole" =? _ngmCurrentRole , "PreferredAvailabilityZone" =? _ngmPreferredAvailabilityZone , "ReadEndpoint" =? _ngmReadEndpoint ] data CacheParameterGroup = CacheParameterGroup { _cpgCacheParameterGroupFamily :: Maybe Text , _cpgCacheParameterGroupName :: Maybe Text , _cpgDescription :: Maybe Text } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) -- | 'CacheParameterGroup' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'cpgCacheParameterGroupFamily' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'cpgCacheParameterGroupName' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'cpgDescription' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- cacheParameterGroup :: CacheParameterGroup cacheParameterGroup = CacheParameterGroup { _cpgCacheParameterGroupName = Nothing , _cpgCacheParameterGroupFamily = Nothing , _cpgDescription = Nothing } -- | The name of the cache parameter group family that this cache parameter group -- is compatible with. cpgCacheParameterGroupFamily :: Lens' CacheParameterGroup (Maybe Text) cpgCacheParameterGroupFamily = lens _cpgCacheParameterGroupFamily (\s a -> s { _cpgCacheParameterGroupFamily = a }) -- | The name of the cache parameter group. cpgCacheParameterGroupName :: Lens' CacheParameterGroup (Maybe Text) cpgCacheParameterGroupName = lens _cpgCacheParameterGroupName (\s a -> s { _cpgCacheParameterGroupName = a }) -- | The description for this cache parameter group. cpgDescription :: Lens' CacheParameterGroup (Maybe Text) cpgDescription = lens _cpgDescription (\s a -> s { _cpgDescription = a }) instance FromXML CacheParameterGroup where parseXML x = CacheParameterGroup <$> x .@? "CacheParameterGroupFamily" <*> x .@? "CacheParameterGroupName" <*> x .@? "Description" instance ToQuery CacheParameterGroup where toQuery CacheParameterGroup{..} = mconcat [ "CacheParameterGroupFamily" =? _cpgCacheParameterGroupFamily , "CacheParameterGroupName" =? _cpgCacheParameterGroupName , "Description" =? _cpgDescription ] data AutomaticFailoverStatus = AFSDisabled -- ^ disabled | AFSDisabling -- ^ disabling | AFSEnabled -- ^ enabled | AFSEnabling -- ^ enabling deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic, Enum) instance Hashable AutomaticFailoverStatus instance FromText AutomaticFailoverStatus where parser = takeText >>= \case "disabled" -> pure AFSDisabled "disabling" -> pure AFSDisabling "enabled" -> pure AFSEnabled "enabling" -> pure AFSEnabling e -> fail $ "Failure parsing AutomaticFailoverStatus from " ++ show e instance ToText AutomaticFailoverStatus where toText = \case AFSDisabled -> "disabled" AFSDisabling -> "disabling" AFSEnabled -> "enabled" AFSEnabling -> "enabling" instance ToByteString AutomaticFailoverStatus instance ToHeader AutomaticFailoverStatus instance ToQuery AutomaticFailoverStatus instance FromXML AutomaticFailoverStatus where parseXML = parseXMLText "AutomaticFailoverStatus" data CacheSecurityGroup = CacheSecurityGroup { _csgCacheSecurityGroupName :: Maybe Text , _csgDescription :: Maybe Text , _csgEC2SecurityGroups :: List "member" EC2SecurityGroup , _csgOwnerId :: Maybe Text } deriving (Eq, Show) -- | 'CacheSecurityGroup' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'csgCacheSecurityGroupName' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'csgDescription' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'csgEC2SecurityGroups' @::@ ['EC2SecurityGroup'] -- -- * 'csgOwnerId' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- cacheSecurityGroup :: CacheSecurityGroup cacheSecurityGroup = CacheSecurityGroup { _csgOwnerId = Nothing , _csgCacheSecurityGroupName = Nothing , _csgDescription = Nothing , _csgEC2SecurityGroups = mempty } -- | The name of the cache security group. csgCacheSecurityGroupName :: Lens' CacheSecurityGroup (Maybe Text) csgCacheSecurityGroupName = lens _csgCacheSecurityGroupName (\s a -> s { _csgCacheSecurityGroupName = a }) -- | The description of the cache security group. csgDescription :: Lens' CacheSecurityGroup (Maybe Text) csgDescription = lens _csgDescription (\s a -> s { _csgDescription = a }) -- | A list of Amazon EC2 security groups that are associated with this cache -- security group. csgEC2SecurityGroups :: Lens' CacheSecurityGroup [EC2SecurityGroup] csgEC2SecurityGroups = lens _csgEC2SecurityGroups (\s a -> s { _csgEC2SecurityGroups = a }) . _List -- | The AWS account ID of the cache security group owner. csgOwnerId :: Lens' CacheSecurityGroup (Maybe Text) csgOwnerId = lens _csgOwnerId (\s a -> s { _csgOwnerId = a }) instance FromXML CacheSecurityGroup where parseXML x = CacheSecurityGroup <$> x .@? "CacheSecurityGroupName" <*> x .@? "Description" <*> x .@ "EC2SecurityGroups" <*> x .@? "OwnerId" instance ToQuery CacheSecurityGroup where toQuery CacheSecurityGroup{..} = mconcat [ "CacheSecurityGroupName" =? _csgCacheSecurityGroupName , "Description" =? _csgDescription , "EC2SecurityGroups" =? _csgEC2SecurityGroups , "OwnerId" =? _csgOwnerId ] data CacheNodeTypeSpecificParameter = CacheNodeTypeSpecificParameter { _cntspAllowedValues :: Maybe Text , _cntspCacheNodeTypeSpecificValues :: List "member" CacheNodeTypeSpecificValue , _cntspDataType :: Maybe Text , _cntspDescription :: Maybe Text , _cntspIsModifiable :: Maybe Bool , _cntspMinimumEngineVersion :: Maybe Text , _cntspParameterName :: Maybe Text , _cntspSource :: Maybe Text } deriving (Eq, Show) -- | 'CacheNodeTypeSpecificParameter' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'cntspAllowedValues' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'cntspCacheNodeTypeSpecificValues' @::@ ['CacheNodeTypeSpecificValue'] -- -- * 'cntspDataType' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'cntspDescription' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'cntspIsModifiable' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Bool' -- -- * 'cntspMinimumEngineVersion' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'cntspParameterName' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'cntspSource' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- cacheNodeTypeSpecificParameter :: CacheNodeTypeSpecificParameter cacheNodeTypeSpecificParameter = CacheNodeTypeSpecificParameter { _cntspParameterName = Nothing , _cntspDescription = Nothing , _cntspSource = Nothing , _cntspDataType = Nothing , _cntspAllowedValues = Nothing , _cntspIsModifiable = Nothing , _cntspMinimumEngineVersion = Nothing , _cntspCacheNodeTypeSpecificValues = mempty } -- | The valid range of values for the parameter. cntspAllowedValues :: Lens' CacheNodeTypeSpecificParameter (Maybe Text) cntspAllowedValues = lens _cntspAllowedValues (\s a -> s { _cntspAllowedValues = a }) -- | A list of cache node types and their corresponding values for this parameter. cntspCacheNodeTypeSpecificValues :: Lens' CacheNodeTypeSpecificParameter [CacheNodeTypeSpecificValue] cntspCacheNodeTypeSpecificValues = lens _cntspCacheNodeTypeSpecificValues (\s a -> s { _cntspCacheNodeTypeSpecificValues = a }) . _List -- | The valid data type for the parameter. cntspDataType :: Lens' CacheNodeTypeSpecificParameter (Maybe Text) cntspDataType = lens _cntspDataType (\s a -> s { _cntspDataType = a }) -- | A description of the parameter. cntspDescription :: Lens' CacheNodeTypeSpecificParameter (Maybe Text) cntspDescription = lens _cntspDescription (\s a -> s { _cntspDescription = a }) -- | Indicates whether ('true') or not ('false') the parameter can be modified. Some -- parameters have security or operational implications that prevent them from -- being changed. cntspIsModifiable :: Lens' CacheNodeTypeSpecificParameter (Maybe Bool) cntspIsModifiable = lens _cntspIsModifiable (\s a -> s { _cntspIsModifiable = a }) -- | The earliest cache engine version to which the parameter can apply. cntspMinimumEngineVersion :: Lens' CacheNodeTypeSpecificParameter (Maybe Text) cntspMinimumEngineVersion = lens _cntspMinimumEngineVersion (\s a -> s { _cntspMinimumEngineVersion = a }) -- | The name of the parameter. cntspParameterName :: Lens' CacheNodeTypeSpecificParameter (Maybe Text) cntspParameterName = lens _cntspParameterName (\s a -> s { _cntspParameterName = a }) -- | The source of the parameter value. cntspSource :: Lens' CacheNodeTypeSpecificParameter (Maybe Text) cntspSource = lens _cntspSource (\s a -> s { _cntspSource = a }) instance FromXML CacheNodeTypeSpecificParameter where parseXML x = CacheNodeTypeSpecificParameter <$> x .@? "AllowedValues" <*> x .@ "CacheNodeTypeSpecificValues" <*> x .@? "DataType" <*> x .@? "Description" <*> x .@? "IsModifiable" <*> x .@? "MinimumEngineVersion" <*> x .@? "ParameterName" <*> x .@? "Source" instance ToQuery CacheNodeTypeSpecificParameter where toQuery CacheNodeTypeSpecificParameter{..} = mconcat [ "AllowedValues" =? _cntspAllowedValues , "CacheNodeTypeSpecificValues" =? _cntspCacheNodeTypeSpecificValues , "DataType" =? _cntspDataType , "Description" =? _cntspDescription , "IsModifiable" =? _cntspIsModifiable , "MinimumEngineVersion" =? _cntspMinimumEngineVersion , "ParameterName" =? _cntspParameterName , "Source" =? _cntspSource ] data AZMode = CrossAz -- ^ cross-az | SingleAz -- ^ single-az deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic, Enum) instance Hashable AZMode instance FromText AZMode where parser = takeText >>= \case "cross-az" -> pure CrossAz "single-az" -> pure SingleAz e -> fail $ "Failure parsing AZMode from " ++ show e instance ToText AZMode where toText = \case CrossAz -> "cross-az" SingleAz -> "single-az" instance ToByteString AZMode instance ToHeader AZMode instance ToQuery AZMode instance FromXML AZMode where parseXML = parseXMLText "AZMode" data CacheEngineVersion = CacheEngineVersion { _cevCacheEngineDescription :: Maybe Text , _cevCacheEngineVersionDescription :: Maybe Text , _cevCacheParameterGroupFamily :: Maybe Text , _cevEngine :: Maybe Text , _cevEngineVersion :: Maybe Text } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) -- | 'CacheEngineVersion' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'cevCacheEngineDescription' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'cevCacheEngineVersionDescription' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'cevCacheParameterGroupFamily' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'cevEngine' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'cevEngineVersion' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- cacheEngineVersion :: CacheEngineVersion cacheEngineVersion = CacheEngineVersion { _cevEngine = Nothing , _cevEngineVersion = Nothing , _cevCacheParameterGroupFamily = Nothing , _cevCacheEngineDescription = Nothing , _cevCacheEngineVersionDescription = Nothing } -- | The