{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric, DeriveDataTypeable #-} -- | -- Module : Simulation.Aivika.Distributed.Optimistic.Internal.TimeServer -- Copyright : Copyright (c) 2015-2017, David Sorokin -- License : BSD3 -- Maintainer : David Sorokin -- Stability : experimental -- Tested with: GHC 7.10.3 -- -- This module allows running the time server that coordinates the global simulation time. -- module Simulation.Aivika.Distributed.Optimistic.Internal.TimeServer (TimeServerParams(..), TimeServerEnv(..), TimeServerStrategy(..), defaultTimeServerParams, defaultTimeServerEnv, timeServer, timeServerWithEnv, curryTimeServer) where import qualified Data.Map as M import qualified Data.Set as S import Data.Maybe import Data.IORef import Data.Typeable import Data.Binary import Data.Time.Clock import GHC.Generics import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Trans import Control.Exception import qualified Control.Monad.Catch as C import Control.Concurrent import qualified Control.Distributed.Process as DP import Simulation.Aivika.Distributed.Optimistic.Internal.Priority import Simulation.Aivika.Distributed.Optimistic.Internal.Message import Simulation.Aivika.Distributed.Optimistic.State -- | The time server parameters. data TimeServerParams = TimeServerParams { tsLoggingPriority :: Priority, -- ^ the logging priority tsName :: String, -- ^ the monitoring name of the time server tsReceiveTimeout :: Int, -- ^ the timeout in microseconds used when receiving messages tsTimeSyncTimeout :: Int, -- ^ the timeout in microseconds used for the time synchronization sessions tsTimeSyncDelay :: Int, -- ^ the delay in microseconds between the time synchronization sessions tsProcessMonitoringEnabled :: Bool, -- ^ whether the process monitoring is enabled tsProcessMonitoringDelay :: Int, -- ^ The delay in microseconds which must be applied for monitoring every remote process tsProcessReconnectingEnabled :: Bool, -- ^ whether the automatic reconnecting to processes is enabled when enabled monitoring tsProcessReconnectingDelay :: Int, -- ^ the delay in microseconds before reconnecting tsSimulationMonitoringInterval :: Int, -- ^ the interval in microseconds between sending the simulation monitoring messages tsSimulationMonitoringTimeout :: Int, -- ^ the timeout in microseconds when processing the simulation monitoring messages tsStrategy :: TimeServerStrategy -- ^ the time server strategy } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Typeable, Generic) instance Binary TimeServerParams -- | Those time server environment parameters that cannot be serialized and passed to another process via the net. data TimeServerEnv = TimeServerEnv { tsSimulationMonitoringAction :: Maybe (TimeServerState -> DP.Process ()) -- ^ the simulation monitoring action } -- | The time server strategy. data TimeServerStrategy = WaitIndefinitelyForLogicalProcess -- ^ wait for the logical process forever | TerminateDueToLogicalProcessTimeout Int -- ^ terminate the server due to the exceeded logical process timeout in microseconds, -- but not less than 'tsTimeSyncTimeout', which is a much more preferable option than -- significantly more risky 'UnregisterLogicalProcessDueToTimeout' | UnregisterLogicalProcessDueToTimeout Int -- ^ unregister the logical process due to the exceeded timeout in microseconds, -- but not less than 'tsTimeSyncTimeout', which is a very risky option as there can be -- un-acknowledged messages by the just unregistered logical process that might shutdown, -- which would keep the global virtual time on the same value even if the existent -- logical processes had another local time deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Typeable, Generic) instance Binary TimeServerStrategy -- | The time server. data TimeServer = TimeServer { tsParams :: TimeServerParams, -- ^ the time server parameters tsInitQuorum :: Int, -- ^ the initial quorum of registered logical processes to start the simulation tsInInit :: IORef Bool, -- ^ whether the time server is in the initial mode tsTerminating :: IORef Bool, -- ^ whether the time server is in the terminating mode tsTerminated :: IORef Bool, -- ^ whether the server is terminated tsProcesses :: IORef (M.Map DP.ProcessId LogicalProcessInfo), -- ^ the information about logical processes tsProcessesInFind :: IORef (S.Set DP.ProcessId), -- ^ the processed used in the current finding of the global time tsGlobalTime :: IORef (Maybe Double), -- ^ the global time of the model tsGlobalTimeTimestamp :: IORef (Maybe UTCTime), -- ^ the global time timestamp tsLogicalProcessValidationTimestamp :: IORef UTCTime -- ^ the logical process validation timestamp } -- | The information about the logical process. data LogicalProcessInfo = LogicalProcessInfo { lpId :: DP.ProcessId, -- ^ the logical process identifier lpLocalTime :: IORef (Maybe Double), -- ^ the local time of the process lpTimestamp :: IORef UTCTime, -- ^ the logical process timestamp lpMonitorRef :: Maybe DP.MonitorRef -- ^ the logical process monitor reference } -- | The default time server parameters. defaultTimeServerParams :: TimeServerParams defaultTimeServerParams = TimeServerParams { tsLoggingPriority = WARNING, tsName = "Time Server", tsReceiveTimeout = 100000, tsTimeSyncTimeout = 60000000, tsTimeSyncDelay = 100000, tsProcessMonitoringEnabled = False, tsProcessMonitoringDelay = 3000000, tsProcessReconnectingEnabled = False, tsProcessReconnectingDelay = 5000000, tsSimulationMonitoringInterval = 30000000, tsSimulationMonitoringTimeout = 100000, tsStrategy = TerminateDueToLogicalProcessTimeout 300000000 } -- | The default time server environment parameters. defaultTimeServerEnv :: TimeServerEnv defaultTimeServerEnv = TimeServerEnv { tsSimulationMonitoringAction = Nothing } -- | Create a new time server by the specified initial quorum and parameters. newTimeServer :: Int -> TimeServerParams -> IO TimeServer newTimeServer n ps = do f <- newIORef True ft <- newIORef False fe <- newIORef False m <- newIORef M.empty s <- newIORef S.empty t0 <- newIORef Nothing t' <- newIORef Nothing t2 <- getCurrentTime >>= newIORef return TimeServer { tsParams = ps, tsInitQuorum = n, tsInInit = f, tsTerminating = ft, tsTerminated = fe, tsProcesses = m, tsProcessesInFind = s, tsGlobalTime = t0, tsGlobalTimeTimestamp = t', tsLogicalProcessValidationTimestamp = t2 } -- | Process the time server message. processTimeServerMessage :: TimeServer -> TimeServerMessage -> DP.Process () processTimeServerMessage server (RegisterLogicalProcessMessage pid) = join $ liftIO $ do m <- readIORef (tsProcesses server) case M.lookup pid m of Just x -> return $ logTimeServer server WARNING $ "Time Server: already registered process identifier " ++ show pid Nothing -> do t <- newIORef Nothing utc <- getCurrentTime >>= newIORef modifyIORef (tsProcesses server) $ M.insert pid LogicalProcessInfo { lpId = pid, lpLocalTime = t, lpTimestamp = utc, lpMonitorRef = Nothing } return $ do when (tsProcessMonitoringEnabled $ tsParams server) $ do logTimeServer server INFO $ "Time Server: monitoring the process by identifier " ++ show pid r <- DP.monitor pid liftIO $ modifyIORef (tsProcesses server) $ M.update (\x -> Just x { lpMonitorRef = Just r }) pid serverId <- DP.getSelfPid DP.send pid (RegisterLogicalProcessAcknowledgementMessage serverId) tryStartTimeServer server processTimeServerMessage server (UnregisterLogicalProcessMessage pid) = join $ liftIO $ do m <- readIORef (tsProcesses server) case M.lookup pid m of Nothing -> return $ logTimeServer server WARNING $ "Time Server: unknown process identifier " ++ show pid Just x -> do modifyIORef (tsProcesses server) $ M.delete pid