module Data.Aeson.Diff (
) where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Error.Class
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Types (modifyFailure, typeMismatch)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BS
import Data.Char (isNumber)
import Data.Foldable (foldlM)
import Data.Hashable
import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
import Data.List (groupBy, intercalate)
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Scientific
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Vector (Vector)
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Data.Vector.Distance
data Patch = Patch
{ patchOperations :: [Operation] }
deriving (Eq)
instance Show Patch where
show = T.unpack . formatPatch
instance Monoid Patch where
mempty = Patch []
mappend (Patch p1) (Patch p2) = Patch $ p1 <> p2
instance ToJSON Patch where
toJSON (Patch ops) = toJSON ops
instance FromJSON Patch where
parseJSON (Array v) = modifyFailure ("Could not parse patch: " <>) (Patch <$> mapM parseJSON (V.toList v))
parseJSON v = modifyFailure ("Could not parse patch: " <> ) $ typeMismatch "Array" v
type Path = [Key]
newtype Pointer = Pointer { pointerPath :: Path }
deriving (Eq, Show, Monoid)
pointerFailure :: Path -> Value -> Result a
pointerFailure [] value = Error ("UNPOSSIBLE!" <> show value)
pointerFailure path@(key:rest) value =
fail . BS.unpack $ "Cannot follow pointer " <> pt <> ". Expected " <> ty <> " but got " <> doc
doc = encode value
pt = encode (Pointer path)
ty = case key of
(AKey _) -> "array"
(OKey _) -> "object"
data Operation
= Add { changePointer :: Pointer, changeValue :: Value }
| Rem { changePointer :: Pointer, changeValue :: Value }
| Rep { changePointer :: Pointer, changeValue :: Value }
| Mov { changePointer :: Pointer, fromPointer :: Pointer }
| Cpy { changePointer :: Pointer, fromPointer :: Pointer }
| Tst { changePointer :: Pointer, changeValue :: Value }
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance ToJSON Operation where
toJSON (Add p v) = object
[ ("op", "add")
, "path" .= p
, "value" .= v
toJSON (Rem p v) = object
[ ("op", "remove")
, "path" .= p
toJSON (Rep p v) = object
[ ("op", "replace")
, "path" .= p
, "value" .= v
toJSON (Mov p f) = object
[ ("op", "move")
, "path" .= p
, "from" .= f
toJSON (Cpy p f) = object
[ ("op", "copy")
, "path" .= p
, "from" .= f
toJSON (Tst p v) = object
[ ("op", "test")
, "path" .= p
, "value" .= v
instance FromJSON Operation where
parseJSON o@(Object v)
= (op "add" *> (Add <$> v .: "path" <*> v .: "value"))
<|> (op "replace" *> (Rep <$> v .: "path" <*> v .: "value"))
<|> (op "move" *> (Mov <$> v .: "path" <*> v .: "from"))
<|> (op "copy" *> (Cpy <$> v .: "path" <*> v .: "from"))
<|> (op "test" *> (Tst <$> v .: "path" <*> v .: "value"))
<|> (op "remove" *> (Rem <$> v .: "path" <*> pure Null))
<|> fail ("Expected a JSON patch operation, encountered: " <> BS.unpack (encode o))
op n = fixed v "op" (String n)
fixed o n val = do
v' <- o .: n
if v' == val
then return v'
else mzero
parseJSON v = typeMismatch "Operation" v
operationCost :: Operation -> Int
operationCost op =
case op of
Add{} -> valueSize (changeValue op)
Rem{} -> valueSize (changeValue op)
Rep{} -> valueSize (changeValue op)
Mov{} -> 1
Cpy{} -> 1
Tst{} -> valueSize (changeValue op)
modifyPath :: ([Key] -> [Key]) -> Operation -> Operation
modifyPath f op = from (change op)
fn :: Pointer -> Pointer
fn (Pointer p) = Pointer (f p)
change op = op { changePointer = fn (changePointer op) }
from op =
case op of
Mov{} -> op { fromPointer = fn (fromPointer op) }
Cpy{} -> op { fromPointer = fn (fromPointer op) }
_ -> op
data Key
= OKey Text
| AKey Int
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
instance ToJSON Pointer where
toJSON (Pointer path) = String ("/" <> T.intercalate "/" (fmap fmt path))
esc :: Char -> Text
esc '~' = "~0"
esc '/' = "~1"
esc c = T.singleton c
fmt :: Key -> Text
fmt (OKey t) = T.concatMap esc t
fmt (AKey i) = T.pack (show i)
instance FromJSON Pointer where
parseJSON (String t) = Pointer <$> mapM key (drop 1 $ T.splitOn "/" t)
step t
| "0" `T.isPrefixOf` t = T.cons '~' (T.tail t)
| "1" `T.isPrefixOf` t = T.cons '/' (T.tail t)
| otherwise = T.cons '~' t
unesc :: Text -> Text
unesc t =
let l = T.split (== '~') t
in T.concat $ take 1 l <> fmap step (tail l)
key t
| T.null t = fail "JSON components must not be empty."