description of the cache engine. cevCacheEngineDescription :: Lens' CacheEngineVersion (Maybe Text) cevCacheEngineDescription = lens _cevCacheEngineDescription (\s a -> s { _cevCacheEngineDescription = a }) -- | The description of the cache engine version. cevCacheEngineVersionDescription :: Lens' CacheEngineVersion (Maybe Text) cevCacheEngineVersionDescription = lens _cevCacheEngineVersionDescription (\s a -> s { _cevCacheEngineVersionDescription = a }) -- | The name of the cache parameter group family associated with this cache -- engine. cevCacheParameterGroupFamily :: Lens' CacheEngineVersion (Maybe Text) cevCacheParameterGroupFamily = lens _cevCacheParameterGroupFamily (\s a -> s { _cevCacheParameterGroupFamily = a }) -- | The name of the cache engine. cevEngine :: Lens' CacheEngineVersion (Maybe Text) cevEngine = lens _cevEngine (\s a -> s { _cevEngine = a }) -- | The version number of the cache engine. cevEngineVersion :: Lens' CacheEngineVersion (Maybe Text) cevEngineVersion = lens _cevEngineVersion (\s a -> s { _cevEngineVersion = a }) instance FromXML CacheEngineVersion where parseXML x = CacheEngineVersion <$> x .@? "CacheEngineDescription" <*> x .@? "CacheEngineVersionDescription" <*> x .@? "CacheParameterGroupFamily" <*> x .@? "Engine" <*> x .@? "EngineVersion" instance ToQuery CacheEngineVersion where toQuery CacheEngineVersion{..} = mconcat [ "CacheEngineDescription" =? _cevCacheEngineDescription , "CacheEngineVersionDescription" =? _cevCacheEngineVersionDescription , "CacheParameterGroupFamily" =? _cevCacheParameterGroupFamily , "Engine" =? _cevEngine , "EngineVersion" =? _cevEngineVersion ] data ReplicationGroup = ReplicationGroup { _rgAutomaticFailover :: Maybe AutomaticFailoverStatus , _rgDescription :: Maybe Text , _rgMemberClusters :: List "member" Text , _rgNodeGroups :: List "member" NodeGroup , _rgPendingModifiedValues :: Maybe ReplicationGroupPendingModifiedValues , _rgReplicationGroupId :: Maybe Text , _rgSnapshottingClusterId :: Maybe Text , _rgStatus :: Maybe Text } deriving (Eq, Show) -- | 'ReplicationGroup' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'rgAutomaticFailover' @::@ 'Maybe' 'AutomaticFailoverStatus' -- -- * 'rgDescription' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'rgMemberClusters' @::@ ['Text'] -- -- * 'rgNodeGroups' @::@ ['NodeGroup'] -- -- * 'rgPendingModifiedValues' @::@ 'Maybe' 'ReplicationGroupPendingModifiedValues' -- -- * 'rgReplicationGroupId' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'rgSnapshottingClusterId' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'rgStatus' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- replicationGroup :: ReplicationGroup replicationGroup = ReplicationGroup { _rgReplicationGroupId = Nothing , _rgDescription = Nothing , _rgStatus = Nothing , _rgPendingModifiedValues = Nothing , _rgMemberClusters = mempty , _rgNodeGroups = mempty , _rgSnapshottingClusterId = Nothing , _rgAutomaticFailover = Nothing } -- | Indicates the status of automatic failover for this replication group. rgAutomaticFailover :: Lens' ReplicationGroup (Maybe AutomaticFailoverStatus) rgAutomaticFailover = lens _rgAutomaticFailover (\s a -> s { _rgAutomaticFailover = a }) -- | The description of the replication group. rgDescription :: Lens' ReplicationGroup (Maybe Text) rgDescription = lens _rgDescription (\s a -> s { _rgDescription = a }) -- | The names of all the cache clusters that are part of this replication group. rgMemberClusters :: Lens' ReplicationGroup [Text] rgMemberClusters = lens _rgMemberClusters (\s a -> s { _rgMemberClusters = a }) . _List -- | A single element list with information about the nodes in the replication -- group. rgNodeGroups :: Lens' ReplicationGroup [NodeGroup] rgNodeGroups = lens _rgNodeGroups (\s a -> s { _rgNodeGroups = a }) . _List -- | A group of settings to be applied to the replication group, either -- immediately or during the next maintenance window. rgPendingModifiedValues :: Lens' ReplicationGroup (Maybe ReplicationGroupPendingModifiedValues) rgPendingModifiedValues = lens _rgPendingModifiedValues (\s a -> s { _rgPendingModifiedValues = a }) -- | The identifier for the replication group. rgReplicationGroupId :: Lens' ReplicationGroup (Maybe Text) rgReplicationGroupId = lens _rgReplicationGroupId (\s a -> s { _rgReplicationGroupId = a }) -- | The cache cluster ID that is used as the daily snapshot source for the -- replication group. rgSnapshottingClusterId :: Lens' ReplicationGroup (Maybe Text) rgSnapshottingClusterId = lens _rgSnapshottingClusterId (\s a -> s { _rgSnapshottingClusterId = a }) -- | The current state of this replication group - /creating/, /available/, etc. rgStatus :: Lens' ReplicationGroup (Maybe Text) rgStatus = lens _rgStatus (\s a -> s { _rgStatus = a }) instance FromXML ReplicationGroup where parseXML x = ReplicationGroup <$> x .@? "AutomaticFailover" <*> x .@? "Description" <*> x .@ "MemberClusters" <*> x .@ "NodeGroups" <*> x .@? "PendingModifiedValues" <*> x .@? "ReplicationGroupId" <*> x .@? "SnapshottingClusterId" <*> x .@? "Status" instance ToQuery ReplicationGroup where toQuery ReplicationGroup{..} = mconcat [ "AutomaticFailover" =? _rgAutomaticFailover , "Description" =? _rgDescription , "MemberClusters" =? _rgMemberClusters , "NodeGroups" =? _rgNodeGroups , "PendingModifiedValues" =? _rgPendingModifiedValues , "ReplicationGroupId" =? _rgReplicationGroupId , "SnapshottingClusterId" =? _rgSnapshottingClusterId , "Status" =? _rgStatus ] data RecurringCharge = RecurringCharge { _rcRecurringChargeAmount :: Maybe Double , _rcRecurringChargeFrequency :: Maybe Text } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) -- | 'RecurringCharge' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'rcRecurringChargeAmount' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Double' -- -- * 'rcRecurringChargeFrequency' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- recurringCharge :: RecurringCharge recurringCharge = RecurringCharge { _rcRecurringChargeAmount = Nothing , _rcRecurringChargeFrequency = Nothing } -- | The monetary amount of the recurring charge. rcRecurringChargeAmount :: Lens' RecurringCharge (Maybe Double) rcRecurringChargeAmount = lens _rcRecurringChargeAmount (\s a -> s { _rcRecurringChargeAmount = a }) -- | The frequency of the recurring charge. rcRecurringChargeFrequency :: Lens' RecurringCharge (Maybe Text) rcRecurringChargeFrequency = lens _rcRecurringChargeFrequency (\s a -> s { _rcRecurringChargeFrequency = a }) instance FromXML RecurringCharge where parseXML x = RecurringCharge <$> x .@? "RecurringChargeAmount" <*> x .@? "RecurringChargeFrequency" instance ToQuery RecurringCharge where toQuery RecurringCharge{..