-- | -- -- Copyright: -- This file is part of the package addy. It is subject to the license -- terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this -- distribution and at: -- -- https://code.devalot.com/open/addy -- -- No part of this package, including this file, may be copied, -- modified, propagated, or distributed except according to the terms -- contained in the LICENSE file. -- -- License: BSD-2-Clause -- -- Internal parsing functions. module Addy.Internal.Parser ( Mode (..), Atom (..), parse, parseWithMode, nameAddr, addrSpec, localPartP, domainP, displayNameP, word, atom, dotAtom, dotAtomLh, dotAtomRh, quoted, quotedLh, cfws, ) where import Addy.Internal.Char import Addy.Internal.Types import Addy.Internal.Validation import Data.Attoparsec.Text (()) import qualified Data.Attoparsec.Text as Atto import Data.Foldable import qualified Data.Text as Text import qualified Net.IP as IP import qualified Net.IPv4 as IP4 import qualified Net.IPv6 as IP6 import qualified Validation -- | Parsing mode. -- -- @since data Mode = -- | Only support non-obsoleted addresses. Strict | -- | Include support for obsolete addresses. Lenient deriving (Eq, Show) -- | RFC 5322 @atom@. -- -- @since data Atom = Atom (Maybe CommentContent) Text (Maybe CommentContent) deriving (Show) instance Semigroup Atom where (<>) (Atom x0 y0 z0) (Atom x1 y1 z1) = Atom (x0 <> x1) (y0 <> y1) (z0 <> z1) instance Monoid Atom where mempty = Atom Nothing mempty Nothing -- | FIXME: Write description for atomJoin -- -- @since atomJoin :: Foldable t => Char -> t Atom -> Atom atomJoin sep as | null as = mempty | otherwise = foldr1 go as where go :: Atom -> Atom -> Atom go (Atom c0 t0 c1) (Atom c2 t1 c3) = Atom (go' c0 c2) (t0 <> one sep <> t1) (go' c1 c3) go' :: Maybe CommentContent -> Maybe CommentContent -> Maybe CommentContent go' (Just x) (Just y) = Just (x <> CC (one ' ') <> y) go' x y = x <|> y -- | An email address parser. -- -- @since parse :: Mode -> Atto.Parser EmailAddr parse m = cleanComments <$> (nameAddr m <|> addrSpec m) where -- Since white space is allowed all over the place, filter out -- comments that are just white space. cleanComments :: EmailAddr -> EmailAddr cleanComments addr@EmailAddr {_comments} = addr { _comments = filter ( \(Comment _ (CC t)) -> not $ Text.null (Text.strip t) ) _comments } -- | Run the parser and then validate the resulting address. -- -- @since parseWithMode :: Mode -> Text -> Either (NonEmpty Error) EmailAddr parseWithMode mode text = do addr <- first (toText >>> ParserFailedError >>> one) $ Atto.parseOnly ( parse mode <* (Atto.endOfInput "unparsed input") ) text case validateEmailAddr addr of Validation.Success ea -> Right ea Validation.Failure es -> Left es -- | Parse email addresses in the @name-addr@ format. -- -- @since nameAddr :: Mode -> Atto.Parser EmailAddr nameAddr mode = do dp <- optional (displayNameP mode) c0 <- optional (cfws mode) _ <- Atto.char '<' (c1, lp) <- localPartP mode <* Atto.char '@' (dn, c2) <- domainP mode _ <- Atto.char '>' c3 <- optional (cfws mode) let (dpc0, dpt, dpc1) = case dp of Nothing -> (Nothing, Nothing, Nothing) Just (Atom x y z) -> (x, Just (DP y), z) pure $ EmailAddr { _displayName = dpt, _localPart = lp, _domain = dn, _comments = catMaybes [ Comment