{-# LINE 1 "./Sound/ALSA/Mixer/Internal.chs" #-}
{-# LANGUAGE CPP, ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
module Sound.ALSA.Mixer.Internal
( Mixer()
, SimpleElement()
, SimpleElementId()
, Channel(..)
, allChannels
, elements
, withMixer
, isPlaybackMono
, isCaptureMono
, hasPlaybackChannel
, hasCaptureChannel
, hasCommonVolume
, hasPlaybackVolume
, hasPlaybackVolumeJoined
, hasCaptureVolume
, hasCaptureVolumeJoined
, hasCommonSwitch
, hasPlaybackSwitch
, hasPlaybackSwitchJoined
, hasCaptureSwitch
, hasCaptureSwitchJoined
, getPlaybackVolume
, getCaptureVolume
, getPlaybackDb
, getCaptureDb
, getPlaybackSwitch
, getCaptureSwitch
, setPlaybackVolume
, setCaptureVolume
, setPlaybackDb
, setCaptureDb
, setPlaybackVolumeAll
, setCaptureVolumeAll
, setPlaybackDbAll
, setCaptureDbAll
, setPlaybackSwitch
, setCaptureSwitch
, setPlaybackSwitchAll
, setCaptureSwitchAll
, getPlaybackVolumeRange
, getPlaybackDbRange
, getCaptureVolumeRange
, getCaptureDbRange
, setPlaybackVolumeRange
, setCaptureVolumeRange
, getName
, getIndex
) where
import qualified Foreign.C.String as C2HSImp
import qualified Foreign.C.Types as C2HSImp
import qualified Foreign.ForeignPtr as C2HSImp
import qualified Foreign.Marshal.Utils as C2HSImp
import qualified Foreign.Ptr as C2HSImp
import Control.Monad (liftM, when)
import Control.Exception (bracket)
import Foreign
import Foreign.C.Error ( eNOENT )
import Foreign.C.String
import Foreign.C.Types
import Sound.ALSA.Exception ( checkResult_, throw )
import System.Posix.Process (getProcessID)
{-# LINE 62 "./Sound/ALSA/Mixer/Internal.chs" #-}
newtype Mixer = Mixer (C2HSImp.Ptr (Mixer))
{-# LINE 64 "./Sound/ALSA/Mixer/Internal.chs" #-}
type Element = C2HSImp.Ptr (())
{-# LINE 65 "./Sound/ALSA/Mixer/Internal.chs" #-}
type SimpleElementId = C2HSImp.ForeignPtr (())
{-# LINE 66 "./Sound/ALSA/Mixer/Internal.chs" #-}
type SimpleElement = (Mixer, Element)
data Channel = Unknown
| FrontLeft
| FrontRight
| RearLeft
| RearRight
| FrontCenter
| Woofer
| SideLeft
| SideRight
| RearCenter
| Last
deriving (Eq,Read,Show)
instance Enum Channel where
succ Unknown = FrontLeft
succ FrontLeft = FrontRight
succ SND_MIXER_SCHN_MONO = FrontRight
succ FrontRight = RearLeft
succ RearLeft = RearRight
succ RearRight = FrontCenter
succ FrontCenter = Woofer
succ Woofer = SideLeft
succ SideLeft = SideRight
succ SideRight = RearCenter
succ RearCenter = Last
succ Last = error "Channel.succ: Last has no successor"
pred FrontLeft = Unknown
pred SND_MIXER_SCHN_MONO = Unknown
pred FrontRight = FrontLeft
pred RearLeft = FrontRight
pred RearRight = RearLeft
pred FrontCenter = RearRight
pred Woofer = FrontCenter
pred SideLeft = Woofer
pred SideRight = SideLeft
pred RearCenter = SideRight
pred Last = RearCenter
pred Unknown = error "Channel.pred: Unknown has no predecessor"
enumFromTo from to = go from
end = fromEnum to
go v = case compare (fromEnum v) end of
LT -> v : go (succ v)
EQ -> [v]
GT -> []
enumFrom from = enumFromTo from Last
fromEnum Unknown = (-1)
fromEnum FrontLeft = 0
fromEnum FrontRight = 1
fromEnum RearLeft = 2
fromEnum RearRight = 3
fromEnum FrontCenter = 4
fromEnum Woofer = 5
fromEnum SideLeft = 6
fromEnum SideRight = 7
fromEnum RearCenter = 8
fromEnum Last = 31
toEnum (-1) = Unknown
toEnum 0 = FrontLeft
toEnum 1 = FrontRight
toEnum 2 = RearLeft
toEnum 3 = RearRight
toEnum 4 = FrontCenter
toEnum 5 = Woofer
toEnum 6 = SideLeft
toEnum 7 = SideRight
toEnum 8 = RearCenter
toEnum 31 = Last
toEnum unmatched = error ("Channel.toEnum: Cannot match " ++ show unmatched)
{-# LINE 81 "./Sound/ALSA/Mixer/Internal.chs" #-}
allChannels :: [Channel]
allChannels = map toEnum $ enumFromTo (fromEnum FrontLeft) (fromEnum RearCenter)
foreign import ccall safe "alsa/asoundlib.h snd_mixer_open"