| T.all isNumber t = return (AKey (read $ T.unpack t))
| otherwise = return $ OKey (unesc t)
parseJSON _ = fail "A JSON pointer must be a string."
instance ToJSON Key where
toJSON (OKey t) = String t
toJSON (AKey a) = Number . fromInteger . toInteger $ a
instance FromJSON Key where
parseJSON (String t) = return $ OKey t
parseJSON (Number n) =
case toBoundedInteger n of
Nothing -> fail "A numeric key must be a positive whole number."
Just n' -> return $ AKey n'
parseJSON _ = fail "A key element must be a number or a string."
ins :: Path -> Value -> Patch
ins p v = Patch [Add (Pointer p) v]
del :: Path -> Value -> Patch
del p v = Patch [Rem (Pointer p) v]
rep :: Path -> Value -> Patch
rep p v = Patch [Rep (Pointer p) v]
:: Value
-> Value
-> Patch
diff = worker []
check :: Monoid m => Bool -> m -> m
check b v = if b then mempty else v
worker :: Path -> Value -> Value -> Patch
worker p v1 v2 = case (v1, v2) of
(Null, Null) -> mempty
(Bool b1, Bool b2) -> check (b1 == b2) $ rep p v2
(Number n1, Number n2) -> check (n1 == n2) $ rep p v2
(String s1, String s2) -> check (s1 == s2) $ rep p v2
(Array a1, Array a2) -> check (a1 == a2) $ workArray p a1 a2
(Object o1, Object o2) -> check (o1 == o2) $ workObject p o1 o2
_ -> rep p v2
workObject :: Path -> Object -> Object -> Patch
workObject path o1 o2 =
let k1 = HM.keys o1
k2 = HM.keys o2
del_keys = filter (not . (`elem` k2)) k1
deletions = Patch $ fmap
(\k -> Rem (Pointer [OKey k]) . fromJust $ HM.lookup k o1)
ins_keys = filter (not . (`elem` k1)) k2
insertions = Patch $ fmap
(\k -> Add (Pointer [OKey k]) . fromJust $ HM.lookup k o2)
chg_keys = filter (`elem` k2) k1
changes = fmap
(\k -> worker [OKey k]
(fromJust $ HM.lookup k o1)
(fromJust $ HM.lookup k o2))
in Patch . fmap (modifyPath (path <>)) . patchOperations $ (deletions <> insertions <> mconcat changes)
workArray :: Path -> Array -> Array -> Patch
workArray path ss tt = Patch . fmap (modifyPath (path <>)) . snd . fmap concat $ leastChanges params ss tt
params :: Params Value [Operation] (Sum Int)
params = Params{..}
equivalent = (==)
delete i v = [Rem (Pointer [AKey i]) v]
insert i v = [Add (Pointer [AKey i]) v]
substitute i v v' =
let p = [AKey i]
Patch ops = diff v v'
in fmap (modifyPath (p <>)) ops
cost = Sum . sum . fmap operationCost
positionOffset = sum . fmap adv . groupBy related
related :: Operation -> Operation -> Bool
related o1 o2 =
let p1 = pointerPath (changePointer o1)
p2 = pointerPath (changePointer o2)
in case (p1, p2) of
([i1], [i2]) -> False
(i1:_, i2:_) | i1 == i2 -> True
| otherwise -> False
adv :: [Operation] -> Int
adv [op]
| (length . pointerPath . changePointer $ op) == 1 = pos op
adv _ = 1
pos :: Operation -> Int
pos Rem{changePointer=Pointer path}
| length path == 1 = 0
| otherwise = 0