} = mconcat [ "RecurringChargeAmount" =? _rcRecurringChargeAmount , "RecurringChargeFrequency" =? _rcRecurringChargeFrequency ] data ReservedCacheNodesOffering = ReservedCacheNodesOffering { _rcnoCacheNodeType :: Maybe Text , _rcnoDuration :: Maybe Int , _rcnoFixedPrice :: Maybe Double , _rcnoOfferingType :: Maybe Text , _rcnoProductDescription :: Maybe Text , _rcnoRecurringCharges :: List "member" RecurringCharge , _rcnoReservedCacheNodesOfferingId :: Maybe Text , _rcnoUsagePrice :: Maybe Double } deriving (Eq, Show) -- | 'ReservedCacheNodesOffering' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'rcnoCacheNodeType' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'rcnoDuration' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Int' -- -- * 'rcnoFixedPrice' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Double' -- -- * 'rcnoOfferingType' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'rcnoProductDescription' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'rcnoRecurringCharges' @::@ ['RecurringCharge'] -- -- * 'rcnoReservedCacheNodesOfferingId' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'rcnoUsagePrice' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Double' -- reservedCacheNodesOffering :: ReservedCacheNodesOffering reservedCacheNodesOffering = ReservedCacheNodesOffering { _rcnoReservedCacheNodesOfferingId = Nothing , _rcnoCacheNodeType = Nothing , _rcnoDuration = Nothing , _rcnoFixedPrice = Nothing , _rcnoUsagePrice = Nothing , _rcnoProductDescription = Nothing , _rcnoOfferingType = Nothing , _rcnoRecurringCharges = mempty } -- | The cache node type for the reserved cache node. rcnoCacheNodeType :: Lens' ReservedCacheNodesOffering (Maybe Text) rcnoCacheNodeType = lens _rcnoCacheNodeType (\s a -> s { _rcnoCacheNodeType = a }) -- | The duration of the offering. in seconds. rcnoDuration :: Lens' ReservedCacheNodesOffering (Maybe Int) rcnoDuration = lens _rcnoDuration (\s a -> s { _rcnoDuration = a }) -- | The fixed price charged for this offering. rcnoFixedPrice :: Lens' ReservedCacheNodesOffering (Maybe Double) rcnoFixedPrice = lens _rcnoFixedPrice (\s a -> s { _rcnoFixedPrice = a }) -- | The offering type. rcnoOfferingType :: Lens' ReservedCacheNodesOffering (Maybe Text) rcnoOfferingType = lens _rcnoOfferingType (\s a -> s { _rcnoOfferingType = a }) -- | The cache engine used by the offering. rcnoProductDescription :: Lens' ReservedCacheNodesOffering (Maybe Text) rcnoProductDescription = lens _rcnoProductDescription (\s a -> s { _rcnoProductDescription = a }) -- | The recurring price charged to run this reserved cache node. rcnoRecurringCharges :: Lens' ReservedCacheNodesOffering [RecurringCharge] rcnoRecurringCharges = lens _rcnoRecurringCharges (\s a -> s { _rcnoRecurringCharges = a }) . _List -- | A unique identifier for the reserved cache node offering. rcnoReservedCacheNodesOfferingId :: Lens' ReservedCacheNodesOffering (Maybe Text) rcnoReservedCacheNodesOfferingId = lens _rcnoReservedCacheNodesOfferingId (\s a -> s { _rcnoReservedCacheNodesOfferingId = a }) -- | The hourly price charged for this offering. rcnoUsagePrice :: Lens' ReservedCacheNodesOffering (Maybe Double) rcnoUsagePrice = lens _rcnoUsagePrice (\s a -> s { _rcnoUsagePrice = a }) instance FromXML ReservedCacheNodesOffering where parseXML x = ReservedCacheNodesOffering <$> x .@? "CacheNodeType" <*> x .@? "Duration" <*> x .@? "FixedPrice" <*> x .@? "OfferingType" <*> x .@? "ProductDescription" <*> x .@ "RecurringCharges" <*> x .@? "ReservedCacheNodesOfferingId" <*> x .@? "UsagePrice" instance ToQuery ReservedCacheNodesOffering where toQuery ReservedCacheNodesOffering{..} = mconcat [ "CacheNodeType" =? _rcnoCacheNodeType , "Duration" =? _rcnoDuration , "FixedPrice" =? _rcnoFixedPrice , "OfferingType" =? _rcnoOfferingType , "ProductDescription" =? _rcnoProductDescription , "RecurringCharges" =? _rcnoRecurringCharges , "ReservedCacheNodesOfferingId" =? _rcnoReservedCacheNodesOfferingId , "UsagePrice" =? _rcnoUsagePrice ] data Endpoint = Endpoint { _eAddress :: Maybe Text , _ePort :: Maybe Int } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) -- | 'Endpoint' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'eAddress' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'ePort' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Int' -- endpoint :: Endpoint endpoint = Endpoint { _eAddress = Nothing , _ePort = Nothing } -- | The DNS hostname of the cache node. eAddress :: Lens' Endpoint (Maybe Text) eAddress = lens _eAddress (\s a -> s { _eAddress = a }) -- | The port number that the cache engine is listening on. ePort :: Lens' Endpoint (Maybe Int) ePort = lens _ePort (\s a -> s { _ePort = a }) instance FromXML Endpoint where parseXML x = Endpoint <$> x .@? "Address" <*> x .@? "Port" instance ToQuery Endpoint where toQuery Endpoint{..} = mconcat [ "Address" =? _eAddress , "Port" =? _ePort ] data PendingModifiedValues = PendingModifiedValues { _pmvCacheNodeIdsToRemove :: List "member" Text , _pmvEngineVersion :: Maybe Text , _pmvNumCacheNodes :: Maybe Int } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) -- | 'PendingModifiedValues' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'pmvCacheNodeIdsToRemove' @::@ ['Text'] -- -- * 'pmvEngineVersion' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'pmvNumCacheNodes' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Int' -- pendingModifiedValues :: PendingModifiedValues pendingModifiedValues = PendingModifiedValues { _pmvNumCacheNodes = Nothing , _pmvCacheNodeIdsToRemove = mempty , _pmvEngineVersion = Nothing } -- | A list of cache node IDs that are being removed (or will be removed) from the -- cache cluster. A node ID is a numeric identifier (0001, 0002, etc.). pmvCacheNodeIdsToRemove :: Lens' PendingModifiedValues [Text] pmvCacheNodeIdsToRemove = lens _pmvCacheNodeIdsToRemove (\s a -> s { _pmvCacheNodeIdsToRemove = a }) . _List -- | The new cache engine version that the cache cluster will run. pmvEngineVersion :: Lens' PendingModifiedValues (Maybe Text) pmvEngineVersion = lens _pmvEngineVersion (\s a -> s { _pmvEngineVersion = a }) -- | The new number of cache nodes for the cache cluster. pmvNumCacheNodes :: Lens' PendingModifiedValues (Maybe Int) pmvNumCacheNodes = lens _pmvNumCacheNodes (\s a -> s { _pmvNumCacheNodes = a }) instance FromXML PendingModifiedValues where parseXML x = PendingModifiedValues <$> x .@ "CacheNodeIdsToRemove" <*> x .@? "EngineVersion" <*> x .@? "NumCacheNodes" instance ToQuery PendingModifiedValues where toQuery PendingModifiedValues{..} = mconcat [ "CacheNodeIdsToRemove" =? _pmvCacheNodeIdsToRemove , "EngineVersion" =? _pmvEngineVersion , "NumCacheNodes" =? _pmvNumCacheNodes ] newtype CacheParameterGroupNameMessage = CacheParameterGroupNameMessage { _cpgnmCacheParameterGroupName :: Maybe Text } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Monoid) -- | 'CacheParameterGroupNameMessage' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'cpgnmCacheParameterGroupName' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- cacheParameterGroupNameMessage :: CacheParameterGroupNameMessage cacheParameterGroupNameMessage = CacheParameterGroupNameMessage { _cpgnmCacheParameterGroupName = Nothing } -- | The name of the cache parameter group. cpgnmCacheParameterGroupName :: Lens' CacheParameterGroupNameMessage (Maybe Text) cpgnmCacheParameterGroupName = lens _cpgnmCacheParameterGroupName (\s a -> s { _cpgnmCacheParameterGroupName = a }) instance FromXML CacheParameterGroupNameMessage where parseXML x = CacheParameterGroupNameMessage <$> x .