open_ :: Ptr (Ptr Mixer) -> CInt -> IO CInt
open :: IO Mixer
open = withPtr $ \ppm ->
do open_ ppm (fromIntegral 0) >>= checkResult_ "snd_mixer_open"
liftM Mixer $ peek ppm
withPtr :: (Ptr (Ptr a) -> IO a) -> IO a
withPtr = bracket malloc free
foreign import ccall "alsa/asoundlib.h snd_mixer_close"
freeMixer :: Ptr Mixer -> IO ()
attach :: (Mixer) -> (String) -> IO ()
attach a1 a2 =
let {a1' = id a1} in
C2HSImp.withCString a2 $ \a2' ->
attach'_ a1' a2' >>= \res ->
checkAttach res >>
return ()
{-# LINE 109 "./Sound/ALSA/Mixer/Internal.chs" #-}
checkAttach = checkResult_ "snd_mixer_attach"
sndMixerLoad :: (Mixer) -> IO ()
sndMixerLoad a1 =
let {a1' = id a1} in
sndMixerLoad'_ a1' >>= \res ->
checkSndMixerLoad res >>
return ()
{-# LINE 118 "./Sound/ALSA/Mixer/Internal.chs" #-}
checkSndMixerLoad = checkResult_ "snd_mixer_load"
sndMixerSelemRegister :: (Mixer) -> (Ptr ()) -> (Ptr (Ptr ())) -> IO ()
sndMixerSelemRegister a1 a2 a3 =
let {a1' = id a1} in
let {a2' = id a2} in
let {a3' = id a3} in
sndMixerSelemRegister'_ a1' a2' a3' >>= \res ->
checkSndMixerSelemRegister res >>
return ()
{-# LINE 125 "./Sound/ALSA/Mixer/Internal.chs" #-}
checkSndMixerSelemRegister = checkResult_ "snd_mixer_selem_register"
load :: Mixer -> IO ()
load fmix = do
sndMixerSelemRegister fmix nullPtr nullPtr
sndMixerLoad fmix
sndMixerSelemIdMalloc :: IO ((SimpleElementId))
sndMixerSelemIdMalloc =
alloca $ \a1' ->
sndMixerSelemIdMalloc'_ a1' >>
peekSimpleElementId a1'>>= \a1'' ->
return (a1'')
{-# LINE 139 "./Sound/ALSA/Mixer/Internal.chs" #-}
sndMixerSelemGetId :: (Element) -> (SimpleElementId) -> IO ()
sndMixerSelemGetId a1 a2 =
let {a1' = id a1} in
withForeignPtr a2 $ \a2' ->
sndMixerSelemGetId'_ a1' a2' >>
return ()
{-# LINE 142 "./Sound/ALSA/Mixer/Internal.chs" #-}
peekSimpleElementId pid = peek pid >>= newForeignPtr snd_mixer_selem_id_free
foreign import ccall "alsa/asoundlib.h &snd_mixer_selem_id_free"
snd_mixer_selem_id_free :: FunPtr (Ptr () -> IO ())
getId :: Element -> IO SimpleElementId
getId e = do
newSid <- sndMixerSelemIdMalloc
sndMixerSelemGetId e newSid
return newSid
sndMixerFirstElem :: (Mixer) -> IO ((Element))
sndMixerFirstElem a1 =
let {a1' = id a1} in
sndMixerFirstElem'_ a1' >>= \res ->
let {res' = id res} in
return (res')
{-# LINE 160 "./Sound/ALSA/Mixer/Internal.chs" #-}
sndMixerLastElem :: (Mixer) -> IO ((Element))
sndMixerLastElem a1 =
let {a1' = id a1} in
sndMixerLastElem'_ a1' >>= \res ->
let {res' = id res} in
return (res')
{-# LINE 163 "./Sound/ALSA/Mixer/Internal.chs" #-}
sndMixerElemNext :: (Element) -> IO ((Element))
sndMixerElemNext a1 =
let {a1' = id a1} in
sndMixerElemNext'_ a1' >>= \res ->
let {res' = id res} in
return (res')
{-# LINE 166 "./Sound/ALSA/Mixer/Internal.chs" #-}
elements :: Mixer -> IO [(SimpleElementId, SimpleElement)]
elements fMix = do
pFirst <- sndMixerFirstElem fMix
pLast <- sndMixerLastElem fMix
es <- elements' pFirst [] pLast
mapM (simpleElement fMix) es
where elements' pThis xs pLast | pThis == pLast = return $ pThis : xs
| otherwise = do
pNext <- sndMixerElemNext pThis
elements' pNext (pThis : xs) pLast
sndMixerFindSelem :: (Mixer) -> (SimpleElementId) -> IO ((Element))
sndMixerFindSelem a1 a2 =
let {a1' = id a1} in
withForeignPtr a2 $ \a2' ->
sndMixerFindSelem'_ a1' a2' >>= \res ->
let {res' = id res} in
return (res')
{-# LINE 185 "./Sound/ALSA/Mixer/Internal.chs" #-}
simpleElement :: Mixer -> Element -> IO (SimpleElementId, SimpleElement)
simpleElement fMix pElem = do
fId <- getId pElem
pSElem <- sndMixerFindSelem fMix fId
if pSElem == nullPtr
then throw "snd_mixer_find_selem" eNOENT
else return (fId, (fMix, pSElem))
getName :: (SimpleElementId) -> IO ((String))
getName a1 =
withForeignPtr a1 $ \a1' ->
getName'_ a1' >>= \res ->
C2HSImp.peekCString res >>= \res' ->
