{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-imports #-} -- Derived from AWS service descriptions, licensed under Apache 2.0. -- | -- Module : Network.AWS.CognitoIdentity.Types.Product -- Copyright : (c) 2013-2017 Brendan Hay -- License : Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. -- Maintainer : Brendan Hay -- Stability : auto-generated -- Portability : non-portable (GHC extensions) -- module Network.AWS.CognitoIdentity.Types.Product where import Network.AWS.CognitoIdentity.Types.Sum import Network.AWS.Lens import Network.AWS.Prelude -- | A provider representing an Amazon Cognito Identity User Pool and its client ID. -- -- -- -- /See:/ 'cognitoIdentityProvider' smart constructor. data CognitoIdentityProvider = CognitoIdentityProvider' { _cipClientId :: !(Maybe Text) , _cipServerSideTokenCheck :: !(Maybe Bool) , _cipProviderName :: !(Maybe Text) } deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic) -- | Creates a value of 'CognitoIdentityProvider' with the minimum fields required to make a request. -- -- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired: -- -- * 'cipClientId' - The client ID for the Amazon Cognito Identity User Pool. -- -- * 'cipServerSideTokenCheck' - TRUE if server-side token validation is enabled for the identity provider’s token. -- -- * 'cipProviderName' - The provider name for an Amazon Cognito Identity User Pool. For example, @cognito-idp.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/us-east-1_123456789@ . cognitoIdentityProvider :: CognitoIdentityProvider cognitoIdentityProvider = CognitoIdentityProvider' { _cipClientId = Nothing , _cipServerSideTokenCheck = Nothing , _cipProviderName = Nothing } -- | The client ID for the Amazon Cognito Identity User Pool. cipClientId :: Lens' CognitoIdentityProvider (Maybe Text) cipClientId = lens _cipClientId (\ s a -> s{_cipClientId = a}); -- | TRUE if server-side token validation is enabled for the identity provider’s token. cipServerSideTokenCheck :: Lens' CognitoIdentityProvider (Maybe Bool) cipServerSideTokenCheck = lens _cipServerSideTokenCheck (\ s a -> s{_cipServerSideTokenCheck = a}); -- | The provider name for an Amazon Cognito Identity User Pool. For example, @cognito-idp.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/us-east-1_123456789@ . cipProviderName :: Lens' CognitoIdentityProvider (Maybe Text) cipProviderName = lens _cipProviderName (\ s a -> s{_cipProviderName = a}); instance FromJSON CognitoIdentityProvider where parseJSON = withObject "CognitoIdentityProvider" (\ x -> CognitoIdentityProvider' <$> (x .:? "ClientId") <*> (x .:? "ServerSideTokenCheck") <*> (x .:? "ProviderName")) instance Hashable CognitoIdentityProvider where instance NFData CognitoIdentityProvider where instance ToJSON CognitoIdentityProvider where toJSON CognitoIdentityProvider'{..} = object (catMaybes [("ClientId" .=) <$> _cipClientId, ("ServerSideTokenCheck" .=) <$> _cipServerSideTokenCheck, ("ProviderName" .=) <$> _cipProviderName]) -- | Credentials for the provided identity ID. -- -- -- -- /See:/ 'credentials' smart constructor. data Credentials = Credentials' { _cSessionToken :: !(Maybe Text) , _cExpiration :: !(Maybe POSIX) , _cSecretKey :: !(Maybe Text) , _cAccessKeyId :: !