Name: alloy Version: 1.1.0 License: BSD3 License-File: LICENSE Author: Neil Brown and Adam Sampson Copyright: Copyright 2008-2009, 2012 University of Kent Maintainer: Cabal-Version: >= 1.2.3 Build-type: Simple Synopsis: Generic programming library Description: Alloy is a generic programming library for performing traversals of data and applying specific operations to certain types. More information is available in the tutorial () and the draft paper (). Category: Generics Tested-With: GHC==6.8.2, GHC==6.10.3 Extra-Source-Files: tutorial/tutorial.tex tutorial/CompanyDatatypes.lhs tutorial/Constraints.lhs tutorial/Effects.lhs tutorial/EffectsSelective.lhs tutorial/GenTypes.lhs tutorial/GenTypesMapSet.lhs tutorial/MapSet.lhs tutorial/MapSetExample.lhs tutorial/Paradise.lhs tutorial/Query.lhs tutorial/Routes.lhs tutorial/Selective.lhs Library Build-Depends: base >= 4.3 && < 5, containers, mtl, syb Exposed-modules: Data.Generics.Alloy Data.Generics.Alloy.Effect Data.Generics.Alloy.GenInstances Data.Generics.Alloy.Pure Data.Generics.Alloy.Route Data.Generics.Alloy.Schemes Extensions: CPP ExistentialQuantification FlexibleContexts FlexibleInstances KindSignatures MultiParamTypeClasses Rank2Types ScopedTypeVariables TypeOperators -- Rank2Types for the Route Monad stuff -- (surely, this could be removed somehow?) -- ExistentialQuantification for DataBox -- (could be removed if we generate instances with TH or Derive) -- MultiParamTypeClasses for the Alloy type-class -- (unavoidable!) -- TypeOperators for the opsets -- (not going to change) -- FlexibleContexts and FlexibleInstances all over the place -- (unavoidable)