return (res')
{-# LINE 200 "./Sound/ALSA/Mixer/Internal.chs" #-}
getIndex :: (SimpleElementId) -> IO ((CUInt))
getIndex a1 =
withForeignPtr a1 $ \a1' ->
getIndex'_ a1' >>= \res ->
let {res' = fromIntegral res} in
return (res')
{-# LINE 207 "./Sound/ALSA/Mixer/Internal.chs" #-}
withMixer :: String -> (Mixer -> IO a) -> IO a
withMixer name f = bracket (do m <- open
attach m name
load m
pid <- getProcessID
return (pid, m))
(\(creatorPID, Mixer m) ->
do myPID <- getProcessID
when (myPID == creatorPID) $ freeMixer m)
(f . snd)
cToBool = toBool
cFromBool = fromBool
withSimpleElement :: SimpleElement -> (Element -> IO a) -> IO a
withSimpleElement (m, s) f = f s
channelToC = toEnum . fromEnum
negOne f = f $! negate 1
isPlaybackMono :: (SimpleElement) -> IO ((Bool))
isPlaybackMono a1 =
withSimpleElement a1 $ \a1' ->
isPlaybackMono'_ a1' >>= \res ->
let {res' = C2HSImp.toBool res} in
return (res')
{-# LINE 247 "./Sound/ALSA/Mixer/Internal.chs" #-}
isCaptureMono :: (SimpleElement) -> IO ((Bool))
isCaptureMono a1 =
withSimpleElement a1 $ \a1' ->
isCaptureMono'_ a1' >>= \res ->
let {res' = C2HSImp.toBool res} in
return (res')
{-# LINE 250 "./Sound/ALSA/Mixer/Internal.chs" #-}
hasCommonVolume :: (SimpleElement) -> IO ((Bool))
hasCommonVolume a1 =
withSimpleElement a1 $ \a1' ->
hasCommonVolume'_ a1' >>= \res ->
let {res' = C2HSImp.toBool res} in
return (res')
{-# LINE 253 "./Sound/ALSA/Mixer/Internal.chs" #-}
hasPlaybackVolume :: (SimpleElement) -> IO ((Bool))
hasPlaybackVolume a1 =
withSimpleElement a1 $ \a1' ->
hasPlaybackVolume'_ a1' >>= \res ->
let {res' = C2HSImp.toBool res} in
return (res')
{-# LINE 256 "./Sound/ALSA/Mixer/Internal.chs" #-}
hasPlaybackVolumeJoined :: (SimpleElement) -> IO ((Bool))
hasPlaybackVolumeJoined a1 =
withSimpleElement a1 $ \a1' ->
hasPlaybackVolumeJoined'_ a1' >>= \res ->
let {res' = C2HSImp.toBool res} in
return (res')
{-# LINE 259 "./Sound/ALSA/Mixer/Internal.chs" #-}
hasCaptureVolume :: (SimpleElement) -> IO ((Bool))
hasCaptureVolume a1 =
withSimpleElement a1 $ \a1' ->
hasCaptureVolume'_ a1' >>= \res ->
let {res' = C2HSImp.toBool res} in
return (res')
{-# LINE 262 "./Sound/ALSA/Mixer/Internal.chs" #-}
hasCaptureVolumeJoined :: (SimpleElement) -> IO ((Bool))
hasCaptureVolumeJoined a1 =
withSimpleElement a1 $ \a1' ->
hasCaptureVolumeJoined'_ a1' >>= \res ->
let {res' = C2HSImp.toBool res} in
return (res')
{-# LINE 265 "./Sound/ALSA/Mixer/Internal.chs" #-}
hasCommonSwitch :: (SimpleElement) -> IO ((Bool))
hasCommonSwitch a1 =
withSimpleElement a1 $ \a1' ->
hasCommonSwitch'_ a1' >>= \res ->
let {res' = C2HSImp.toBool res} in
return (res')
{-# LINE 268 "./Sound/ALSA/Mixer/Internal.chs" #-}
hasPlaybackSwitch :: (SimpleElement) -> IO ((Bool))
hasPlaybackSwitch a1 =
withSimpleElement a1 $ \a1' ->
hasPlaybackSwitch'_ a1' >>= \res ->
let {res' = C2HSImp.toBool res} in
return (res')
{-# LINE 271 "./Sound/ALSA/Mixer/Internal.chs" #-}
hasPlaybackSwitchJoined :: (SimpleElement) -> IO ((Bool))
hasPlaybackSwitchJoined a1 =
withSimpleElement a1 $ \a1' ->
hasPlaybackSwitchJoined'_ a1' >>= \res ->
let {res' = C2HSImp.toBool res} in
return (res')
{-# LINE 274 "./Sound/ALSA/Mixer/Internal.chs" #-}
hasCaptureSwitch :: (SimpleElement) -> IO ((Bool))
hasCaptureSwitch a1 =
withSimpleElement a1 $ \a1' ->
hasCaptureSwitch'_ a1' >>= \res ->
let {res' = C2HSImp.toBool res} in
return (res')
{-# LINE 277 "./Sound/ALSA/Mixer/Internal.chs" #-}
hasCaptureSwitchJoined :: (SimpleElement) -> IO ((Bool))
hasCaptureSwitchJoined a1 =
withSimpleElement a1 $ \a1' ->
hasCaptureSwitchJoined'_ a1' >>= \res ->
let {res' = C2HSImp.toBool res} in
return (res')
{-# LINE 280 "./Sound/ALSA/Mixer/Internal.chs" #-}
hasPlaybackChannel :: (SimpleElement) -> (Channel) -> IO ((Bool))
hasPlaybackChannel a1 a2 =
