{ {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Main (main) where import System.Exit import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as B } %wrapper "monad-bytestring" %encoding "Latin1" $digit = 0-9 -- digits $alpha = [a-zA-Z] -- alphabetic characters tokens :- $white+ ; "--".* ; let { tok (\p _ -> Let p) } in { tok (\p _ -> In p) } $digit+ { tok (\p s -> Int p (read (B.unpack s))) } [\=\+\-\*\/\(\)] { tok (\p s -> Sym p (head (B.unpack s))) } $alpha [$alpha $digit \_ \']* { tok (\p s -> Var p (B.unpack s)) } { -- Each right-hand side has type :: AlexPosn -> String -> Token -- Some action helpers: tok f (p,_,input,_) len = return (f p (B.take (fromIntegral len) input)) -- The token type: data Token = Let AlexPosn | In AlexPosn | Sym AlexPosn Char | Var AlexPosn String | Int AlexPosn Int | Err AlexPosn | EOF deriving (Eq,Ord,Show) -- Adding 'Ord' is possible since 3.3.0 (issue #233) -- where an 'Ord' instance for 'AlexPosn' is generated by default. alexEOF = return EOF main = if test1 /= result1 then do print test1; exitFailure else exitWith ExitSuccess scanner str = runAlex str $ do let loop = do tk <- alexMonadScan if tk == EOF then return [tk] else do toks <- loop return (tk:toks) loop test1 = case scanner " let in 012334\n=+*foo bar__'" of Left err -> error err Right toks -> toks result1 = [Let (AlexPn 2 1 3),In (AlexPn 6 1 7),Int (AlexPn 9 1 10) 12334,Sym (AlexPn 16 2 1) '=',Sym (AlexPn 17 2 2) '+',Sym (AlexPn 18 2 3) '*',Var (AlexPn 19 2 4) "foo",Var (AlexPn 23 2 8) "bar__'", EOF] }