pos Add{changePointer=Pointer path}
| length path == 1 = 1
| otherwise = 0
pos Rep{changePointer=Pointer path}
| length path == 1 = 1
| otherwise = 0
pos Cpy{changePointer=Pointer path}
| length path == 1 = 1
| otherwise = 0
pos Mov{changePointer=Pointer path}
| length path == 1 = 1
| otherwise = 0
pos Tst{changePointer=Pointer path} = 0
patch' :: Patch -> Value -> Value
patch' p d =
case patch p d of
Error e -> error $ "Failed to apply patch: " <> e <> "\n" <> BS.unpack (encode p)
Success v -> v
:: Patch
-> Value
-> Result Value
patch (Patch []) val = return val
patch (Patch ops) val = foldlM (flip applyOperation) val ops
:: Operation
-> Value
-> Result Value
applyOperation op j = case op of
Add (Pointer path) v' -> applyAdd path v' j
Rem (Pointer path) _ -> applyRem path j
Rep (Pointer path) v' -> applyRep path v' j
Mov (Pointer path) (Pointer from) -> do
v' <- get from j
applyRem from j >>= applyAdd path v'
Cpy (Pointer path) (Pointer from) -> applyCpy path from j
Tst (Pointer path) v -> applyTst path v j
applyAdd :: Path -> Value -> Value -> Result Value
applyAdd [] val _ =
return val
applyAdd [AKey i] v' (Array v) =
let fn :: Maybe Value -> Result (Maybe Value)
fn _ = return (Just v')
in return (Array $ vInsert i v' v)
applyAdd (AKey i : path) v' (Array v) =
let fn :: Maybe Value -> Result (Maybe Value)
fn Nothing = Error "Cannot insert beneath missing array index."
fn (Just d) = Just <$> applyAdd path v' d
in Array <$> vModify i fn v
applyAdd [OKey n] v' (Object m) =
return . Object $ HM.insert n v' m
applyAdd (OKey n : path) v' (Object o) =
let fn :: Maybe Value -> Result (Maybe Value)
fn Nothing = Error ("Cannot insert beneath missing object index: " <> show n)
fn (Just d) = Just <$> applyAdd path v' d
in Object <$> hmModify n fn o
applyAdd (OKey n : path) v' array@(Array v)
| n == "-" = applyAdd (AKey (V.length v) : path) v' array
applyAdd path _ v = pointerFailure path v
applyRem :: Path -> Value -> Result Value
applyRem [] _ = return Null
applyRem [AKey i] d@(Array v) =
let fn :: Maybe Value -> Result (Maybe Value)
fn Nothing = fail $ "Cannot delete missing array member at " <> show i <> " " <> BS.unpack (encode d)
fn (Just v) = return Nothing
in Array <$> vModify i fn v
applyRem (AKey i : path) (Array v) =
let fn :: Maybe Value -> Result (Maybe Value)
fn Nothing = fail "Cannot traverse under missing array index."
fn (Just o) = Just <$> applyRem path o
in Array <$> vModify i fn v
applyRem [OKey n] (Object m) =
let fn :: Maybe Value -> Result (Maybe Value)
fn Nothing = fail "Cannot delete missing object member."
fn (Just _) = return Nothing
in Object <$> hmModify n fn m
applyRem (OKey n : path) (Object m) =
let fn :: Maybe Value -> Result (Maybe Value)
fn Nothing = fail "Cannot traverse under missing object index."
