{-# LANGUAGE RecursiveDo #-}

-- |
-- Module     : Simulation.Aivika.Lattice.Internal.LIO
-- Copyright  : Copyright (c) 2016, David Sorokin <david.sorokin@gmail.com>
-- License    : BSD3
-- Maintainer : David Sorokin <david.sorokin@gmail.com>
-- Stability  : experimental
-- Tested with: GHC 7.10.3
-- This module defines the 'LIO' computation.
module Simulation.Aivika.Lattice.Internal.LIO
        findLatticeTimeIndex) where

import Data.IORef
import Data.Maybe

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Control.Monad.Fix
import Control.Exception (throw, catch, finally)

import Simulation.Aivika.Trans.Exception
import Simulation.Aivika.Trans.Internal.Types
import Simulation.Aivika.Trans.Parameter

-- | The 'LIO' computation that can be run as nested one on the lattice node.
newtype LIO a = LIO { unLIO :: LIOParams -> IO a
                      -- ^ Unwrap the computation.

-- | The parameters of the 'LIO' computation.
data LIOParams =
  LIOParams { lioTimeIndex :: !Int,
              -- ^ The time index.
              lioMemberIndex :: !Int
              -- ^ The member index.
            } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

instance Monad LIO where

  {-# INLINE return #-}
  return = LIO . const . return

  {-# INLINE (>>=) #-}
  (LIO m) >>= k = LIO $ \ps ->
    m ps >>= \a ->
    let m' = unLIO (k a) in m' ps

instance Applicative LIO where

  {-# INLINE pure #-}
  pure = return

  {-# INLINE (<*>) #-}
  (<*>) = ap

instance Functor LIO where

  {-# INLINE fmap #-}
  fmap f (LIO m) = LIO $ fmap f . m 

instance MonadIO LIO where

  {-# INLINE liftIO #-}
  liftIO = LIO . const . liftIO

instance MonadFix LIO where

  mfix f = 
    LIO $ \ps ->
    do { rec { a <- invokeLIO ps (f a) }; return a }

instance MonadException LIO where

  catchComp (LIO m) h = LIO $ \ps ->
    catch (m ps) (\e -> unLIO (h e) ps)

  finallyComp (LIO m1) (LIO m2) = LIO $ \ps ->
    finally (m1 ps) (m2 ps)
  throwComp e = LIO $ \ps ->
    throw e

-- | Invoke the computation.
invokeLIO :: LIOParams -> LIO a -> IO a
{-# INLINE invokeLIO #-}
invokeLIO ps (LIO m) = m ps

-- | Run the 'LIO' computation using the integration times points as lattice nodes.
runLIO :: LIO a -> IO a
runLIO m = unLIO m rootLIOParams

-- | Return the parameters of the computation.
lioParams :: LIO LIOParams
lioParams = LIO return

-- | Return the root node parameters.
rootLIOParams :: LIOParams
rootLIOParams = LIOParams { lioTimeIndex = 0,
                            lioMemberIndex = 0 }

-- | Return the parent parameters.
parentLIOParams :: LIOParams -> Maybe LIOParams
parentLIOParams ps
  | i == 0    = Nothing
  | otherwise = Just $ ps { lioTimeIndex = i - 1, lioMemberIndex = max 0 (k - 1) }
  where i = lioTimeIndex ps
        k = lioMemberIndex ps

-- | Return the next up side parameters.
upSideLIOParams :: LIOParams -> LIOParams
upSideLIOParams ps = ps { lioTimeIndex = 1 + i }
  where i = lioTimeIndex ps

-- | Return the next down side parameters.
downSideLIOParams :: LIOParams -> LIOParams
downSideLIOParams ps = ps { lioTimeIndex = 1 + i, lioMemberIndex = 1 + k }
  where i = lioTimeIndex ps
        k = lioMemberIndex ps

-- | Return the derived parameters with the specified shift in 'latticeTimeIndex' and
-- 'latticeMemberIndex' respectively, where the first parameter can be positive only.
shiftLIOParams :: Int
                  -- ^ a positive shift the lattice time index
                  -> Int
                  -- ^ a shift of the lattice member index
                  -> LIOParams
                  -- ^ the source parameters
                  -> LIOParams
shiftLIOParams di dk ps
  | i' < 0    = error "The time index cannot be negative: shiftLIOParams"
  | k' < 0    = error "The member index cannot be negative: shiftLIOParams"
  | k' > i'   = error "The member index cannot be greater than the time index: shiftLIOParams"
  | otherwise = ps { lioTimeIndex = i', lioMemberIndex = k' }
  where i  = lioTimeIndex ps
        i' = i + di
        k  = lioMemberIndex ps
        k' = k + dk

-- | Return the parameters at the specified 'latticeTimeIndex' and 'latticeMemberIndex'.
lioParamsAt :: Int
               -- ^ the lattice time index
               -> Int
               -- ^ the lattice member index
               -> LIOParams
lioParamsAt i k
  | i < 0     = error "The time index cannot be negative: lioParamsAt"
  | k < 0     = error "The member index cannot be negative: lioParamsAt"
  | k > i     = error "The member index cannot be greater than the time index: lioParamsAt"
  | otherwise = LIOParams { lioTimeIndex = i, lioMemberIndex = k }

-- | Return the lattice time index starting from 0. It corresponds to the integration time point.
-- The index should be less than 'latticeSize'. 
latticeTimeIndex :: LIO Int
latticeTimeIndex = LIO $ return . lioTimeIndex

-- | Return the lattice member index starting from 0. It is always less than or equaled to 'latticeTimeIndex'.
latticeMemberIndex :: LIO Int
latticeMemberIndex = LIO $ return . lioMemberIndex

-- | Return the time for the current lattice node.
latticeTime :: Parameter LIO Double
latticeTime =
  Parameter $ \r ->
  LIO $ \ps ->
  let sc = runSpecs r
      t0 = spcStartTime sc
      dt = spcDT sc
      i  = lioTimeIndex ps
      t  = t0 + (fromInteger $ toInteger i) * dt
  in return t

-- | Return the point in the corresponding lattice node.
latticePoint :: Parameter LIO (Point LIO)
latticePoint =
  Parameter $ \r ->
  do t <- invokeParameter r latticeTime
     let sc = runSpecs r
         t0 = spcStartTime sc
         dt = spcDT sc
         n  = fromIntegral $ floor ((t - t0) / dt)
     return Point { pointSpecs = sc,
                    pointRun = r,
                    pointTime = t,
                    pointIteration = n,
                    pointPhase = -1 }

-- | The time step used when constructing the lattice. Currently, it is equivalent to 'dt'.
latticeTimeStep :: Parameter LIO Double
latticeTimeStep = dt

-- | Return the lattice size.
latticeSize :: Parameter LIO Int
latticeSize =
  Parameter $ \r ->
  do let sc = runSpecs r
         t0 = spcStartTime sc
         t2 = spcStopTime sc
         dt = spcDT sc
         i  = fromIntegral $ floor ((t2 - t0) / dt)
     return (i + 1)

-- | Find the lattice time index for the specified modeling time.
findLatticeTimeIndex :: Double -> Parameter LIO Double
findLatticeTimeIndex t =
  Parameter $ \r ->
  do let sc = runSpecs r
         t0 = spcStartTime sc
         dt = spcDT sc
         i  = fromIntegral $ floor ((t - t0) / dt)
     return i