Module      :  Data.Aeson.Schema.TH.Getter
Maintainer  :  Brandon Chinn <brandon@leapyear.io>
Stability   :  experimental
Portability :  portable

Template Haskell functions for getter functions.
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}

module Data.Aeson.Schema.TH.Getter where

import Control.Monad (unless)
import Data.Aeson.Schema.Internal (Object)
import Data.Maybe (isNothing)
import Language.Haskell.TH

import Data.Aeson.Schema.TH.Get (generateGetterExp)
import Data.Aeson.Schema.TH.Parse (GetterExp(..), parseGetterExp)
import Data.Aeson.Schema.TH.Unwrap
    (FunctorHandler(..), unwrapSchema, unwrapSchemaUsing)
import Data.Aeson.Schema.TH.Utils (loadSchema, lookupSchema, schemaVToTypeQ)
import Data.Aeson.Schema.Utils.NameLike (NameLike(..))

-- | A helper that generates a 'Data.Aeson.Schema.TH.get' expression and a type alias for the result
-- of the expression.
-- > mkGetter "Node" "getNodes" ''MySchema ".nodes[]"
-- >
-- > {- is equivalent to -}
-- >
-- > -- | Node ~ { b: Maybe Bool }
-- > type Node = [unwrap| MySchema.nodes[] |]
-- >
-- > getNodes :: Object MySchema -> [Node]
-- > getNodes = [get| .nodes[] |]
-- 'mkGetter' takes four arguments:
--   [@unwrapName@] The name of the type synonym to store the unwrapped schema as
--   [@funcName@] The name of the getter function
--   [@startSchema@] The schema to extract/unwrap from
--   [@ops@] The operation to pass to the 'Data.Aeson.Schema.TH.get' and
--           'Data.Aeson.Schema.TH.unwrap' quasiquoters
-- There is one subtlety that occurs from the use of the same @ops@ string for both the
-- 'Data.Aeson.Schema.TH.unwrap' and 'Data.Aeson.Schema.TH.get' quasiquoters:
-- 'Data.Aeson.Schema.TH.unwrap' strips out intermediate functors, while 'Data.Aeson.Schema.TH.get'
-- applies within the functor. So in the above example, @".nodes[]"@ strips out the list when
-- saving the schema to @Node@, while in the below example, @".nodes"@ doesn't strip out the list
-- when saving the schema to @Nodes@.
-- > mkGetter "Nodes" "getNodes" ''MySchema ".nodes"
-- >
-- > {- is equivalent to -}
-- >
-- > -- | Nodes ~ List { b: Maybe Bool }
-- > type Nodes = [unwrap| MySchema.nodes |]
-- >
-- > getNodes :: Object MySchema -> Nodes
-- > getNodes = [get| .nodes |]
-- As another example,
-- > mkGetter "MyName" "getMyName" ''MySchema ".f?[].name"
-- >
-- > {- is equivalent to -}
-- >
-- > -- | MyName ~ Text
-- > type MyName = [unwrap| MySchema.f?[].name |]
-- >
-- > getMyBool :: Object MySchema -> Maybe [MyName]
-- > getMyBool = [get| .f?[].name |]
mkGetter :: String -> String -> Name -> String -> DecsQ
mkGetter unwrapName funcName startSchemaName ops = do
  getterExp@GetterExp{..} <- parseGetterExp ops
  unless (isNothing start) $
    fail $ "Getter expression should start with '.': " ++ ops

  startSchema <- lookupSchema (NameTH startSchemaName) >>= loadSchema

  let unwrapResult = unwrapSchema getterOps startSchema
      funcResult = unwrapSchemaUsing ApplyFunctors getterOps startSchema
      getterFunc = generateGetterExp getterExp
      unwrapName' = mkName unwrapName
      funcName' = mkName funcName

    [ tySynD unwrapName' [] unwrapResult
    , sigD funcName' [t| Object $(schemaVToTypeQ startSchema) -> $funcResult |]
    , funD funcName' [clause [] (normalB getterFunc) []]