module Data.Aeson.Schema.Helpers
  ( vectorUnique
  , formatValidators
  , validateFormat
  , isDivisibleBy
  , replaceHiddenModules
  , cleanPatterns
  , getUsedModules
  ) where

import           Control.Monad          (join)
import           Data.Attoparsec.Number (Number (..))
import           Data.Generics          (Data, everything, everywhere, mkQ, mkT)
import           Data.List              (nub)
import           Data.Maybe             (maybeToList)
import           Data.Ratio             (approxRational, denominator)
import           Data.Text              (Text, unpack)
import qualified Data.Vector            as V
import           Language.Haskell.TH    (Name, Pat (..), mkName, nameBase,
import           Text.Regex.PCRE        (makeRegexM)
import           Text.Regex.PCRE.String (Regex)

-- | Tests whether all items in a vector are different from each other.
vectorUnique :: (Eq a) => V.Vector a -> Bool
vectorUnique v = length (nub $ V.toList v) == V.length v

-- | List of format validators. Some validators haven't been implemented yet.
-- Those which are implemented take a Text value and return an error in case the
-- input is invalid.
formatValidators :: [(Text, Maybe (Text -> Maybe String))]
formatValidators =
  [ ("date-time", Nothing)
  , ("data", Nothing)
  , ("time", Nothing)
  , ("utc-millisec", Nothing)
  , ( "regex"
    , Just $ \str -> case makeRegexM (unpack str) :: Maybe Regex of
        Nothing -> Just $ "not a regex: " ++ show str
        Just _ -> Nothing
  , ("color", Nothing) -- not going to implement this
  , ("style", Nothing) -- not going to implement this
  , ("phone", Nothing)
  , ("uri", Nothing)
  , ("email", Nothing)
  , ("ip-address", Nothing)
  , ("ipv6", Nothing)
  , ("host-name", Nothing)

-- | Validates a Text value against a format.
validateFormat :: Text -- ^ format
               -> Text -- ^ input
               -> Maybe String -- ^ message in case of an error
validateFormat format str = ($ str) =<< join (lookup format formatValidators)

-- | Tests whether the first number is divisible by the second with no remainder.
isDivisibleBy :: Number -> Number -> Bool
isDivisibleBy (I i) (I j) = i `mod` j == 0
isDivisibleBy a b = a == 0 || denominator (approxRational (a / b) epsilon) `elem` [-1,1]
  where epsilon = D $ 10 ** (-10)

-- | Workaround for an issue in Template Haskell: when you quote a name in TH
-- like 'Text (Data.Text.Text) then TH searches for the module where Text is
-- defined, even if that module is not exported by its package (in this case
-- Text is defined in Data.Text.Internal). This works when we use TH to insert
-- some code in a module but not when we use the TH code for pretty-printing.
replaceHiddenModules :: Data a
                     => a -- ^ Dec or Exp
                     -> a
replaceHiddenModules = everywhere $ mkT replaceModule
    replacements =
      [ ("Data.HashMap.Base", "Data.HashMap.Lazy")
      , ("Data.Aeson.Types.Class", "Data.Aeson")
      , ("Data.Aeson.Types.Internal", "Data.Aeson.Types")
      , ("GHC.Integer.Type", "Prelude") -- "Could not find module `GHC.Integer.Type'; it is a hidden module in the package `integer-gmp'"
      , ("GHC.Types", "Prelude")
      , ("GHC.Real", "Prelude")
      , ("Data.Text.Internal", "Data.Text")
    replaceModule :: Name -> Name
    replaceModule n = case nameModule n of
      Just "Data.Aeson.Types.Internal" |nameBase n `elem` ["I", "D"] ->
        mkName $ "Data.Attoparsec.Number." ++ nameBase n
      Just "GHC.Tuple" -> mkName $ nameBase n
      Just m -> case lookup m replacements of
        Just r -> mkName $ r ++ ('.' : nameBase n)
        Nothing -> n
      _ -> n

-- | Workaround for a bug in Template Haskell: TH parses the empty list
-- constructor in patterns as @ConP (mkName \"Prelude.[]\") []@ instead of @ListP []@
cleanPatterns :: Data a => a -> a
cleanPatterns = everywhere $ mkT replacePattern
    replacePattern (ConP n []) | nameBase n == "[]" = ListP []
    replacePattern p = p

-- | Extracts a list of used modules from a TH code tree.
getUsedModules :: Data a => a -> [String]
getUsedModules = nub . everything (++) ([] `mkQ` extractModule)
    extractModule :: Name -> [String]
    extractModule = maybeToList . nameModule