modifyIORef (tsProcessesInFind server) $ S.delete pid return $ do when (tsProcessMonitoringEnabled $ tsParams server) $ case lpMonitorRef x of Nothing -> return () Just r -> do logTimeServer server INFO $ "Time Server: unmonitoring the process by identifier " ++ show pid DP.unmonitor r serverId <- DP.getSelfPid DP.send pid (UnregisterLogicalProcessAcknowledgementMessage serverId) tryProvideTimeServerGlobalTime server tryTerminateTimeServer server processTimeServerMessage server (TerminateTimeServerMessage pid) = join $ liftIO $ do m <- readIORef (tsProcesses server) case M.lookup pid m of Nothing -> return $ logTimeServer server WARNING $ "Time Server: unknown process identifier " ++ show pid Just x -> do modifyIORef (tsProcesses server) $ M.delete pid modifyIORef (tsProcessesInFind server) $ S.delete pid return $ do when (tsProcessMonitoringEnabled $ tsParams server) $ case lpMonitorRef x of Nothing -> return () Just r -> do logTimeServer server INFO $ "Time Server: unmonitoring the process by identifier " ++ show pid DP.unmonitor r serverId <- DP.getSelfPid DP.send pid (TerminateTimeServerAcknowledgementMessage serverId) startTerminatingTimeServer server processTimeServerMessage server (RequestGlobalTimeMessage pid) = tryComputeTimeServerGlobalTime server processTimeServerMessage server (LocalTimeMessage pid t') = join $ liftIO $ do m <- readIORef (tsProcesses server) case M.lookup pid m of Nothing -> return $ do logTimeServer server WARNING $ "Time Server: unknown process identifier " ++ show pid processTimeServerMessage server (RegisterLogicalProcessMessage pid) processTimeServerMessage server (LocalTimeMessage pid t') Just x -> do utc <- getCurrentTime writeIORef (lpLocalTime x) (Just t') writeIORef (lpTimestamp x) utc modifyIORef (tsProcessesInFind server) $ S.delete pid return $ tryProvideTimeServerGlobalTime server processTimeServerMessage server (ComputeLocalTimeAcknowledgementMessage pid) = join $ liftIO $ do m <- readIORef (tsProcesses server) case M.lookup pid m of Nothing -> return $ do logTimeServer server WARNING $ "Time Server: unknown process identifier " ++ show pid processTimeServerMessage server (RegisterLogicalProcessMessage pid) processTimeServerMessage server (ComputeLocalTimeAcknowledgementMessage pid) Just x -> do utc <- getCurrentTime writeIORef (lpTimestamp x) utc return $ return () processTimeServerMessage server (ProvideTimeServerStateMessage pid) = do let ps = tsParams server name = tsName ps serverId <- DP.getSelfPid t <- liftIO $ readIORef (tsGlobalTime server) m <- liftIO $ readIORef (tsProcesses server) let msg = TimeServerState { tsStateId = serverId, tsStateName = name, tsStateGlobalVirtualTime = t, tsStateLogicalProcesses = M.keys m } DP.send pid msg processTimeServerMessage server (ReMonitorTimeServerMessage pids) = do forM_ pids $ \pid -> do --- logTimeServer server NOTICE $ "Time Server: re-monitoring " ++ show pid --- DP.monitor pid --- logTimeServer server NOTICE $ "Time Server: started re-monitoring " ++ show pid --- resetComputingTimeServerGlobalTime server -- | Whether the both values are defined and the first is greater than or equaled to the second. (.>=.) :: Maybe Double -> Maybe Double -> Bool (.>=.) (Just x) (Just y) = x >= y (.>=.) _ _ = False -- | Whether the both values are defined and the first is greater than the second. (.>.) :: Maybe Double -> Maybe Double -> Bool (.>.) (Just x) (Just y) = x > y (.