withSimpleElement a1 $ \a1' ->
let {a2' = channelToC a2} in
hasPlaybackChannel'_ a1' a2' >>= \res ->
let {res' = C2HSImp.toBool res} in
return (res')
{-# LINE 284 "./Sound/ALSA/Mixer/Internal.chs" #-}
hasCaptureChannel :: (SimpleElement) -> (Channel) -> IO ((Bool))
hasCaptureChannel a1 a2 =
withSimpleElement a1 $ \a1' ->
let {a2' = channelToC a2} in
hasCaptureChannel'_ a1' a2' >>= \res ->
let {res' = C2HSImp.toBool res} in
return (res')
{-# LINE 288 "./Sound/ALSA/Mixer/Internal.chs" #-}
getPlaybackVolume :: (SimpleElement) -> (Channel) -> IO ((CLong))
getPlaybackVolume a1 a2 =
withSimpleElement a1 $ \a1' ->
let {a2' = channelToC a2} in
alloca $ \a3' ->
getPlaybackVolume'_ a1' a2' a3' >>= \res ->
checkGetPlaybackVolume res >>
peek a3'>>= \a3'' ->
return (a3'')
{-# LINE 297 "./Sound/ALSA/Mixer/Internal.chs" #-}
checkGetPlaybackVolume = checkResult_ "snd_mixer_selem_get_playback_volume"
getCaptureVolume :: (SimpleElement) -> (Channel) -> IO ((CLong))
getCaptureVolume a1 a2 =
withSimpleElement a1 $ \a1' ->
let {a2' = channelToC a2} in
alloca $ \a3' ->
getCaptureVolume'_ a1' a2' a3' >>= \res ->
checkGetCaptureVolume res >>
peek a3'>>= \a3'' ->
return (a3'')
{-# LINE 304 "./Sound/ALSA/Mixer/Internal.chs" #-}
checkGetCaptureVolume = checkResult_ "snd_mixer_selem_get_capture_volume"
getPlaybackDb :: (SimpleElement) -> (Channel) -> IO ((CLong))
getPlaybackDb a1 a2 =
withSimpleElement a1 $ \a1' ->
let {a2' = channelToC a2} in
alloca $ \a3' ->
getPlaybackDb'_ a1' a2' a3' >>= \res ->
checkPlaybackDb res >>
peek a3'>>= \a3'' ->
return (a3'')
{-# LINE 311 "./Sound/ALSA/Mixer/Internal.chs" #-}
checkPlaybackDb = checkResult_ "snd_mixer_selem_get_playback_dB"
getCaptureDb :: (SimpleElement) -> (Channel) -> IO ((CLong))
getCaptureDb a1 a2 =
withSimpleElement a1 $ \a1' ->
let {a2' = channelToC a2} in
alloca $ \a3' ->
getCaptureDb'_ a1' a2' a3' >>= \res ->
checkCaptureDb res >>
peek a3'>>= \a3'' ->
return (a3'')
{-# LINE 318 "./Sound/ALSA/Mixer/Internal.chs" #-}
checkCaptureDb = checkResult_ "snd_mixer_selem_get_capture_dB"
peekBool = (>>= return . cToBool) . peek
getPlaybackSwitch :: (SimpleElement) -> (Channel) -> IO ((Bool))
getPlaybackSwitch a1 a2 =
withSimpleElement a1 $ \a1' ->
let {a2' = channelToC a2} in
alloca $ \a3' ->
getPlaybackSwitch'_ a1' a2' a3' >>= \res ->
checkPlaybackSwitch res >>
peekBool a3'>>= \a3'' ->
return (a3'')
{-# LINE 327 "./Sound/ALSA/Mixer/Internal.chs" #-}
checkPlaybackSwitch = checkResult_ "snd_mixer_selem_get_playback_switch"
getCaptureSwitch :: (SimpleElement) -> (Channel) -> IO ((Bool))
getCaptureSwitch a1 a2 =
withSimpleElement a1 $ \a1' ->
let {a2' = channelToC a2} in
alloca $ \a3' ->
getCaptureSwitch'_ a1' a2' a3' >>= \res ->
checkCaptureSwitch res >>
peekBool a3'>>= \a3'' ->
return (a3'')
{-# LINE 334 "./Sound/ALSA/Mixer/Internal.chs" #-}
checkCaptureSwitch = checkResult_ "snd_mixer_selem_get_capture_switch"
getPlaybackVolumeRange :: (SimpleElement) -> IO ((CLong), (CLong))
getPlaybackVolumeRange a1 =
withSimpleElement a1 $ \a1' ->
alloca $ \a2' ->
alloca $ \a3' ->
getPlaybackVolumeRange'_ a1' a2' a3' >>= \res ->
checkGetPlaybackVolumeRange res >>
peek a2'>>= \a2'' ->
peek a3'>>= \a3'' ->
return (a2'', a3'')
{-# LINE 341 "./Sound/ALSA/Mixer/Internal.chs" #-}
checkGetPlaybackVolumeRange = checkResult_ "snd_mixer_selem_get_playback_volume_range"
getCaptureVolumeRange :: (SimpleElement) -> IO ((CLong), (CLong))
getCaptureVolumeRange a1 =
withSimpleElement a1 $ \a1' ->
alloca $ \a2' ->
alloca $ \a3' ->
getCaptureVolumeRange'_ a1' a2' a3' >>= \res ->
checkGetCaptureVolumeRange res >>
peek a2'>>= \a2'' ->
peek a3'>>= \a3'' ->
return (a2'', a3'')
{-# LINE 348 "./Sound/ALSA/Mixer/Internal.chs" #-}
checkGetCaptureVolumeRange = checkResult_ "snd_mixer_selem_get_capture_volume_range"
