module Simulation.Aivika.Lattice.Internal.LIO
findLatticeTimeIndex) where
import Data.IORef
import Data.Maybe
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Control.Monad.Fix
import Control.Exception (throw, catch, finally)
import Simulation.Aivika.Trans.Exception
import Simulation.Aivika.Trans.Internal.Types
import Simulation.Aivika.Trans.Parameter
newtype LIO a = LIO { unLIO :: LIOParams -> IO a
data LIOParams =
LIOParams { lioTimeIndex :: !Int,
lioMemberIndex :: !Int
} deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
instance Monad LIO where
return = LIO . const . return
(LIO m) >>= k = LIO $ \ps ->
m ps >>= \a ->
let m' = unLIO (k a) in m' ps
instance Applicative LIO where
pure = return
(<*>) = ap
instance Functor LIO where
fmap f (LIO m) = LIO $ fmap f . m
instance MonadIO LIO where
liftIO = LIO . const . liftIO
instance MonadFix LIO where
mfix f =
LIO $ \ps ->
do { rec { a <- invokeLIO ps (f a) }; return a }
instance MonadException LIO where
catchComp (LIO m) h = LIO $ \ps ->
catch (m ps) (\e -> unLIO (h e) ps)
finallyComp (LIO m1) (LIO m2) = LIO $ \ps ->
finally (m1 ps) (m2 ps)
throwComp e = LIO $ \ps ->
throw e
invokeLIO :: LIOParams -> LIO a -> IO a
invokeLIO ps (LIO m) = m ps
runLIO :: LIO a -> IO a
runLIO m = unLIO m rootLIOParams
lioParams :: LIO LIOParams
lioParams = LIO return
rootLIOParams :: LIOParams
rootLIOParams = LIOParams { lioTimeIndex = 0,
lioMemberIndex = 0 }
parentLIOParams :: LIOParams -> Maybe LIOParams
parentLIOParams ps
| i == 0 = Nothing
| otherwise = Just $ ps { lioTimeIndex = i 1, lioMemberIndex = max 0 (k 1) }
where i = lioTimeIndex ps
k = lioMemberIndex ps
upSideLIOParams :: LIOParams -> LIOParams
upSideLIOParams ps = ps { lioTimeIndex = 1 + i }
where i = lioTimeIndex ps
downSideLIOParams :: LIOParams -> LIOParams
downSideLIOParams ps = ps { lioTimeIndex = 1 + i, lioMemberIndex = 1 + k }
where i = lioTimeIndex ps
k = lioMemberIndex ps
shiftLIOParams :: Int
-> Int
-> LIOParams
-> LIOParams
shiftLIOParams di dk ps
| i' < 0 = error "The time index cannot be negative: shiftLIOParams"
| k' < 0 = error "The member index cannot be negative: shiftLIOParams"
| k' > i' = error "The member index cannot be greater than the time index: shiftLIOParams"
| otherwise = ps { lioTimeIndex = i', lioMemberIndex = k' }
where i = lioTimeIndex ps
i' = i + di
k = lioMemberIndex ps
k' = k + dk
lioParamsAt :: Int
-> Int
-> LIOParams
lioParamsAt i k
| i < 0 = error "The time index cannot be negative: lioParamsAt"
| k < 0 = error "The member index cannot be negative: lioParamsAt"
| k > i = error "The member index cannot be greater than the time index: lioParamsAt"
| otherwise = LIOParams { lioTimeIndex = i, lioMemberIndex = k }
latticeTimeIndex :: LIO Int
latticeTimeIndex = LIO $ return . lioTimeIndex
latticeMemberIndex :: LIO Int
latticeMemberIndex = LIO $ return . lioMemberIndex
latticeTime :: Parameter LIO Double
latticeTime =
Parameter $ \r ->
LIO $ \ps ->
let sc = runSpecs r
t0 = spcStartTime sc
dt = spcDT sc
i = lioTimeIndex ps
t = t0 + (fromInteger $ toInteger i) * dt
in return t
latticePoint :: Parameter LIO (Point LIO)
latticePoint =
Parameter $ \r ->
do t <- invokeParameter r latticeTime
let sc = runSpecs r
t0 = spcStartTime sc
dt = spcDT sc
n = fromIntegral $ floor ((t t0) / dt)
return Point { pointSpecs = sc,
pointRun = r,
pointTime = t,
pointIteration = n,
pointPhase = 1 }
latticeTimeStep :: Parameter LIO Double
latticeTimeStep = dt
latticeSize :: Parameter LIO Int
latticeSize =
Parameter $ \r ->
do let sc = runSpecs r
t0 = spcStartTime sc
t2 = spcStopTime sc
dt = spcDT sc
i = fromIntegral $ floor ((t2 t0) / dt)
return (i + 1)
findLatticeTimeIndex :: Double -> Parameter LIO Double
findLatticeTimeIndex t =
Parameter $ \r ->
do let sc = runSpecs r
t0 = spcStartTime sc
dt = spcDT sc
i = fromIntegral $ floor ((t t0) / dt)
return i