{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, TupleSections #-} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : Data.Algebra.TH -- Copyright : (c) Sjoerd Visscher 2013 -- License : BSD-style (see the file LICENSE) -- -- Maintainer : sjoerd@w3future.com -- Stability : experimental -- Portability : non-portable ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Data.Algebra.TH ( deriveInstance , deriveInstanceWith , deriveInstanceWith_skipSignature , deriveSuperclassInstances , deriveSignature -- * Possibly useful internals , SignatureTH(..) , OperationTH(..) , SuperclassTH(..) , getSignatureInfo , buildSignatureDataType , signatureInstances ) where import Data.Algebra.Internal import Data.Traversable (for) import Control.Arrow ((***)) import Data.Monoid (Endo(..)) import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, fromMaybe) import Data.Char (isAlpha) import Data.List (nubBy) import Data.Function (on) import Language.Haskell.TH import Data.Generics (Data, everywhere, mkT) data SignatureTH = SignatureTH { signatureName :: Name , typeVarName :: Name , operations :: [OperationTH] , superclasses :: [SuperclassTH] } data OperationTH = OperationTH { functionName :: Name , operationName :: Name , arity :: Int , constructor :: Con , fixity :: Fixity } data SuperclassTH = SuperclassTH { superclassName :: Name , constrName :: Name , signatureTH :: SignatureTH } getSignatureInfo :: Name -> Q SignatureTH getSignatureInfo name = do ClassI (ClassD ctx _ [tyvar] _ decs) _ <- reify name let tv = tvName tyvar let sigName = changeName (++ "Signature") name ops <- for decs $ \sig -> case sig of (SigD nm (ForallT [tv'] _ tp)) -> do let tvn' = tvName tv' dec <- reify nm fty <- fromMaybe defaultFixity <$> reifyFixity nm case dec of ClassOpI _ _ _ -> return $ case buildOperation tvn' tp of Just (ar, mkCon) -> let opName = changeName addPrefix nm in Just $ OperationTH nm opName ar (everywhere (mkT (rename tvn' tv)) (mkCon opName)) fty _ -> Nothing _ -> fail $ "No support for " ++ show dec SigD{} -> fail $ "No support for " ++ show sig _ -> return Nothing scs <- for ctx $ \ty -> case ty of (AppT (ConT scName) (VarT tv')) | tv == tv' -> do s <- getSignatureInfo scName case s of SignatureTH _ _ [] [] -> return Nothing _ -> return $ Just $ SuperclassTH scName (changeName (addScPrefix name) scName) s _ -> return Nothing return $ SignatureTH sigName tv (catMaybes ops) (catMaybes scs) -- | Derive a signature for an algebraic class. -- For example: -- -- > deriveSignature ''Monoid -- -- The above would generate the following: -- -- > data MonoidSignature a = Op_mempty | Op_mappend a a | Op_mconcat [a] -- > deriving (Functor, Foldable, Traversable, Eq, Ord) -- > -- > type instance Signature Monoid = MonoidSignature -- > -- > instance AlgebraSignature MonoidSignature where -- > type Class MonoidSignature = Monoid -- > evaluate Op_mempty = mempty -- > evaluate (Op_mappend a b) = mappend a b -- > evaluate (Op_mconcat ms) = mconcat ms -- > -- > instance Show a => Show (MonoidSignature a) where -- > showsPrec d Op_mempty = showParen (d > 10) $ showString "mempty" -- > showsPrec d (Op_mappend a1 a2) = showParen (d > 10) $ showString "mappend" . showChar ' ' . showsPrec 11 a1 . showChar ' ' . showsPrec 11 a2 -- > showsPrec d (Op_mconcat a1) = showParen (d > 10) $ showString "mconcat" . showChar ' ' . showsPrec 11 a1 -- -- `deriveSignature` creates the signature data type and an instance for it of the -- `AlgebraSignature` class. @DeriveTraversable@ is used the generate the `Traversable` instance of the signature. -- -- This will do nothing if there is already a signature for the class in scope. deriveSignature :: Name -> Q [Dec] deriveSignature = fmap ((>>= snd) . nubBy ((==) `on` fst)) . deriveSignature' deriveSignature' :: Name -> Q [(Name, [Dec])] deriveSignature' className = do s <- getSignatureInfo className mName <- lookupTypeName (nameBase $ signatureName s) scDecs <- concat <$> traverse (deriveSignature' . superclassName) (superclasses