{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} module Data.Aeson.IP () where #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ <= 708 import Control.Applicative (pure) #endif import Data.Aeson import Data.Aeson.Types import Data.Aeson.Internal import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap import Data.IP import Data.IP.RouteTable (Routable, IPRTable) import qualified Data.IP.RouteTable as RouteTable import qualified Data.Text as Text import Text.Read (readMaybe) instance FromJSON IPv4 where parseJSON (String s) | Just r <- readMaybe (Text.unpack s) = pure r | otherwise = fail "Unable to parse" parseJSON v = typeMismatch "IPv4" v instance FromJSONKey IPv4 where fromJSONKey = FromJSONKeyTextParser $ \t -> case readMaybe (Text.unpack t) of Just r -> pure r Nothing -> fail "Unable to parse IPv4" -- | The @ToJSON@ instance produces JSON strings matching the @Show@ instance. -- -- >>> toJSON (toIPv4 [127,0,0,1]) -- String "" instance ToJSON IPv4 where toJSON = String . Text.pack . show instance ToJSONKey IPv4 where toJSONKey = toJSONKeyText (Text.pack . show) instance FromJSON IPv6 where parseJSON (String s) | Just r <- readMaybe (Text.unpack s) = pure r | otherwise = fail "Unable to parse" parseJSON v = typeMismatch "IPv6" v instance FromJSONKey IPv6 where fromJSONKey = FromJSONKeyTextParser $ \t -> case readMaybe (Text.unpack t) of Just r -> pure r Nothing -> fail "Unable to parse IPv6" -- | The @ToJSON@ instance produces JSON strings matching the @Show@ instance. -- -- >>> toJSON (toIPv6 [0x2001,0xDB8,0,0,0,0,0,1]) -- String "2001:db8::1" instance ToJSON IPv6 where toJSON = String . Text.pack . show instance ToJSONKey IPv6 where toJSONKey = toJSONKeyText (Text.pack . show) instance FromJSON IP where parseJSON (String s) | Just r <- readMaybe (Text.unpack s) = pure r | otherwise = fail "Unable to parse" parseJSON v = typeMismatch "IP" v instance FromJSONKey IP where fromJSONKey = FromJSONKeyTextParser $ \t -> case readMaybe (Text.unpack t) of Just r -> pure r Nothing -> fail "Unable to parse IP" instance ToJSON IP where toJSON = String . Text.pack . show instance ToJSONKey IP where toJSONKey = toJSONKeyText (Text.pack . show) instance Read (AddrRange a) => FromJSON (AddrRange a) where parseJSON (String s) | Just r <- readMaybe (Text.unpack s) = pure r | otherwise = fail "Unable to parse" parseJSON v = typeMismatch "AddrRange" v instance Show a => ToJSON (AddrRange a) where toJSON = String . Text.pack . show instance FromJSON IPRange where parseJSON (String s) | Just r <- readMaybe (Text.unpack s) = pure r | otherwise = fail "Unable to parse" parseJSON v = typeMismatch "IPRange" v instance ToJSON IPRange where toJSON = String . Text.pack . show instance Read (AddrRange a) => FromJSONKey (AddrRange a) where fromJSONKey = FromJSONKeyTextParser $ \t -> case readMaybe (Text.unpack t) of Just r -> pure r Nothing -> fail "Unable to parse AddrRange" instance Show a => ToJSONKey (AddrRange a) where toJSONKey = toJSONKeyText (Text.pack . show) instance FromJSONKey IPRange where fromJSONKey = FromJSONKeyTextParser $ \t -> case readMaybe (Text.unpack t) of Just r -> pure r Nothing -> fail "Unable to parse IPRange" instance ToJSONKey IPRange where toJSONKey = toJSONKeyText (Text.pack . show) instance ( FromJSONKey k , Read (AddrRange k) , Routable k ) => FromJSON1 (IPRTable k) where liftParseJSON p _ = case fromJSONKey of FromJSONKeyTextParser f -> withObject "IPRTable k v" $ HashMap.foldrWithKey (\k v rt -> RouteTable.insert <$> f k Key k <*> p v Key k <*> rt) (pure RouteTable.empty) _ -> fail "using IPRTable in this context is not yet supported" instance ( FromJSONKey k , Read (AddrRange k) , Routable k , FromJSON v ) => FromJSON (IPRTable k v) where parseJSON = parseJSON1 instance (Routable k, Show k, ToJSON k) => ToJSON1 (IPRTable k) where liftToJSON g _ = case toJSONKey of ToJSONKeyText f _ -> Object . HashMap.fromList . map (\(k, v) -> (f k, g v)) . RouteTable.toList _ -> fail "using IPRTable as a JSON key is not yet supported" instance (Routable k, Show k, ToJSON k, ToJSON v) => ToJSON (IPRTable k v) where toJSON = toJSON1