>.) _ _ = False -- | Try to start synchronizing the global time. tryStartTimeServer :: TimeServer -> DP.Process () tryStartTimeServer server = join $ liftIO $ do f <- readIORef (tsInInit server) if not f then return $ return () else do m <- readIORef (tsProcesses server) if M.size m < tsInitQuorum server then return $ return () else do writeIORef (tsInInit server) False return $ do logTimeServer server INFO $ "Time Server: starting" tryComputeTimeServerGlobalTime server -- | Try to compute the global time and provide the logical processes with it. tryComputeTimeServerGlobalTime :: TimeServer -> DP.Process () tryComputeTimeServerGlobalTime server = join $ liftIO $ do f <- readIORef (tsInInit server) if f then return $ return () else do s <- readIORef (tsProcessesInFind server) if S.size s > 0 then return $ return () else return $ computeTimeServerGlobalTime server -- | Reset computing the time server global time. resetComputingTimeServerGlobalTime :: TimeServer -> DP.Process () resetComputingTimeServerGlobalTime server = do logTimeServer server NOTICE $ "Time Server: reset computing the global time" liftIO $ do utc <- getCurrentTime writeIORef (tsProcessesInFind server) S.empty writeIORef (tsGlobalTimeTimestamp server) (Just utc) -- | Try to provide the logical processes wth the global time. tryProvideTimeServerGlobalTime :: TimeServer -> DP.Process () tryProvideTimeServerGlobalTime server = join $ liftIO $ do f <- readIORef (tsInInit server) if f then return $ return () else do s <- readIORef (tsProcessesInFind server) if S.size s > 0 then return $ return () else return $ provideTimeServerGlobalTime server -- | Initiate computing the global time. computeTimeServerGlobalTime :: TimeServer -> DP.Process () computeTimeServerGlobalTime server = do logTimeServer server DEBUG $ "Time Server: computing the global time..." zs <- liftIO $ fmap M.assocs $ readIORef (tsProcesses server) forM_ zs $ \(pid, x) -> liftIO $ modifyIORef (tsProcessesInFind server) $ S.insert pid forM_ zs $ \(pid, x) -> DP.send pid ComputeLocalTimeMessage -- | Provide the logical processes with the global time. provideTimeServerGlobalTime :: TimeServer -> DP.Process () provideTimeServerGlobalTime server = do t0 <- liftIO $ timeServerGlobalTime server logTimeServer server INFO $ "Time Server: providing the global time = " ++ show t0 case t0 of Nothing -> return () Just t0 -> do t' <- liftIO $ readIORef (tsGlobalTime server) when (t' .>. Just t0) $ logTimeServer server NOTICE "Time Server: the global time has decreased" timestamp <- liftIO getCurrentTime liftIO $ writeIORef (tsGlobalTime server) (Just t0) liftIO $ writeIORef (tsGlobalTimeTimestamp server) (Just timestamp) zs <- liftIO $ fmap M.assocs $ readIORef (tsProcesses server) forM_ zs $ \(pid, x) -> DP.send pid (GlobalTimeMessage t0) -- | Return the time server global time. timeServerGlobalTime :: TimeServer -> IO (Maybe Double) timeServerGlobalTime server = do zs <- fmap M.assocs $ readIORef (tsProcesses server) case zs of [] -> return Nothing ((pid, x) : zs') -> do t <- readIORef (lpLocalTime x) loop zs t where loop [] acc = return acc loop ((pid, x) : zs') acc = do t <- readIORef (lpLocalTime x) case t of Nothing -> loop zs' Nothing Just _ -> loop zs' (liftM2 min t acc) -- | Return a logical process with the minimal timestamp. minTimestampLogicalProcess :: TimeServer -> IO (Maybe LogicalProcessInfo) minTimestampLogicalProcess server = do zs <- fmap M.assocs $ readIORef (tsProcesses server) case zs of [] -> return Nothing ((pid, x) : zs') -> loop zs x where loop [] acc = return (Just acc) loop ((pid, x) : zs') acc = do t0 <- readIORef (lpTimestamp acc) t <- readIORef (lpTimestamp x) if t0 <= t then loop zs' acc else loop zs' x -- | Filter the logical processes. filterLogicalProcesses :: TimeServer -> [DP.ProcessId] -> IO [DP.ProcessId] filterLogicalProcesses server pids = do xs <- readIORef (tsProcesses server) return $ filter (\pid -> M.member pid xs) pids -- | Start terminating the time server. startTerminatingTimeServer :: TimeServer -> DP.Process () startTerminatingTimeServer server = do logTimeServer server INFO "Time Server: start terminating..." liftIO $ writeIORef (tsTerminating server) True tryTerminateTimeServer server -- | Try to terminate the