(Maybe Text) } deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic) -- | Creates a value of 'Credentials' with the minimum fields required to make a request. -- -- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired: -- -- * 'cSessionToken' - The Session Token portion of the credentials -- -- * 'cExpiration' - The date at which these credentials will expire. -- -- * 'cSecretKey' - The Secret Access Key portion of the credentials -- -- * 'cAccessKeyId' - The Access Key portion of the credentials. credentials :: Credentials credentials = Credentials' { _cSessionToken = Nothing , _cExpiration = Nothing , _cSecretKey = Nothing , _cAccessKeyId = Nothing } -- | The Session Token portion of the credentials cSessionToken :: Lens' Credentials (Maybe Text) cSessionToken = lens _cSessionToken (\ s a -> s{_cSessionToken = a}); -- | The date at which these credentials will expire. cExpiration :: Lens' Credentials (Maybe UTCTime) cExpiration = lens _cExpiration (\ s a -> s{_cExpiration = a}) . mapping _Time; -- | The Secret Access Key portion of the credentials cSecretKey :: Lens' Credentials (Maybe Text) cSecretKey = lens _cSecretKey (\ s a -> s{_cSecretKey = a}); -- | The Access Key portion of the credentials. cAccessKeyId :: Lens' Credentials (Maybe Text) cAccessKeyId = lens _cAccessKeyId (\ s a -> s{_cAccessKeyId = a}); instance FromJSON Credentials where parseJSON = withObject "Credentials" (\ x -> Credentials' <$> (x .:? "SessionToken") <*> (x .:? "Expiration") <*> (x .:? "SecretKey") <*> (x .:? "AccessKeyId")) instance Hashable Credentials where instance NFData Credentials where -- | A description of the identity. -- -- -- -- /See:/ 'identityDescription' smart constructor. data IdentityDescription = IdentityDescription' { _idLastModifiedDate :: !(Maybe POSIX) , _idCreationDate :: !(Maybe POSIX) , _idLogins :: !(Maybe [Text]) , _idIdentityId :: !(Maybe Text) } deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic) -- | Creates a value of 'IdentityDescription' with the minimum fields required to make a request. -- -- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired: -- -- * 'idLastModifiedDate' - Date on which the identity was last modified. -- -- * 'idCreationDate' - Date on which the identity was created. -- -- * 'idLogins' - A set of optional name-value pairs that map provider names to provider tokens. -- -- * 'idIdentityId' - A unique identifier in the format REGION:GUID. identityDescription :: IdentityDescription identityDescription = IdentityDescription' { _idLastModifiedDate = Nothing , _idCreationDate = Nothing , _idLogins = Nothing , _idIdentityId = Nothing } -- | Date on which the identity was last modified. idLastModifiedDate :: Lens' IdentityDescription (Maybe UTCTime) idLastModifiedDate = lens _idLastModifiedDate (\ s a -> s{_idLastModifiedDate = a}) . mapping _Time; -- | Date on which the identity was created. idCreationDate :: Lens' IdentityDescription (Maybe UTCTime) idCreationDate = lens _idCreationDate (\ s a -> s{_idCreationDate = a}) . mapping _Time; -- | A set of optional name-value pairs that map provider names to provider tokens. idLogins :: Lens' IdentityDescription [Text] idLogins = lens _idLogins (\ s a -> s{_idLogins = a}) . _Default . _Coerce; -- | A unique identifier in the format REGION:GUID. idIdentityId :: Lens' IdentityDescription (Maybe Text) idIdentityId = lens _idIdentityId (\ s a -> s{_idIdentityId = a}); instance FromJSON IdentityDescription where parseJSON = withObject "IdentityDescription" (\ x -> IdentityDescription' <$> (x .:? "LastModifiedDate") <*> (x .:? "CreationDate") <*> (x .:? "Logins" .!= mempty) <*> (x .:? "IdentityId")) instance Hashable IdentityDescription where instance NFData IdentityDescription where -- | An object representing an Amazon Cognito identity pool. -- -- -- -- /See:/ 'identityPool' smart constructor. data IdentityPool = IdentityPool' { _ipSamlProviderARNs :: !(Maybe [Text]) , _ipSupportedLoginProviders :: !