module AirGQL.Types.PragmaConf ( PragmaConf (..), getSQLitePragmas, defaultConf, ) where import Protolude ( Bool (True), IO, Int, Integer, pure, show, ($), (<>), ) import Database.SQLite.Simple qualified as SS data PragmaConf = PragmaConf { maxPageCount :: Int , hardHeapLimit :: Integer , allowRecursTrig :: Bool } defaultConf :: PragmaConf defaultConf = PragmaConf { maxPageCount = 4096 , hardHeapLimit = 500_000_000 -- Bytes , allowRecursTrig = True } -- | Get the SQLite pragmas to use for a database getSQLitePragmas :: PragmaConf -> IO [SS.Query] getSQLitePragmas pragConf = do let getPrag key value = SS.Query $ "PRAGMA " <> key <> " = " <> value pure [ getPrag "case_sensitive_like" "True" , getPrag "foreign_keys" "True" , -- TODO: Check if this really works getPrag "hard_heap_limit" $ show @Integer pragConf.hardHeapLimit , getPrag "max_page_count" $ show @Int pragConf.maxPageCount , getPrag "recursive_triggers" $ show @Bool pragConf.allowRecursTrig , -- TODO: Reactivate after -- (Also activate in SqlQuery.hs) -- , getPrag "trusted_schema" "False" getPrag "writable_schema" "False" ]