time server. tryTerminateTimeServer :: TimeServer -> DP.Process () tryTerminateTimeServer server = do f <- liftIO $ readIORef (tsTerminating server) when f $ do m <- liftIO $ readIORef (tsProcesses server) when (M.null m) $ do logTimeServer server INFO "Time Server: terminate" DP.terminate -- | Convert seconds to microseconds. secondsToMicroseconds :: Double -> Int secondsToMicroseconds x = fromInteger $ toInteger $ round (1000000 * x) -- | The internal time server message. data InternalTimeServerMessage = InternalTimeServerMessage TimeServerMessage -- ^ the time server message | InternalProcessMonitorNotification DP.ProcessMonitorNotification -- ^ the process monitor notification | InternalKeepAliveMessage KeepAliveMessage -- ^ the keep alive message -- | Handle the time server exception handleTimeServerException :: TimeServer -> SomeException -> DP.Process () handleTimeServerException server e = do --- logTimeServer server ERROR $ "Exception occurred: " ++ show e --- C.throwM e -- | Start the time server by the specified initial quorum and parameters. -- The quorum defines the number of logical processes that must be registered in -- the time server before the global time synchronization is started. timeServer :: Int -> TimeServerParams -> DP.Process () timeServer n ps = timeServerWithEnv n ps defaultTimeServerEnv -- | A full version of 'timeServer' that allows specifying the environment parameters. timeServerWithEnv :: Int -> TimeServerParams -> TimeServerEnv -> DP.Process () timeServerWithEnv n ps env = do server <- liftIO $ newTimeServer n ps logTimeServer server INFO "Time Server: starting..." let loop utc0 = do let f1 :: TimeServerMessage -> DP.Process InternalTimeServerMessage f1 x = return (InternalTimeServerMessage x) f2 :: DP.ProcessMonitorNotification -> DP.Process InternalTimeServerMessage f2 x = return (InternalProcessMonitorNotification x) f3 :: KeepAliveMessage -> DP.Process InternalTimeServerMessage f3 x = return (InternalKeepAliveMessage x) a <- DP.receiveTimeout (tsReceiveTimeout ps) [DP.match f1, DP.match f2, DP.match f3] case a of Nothing -> return () Just (InternalTimeServerMessage m) -> do --- logTimeServer server DEBUG $ "Time Server: " ++ show m --- processTimeServerMessage server m Just (InternalProcessMonitorNotification m) -> handleProcessMonitorNotification m server Just (InternalKeepAliveMessage m) -> do --- logTimeServer server DEBUG $ "Time Server: " ++ show m --- return () utc <- liftIO getCurrentTime validation <- liftIO $ readIORef (tsLogicalProcessValidationTimestamp server) timestamp <- liftIO $ readIORef (tsGlobalTimeTimestamp server) when (timeSyncTimeoutExceeded server validation utc) $ validateLogicalProcesses server utc case timestamp of Just x | timeSyncTimeoutExceeded server x utc -> resetComputingTimeServerGlobalTime server _ -> return () if timeSyncDelayExceeded server utc0 utc then do tryComputeTimeServerGlobalTime server loop utc else loop utc0 loop' utc0 = C.finally (loop utc0) (liftIO $ atomicWriteIORef (tsTerminated server) True) case tsSimulationMonitoringAction env of Nothing -> return () Just act -> do serverId <- DP.getSelfPid monitorId <- DP.spawnLocal $ let loop = do f <- liftIO $ readIORef (tsTerminated server) unless f $ do x <- DP.expectTimeout (tsSimulationMonitoringTimeout ps) case x of Nothing -> return () Just st -> act st loop in C.catch loop (handleTimeServerException server) DP.spawnLocal $ let loop = do f <- liftIO $ readIORef (tsTerminated server) unless f $ do liftIO $ threadDelay (tsSimulationMonitoringInterval ps) DP.send serverId (ProvideTimeServerStateMessage monitorId) loop in C.catch loop (handleTimeServerException server) return () C.catch (liftIO getCurrentTime >>= loop') (handleTimeServerException server) -- | Handle the process monitor notification. handleProcessMonitorNotification :: DP.ProcessMonitorNotification -> TimeServer -> DP.Process () handleProcessMonitorNotification m@(DP.ProcessMonitorNotification _ pid0 reason) server = do let ps = tsParams server recv m@(DP.ProcessMonitorNotification _ _ _) = do --- logTimeServer server WARNING $ "Time Server: received a process monitor notification " ++ show m --- return m recv m when (tsProcessReconnectingEnabled ps && reason == DP.DiedDisconnect) $ do liftIO $ threadDelay (tsProcessReconnectingDelay ps) let pred m@(DP.ProcessMonitorNotification _ _ reason) = reason == DP.DiedDisconnect loop :: [DP.ProcessId] -> DP.Process [DP.ProcessId] loop acc = do y <- DP.receiveTimeout 0 [DP.matchIf pred recv] case y of Nothing -> return $ reverse acc Just m@(DP.ProcessMonitorNotification _ pid _) -> loop (pid : acc) pids <- loop [pid0] >>= (liftIO . filterLogicalProcesses server) --- logTimeServer server NOTICE "Begin reconnecting..." --- forM_ pids $ \pid -> do --- logTimeServer server NOTICE $ "Time Server: reconnecting to " ++ show pid --- DP.reconnect pid serverId <- DP.getSelfPid DP.spawnLocal $ let action = do liftIO $ threadDelay (tsProcessMonitoringDelay ps) --- logTimeServer server NOTICE $ "Time Server: proceed to the re-monitoring" --- DP.send serverId (ReMonitorTimeServerMessage pids) in C.catch action (handleTimeServerException server) return () -- | Test whether the sychronization delay has been exceeded. timeSyncDelayExceeded :: TimeServer -> UTCTime -> UTCTime -> Bool timeSyncDelayExceeded server utc0 utc = let dt = fromRational $ toRational (diffUTCTime utc utc0) in secondsToMicroseconds dt > (tsTimeSyncDelay $ tsParams server) -- | Test whether the synchronization timeout has been exceeded. timeSyncTimeoutExceeded :: TimeServer -> UTCTime -> UTCTime -> Bool timeSyncTimeoutExceeded server utc0 utc = let dt = fromRational $ toRational (diffUTCTime utc utc0) in secondsToMicroseconds dt > (tsTimeSyncTimeout $ tsParams server) -- | Get the difference between the specified time and the logical process timestamp. diffLogicalProcessTimestamp :: UTCTime -> LogicalProcessInfo -> IO Int diffLogicalProcessTimestamp utc lp = do utc0 <- readIORef (lpTimestamp lp) let dt = fromRational $ toRational (diffUTCTime utc utc0) return $ secondsToMicroseconds dt -- | Validate the logical processes. validateLogicalProcesses :: TimeServer -> UTCTime -> DP.Process () validateLogicalProcesses server utc = do logTimeServer server NOTICE $ "Time Server: validating the logical processes" liftIO $ writeIORef (tsLogicalProcessValidationTimestamp server) utc case tsStrategy (tsParams server) of WaitIndefinitelyForLogicalProcess -> return () TerminateDueToLogicalProcessTimeout timeout -> do x <- liftIO $ minTimestampLogicalProcess server case x of Just lp -> do diff <- liftIO $ diffLogicalProcessTimestamp utc lp when (diff > timeout) $ do logTimeServer server WARNING $ "Time Server: terminating due to the exceeded logical process timeout" DP.terminate Nothing -> return () UnregisterLogicalProcessDueToTimeout timeout -> do x <- liftIO $ minTimestampLogicalProcess server case x of Just lp -> do diff <- liftIO $ diffLogicalProcessTimestamp utc lp when (diff > timeout) $ do logTimeServer server WARNING $ "Time Server: unregistering the logical process due to the exceeded timeout" processTimeServerMessage server (UnregisterLogicalProcessMessage $ lpId lp) Nothing -> return () -- | A curried version of 'timeServer' for starting the time server on remote node. curryTimeServer :: (Int, TimeServerParams) -> DP.Process () curryTimeServer (n, ps) = timeServer n ps -- | Log the message with the specified priority. logTimeServer :: TimeServer -> Priority -> String -> DP.Process () {-# INLINE logTimeServer #-} logTimeServer server p message = when (tsLoggingPriority (tsParams server) <= p) $ DP.say $ embracePriority p ++ " " ++ message