s) return $ if mName == Nothing then (className, buildSignatureDataType s ++ signatureInstances className s) : scDecs else [] -- | Derive an instance for an algebraic class. -- For example: -- -- > deriveInstance [t| (Num m, Num n) => Num (m, n) |] -- -- To be able to derive an instance for @a@ of class @c@, we need an instance of @`Algebra` f a@, -- where @f@ is the signature of @c@. -- -- `deriveInstance` will generate a signature for the class if there is no signature in scope. deriveInstance :: Q Type -> Q [Dec] deriveInstance typ = deriveInstanceWith typ $ return [] -- | Derive an instance for an algebraic class with a given partial implementation. -- For example: -- -- > deriveInstanceWith [t| Num n => Num (Integer -> n) |] -- > [d| -- > fromInteger x y = fromInteger (x + y) -- > |] deriveInstanceWith :: Q Type -> Q [Dec] -> Q [Dec] deriveInstanceWith = deriveInstanceWith' True -- | Derive an instance for an algebraic class with a given partial implementation, -- but don't generate the signature. This is for when you want to derive several instances -- of the same class, but can't splice the results directly. In that case 'deriveSignature' -- can't detect it has already generated the signature earlier. deriveInstanceWith_skipSignature :: Q Type -> Q [Dec] -> Q [Dec] deriveInstanceWith_skipSignature = deriveInstanceWith' False -- | Derive the instances for the superclasses too, all using the same context. -- Usually you'd want to do this manually since you can often give a stricter context, for example: -- -- > deriveSuperclassInstances [t| (Fractional m, Fractional n) => Fractional (m, n) |] -- -- will derive an instance @(Fractional m, Fractional n) => Num (m, n)@ while the instance only -- needs @(Num m, Num n)@. deriveSuperclassInstances :: Q Type -> Q [Dec] deriveSuperclassInstances qtyp = do typ <- qtyp case typ of ForallT _ ctx (AppT (ConT className) typeName) -> deriveSuperclassInstances' ctx className typeName AppT (ConT className) typeName -> deriveSuperclassInstances' [] className typeName deriveSuperclassInstances' :: Cxt -> Name -> Type -> Q [Dec] deriveSuperclassInstances' ctx className typeName = do s <- getSignatureInfo className concatMap snd <$> deriveSuperclassInstances'' s ctx typeName id deriveSuperclassInstances'' :: SignatureTH -> Cxt -> Type -> (Exp -> Exp) -> Q [(Name, [Dec])] deriveSuperclassInstances'' s ctx typeName wrap = nubBy ((==) `on` fst) . concat <$> traverse (\(SuperclassTH scName conName s') -> do dec <- deriveInstanceWith'' False ctx scName typeName (wrap . AppE (ConE conName)) (return []) scs <- deriveSuperclassInstances'' s' ctx typeName (wrap . AppE (ConE conName)) return $ (scName, dec) : scs) (superclasses s) deriveInstanceWith' :: Bool -> Q Type -> Q [Dec] -> Q [Dec] deriveInstanceWith' addSignature qtyp dec = do typ <- qtyp case typ of ForallT _ ctx (AppT (ConT className) typeName) -> deriveInstanceWith'' addSignature ctx className typeName id dec AppT (ConT className) typeName -> deriveInstanceWith'' addSignature [] className typeName id dec deriveInstanceWith'' :: Bool -> Cxt -> Name -> Type -> (Exp -> Exp) -> Q [Dec] -> Q [Dec] deriveInstanceWith'' addSignature ctx className typeName wrap dec = do given <- dec s <- getSignatureInfo className let givenLU = [ (nameBase nm, (nm, renamer f)) | f@(FunD nm _) <- given ] ++ [ (nameBase nm, (nm, renamer v)) | v@(ValD (VarP nm) _ _) <- given ] renamer = renameAll [ (nm, nm') | (b, (nm, _)) <- givenLU, nm' <- functionName <$> operations s, nameBase nm' == b ] impl = [ maybe (FunD fName [Clause (map VarP args) (NormalB (AppE (VarE 'algebra) (wrap (foldl (\e arg -> AppE e (VarE arg)) (ConE opName) args)))) []]) snd mgiven | OperationTH fName opName ar _ _ <- operations s, let mgiven = lookup (nameBase fName) givenLU, let args = mkArgList ar ] (++ [InstanceD Nothing ctx (AppT (ConT className) typeName) impl]) <$> if addSignature then deriveSignature className else return [] buildSignatureDataType :: SignatureTH -> [Dec] buildSignatureDataType s = [DataD [] (signatureName s) [PlainTV (typeVarName s)] Nothing ((constructor <$> operations s) ++ (buildSuperclassCon (typeVarName s) <$> superclasses s)) [DerivClause Nothing (map ConT [''Functor, ''Foldable, ''Traversable, ''Eq, ''Ord])]] signatureInstances :: Name -> SignatureTH -> [Dec] signatureInstances nm s = [asInst, showInst, sigTFInst] where signature = ConT (signatureName s) sigTFInst = TySynInstD (TySynEqn Nothing (AppT (ConT ''Signature) (ConT nm)) signature) typeInst = TySynInstD (TySynEqn Nothing (AppT (ConT ''Class) signature) (ConT nm)) asClauses = [ Clause [ConP opName (map VarP args)] (NormalB (foldl (\e arg -> AppE e (VarE arg)) (VarE fName) args)) [] | OperationTH fName opName ar _ _ <- operations s, let args = mkArgList ar ] asScClauses = [ Clause [ConP conName [(VarP v)]] (NormalB $ AppE (VarE 'evaluate) (VarE v)) [] | SuperclassTH _ conName _ <- superclasses s, let v = mkName "v"] asInst = InstanceD Nothing [] (AppT (ConT ''AlgebraSignature) signature) [typeInst, FunD 'evaluate (asClauses ++ asScClauses)] showsPrecClauses = [ Clause [VarP d, ConP opName (map VarP args)] (NormalB $ createShowsPrec d (nameBase fName) prec args) [] | OperationTH fName opName ar _ (Fixity prec _) <- operations s, let args = mkArgList ar, let d = mkName "d" ] showsPrecScClauses = [ Clause [VarP d, ConP conName [(VarP v)]] (NormalB $ AppE (AppE (VarE 'showsPrec) (VarE d)) (VarE v)) [] | SuperclassTH _ conName _ <- superclasses s, let d = mkName "d", let v = mkName "v"] createShowsPrec d name prec [u,v] | isOperator name = InfixE (Just (AppE (VarE 'showParen) (InfixE (Just (VarE d)) (VarE '(>)) (Just (LitE (IntegerL prec')))))) (VarE '($)) (Just (InfixE (Just (AppE (AppE (VarE 'showsPrec) (LitE (IntegerL prec1))) (VarE u))) (VarE '(.)) (Just (InfixE (Just (AppE (VarE 'showString) (LitE (StringL (" " ++ name ++ " "))))) (VarE '(.)) (Just (AppE (AppE (VarE 'showsPrec) (LitE (IntegerL prec1))) (VarE v))))))) where prec' = toInteger prec prec1 = prec' + 1 createShowsPrec d name _ args = InfixE (Just (AppE (VarE 'showParen) (InfixE (Just (VarE d)) (VarE '(>)) (Just (LitE (IntegerL 10)))))) (VarE '($)) $ foldl addArg (Just (AppE (VarE 'showString) (LitE (StringL name)))) args addArg expr arg = Just $ InfixE expr (VarE '(.)) (Just (InfixE (Just (AppE (VarE 'showChar) (LitE (CharL ' ')))) (VarE '(.)) (Just (AppE (AppE (VarE 'showsPrec) (LitE (IntegerL 11))) (VarE arg))))) showInst = InstanceD Nothing [AppT (ConT ''Show) a] (AppT (ConT ''Show) (AppT signature a)) [FunD 'showsPrec (showsPrecClauses ++ showsPrecScClauses)] a = VarT $ mkName "a" buildOperation :: Name -> Type -> Maybe (Int, Name -> Con) buildOperation nm (VarT nm') = if nm == nm' then Just (0, \opName -> NormalC opName []) else Nothing buildOperation nm (AppT (AppT ArrowT h) t) = ((+1) *** fmap (prependC h)) <$> buildOperation nm t buildOperation _ _ = Nothing buildSuperclassCon :: Name -> SuperclassTH -> Con buildSuperclassCon nm s = NormalC (constrName s) [(bangDef, AppT (ConT (signatureName $ signatureTH s)) (VarT nm))] changeName :: (String -> String) -> Name -> Name changeName f = mkName . f . nameBase addPrefix :: String -> String addPrefix s | isOperator s = ":%:" ++ s addPrefix s = "Op_" ++ s addScPrefix :: Name -> String -> String addScPrefix nm s = "Sc_" ++ nameBase nm ++ "_" ++ s isOperator :: String -> Bool isOperator (c:_) = not (isAlpha c) && c /= '_' isOperator _ = False mkArgList :: Int -> [Name] mkArgList n = [ mkName $ "a" ++ show i | i <- [1 .. n] ] renameAll :: Data a => [(Name, Name)] -> a -> a renameAll m = everywhere (mkT (appEndo (foldMap (\(a, b) -> Endo $ rename a b) m))) rename :: Name -> Name -> Name -> Name rename a b c | a == c = b rename _ _ t = t prependC :: Type -> Con -> Con prependC st (NormalC nm sts) = NormalC nm ((bangDef, st):sts) bangDef :: Bang bangDef = Bang NoSourceUnpackedness NoSourceStrictness tvName :: TyVarBndr -> Name tvName (PlainTV nm) = nm tvName (KindedTV nm _) = nm