getPlaybackDbRange :: (SimpleElement) -> IO ((CLong), (CLong))
getPlaybackDbRange a1 =
withSimpleElement a1 $ \a1' ->
alloca $ \a2' ->
alloca $ \a3' ->
getPlaybackDbRange'_ a1' a2' a3' >>= \res ->
checkGetPlaybackDbRange res >>
peek a2'>>= \a2'' ->
peek a3'>>= \a3'' ->
return (a2'', a3'')
{-# LINE 355 "./Sound/ALSA/Mixer/Internal.chs" #-}
checkGetPlaybackDbRange = checkResult_ "snd_mixer_selem_get_playback_dB_range"
getCaptureDbRange :: (SimpleElement) -> IO ((CLong), (CLong))
getCaptureDbRange a1 =
withSimpleElement a1 $ \a1' ->
alloca $ \a2' ->
alloca $ \a3' ->
getCaptureDbRange'_ a1' a2' a3' >>= \res ->
checkGetCaptureDbRange res >>
peek a2'>>= \a2'' ->
peek a3'>>= \a3'' ->
return (a2'', a3'')
{-# LINE 362 "./Sound/ALSA/Mixer/Internal.chs" #-}
checkGetCaptureDbRange = checkResult_ "snd_mixer_selem_get_capture_dB_range"
setPlaybackVolume :: (SimpleElement) -> (Channel) -> (CLong) -> IO ()
setPlaybackVolume a1 a2 a3 =
withSimpleElement a1 $ \a1' ->
let {a2' = channelToC a2} in
let {a3' = fromIntegral a3} in
setPlaybackVolume'_ a1' a2' a3' >>= \res ->
checkSetPlaybackVolume res >>
return ()
{-# LINE 373 "./Sound/ALSA/Mixer/Internal.chs" #-}
checkSetPlaybackVolume = checkResult_ "snd_mixer_selem_set_playback_volume"
setCaptureVolume :: (SimpleElement) -> (Channel) -> (CLong) -> IO ()
setCaptureVolume a1 a2 a3 =
withSimpleElement a1 $ \a1' ->
let {a2' = channelToC a2} in
let {a3' = fromIntegral a3} in
setCaptureVolume'_ a1' a2' a3' >>= \res ->
checkSetCaptureVolume res >>
return ()
{-# LINE 380 "./Sound/ALSA/Mixer/Internal.chs" #-}
checkSetCaptureVolume = checkResult_ "snd_mixer_selem_set_capture_volume"
setPlaybackDb :: (SimpleElement) -> (Channel) -> (CLong) -> IO ()
setPlaybackDb a1 a2 a3 =
withSimpleElement a1 $ \a1' ->
let {a2' = channelToC a2} in
let {a3' = fromIntegral a3} in
negOne $ \a4' ->
setPlaybackDb'_ a1' a2' a3' a4' >>= \res ->
checkSetPlaybackDb res >>
return ()
{-# LINE 388 "./Sound/ALSA/Mixer/Internal.chs" #-}
checkSetPlaybackDb = checkResult_ "snd_mixer_selem_set_playback_dB"
setCaptureDb :: (SimpleElement) -> (Channel) -> (CLong) -> IO ()
setCaptureDb a1 a2 a3 =
withSimpleElement a1 $ \a1' ->
let {a2' = channelToC a2} in
let {a3' = fromIntegral a3} in
negOne $ \a4' ->
setCaptureDb'_ a1' a2' a3' a4' >>= \res ->
checkSetCaptureDb res >>
return ()
{-# LINE 396 "./Sound/ALSA/Mixer/Internal.chs" #-}
checkSetCaptureDb = checkResult_ "snd_mixer_selem_set_capture_dB"
setPlaybackVolumeAll :: (SimpleElement) -> (CLong) -> IO ()
setPlaybackVolumeAll a1 a2 =
withSimpleElement a1 $ \a1' ->
let {a2' = fromIntegral a2} in
setPlaybackVolumeAll'_ a1' a2' >>= \res ->
checkSetPlaybackVolumeAll res >>
return ()
{-# LINE 402 "./Sound/ALSA/Mixer/Internal.chs" #-}
checkSetPlaybackVolumeAll = checkResult_ "snd_mixer_selem_set_playback_volume_all"
setCaptureVolumeAll :: (SimpleElement) -> (CLong) -> IO ()
setCaptureVolumeAll a1 a2 =
withSimpleElement a1 $ \a1' ->
let {a2' = fromIntegral a2} in
setCaptureVolumeAll'_ a1' a2' >>= \res ->
checkSetCaptureVolumeAll res >>
return ()
{-# LINE 408 "./Sound/ALSA/Mixer/Internal.chs" #-}
checkSetCaptureVolumeAll = checkResult_ "snd_mixer_selem_set_capture_volume_all"
setPlaybackDbAll :: (SimpleElement) -> (CLong) -> IO ()
setPlaybackDbAll a1 a2 =
withSimpleElement a1 $ \a1' ->
let {a2' = fromIntegral a2} in
negOne $ \a3' ->
setPlaybackDbAll'_ a1' a2' a3' >>= \res ->
checkSetPlaybackDbAll res >>
return ()
{-# LINE 415 "./Sound/ALSA/Mixer/Internal.chs" #-}
checkSetPlaybackDbAll = checkResult_ "snd_mixer_selem_set_playback_dB_all"
setCaptureDbAll :: (SimpleElement) -> (CLong) -> IO ()
setCaptureDbAll a1 a2 =
withSimpleElement a1 $ \a1' ->
let {a2' = fromIntegral a2} in
negOne $ \a3' ->
setCaptureDbAll'_ a1' a2' a3' >>= \res ->