(Maybe (Map Text Text)) , _ipDeveloperProviderName :: !(Maybe Text) , _ipOpenIdConnectProviderARNs :: !(Maybe [Text]) , _ipCognitoIdentityProviders :: !(Maybe [CognitoIdentityProvider]) , _ipIdentityPoolId :: !Text , _ipIdentityPoolName :: !Text , _ipAllowUnauthenticatedIdentities :: !Bool } deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic) -- | Creates a value of 'IdentityPool' with the minimum fields required to make a request. -- -- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired: -- -- * 'ipSamlProviderARNs' - An array of Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) of the SAML provider for your identity pool. -- -- * 'ipSupportedLoginProviders' - Optional key:value pairs mapping provider names to provider app IDs. -- -- * 'ipDeveloperProviderName' - The "domain" by which Cognito will refer to your users. -- -- * 'ipOpenIdConnectProviderARNs' - A list of OpendID Connect provider ARNs. -- -- * 'ipCognitoIdentityProviders' - A list representing an Amazon Cognito Identity User Pool and its client ID. -- -- * 'ipIdentityPoolId' - An identity pool ID in the format REGION:GUID. -- -- * 'ipIdentityPoolName' - A string that you provide. -- -- * 'ipAllowUnauthenticatedIdentities' - TRUE if the identity pool supports unauthenticated logins. identityPool :: Text -- ^ 'ipIdentityPoolId' -> Text -- ^ 'ipIdentityPoolName' -> Bool -- ^ 'ipAllowUnauthenticatedIdentities' -> IdentityPool identityPool pIdentityPoolId_ pIdentityPoolName_ pAllowUnauthenticatedIdentities_ = IdentityPool' { _ipSamlProviderARNs = Nothing , _ipSupportedLoginProviders = Nothing , _ipDeveloperProviderName = Nothing , _ipOpenIdConnectProviderARNs = Nothing , _ipCognitoIdentityProviders = Nothing , _ipIdentityPoolId = pIdentityPoolId_ , _ipIdentityPoolName = pIdentityPoolName_ , _ipAllowUnauthenticatedIdentities = pAllowUnauthenticatedIdentities_ } -- | An array of Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) of the SAML provider for your identity pool. ipSamlProviderARNs :: Lens' IdentityPool [Text] ipSamlProviderARNs = lens _ipSamlProviderARNs (\ s a -> s{_ipSamlProviderARNs = a}) . _Default . _Coerce; -- | Optional key:value pairs mapping provider names to provider app IDs. ipSupportedLoginProviders :: Lens' IdentityPool (HashMap Text Text) ipSupportedLoginProviders = lens _ipSupportedLoginProviders (\ s a -> s{_ipSupportedLoginProviders = a}) . _Default . _Map; -- | The "domain" by which Cognito will refer to your users. ipDeveloperProviderName :: Lens' IdentityPool (Maybe Text) ipDeveloperProviderName = lens _ipDeveloperProviderName (\ s a -> s{_ipDeveloperProviderName = a}); -- | A list of OpendID Connect provider ARNs. ipOpenIdConnectProviderARNs :: Lens' IdentityPool [Text] ipOpenIdConnectProviderARNs = lens _ipOpenIdConnectProviderARNs (\ s a -> s{_ipOpenIdConnectProviderARNs = a}) . _Default . _Coerce; -- | A list representing an Amazon Cognito Identity User Pool and its client ID. ipCognitoIdentityProviders :: Lens' IdentityPool [CognitoIdentityProvider] ipCognitoIdentityProviders = lens _ipCognitoIdentityProviders (\ s a -> s{_ipCognitoIdentityProviders = a}) . _Default . _Coerce; -- | An identity pool ID in the format REGION:GUID. ipIdentityPoolId :: Lens' IdentityPool Text ipIdentityPoolId = lens _ipIdentityPoolId (\ s a -> s{_ipIdentityPoolId = a}); -- | A string that you provide. ipIdentityPoolName :: Lens' IdentityPool Text ipIdentityPoolName = lens _ipIdentityPoolName (\ s a -> s{_ipIdentityPoolName = a}); -- | TRUE if the identity pool supports unauthenticated logins. ipAllowUnauthenticatedIdentities :: Lens' IdentityPool Bool ipAllowUnauthenticatedIdentities = lens _ipAllowUnauthenticatedIdentities (\ s a -> s{_ipAllowUnauthenticatedIdentities = a}); instance FromJSON IdentityPool where parseJSON = withObject "IdentityPool" (\ x -> IdentityPool' <$> (x .:? "SamlProviderARNs" .!