aivika-branches-0.4.1: Nested discrete event simulation module for the Aivika library
CopyrightCopyright (c) 2016-2017 David Sorokin <>
MaintainerDavid Sorokin <>
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



Tested with: GHC 7.10.3

This module defines queue strategies FCFS and LCFS for the BR computation.

Orphan instances

DequeueStrategy (BR IO) FCFS Source #

An implementation of the FCFS queue strategy.

Instance details

DequeueStrategy (BR IO) LCFS Source #

An implementation of the LCFS queue strategy.

Instance details

EnqueueStrategy (BR IO) FCFS Source #

An implementation of the FCFS queue strategy.

Instance details


strategyEnqueue :: StrategyQueue (BR IO) FCFS a -> a -> Event (BR IO) () #

EnqueueStrategy (BR IO) LCFS Source #

An implementation of the LCFS queue strategy.

Instance details


strategyEnqueue :: StrategyQueue (BR IO) LCFS a -> a -> Event (BR IO) () #

QueueStrategy (BR IO) FCFS Source #

An implementation of the FCFS queue strategy.

Instance details

Associated Types

data StrategyQueue (BR IO) FCFS :: Type -> Type #

QueueStrategy (BR IO) LCFS Source #

An implementation of the LCFS queue strategy.

Instance details

Associated Types

data StrategyQueue (BR IO) LCFS :: Type -> Type #