checkSetCaptureDbAll res >>
return ()
{-# LINE 422 "./Sound/ALSA/Mixer/Internal.chs" #-}
checkSetCaptureDbAll = checkResult_ "snd_mixer_selem_set_capture_dB_all"
setPlaybackSwitch :: (SimpleElement) -> (Channel) -> (Bool) -> IO ()
setPlaybackSwitch a1 a2 a3 =
withSimpleElement a1 $ \a1' ->
let {a2' = channelToC a2} in
let {a3' = C2HSImp.fromBool a3} in
setPlaybackSwitch'_ a1' a2' a3' >>= \res ->
checkSetPlaybackSwitch res >>
return ()
{-# LINE 429 "./Sound/ALSA/Mixer/Internal.chs" #-}
checkSetPlaybackSwitch = checkResult_ "snd_mixer_selem_set_playback_switch"
setCaptureSwitch :: (SimpleElement) -> (Channel) -> (Bool) -> IO ()
setCaptureSwitch a1 a2 a3 =
withSimpleElement a1 $ \a1' ->
let {a2' = channelToC a2} in
let {a3' = C2HSImp.fromBool a3} in
setCaptureSwitch'_ a1' a2' a3' >>= \res ->
checkSetCaptureSwitch res >>
return ()
{-# LINE 436 "./Sound/ALSA/Mixer/Internal.chs" #-}
checkSetCaptureSwitch = checkResult_ "snd_mixer_selem_set_capture_switch"
setPlaybackSwitchAll :: (SimpleElement) -> (Bool) -> IO ()
setPlaybackSwitchAll a1 a2 =
withSimpleElement a1 $ \a1' ->
let {a2' = C2HSImp.fromBool a2} in
setPlaybackSwitchAll'_ a1' a2' >>= \res ->
checkSetPlaybackSwitchAll res >>
return ()
{-# LINE 442 "./Sound/ALSA/Mixer/Internal.chs" #-}
checkSetPlaybackSwitchAll = checkResult_ "snd_mixer_selem_set_playback_switch_all"
setCaptureSwitchAll :: (SimpleElement) -> (Bool) -> IO ()
setCaptureSwitchAll a1 a2 =
withSimpleElement a1 $ \a1' ->
let {a2' = C2HSImp.fromBool a2} in
setCaptureSwitchAll'_ a1' a2' >>= \res ->
checkSetCaptureSwitchAll res >>
return ()
{-# LINE 448 "./Sound/ALSA/Mixer/Internal.chs" #-}
checkSetCaptureSwitchAll = checkResult_ "snd_mixer_selem_set_capture_switch_all"
setPlaybackVolumeRange' :: (SimpleElement) -> (CLong) -> (CLong) -> IO ()
setPlaybackVolumeRange' a1 a2 a3 =
withSimpleElement a1 $ \a1' ->
let {a2' = fromIntegral a2} in
let {a3' = fromIntegral a3} in
setPlaybackVolumeRange''_ a1' a2' a3' >>= \res ->
checkSetPlaybackVolumeRange res >>
return ()
{-# LINE 455 "./Sound/ALSA/Mixer/Internal.chs" #-}
checkSetPlaybackVolumeRange = checkResult_ "snd_mixer_selem_set_playback_volume_range"
setCaptureVolumeRange' :: (SimpleElement) -> (CLong) -> (CLong) -> IO ()
setCaptureVolumeRange' a1 a2 a3 =
withSimpleElement a1 $ \a1' ->
let {a2' = fromIntegral a2} in
let {a3' = fromIntegral a3} in
setCaptureVolumeRange''_ a1' a2' a3' >>= \res ->
checkSetCaptureVolumeRange res >>
return ()
{-# LINE 462 "./Sound/ALSA/Mixer/Internal.chs" #-}
checkSetCaptureVolumeRange = checkResult_ "snd_mixer_selem_set_capture_volume_range"
setPlaybackVolumeRange m = uncurry (setPlaybackVolumeRange' m)
setCaptureVolumeRange m = uncurry (setCaptureVolumeRange' m)
foreign import ccall safe "Sound/ALSA/Mixer/Internal.chs.h snd_mixer_attach"
attach'_ :: ((Mixer) -> ((C2HSImp.Ptr C2HSImp.CChar) -> (IO C2HSImp.CInt)))
foreign import ccall safe "Sound/ALSA/Mixer/Internal.chs.h snd_mixer_load"
sndMixerLoad'_ :: ((Mixer) -> (IO C2HSImp.CInt))
foreign import ccall safe "Sound/ALSA/Mixer/Internal.chs.h snd_mixer_selem_register"
sndMixerSelemRegister'_ :: ((Mixer) -> ((C2HSImp.Ptr ()) -> ((C2HSImp.Ptr (C2HSImp.Ptr ())) -> (IO C2HSImp.CInt))))
foreign import ccall safe "Sound/ALSA/Mixer/Internal.chs.h snd_mixer_selem_id_malloc"
sndMixerSelemIdMalloc'_ :: ((C2HSImp.Ptr (C2HSImp.Ptr (()))) -> (IO C2HSImp.CInt))
foreign import ccall safe "Sound/ALSA/Mixer/Internal.chs.h snd_mixer_selem_get_id"
sndMixerSelemGetId'_ :: ((Element) -> ((C2HSImp.Ptr (())) -> (IO ())))
foreign import ccall safe "Sound/ALSA/Mixer/Internal.chs.h snd_mixer_first_elem"
sndMixerFirstElem'_ :: ((Mixer) -> (IO (Element)))
foreign import ccall safe "Sound/ALSA/Mixer/Internal.chs.h snd_mixer_last_elem"
sndMixerLastElem'_ :: ((Mixer) -> (IO (Element)))