= mempty) <*> (x .:? "SupportedLoginProviders" .!= mempty) <*> (x .:? "DeveloperProviderName") <*> (x .:? "OpenIdConnectProviderARNs" .!= mempty) <*> (x .:? "CognitoIdentityProviders" .!= mempty) <*> (x .: "IdentityPoolId") <*> (x .: "IdentityPoolName") <*> (x .: "AllowUnauthenticatedIdentities")) instance Hashable IdentityPool where instance NFData IdentityPool where instance ToJSON IdentityPool where toJSON IdentityPool'{..} = object (catMaybes [("SamlProviderARNs" .=) <$> _ipSamlProviderARNs, ("SupportedLoginProviders" .=) <$> _ipSupportedLoginProviders, ("DeveloperProviderName" .=) <$> _ipDeveloperProviderName, ("OpenIdConnectProviderARNs" .=) <$> _ipOpenIdConnectProviderARNs, ("CognitoIdentityProviders" .=) <$> _ipCognitoIdentityProviders, Just ("IdentityPoolId" .= _ipIdentityPoolId), Just ("IdentityPoolName" .= _ipIdentityPoolName), Just ("AllowUnauthenticatedIdentities" .= _ipAllowUnauthenticatedIdentities)]) -- | A description of the identity pool. -- -- -- -- /See:/ 'identityPoolShortDescription' smart constructor. data IdentityPoolShortDescription = IdentityPoolShortDescription' { _ipsdIdentityPoolId :: !(Maybe Text) , _ipsdIdentityPoolName :: !(Maybe Text) } deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic) -- | Creates a value of 'IdentityPoolShortDescription' with the minimum fields required to make a request. -- -- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired: -- -- * 'ipsdIdentityPoolId' - An identity pool ID in the format REGION:GUID. -- -- * 'ipsdIdentityPoolName' - A string that you provide. identityPoolShortDescription :: IdentityPoolShortDescription identityPoolShortDescription = IdentityPoolShortDescription' {_ipsdIdentityPoolId = Nothing, _ipsdIdentityPoolName = Nothing} -- | An identity pool ID in the format REGION:GUID. ipsdIdentityPoolId :: Lens' IdentityPoolShortDescription (Maybe Text) ipsdIdentityPoolId = lens _ipsdIdentityPoolId (\ s a -> s{_ipsdIdentityPoolId = a}); -- | A string that you provide. ipsdIdentityPoolName :: Lens' IdentityPoolShortDescription (Maybe Text) ipsdIdentityPoolName = lens _ipsdIdentityPoolName (\ s a -> s{_ipsdIdentityPoolName = a}); instance FromJSON IdentityPoolShortDescription where parseJSON = withObject "IdentityPoolShortDescription" (\ x -> IdentityPoolShortDescription' <$> (x .:? "IdentityPoolId") <*> (x .:? "IdentityPoolName")) instance Hashable IdentityPoolShortDescription where instance NFData IdentityPoolShortDescription where -- | A rule that maps a claim name, a claim value, and a match type to a role ARN. -- -- -- -- /See:/ 'mappingRule' smart constructor. data MappingRule = MappingRule' { _mrClaim :: !Text , _mrMatchType :: !MappingRuleMatchType , _mrValue :: !Text , _mrRoleARN :: !Text } deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic) -- | Creates a value of 'MappingRule' with the minimum fields required to make a request. -- -- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired: -- -- * 'mrClaim' - The claim name that must be present in the token, for example, "isAdmin" or "paid". -- -- * 'mrMatchType' - The match condition that specifies how closely the claim value in the IdP token must match @Value@ . -- -- * 'mrValue' - A brief string that the claim must match, for example, "paid" or "yes". -- -- * 'mrRoleARN' - The role ARN. mappingRule :: Text -- ^ 'mrClaim' -> MappingRuleMatchType -- ^ 