-- | -- Module : Simulation.Aivika.Task -- Copyright : Copyright (c) 2009-2017, David Sorokin <david.sorokin@gmail.com> -- License : BSD3 -- Maintainer : David Sorokin <david.sorokin@gmail.com> -- Stability : experimental -- Tested with: GHC 8.0.1 -- -- The 'Task' value represents a process that was already started in background. -- We can check the completion of the task, receive notifications about changing -- its state and even suspend an outer process awaiting the final result of the task. -- It complements the 'Process' monad as it allows immediately continuing the main -- computation without suspension. -- module Simulation.Aivika.Task (-- * Task Task, TaskResult(..), taskId, tryGetTaskResult, taskResult, taskResultReceived, taskProcess, cancelTask, taskCancelled, -- * Running Task runTask, runTaskUsingId, -- * Spawning Tasks spawnTask, spawnTaskUsingId, spawnTaskWith, spawnTaskUsingIdWith, -- * Enqueueing Task enqueueTask, enqueueTaskUsingId, -- * Parallel Tasks taskParallelResult, taskParallelProcess) where import Data.IORef import Data.Monoid import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Trans import Control.Exception import Simulation.Aivika.Internal.Simulation import Simulation.Aivika.Internal.Dynamics import Simulation.Aivika.Internal.Event import Simulation.Aivika.Internal.Cont import Simulation.Aivika.Internal.Process import Simulation.Aivika.Signal -- | The task represents a process that was already started in background. data Task a = Task { taskId :: ProcessId, -- ^ Return an identifier for the process that was launched -- in background for this task. taskResultRef :: IORef (Maybe (TaskResult a)), -- ^ It contains the result of the computation. taskResultReceived :: Signal (TaskResult a) -- ^ Return a signal that notifies about receiving -- the result of the task. } -- | Represents the result of the task. data TaskResult a = TaskCompleted a -- ^ the task was successfully completed and -- it returned the specified result | TaskError IOException -- ^ the specified exception was raised when performing the task. | TaskCancelled -- ^ the task was cancelled -- | Try to get the task result immediately without suspension. tryGetTaskResult :: Task a -> Event (Maybe (TaskResult a)) tryGetTaskResult t = Event $ \p -> readIORef (taskResultRef t) -- | Return the task result suspending the outer process if required. taskResult :: Task a -> Process (TaskResult a) taskResult t = do x <- liftIO $ readIORef (taskResultRef t) case x of Just x -> return x Nothing -> processAwait (taskResultReceived t) -- | Cancel the task. cancelTask :: Task a -> Event () cancelTask t = cancelProcessWithId (taskId t) -- | Test whether the task was cancelled. taskCancelled :: Task a -> Event Bool taskCancelled t = processCancelled (taskId t) -- | Create a task by the specified process and its identifier. newTaskUsingId :: ProcessId -> Process a -> Event (Task a, Process ()) newTaskUsingId pid p = do r <- liftIO $ newIORef Nothing s <- liftSimulation newSignalSource let t = Task { taskId = pid, taskResultRef = r, taskResultReceived = publishSignal s } let m = do v <- liftIO $ newIORef TaskCancelled finallyProcess (catchProcess (do a <- p liftIO $ writeIORef v (TaskCompleted a)) (\e -> liftIO $ writeIORef v (TaskError e))) (liftEvent $ do x <- liftIO $ readIORef v liftIO $ writeIORef r (Just x) triggerSignal s x) return (t, m) -- | Run the process with the specified identifier in background and -- return the corresponding task immediately. runTaskUsingId :: ProcessId -> Process a -> Event (Task a) runTaskUsingId pid p = do (t, m) <- newTaskUsingId pid p runProcessUsingId pid m return t -- | Run the process in background and return the corresponding task immediately. runTask :: Process a -> Event (Task a) runTask p = do pid <- liftSimulation newProcessId runTaskUsingId pid p -- | Enqueue the process that will be started at the specified time with the given -- identifier from the event queue. It returns the corresponding task immediately. enqueueTaskUsingId :: Double -> ProcessId -> Process a -> Event (Task a) enqueueTaskUsingId time pid p = do (t, m) <- newTaskUsingId pid p enqueueProcessUsingId time pid m return t -- | Enqueue the process that will be started at the specified time from the event queue. -- It returns the corresponding task immediately. enqueueTask :: Double -> Process a -> Event (Task a) enqueueTask time p = do pid <- liftSimulation newProcessId enqueueTaskUsingId time pid p -- | Run using the specified identifier a child process in background and return -- immediately the corresponding task. spawnTaskUsingId :: ProcessId -> Process a -> Process (Task a) spawnTaskUsingId = spawnTaskUsingIdWith CancelTogether -- | Run a child process in background and return immediately the corresponding task. spawnTask :: Process a -> Process (Task a) spawnTask = spawnTaskWith CancelTogether -- | Run using the specified identifier a child process in background and return -- immediately the corresponding task. spawnTaskUsingIdWith :: ContCancellation -> ProcessId -> Process a -> Process (Task a) spawnTaskUsingIdWith cancellation pid p = do (t, m) <- liftEvent $ newTaskUsingId pid p spawnProcessUsingIdWith cancellation pid m return t -- | Run a child process in background and return immediately the corresponding task. spawnTaskWith :: ContCancellation -> Process a -> Process (Task a) spawnTaskWith cancellation p = do pid <- liftSimulation newProcessId spawnTaskUsingIdWith cancellation pid p -- | Return an outer process that behaves like the task itself, for example, -- when the task is cancelled if the outer process is cancelled. taskProcess :: Task a -> Process a taskProcess t = do x <- finallyProcess (taskResult t) (do pid <- processId liftEvent $ do cancelled <- processCancelled pid when cancelled $ cancelTask t) case x of TaskCompleted a -> return a TaskError e -> throwProcess e TaskCancelled -> cancelProcess -- | Return the result of two parallel tasks. taskParallelResult :: Task a -> Task a -> Process (TaskResult a, Task a) taskParallelResult t1 t2 = do x1 <- liftIO $ readIORef (taskResultRef t1) case x1 of Just x1 -> return (x1, t2) Nothing -> do x2 <- liftIO $ readIORef (taskResultRef t2) case x2 of Just x2 -> return (x2, t1) Nothing -> do let s1 = fmap Left $ taskResultReceived t1 s2 = fmap Right $ taskResultReceived t2 x <- processAwait $ s1 <> s2 case x of Left x1 -> return (x1, t2) Right x2 -> return (x2, t1) -- | Return an outer process for two parallel tasks returning the result of -- the first finished task and the rest task in pair. taskParallelProcess :: Task a -> Task a -> Process (a, Task a) taskParallelProcess t1 t2 = do (x, t) <- finallyProcess (taskParallelResult t1 t2) (do pid <- processId liftEvent $ do cancelled <- processCancelled pid when cancelled $ do cancelTask t1 cancelTask t2) case x of TaskCompleted a -> return (a, t) TaskError e -> do liftEvent $ cancelTask t throwProcess e TaskCancelled -> do liftEvent $ cancelTask t cancelProcess