foreign import ccall safe "Sound/ALSA/Mixer/Internal.chs.h snd_mixer_elem_next"
sndMixerElemNext'_ :: ((Element) -> (IO (Element)))
foreign import ccall safe "Sound/ALSA/Mixer/Internal.chs.h snd_mixer_find_selem"
sndMixerFindSelem'_ :: ((Mixer) -> ((C2HSImp.Ptr (())) -> (IO (Element))))
foreign import ccall safe "Sound/ALSA/Mixer/Internal.chs.h snd_mixer_selem_id_get_name"
getName'_ :: ((C2HSImp.Ptr (())) -> (IO (C2HSImp.Ptr C2HSImp.CChar)))
foreign import ccall safe "Sound/ALSA/Mixer/Internal.chs.h snd_mixer_selem_id_get_index"
getIndex'_ :: ((C2HSImp.Ptr (())) -> (IO C2HSImp.CUInt))
foreign import ccall safe "Sound/ALSA/Mixer/Internal.chs.h snd_mixer_selem_is_playback_mono"
isPlaybackMono'_ :: ((Element) -> (IO C2HSImp.CInt))
foreign import ccall safe "Sound/ALSA/Mixer/Internal.chs.h snd_mixer_selem_is_capture_mono"
isCaptureMono'_ :: ((Element) -> (IO C2HSImp.CInt))
foreign import ccall safe "Sound/ALSA/Mixer/Internal.chs.h snd_mixer_selem_has_common_volume"
hasCommonVolume'_ :: ((Element) -> (IO C2HSImp.CInt))
foreign import ccall safe "Sound/ALSA/Mixer/Internal.chs.h snd_mixer_selem_has_playback_volume"
hasPlaybackVolume'_ :: ((Element) -> (IO C2HSImp.CInt))
foreign import ccall safe "Sound/ALSA/Mixer/Internal.chs.h snd_mixer_selem_has_playback_volume_joined"
hasPlaybackVolumeJoined'_ :: ((Element) -> (IO C2HSImp.CInt))
foreign import ccall safe "Sound/ALSA/Mixer/Internal.chs.h snd_mixer_selem_has_capture_volume"
hasCaptureVolume'_ :: ((Element) -> (IO C2HSImp.CInt))
foreign import ccall safe "Sound/ALSA/Mixer/Internal.chs.h snd_mixer_selem_has_capture_volume_joined"
hasCaptureVolumeJoined'_ :: ((Element) -> (IO C2HSImp.CInt))
foreign import ccall safe "Sound/ALSA/Mixer/Internal.chs.h snd_mixer_selem_has_common_switch"
hasCommonSwitch'_ :: ((Element) -> (IO C2HSImp.CInt))
foreign import ccall safe "Sound/ALSA/Mixer/Internal.chs.h snd_mixer_selem_has_playback_switch"
hasPlaybackSwitch'_ :: ((Element) -> (IO C2HSImp.CInt))
foreign import ccall safe "Sound/ALSA/Mixer/Internal.chs.h snd_mixer_selem_has_playback_switch_joined"
hasPlaybackSwitchJoined'_ :: ((Element) -> (IO C2HSImp.CInt))
foreign import ccall safe "Sound/ALSA/Mixer/Internal.chs.h snd_mixer_selem_has_capture_switch"
hasCaptureSwitch'_ :: ((Element) -> (IO C2HSImp.CInt))
foreign import ccall safe "Sound/ALSA/Mixer/Internal.chs.h snd_mixer_selem_has_capture_switch_joined"
hasCaptureSwitchJoined'_ :: ((Element) -> (IO C2HSImp.CInt))
foreign import ccall safe "Sound/ALSA/Mixer/Internal.chs.h snd_mixer_selem_has_playback_channel"
hasPlaybackChannel'_ :: ((Element) -> (C2HSImp.CInt -> (IO C2HSImp.CInt)))
foreign import ccall safe "Sound/ALSA/Mixer/Internal.chs.h snd_mixer_selem_has_capture_channel"
hasCaptureChannel'_ :: ((Element) -> (C2HSImp.CInt -> (IO C2HSImp.CInt)))
foreign import ccall safe "Sound/ALSA/Mixer/Internal.chs.h snd_mixer_selem_get_playback_volume"
getPlaybackVolume'_ :: ((Element) -> (C2HSImp.CInt -> ((C2HSImp.Ptr C2HSImp.CLong) -> (IO C2HSImp.CInt))))
foreign import ccall safe "Sound/ALSA/Mixer/Internal.chs.h snd_mixer_selem_get_capture_volume"
getCaptureVolume'_ :: ((Element) -> (C2HSImp.CInt -> ((C2HSImp.Ptr C2HSImp.CLong) -> (IO C2HSImp.CInt))))
foreign import ccall safe "Sound/ALSA/Mixer/Internal.chs.h snd_mixer_selem_get_playback_dB"
getPlaybackDb'_ :: ((Element) -> (C2HSImp.CInt -> ((C2HSImp.Ptr C2HSImp.CLong) -> (IO C2HSImp.CInt))))
foreign import ccall safe "Sound/ALSA/Mixer/Internal.chs.h snd_mixer_selem_get_capture_dB"
getCaptureDb'_ :: ((Element) -> (C2HSImp.CInt -> ((C2HSImp.Ptr C2HSImp.CLong) -> (IO C2HSImp.CInt))))
foreign import ccall safe "Sound/ALSA/Mixer/Internal.chs.h snd_mixer_selem_get_playback_switch"
getPlaybackSwitch'_ :: ((Element) -> (C2HSImp.CInt -> ((C2HSImp.Ptr C2HSImp.CInt) -> (IO C2HSImp.CInt))))