'mrMatchType' -> Text -- ^ 'mrValue' -> Text -- ^ 'mrRoleARN' -> MappingRule mappingRule pClaim_ pMatchType_ pValue_ pRoleARN_ = MappingRule' { _mrClaim = pClaim_ , _mrMatchType = pMatchType_ , _mrValue = pValue_ , _mrRoleARN = pRoleARN_ } -- | The claim name that must be present in the token, for example, "isAdmin" or "paid". mrClaim :: Lens' MappingRule Text mrClaim = lens _mrClaim (\ s a -> s{_mrClaim = a}); -- | The match condition that specifies how closely the claim value in the IdP token must match @Value@ . mrMatchType :: Lens' MappingRule MappingRuleMatchType mrMatchType = lens _mrMatchType (\ s a -> s{_mrMatchType = a}); -- | A brief string that the claim must match, for example, "paid" or "yes". mrValue :: Lens' MappingRule Text mrValue = lens _mrValue (\ s a -> s{_mrValue = a}); -- | The role ARN. mrRoleARN :: Lens' MappingRule Text mrRoleARN = lens _mrRoleARN (\ s a -> s{_mrRoleARN = a}); instance FromJSON MappingRule where parseJSON = withObject "MappingRule" (\ x -> MappingRule' <$> (x .: "Claim") <*> (x .: "MatchType") <*> (x .: "Value") <*> (x .: "RoleARN")) instance Hashable MappingRule where instance NFData MappingRule where instance ToJSON MappingRule where toJSON MappingRule'{..} = object (catMaybes [Just ("Claim" .= _mrClaim), Just ("MatchType" .= _mrMatchType), Just ("Value" .= _mrValue), Just ("RoleARN" .= _mrRoleARN)]) -- | A role mapping. -- -- -- -- /See:/ 'roleMapping' smart constructor. data RoleMapping = RoleMapping' { _rmRulesConfiguration :: !(Maybe RulesConfigurationType) , _rmAmbiguousRoleResolution :: !(Maybe AmbiguousRoleResolutionType) , _rmType :: !RoleMappingType } deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic) -- | Creates a value of 'RoleMapping' with the minimum fields required to make a request. -- -- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired: -- -- * 'rmRulesConfiguration' - The rules to be used for mapping users to roles. If you specify Rules as the role mapping type, @RulesConfiguration@ is required. -- -- * 'rmAmbiguousRoleResolution' - If you specify Token or Rules as the @Type@ , @AmbiguousRoleResolution@ is required. Specifies the action to be taken if either no rules match the claim value for the @Rules@ type, or there is no @cognito:preferred_role@ claim and there are multiple @cognito:roles@ matches for the @Token@ type. -- -- * 'rmType' - The role mapping type. Token will use @cognito:roles@ and @cognito:preferred_role@ claims from the Cognito identity provider token to map groups to roles. Rules will attempt to match claims from the token to map to a role. roleMapping :: RoleMappingType -- ^ 'rmType' -> RoleMapping roleMapping pType_ = RoleMapping' { _rmRulesConfiguration = Nothing , _rmAmbiguousRoleResolution = Nothing , _rmType = pType_ } -- | The rules to be used for mapping users to roles. If you specify Rules as the role mapping type, @RulesConfiguration@ is required. rmRulesConfiguration :: Lens' RoleMapping (Maybe RulesConfigurationType) rmRulesConfiguration = lens _rmRulesConfiguration (\ s a -> s{_rmRulesConfiguration = a}); -- | If you specify Token or Rules as the @Type@ , @AmbiguousRoleResolution@ is required. Specifies the action to be taken if either no rules match the claim value for the @Rules@ type, or there is no @cognito:preferred_role@ claim and there are multiple @cognito:roles@ matches for the @Token@ type. rmAmbiguousRoleResolution :: Lens' RoleMapping (Maybe AmbiguousRoleResolutionType) rmAmbiguousRoleResolution = lens _rmAmbiguousRoleResolution (\ s a -> s{_rmAmbiguousRoleResolution = a}); -- | The role mapping type. Token will use @cognito:roles@ and @cognito:preferred_role@ claims from the Cognito identity provider token to map groups to roles. Rules will attempt to match claims from the token to map to a role. rmType :: Lens' RoleMapping RoleMappingType rmType = lens _rmType (\ s a -> s{_rmType = a}); instance FromJSON RoleMapping where parseJSON = withObject "RoleMapping" (\ x -> RoleMapping' <$> (x .:? "RulesConfiguration") <*> (x .:? "AmbiguousRoleResolution") <*> (x .: "Type")) instance Hashable RoleMapping where instance NFData RoleMapping where instance ToJSON RoleMapping where toJSON RoleMapping'{..} = object (catMaybes [("RulesConfiguration" .=) <$> _rmRulesConfiguration, ("AmbiguousRoleResolution" .=) <$> _rmAmbiguousRoleResolution, Just ("Type" .= _rmType)]) -- | A container for rules. -- -- -- -- /See:/ 'rulesConfigurationType' smart constructor. newtype RulesConfigurationType = RulesConfigurationType' { _rctRules :: List1 MappingRule } deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic) -- | Creates a value of 'RulesConfigurationType' with the minimum fields required to make a request. -- -- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired: -- -- * 'rctRules' - An array of rules. You can specify up to 25 rules per identity provider. Rules are evaluated in order. The first one to match specifies the role. rulesConfigurationType :: NonEmpty MappingRule -- ^ 'rctRules' -> RulesConfigurationType rulesConfigurationType pRules_ = RulesConfigurationType' {_rctRules = _List1 # pRules_} -- | An array of rules. You can specify up to 25 rules per identity provider. Rules are evaluated in order. The first one to match specifies the role. rctRules :: Lens' RulesConfigurationType (NonEmpty MappingRule) rctRules = lens _rctRules (\ s a -> s{_rctRules = a}) . _List1; instance FromJSON RulesConfigurationType where parseJSON = withObject "RulesConfigurationType" (\ x -> RulesConfigurationType' <$> (x .: "Rules")) instance Hashable RulesConfigurationType where instance NFData RulesConfigurationType where instance ToJSON RulesConfigurationType where toJSON RulesConfigurationType'{..} = object (catMaybes [Just ("Rules" .= _rctRules)]) -- | An array of UnprocessedIdentityId objects, each of which contains an ErrorCode and IdentityId. -- -- -- -- /See:/ 'unprocessedIdentityId' smart constructor. data UnprocessedIdentityId = UnprocessedIdentityId' { _uiiErrorCode :: !(Maybe CognitoErrorCode) , _uiiIdentityId :: !(Maybe Text) } deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic) -- | Creates a value of 'UnprocessedIdentityId' with the minimum fields required to make a request. -- -- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired: -- -- * 'uiiErrorCode' - The error code indicating the type of error that occurred. -- -- * 'uiiIdentityId' - A unique identifier in the format REGION:GUID. unprocessedIdentityId :: UnprocessedIdentityId unprocessedIdentityId = UnprocessedIdentityId' {_uiiErrorCode = Nothing, _uiiIdentityId = Nothing} -- | The error code indicating the type of error that occurred. uiiErrorCode :: Lens' UnprocessedIdentityId (Maybe CognitoErrorCode) uiiErrorCode = lens _uiiErrorCode (\ s a -> s{_uiiErrorCode = a}); -- | A unique identifier in the format REGION:GUID. uiiIdentityId :: Lens' UnprocessedIdentityId (Maybe Text) uiiIdentityId = lens _uiiIdentityId (\ s a -> s{_uiiIdentityId = a}); instance FromJSON UnprocessedIdentityId where parseJSON = withObject "UnprocessedIdentityId" (\ x -> UnprocessedIdentityId' <$> (x .:? "ErrorCode") <*> (x .:? "IdentityId")) instance Hashable UnprocessedIdentityId where instance NFData UnprocessedIdentityId where