@? "CacheParameterGroupName" instance ToQuery CacheParameterGroupNameMessage where toQuery CacheParameterGroupNameMessage{..} = mconcat [ "CacheParameterGroupName" =? _cpgnmCacheParameterGroupName ] data Parameter = Parameter { _pAllowedValues :: Maybe Text , _pDataType :: Maybe Text , _pDescription :: Maybe Text , _pIsModifiable :: Maybe Bool , _pMinimumEngineVersion :: Maybe Text , _pParameterName :: Maybe Text , _pParameterValue :: Maybe Text , _pSource :: Maybe Text } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) -- | 'Parameter' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'pAllowedValues' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'pDataType' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'pDescription' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'pIsModifiable' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Bool' -- -- * 'pMinimumEngineVersion' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'pParameterName' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'pParameterValue' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'pSource' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- parameter :: Parameter parameter = Parameter { _pParameterName = Nothing , _pParameterValue = Nothing , _pDescription = Nothing , _pSource = Nothing , _pDataType = Nothing , _pAllowedValues = Nothing , _pIsModifiable = Nothing , _pMinimumEngineVersion = Nothing } -- | The valid range of values for the parameter. pAllowedValues :: Lens' Parameter (Maybe Text) pAllowedValues = lens _pAllowedValues (\s a -> s { _pAllowedValues = a }) -- | The valid data type for the parameter. pDataType :: Lens' Parameter (Maybe Text) pDataType = lens _pDataType (\s a -> s { _pDataType = a }) -- | A description of the parameter. pDescription :: Lens' Parameter (Maybe Text) pDescription = lens _pDescription (\s a -> s { _pDescription = a }) -- | Indicates whether ('true') or not ('false') the parameter can be modified. Some -- parameters have security or operational implications that prevent them from -- being changed. pIsModifiable :: Lens' Parameter (Maybe Bool) pIsModifiable = lens _pIsModifiable (\s a -> s { _pIsModifiable = a }) -- | The earliest cache engine version to which the parameter can apply. pMinimumEngineVersion :: Lens' Parameter (Maybe Text) pMinimumEngineVersion = lens _pMinimumEngineVersion (\s a -> s { _pMinimumEngineVersion = a }) -- | The name of the parameter. pParameterName :: Lens' Parameter (Maybe Text) pParameterName = lens _pParameterName (\s a -> s { _pParameterName = a }) -- | The value of the parameter. pParameterValue :: Lens' Parameter (Maybe Text) pParameterValue = lens _pParameterValue (\s a -> s { _pParameterValue = a }) -- | The source of the parameter. pSource :: Lens' Parameter (Maybe Text) pSource = lens _pSource (\s a -> s { _pSource = a }) instance FromXML Parameter where parseXML x = Parameter <$> x .@? "AllowedValues" <*> x .@? "DataType" <*> x .@? "Description" <*> x .@? "IsModifiable" <*> x .@? "MinimumEngineVersion" <*> x .@? "ParameterName" <*> x .@? "ParameterValue" <*> x .@? "Source" instance ToQuery Parameter where toQuery Parameter{..} = mconcat [ "AllowedValues" =? _pAllowedValues , "DataType" =? _pDataType , "Description" =? _pDescription , "IsModifiable" =? _pIsModifiable , "MinimumEngineVersion" =? _pMinimumEngineVersion , "ParameterName" =? _pParameterName , "ParameterValue" =? _pParameterValue , "Source" =? _pSource ]