foreign import ccall safe "Sound/ALSA/Mixer/Internal.chs.h snd_mixer_selem_get_capture_switch"
getCaptureSwitch'_ :: ((Element) -> (C2HSImp.CInt -> ((C2HSImp.Ptr C2HSImp.CInt) -> (IO C2HSImp.CInt))))
foreign import ccall safe "Sound/ALSA/Mixer/Internal.chs.h snd_mixer_selem_get_playback_volume_range"
getPlaybackVolumeRange'_ :: ((Element) -> ((C2HSImp.Ptr C2HSImp.CLong) -> ((C2HSImp.Ptr C2HSImp.CLong) -> (IO C2HSImp.CInt))))
foreign import ccall safe "Sound/ALSA/Mixer/Internal.chs.h snd_mixer_selem_get_capture_volume_range"
getCaptureVolumeRange'_ :: ((Element) -> ((C2HSImp.Ptr C2HSImp.CLong) -> ((C2HSImp.Ptr C2HSImp.CLong) -> (IO C2HSImp.CInt))))
foreign import ccall safe "Sound/ALSA/Mixer/Internal.chs.h snd_mixer_selem_get_playback_dB_range"
getPlaybackDbRange'_ :: ((Element) -> ((C2HSImp.Ptr C2HSImp.CLong) -> ((C2HSImp.Ptr C2HSImp.CLong) -> (IO C2HSImp.CInt))))
foreign import ccall safe "Sound/ALSA/Mixer/Internal.chs.h snd_mixer_selem_get_capture_dB_range"
getCaptureDbRange'_ :: ((Element) -> ((C2HSImp.Ptr C2HSImp.CLong) -> ((C2HSImp.Ptr C2HSImp.CLong) -> (IO C2HSImp.CInt))))
foreign import ccall safe "Sound/ALSA/Mixer/Internal.chs.h snd_mixer_selem_set_playback_volume"
setPlaybackVolume'_ :: ((Element) -> (C2HSImp.CInt -> (C2HSImp.CLong -> (IO C2HSImp.CInt))))
foreign import ccall safe "Sound/ALSA/Mixer/Internal.chs.h snd_mixer_selem_set_capture_volume"
setCaptureVolume'_ :: ((Element) -> (C2HSImp.CInt -> (C2HSImp.CLong -> (IO C2HSImp.CInt))))
foreign import ccall safe "Sound/ALSA/Mixer/Internal.chs.h snd_mixer_selem_set_playback_dB"
setPlaybackDb'_ :: ((Element) -> (C2HSImp.CInt -> (C2HSImp.CLong -> (C2HSImp.CInt -> (IO C2HSImp.CInt)))))
foreign import ccall safe "Sound/ALSA/Mixer/Internal.chs.h snd_mixer_selem_set_capture_dB"
setCaptureDb'_ :: ((Element) -> (C2HSImp.CInt -> (C2HSImp.CLong -> (C2HSImp.CInt -> (IO C2HSImp.CInt)))))
foreign import ccall safe "Sound/ALSA/Mixer/Internal.chs.h snd_mixer_selem_set_playback_volume_all"
setPlaybackVolumeAll'_ :: ((Element) -> (C2HSImp.CLong -> (IO C2HSImp.CInt)))
foreign import ccall safe "Sound/ALSA/Mixer/Internal.chs.h snd_mixer_selem_set_capture_volume_all"
setCaptureVolumeAll'_ :: ((Element) -> (C2HSImp.CLong -> (IO C2HSImp.CInt)))
foreign import ccall safe "Sound/ALSA/Mixer/Internal.chs.h snd_mixer_selem_set_playback_dB_all"
setPlaybackDbAll'_ :: ((Element) -> (C2HSImp.CLong -> (C2HSImp.CInt -> (IO C2HSImp.CInt))))
foreign import ccall safe "Sound/ALSA/Mixer/Internal.chs.h snd_mixer_selem_set_capture_dB_all"
setCaptureDbAll'_ :: ((Element) -> (C2HSImp.CLong -> (C2HSImp.CInt -> (IO C2HSImp.CInt))))
foreign import ccall safe "Sound/ALSA/Mixer/Internal.chs.h snd_mixer_selem_set_playback_switch"
setPlaybackSwitch'_ :: ((Element) -> (C2HSImp.CInt -> (C2HSImp.CInt -> (IO C2HSImp.CInt))))
foreign import ccall safe "Sound/ALSA/Mixer/Internal.chs.h snd_mixer_selem_set_capture_switch"
setCaptureSwitch'_ :: ((Element) -> (C2HSImp.CInt -> (C2HSImp.CInt -> (IO C2HSImp.CInt))))
foreign import ccall safe "Sound/ALSA/Mixer/Internal.chs.h snd_mixer_selem_set_playback_switch_all"
setPlaybackSwitchAll'_ :: ((Element) -> (C2HSImp.CInt -> (IO C2HSImp.CInt)))
foreign import ccall safe "Sound/ALSA/Mixer/Internal.chs.h snd_mixer_selem_set_capture_switch_all"
setCaptureSwitchAll'_ :: ((Element) -> (C2HSImp.CInt -> (IO C2HSImp.CInt)))
foreign import ccall safe "Sound/ALSA/Mixer/Internal.chs.h snd_mixer_selem_set_playback_volume_range"
setPlaybackVolumeRange''_ :: ((Element) -> (C2HSImp.CLong -> (C2HSImp.CLong -> (IO C2HSImp.CInt))))
foreign import ccall safe "Sound/ALSA/Mixer/Internal.chs.h snd_mixer_selem_set_capture_volume_range"
setCaptureVolumeRange''_ :: ((Element) -> (C2HSImp.CLong -> (C2HSImp.CLong -> (IO C2HSImp.CInt))))