fn (Just o) = Just <$> applyRem path o
in Object <$> hmModify n fn m
applyRem (OKey n : path) array@(Array v)
| n == "-" = applyRem (AKey (V.length v) : path) array
applyRem path value = pointerFailure path value
applyRep :: Path -> Value -> Value -> Result Value
applyRep path v doc = applyRem path doc >>= applyAdd path v
applyMov :: Path -> Path -> Value -> Result Value
applyMov path from doc = do
v <- get from doc
applyRem from doc >>= applyAdd path v
applyCpy :: Path -> Path -> Value -> Result Value
applyCpy path from doc = do
v <- get from doc
applyAdd path v doc
applyTst :: Path -> Value -> Value -> Result Value
applyTst path v doc = do
v' <- get path doc
unless (v == v') (Error "Tested elements do not match.")
return doc
get :: Path -> Value -> Result Value
get [] v = return v
get (AKey i : path) (Array v) =
maybe (fail "") return (v V.!? i) >>= get path
get (OKey n : path) (Object v) =
maybe (fail "") return (HM.lookup n v) >>= get path
get path value = pointerFailure path value
:: Patch
-> Text
formatPatch (Patch ops) = T.unlines $ fmap formatOp ops
formatKey (OKey t) = "." <> t
formatKey (AKey i) = "[" <> (T.pack . show $ i) <> "]"
formatPath :: [Key] -> Text
formatPath p = "@" <> (T.concat . fmap formatKey $ p)
formatOp :: Operation -> Text
formatValue :: Value -> Text
formatValue v = case v of
String t -> t
Number s -> T.pack . show $ s
Bool b -> T.pack . show $ b
Null -> "Null"
_ -> ":-("
formatOp (Add (Pointer k) v) = formatPath k <> "\n" <> "+" <> formatValue v
formatOp (Rem (Pointer k) _) = formatPath k <> "\n" <> "-"
formatOp (Rep (Pointer k) v) = formatPath k <> "\n" <> "=" <> formatValue v
formatOp (Mov (Pointer k) (Pointer f)) = formatPath k <> "\n" <> "<" <> formatPath f
formatOp (Cpy (Pointer k) (Pointer f)) = formatPath k <> "\n" <> "~" <> formatPath f
formatOp (Tst (Pointer k) v) = formatPath k <> "\n" <> "?" <> formatValue v
parsePatch :: Text -> Either Text Patch
parsePatch _t = throwError "Cannot parse"
valueSize :: Value -> Int
valueSize val = case val of
Object o -> sum . fmap valueSize . HM.elems $ o
Array a -> V.sum $ valueSize a
_ -> 1
vDelete :: Int -> Vector a -> Vector a
vDelete i v =
let l = V.length v
in V.slice 0 i v <> V.slice (i + 1) (l i 1) v
vInsert :: Int -> a -> Vector a -> Vector a
vInsert i a v
| i <= 0 = V.cons a v
| V.length v <= i = V.snoc v a
| otherwise = V.slice 0 i v
<> V.singleton a
<> V.slice i (V.length v i) v
vModify :: Int -> (Maybe a -> Result (Maybe a)) -> Vector a -> Result (Vector a)
vModify i f v =
let a = v V.!? i
a' = f a
in case (a, a') of
(Nothing, Success Nothing ) -> return v
(Just _ , Success Nothing ) -> return (vDelete i v)
(Nothing, Success (Just n)) -> return (vInsert i n v)
(Just _ , Success (Just n)) -> return (V.update v (V.singleton (i, n)))
(_ , Error e ) -> fail e
:: (Eq k, Hashable k)
=> k
-> (Maybe v -> Result (Maybe v))
-> HashMap k v
-> Result (HashMap k v)
hmModify k f m = case f (HM.lookup k m) of
Error e -> Error e
Success Nothing -> return $ HM.delete k m
Success (Just v) -> return $ HM.insert k v m