-- Example: Work Stations in Series -- -- This is a model of two work stations connected in a series and separated by finite queues. -- -- It is described in different sources [1, 2]. So, this is chapter 7 of [2] and section 5.14 of [1]. -- -- [1] A. Alan B. Pritsker, Simulation with Visual SLAM and AweSim, 2nd ed. -- -- [2] Труб И.И., Объектно-ориентированное моделирование на C++: Учебный курс. - СПб.: Питер, 2006 import Prelude hiding (id, (.)) import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Trans import Control.Arrow import Control.Category (id, (.)) import Simulation.Aivika.Trans import Simulation.Aivika.Trans.Queue -- | The simulation specs. specs = Specs { spcStartTime = 0.0, spcStopTime = 300.0, spcDT = 0.1, spcMethod = RungeKutta4, spcGeneratorType = SimpleGenerator } -- the mean delay of the input arrivals distributed exponentially meanOrderDelay = 0.4 -- the capacity of the queue before the first work places queueMaxCount1 = 4 -- the capacity of the queue before the second work places queueMaxCount2 = 2 -- the mean processing time distributed exponentially in -- the first work stations meanProcessingTime1 = 0.25 -- the mean processing time distributed exponentially in -- the second work stations meanProcessingTime2 = 0.5 -- the number of the first work stations -- (in parallel but the commented code allocates them sequentially) workStationCount1 = 1 -- the number of the second work stations -- (in parallel but the commented code allocates them sequentially) workStationCount2 = 1 -- create a work station (server) with the exponential processing time newWorkStationExponential :: MonadComp m => Double -> Simulation m (Server m () a a) newWorkStationExponential meanTime = newServer $ \a -> do holdProcess =<< (liftParameter $ randomExponential meanTime) return a model :: MonadComp m => Simulation m (Results m) model = do -- it will gather the statistics of the processing time arrivalTimer <- newArrivalTimer -- define a stream of input events let inputStream = randomExponentialStream meanOrderDelay -- create a queue before the first work stations queue1 <- runEventInStartTime $ newFCFSQueue queueMaxCount1 -- create a queue before the second work stations queue2 <- runEventInStartTime $ newFCFSQueue queueMaxCount2 -- create the first work stations (servers) workStation1s <- forM [1 .. workStationCount1] $ \_ -> newWorkStationExponential meanProcessingTime1 -- create the second work stations (servers) workStation2s <- forM [1 .. workStationCount2] $ \_ -> newWorkStationExponential meanProcessingTime2 -- processor for the queue before the first work station let queueProcessor1 = queueProcessor (\a -> liftEvent $ enqueueOrLost_ queue1 a) (dequeue queue1) -- processor for the queue before the second work station let queueProcessor2 = queueProcessor (enqueue queue2) (dequeue queue2) -- the entire processor from input to output let entireProcessor = queueProcessor1 >>> processorParallel (map serverProcessor workStation1s) >>> -- processorSeq (map serverProcessor workStation1s) >>> queueProcessor2 >>> processorParallel (map serverProcessor workStation2s) >>> -- processorSeq (map serverProcessor workStation2s) >>> arrivalTimerProcessor arrivalTimer -- start simulating the model runProcessInStartTime $ sinkStream $ runProcessor entireProcessor inputStream -- return the simulation results return $ results [resultSource "queue1" "Queue no. 1" queue1, -- resultSource "workStation1s" "Work Stations of line no. 1" workStation1s, -- resultSource "queue2" "Queue no. 2" queue2, -- resultSource "workStation2s" "Work Stations of line no. 2" workStation2s, -- resultSource "arrivalTimer" "The arrival timer" arrivalTimer] modelSummary :: MonadComp m => Simulation m (Results m) modelSummary = fmap resultSummary model main = printSimulationResultsInStopTime printResultSourceInEnglish -- model specs modelSummary specs