name: aivika-branches version: 0.1 synopsis: Branching discrete event simulation library description: This package extends the Aivika [1] library with facilities for creating branches to run nested simulations within simulation. For example, it can be useful for financial modeling. . \[1] . category: Simulation license: BSD3 license-file: LICENSE copyright: (c) 2016. David Sorokin author: David Sorokin maintainer: David Sorokin homepage: cabal-version: >= 1.6 build-type: Simple tested-with: GHC == 7.10.3 extra-source-files: tests/MachRep1.hs library exposed-modules: Simulation.Aivika.Branch Simulation.Aivika.Branch.Br Simulation.Aivika.Branch.Generator Simulation.Aivika.Branch.Event Simulation.Aivika.Branch.QueueStrategy Simulation.Aivika.Branch.Ref.Base other-modules: Simulation.Aivika.Branch.Internal.Br Simulation.Aivika.Branch.Internal.Ref build-depends: base >= 3 && < 6, mtl >= 2.1.1, containers >=, random >=, aivika >= 4.3.2, aivika-transformers >= 4.3.1 extensions: TypeFamilies, MultiParamTypeClasses, BangPatterns ghc-options: -O2 source-repository head type: git location: