{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} -- Derived from AWS service descriptions, licensed under Apache 2.0. -- | -- Module : Network.AWS.DynamoDB.Types -- Copyright : (c) 2013-2015 Brendan Hay -- License : Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. -- Maintainer : Brendan Hay -- Stability : auto-generated -- Portability : non-portable (GHC extensions) -- module Network.AWS.DynamoDB.Types ( -- * Service Configuration dynamoDB -- * Errors , _ProvisionedThroughputExceededException , _ConditionalCheckFailedException , _ItemCollectionSizeLimitExceededException , _InternalServerError , _ResourceNotFoundException , _ResourceInUseException , _LimitExceededException -- * AttributeAction , AttributeAction (..) -- * ComparisonOperator , ComparisonOperator (..) -- * ConditionalOperator , ConditionalOperator (..) -- * IndexStatus , IndexStatus (..) -- * KeyType , KeyType (..) -- * ProjectionType , ProjectionType (..) -- * ReturnConsumedCapacity , ReturnConsumedCapacity (..) -- * ReturnItemCollectionMetrics , ReturnItemCollectionMetrics (..) -- * ReturnValue , ReturnValue (..) -- * ScalarAttributeType , ScalarAttributeType (..) -- * Select , Select (..) -- * StreamViewType , StreamViewType (..) -- * TableStatus , TableStatus (..) -- * AttributeDefinition , AttributeDefinition , attributeDefinition , adAttributeName , adAttributeType -- * AttributeValue , AttributeValue , attributeValue , avL , avM , avNS , avNULL , avN , avBS , avB , avSS , avS , avBOOL -- * AttributeValueUpdate , AttributeValueUpdate , attributeValueUpdate , avuValue , avuAction -- * Capacity , Capacity , capacity , cCapacityUnits -- * Condition , Condition , condition , cAttributeValueList , cComparisonOperator -- * ConsumedCapacity , ConsumedCapacity , consumedCapacity , ccCapacityUnits , ccGlobalSecondaryIndexes , ccLocalSecondaryIndexes , ccTable , ccTableName -- * CreateGlobalSecondaryIndexAction , CreateGlobalSecondaryIndexAction , createGlobalSecondaryIndexAction , cgsiaIndexName , cgsiaKeySchema , cgsiaProjection , cgsiaProvisionedThroughput -- * DeleteGlobalSecondaryIndexAction , DeleteGlobalSecondaryIndexAction , deleteGlobalSecondaryIndexAction , dgsiaIndexName -- * DeleteRequest , DeleteRequest , deleteRequest , drKey -- * ExpectedAttributeValue , ExpectedAttributeValue , expectedAttributeValue , eavAttributeValueList , eavExists , eavValue , eavComparisonOperator -- * GlobalSecondaryIndex , GlobalSecondaryIndex , globalSecondaryIndex , gsiIndexName , gsiKeySchema , gsiProjection , gsiProvisionedThroughput -- * GlobalSecondaryIndexDescription , GlobalSecondaryIndexDescription , globalSecondaryIndexDescription , gsidBackfilling , gsidProvisionedThroughput , gsidIndexStatus , gsidIndexSizeBytes , gsidIndexARN , gsidKeySchema , gsidProjection , gsidItemCount , gsidIndexName -- * GlobalSecondaryIndexUpdate , GlobalSecondaryIndexUpdate , globalSecondaryIndexUpdate , gsiuCreate , gsiuDelete , gsiuUpdate -- * ItemCollectionMetrics , ItemCollectionMetrics , itemCollectionMetrics , icmItemCollectionKey , icmSizeEstimateRangeGB -- * KeySchemaElement , KeySchemaElement , keySchemaElement , kseAttributeName , kseKeyType -- * KeysAndAttributes , KeysAndAttributes , keysAndAttributes , kaaProjectionExpression , kaaConsistentRead , kaaExpressionAttributeNames , kaaAttributesToGet , kaaKeys -- * LocalSecondaryIndex , LocalSecondaryIndex , localSecondaryIndex , lsiIndexName , lsiKeySchema , lsiProjection -- * LocalSecondaryIndexDescription , LocalSecondaryIndexDescription , localSecondaryIndexDescription , lsidIndexSizeBytes , lsidIndexARN , lsidKeySchema , lsidProjection , lsidItemCount , lsidIndexName -- * Projection , Projection , projection , pProjectionType , pNonKeyAttributes -- * ProvisionedThroughput , ProvisionedThroughput , provisionedThroughput , ptReadCapacityUnits , ptWriteCapacityUnits -- * ProvisionedThroughputDescription , ProvisionedThroughputDescription , provisionedThroughputDescription , ptdReadCapacityUnits , ptdLastDecreaseDateTime , ptdWriteCapacityUnits , ptdNumberOfDecreasesToday , ptdLastIncreaseDateTime -- * PutRequest , PutRequest , putRequest , prItem -- * StreamSpecification , StreamSpecification , streamSpecification , ssStreamEnabled , ssStreamViewType -- * TableDescription , TableDescription , tableDescription , tdProvisionedThroughput , tdAttributeDefinitions , tdLatestStreamARN , tdTableSizeBytes , tdTableStatus , tdTableARN , tdKeySchema , tdLatestStreamLabel , tdGlobalSecondaryIndexes , tdLocalSecondaryIndexes , tdCreationDateTime , tdItemCount , tdTableName , tdStreamSpecification -- * UpdateGlobalSecondaryIndexAction , UpdateGlobalSecondaryIndexAction , updateGlobalSecondaryIndexAction , ugsiaIndexName , ugsiaProvisionedThroughput -- * WriteRequest , WriteRequest , writeRequest , wrPutRequest , wrDeleteRequest ) where import Network.AWS.DynamoDB.Types.Product import Network.AWS.DynamoDB.Types.Sum import Network.AWS.Prelude import Network.AWS.Sign.V4 -- | API version '2012-08-10' of the Amazon DynamoDB SDK configuration. dynamoDB :: Service dynamoDB = Service { _svcAbbrev = "DynamoDB" , _svcSigner = v4 , _svcPrefix = "dynamodb" , _svcVersion = "2012-08-10" , _svcEndpoint = defaultEndpoint dynamoDB , _svcTimeout = Just 70 , _svcCheck = statusSuccess , _svcError = parseJSONError , _svcRetry = retry } where retry = Exponential { _retryBase = 5.0e-2 , _retryGrowth = 2 , _retryAttempts = 5 , _retryCheck = check } check e | has (hasCode "ThrottlingException" . hasStatus 400) e = Just "throttling_exception" | has (hasCode "Throttling" . hasStatus 400) e = Just "throttling" | has (hasCode "ProvisionedThroughputExceededException" . hasStatus 400) e = Just "throughput_exceeded" | has (hasStatus 503) e = Just "service_unavailable" | has (hasStatus 500) e = Just "general_server_error" | has (hasStatus 509) e = Just "limit_exceeded" | otherwise = Nothing -- | Your request rate is too high. The AWS SDKs for DynamoDB automatically -- retry requests that receive this exception. Your request is eventually -- successful, unless your retry queue is too large to finish. Reduce the -- frequency of requests and use exponential backoff. For more information, -- go to -- -- in the /Amazon DynamoDB Developer Guide/. _ProvisionedThroughputExceededException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError _ProvisionedThroughputExceededException = _ServiceError . hasCode "ProvisionedThroughputExceededException" -- | A condition specified in the operation could not be evaluated. _ConditionalCheckFailedException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError _ConditionalCheckFailedException = _ServiceError . hasCode "ConditionalCheckFailedException" -- | An item collection is too large. This exception is only returned for -- tables that have one or more local secondary indexes. _ItemCollectionSizeLimitExceededException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError _ItemCollectionSizeLimitExceededException = _ServiceError . hasCode "ItemCollectionSizeLimitExceededException" -- | An error occurred on the server side. _InternalServerError :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError _InternalServerError = _ServiceError . hasCode "InternalServerError" -- | The operation tried to access a nonexistent table or index. The resource -- might not be specified correctly, or its status might not be 'ACTIVE'. _ResourceNotFoundException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError _ResourceNotFoundException = _ServiceError . hasCode "ResourceNotFoundException" -- | The operation conflicts with the resource\'s availability. For example, -- you attempted to recreate an existing table, or tried to delete a table -- currently in the 'CREATING' state. _ResourceInUseException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError _ResourceInUseException = _ServiceError . hasCode "ResourceInUseException" -- | The number of concurrent table requests (cumulative number of tables in -- the 'CREATING', 'DELETING' or 'UPDATING' state) exceeds the maximum -- allowed of 10. -- -- Also, for tables with secondary indexes, only one of those tables can be -- in the 'CREATING' state at any point in time. Do not attempt to create -- more than one such table simultaneously. -- -- The total limit of tables in the 'ACTIVE' state is 250. _LimitExceededException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError _LimitExceededException = _ServiceError . hasCode "LimitExceededException"