BeforeDisplayName <$> dpc0, Comment AfterDisplayName <$> dpc1, Comment AfterDisplayName <$> c0, Comment BeforeLocalPart <$> c1, Comment AfterDomain <$> c2, Comment AfterAddress <$> c3 ] } -- | Parse email addresses in the @addr-spec@ format. -- -- @since addrSpec :: Mode -> Atto.Parser EmailAddr addrSpec mode = do (c0, lp) <- localPartP mode <* Atto.char '@' (dn, c1) <- domainP mode pure $ EmailAddr { _displayName = Nothing, _localPart = lp, _domain = dn, _comments = catMaybes [ Comment BeforeLocalPart <$> c0, Comment AfterDomain <$> c1 ] } -- | Parse the @local-part@ of an email address. -- -- RFC 5322 §3.4.1 -- -- > local-part = dot-atom / quoted-string / obs-local-part -- -- @since localPartP :: Mode -> Atto.Parser (Maybe CommentContent, LocalPart) localPartP mode = go "local part" where go = case mode of Strict -> do Atom c0 t c1 <- (dotAtomLh <* thenAt) <|> (quotedLh <* thenAt) pure (c0 <> c1, LP t) Lenient -> do -- Obsolete comes before quoted since the obsolete syntax allows -- multiple quoted strings separated by dots. Atom c0 t c1 <- Atto.choice [ dotAtom mode <* thenAt, obsLocalPart <* thenAt, quoted mode <* thenAt ] pure (c0 <> c1, LP t) -- > obs-local-part = word *("." word) obsLocalPart :: Atto.Parser Atom obsLocalPart = do t0 <- word mode ts <- many (Atto.char '.' *> word mode) pure (atomJoin '.' (t0 : ts)) thenAt :: Atto.Parser () thenAt = Atto.peekChar' >>= bool empty pass . (== '@') -- | Domain name parser. -- -- @since domainP :: Mode -> Atto.Parser (Domain, Maybe CommentContent) domainP mode = go "domain name" where go = case mode of Strict -> domainNameP <|> domainLiteralP (fws mode $> CC (one ' ')) Lenient -> obsDomainP <|> domainNameP <|> domainLiteralP (cfws mode) domainNameP :: Atto.Parser (Domain, Maybe CommentContent) domainNameP = do Atom c0 t c1 <- dotAtomRh pure (Domain $ DN t, c0 <> c1) -- > domain-literal = [CFWS] "[" *([FWS] dtext) [FWS] "]" [CFWS] domainLiteralP :: Atto.Parser CommentContent -> Atto.Parser (Domain, Maybe CommentContent) domainLiteralP lh = do c0 <- optional lh t <- addressLiteral mode c1 <- optional (cfws mode) pure (DomainLiteral t, c0 <> c1) -- > obs-domain = atom *("." atom) obsDomainP :: Atto.Parser (Domain, Maybe CommentContent) obsDomainP = do t0 <- atom mode ts <- many (Atto.char '.' *> atom mode) let Atom c0 t c1 = atomJoin '.' (t0 : ts) pure (Domain $ DN t, c0 <> c1) -- | Parse a display name. -- -- @since displayNameP :: Mode -> Atto.Parser Atom displayNameP mode = case mode of Strict -> phrase Lenient -> phrase <|> obsPhrase where phrase = ( "display name") $ do -- Always strict since in lenient mode we'll fall back to -- obsolete mode anyways. w0 <- word Strict ws <- many (word Strict) pure (atomJoin ' ' (w0 : ws)) obsPhrase = ( "obsolete display name") $ do w0 <- word mode ws <- many ( word mode <|> Atom Nothing <$> (Atto.char '.' <&> one) <*> pure Nothing <|> Atom <$> (cfws mode <&> Just) <*> pure mempty <*> pure Nothing ) pure (atomJoin ' ' (w0 : ws)) -- | An atom or quoted string. -- -- > word = atom / quoted-string -- -- @since word :: Mode -> Atto.Parser Atom word mode = atom mode <|> quoted mode -- | Parse an unquoted atom. -- -- > atom = [CFWS] 1*atext [CFWS] -- -- @since atom :: Mode -> Atto.Parser Atom atom mode = Atom <$> optional (cfws mode) <*> atextP <*> optional (cfws mode) -- | Parse an unquoted atom that is allowed to contain periods. -- -- @since dotAtom' :: Atto.Parser CommentContent -> Atto.Parser CommentContent -> Atto.Parser Atom dotAtom' lh rh = do c0 <- optional lh t0 <- atextP ts <- many (Atto.char '.' *> atextP) c1 <- optional rh pure (Atom c0 (Text.intercalate "." (t0 : ts)) c1) -- | RFC 5322 @dot-atom@. -- -- @since dotAtom :: Mode -> Atto.Parser Atom dotAtom mode = dotAtom' (cfws mode) (cfws mode) -- | Strict @dot-atom-lh@ from RFC 5322 errata. -- -- > dot-atom-lh = [CFWS] dot-atom-text [FWS] -- -- @since dotAtomLh :: Atto.Parser Atom dotAtomLh = dotAtom' (cfws Strict) (CC <$> (fws Strict $> one ' ')) -- | Strict @dot-atom-rh@ from RFC 5322 errata. -- -- > dot-atom-rh = [FWS] dot-atom-text [CFWS] -- -- @since dotAtomRh :: Atto.Parser Atom dotAtomRh = dotAtom' (CC <$> (fws Strict $> one ' ')) (cfws Strict) -- | Is a character allowed in an atom? -- -- RFC 5322 §3.2.3 -- -- @since atextP :: Atto.Parser Text atextP = Atto.takeWhile1 atext -- | A quoted string. -- -- RFC5322 §3.2.4 -- -- > qtext = %d33 / ; Printable US-ASCII -- > %d35-91 / ; characters not including -- > %d93-126 / ; "\" or the quote character -- > obs-qtext -- > -- > qcontent = qtext / quoted-pair -- > -- > quoted-string = [CFWS] -- > DQUOTE *([FWS] qcontent) [FWS] DQUOTE -- > [CFWS] -- > -- > obs-qtext = obs-NO-WS-CTL -- > -- -- RFC 6532 §3.2 -- -- > qtext =/ UTF8-non-ascii -- -- RFC 5322 errata item 3135 -- -- -- > quoted-string = [CFWS] -- > DQUOTE ((1*([FWS] qcontent) [FWS]) / FWS) DQUOTE -- > [CFWS] -- -- This is the rule we use since it's consistent with the text of the RFC. -- -- @since quoted :: Mode -> Atto.Parser Atom quoted mode = quoted' (cfws mode) (cfws mode) mode -- | General-purpose quoted-string parser. -- -- @since quoted' :: Atto.Parser CommentContent -> Atto.Parser CommentContent -> Mode -> Atto.Parser Atom quoted' lh rh mode = ( "quoted content") $ do c0 <- optional lh _ <- Atto.char '"' t <- Atto.many1 ((<>) <$> fws' <*> qcontent) w <- fws' _ <- Atto.char '"' c1 <- optional rh pure (Atom c0 (mconcat t <> w) c1) where -- Characters that are allowed in the quotes: qcontent :: Atto.Parser Text qcontent = qtextP <|> quotedPairP mode qtextP :: Atto.Parser Text qtextP = case mode of Strict -> Atto.takeWhile1 qtext Lenient -> Atto.takeWhile1 (\c -> qtext c || qtextObs c) <&> Text.filter (not . qtextObs) fws' = (fws mode $> one ' ') <|> pure mempty -- | Strict @quoted-string-lh@ from RFC 5322 errata. -- -- @since quotedLh :: Atto.Parser Atom quotedLh = quoted' (cfws Strict) (CC <$> (fws Strict $> one ' ')) Strict -- | Parse backslash escapes: -- -- @since quotedPairP :: Mode -> Atto.Parser Text quotedPairP mode = go "quoted char" where go = Atto.char '\\' *> allowed allowed = case mode of Strict -> Atto.satisfy quotedPair <&> one Lenient -> Atto.satisfy (\c -> quotedPair c || quotedPairObs c) <&> (one >>> Text.filter (not . quotedPairObs)) -- | Comments and folding white space. -- -- > ctext = %d33-39 / ; Printable US-ASCII -- > %d42-91 / ; characters not including -- > %d93-126 / ; "(", ")", or "\" -- > obs-ctext -- > -- > obs-ctext = obs-NO-WS-CTL -- > -- > ccontent = ctext / quoted-pair / comment -- > -- > comment = "(" *([FWS] ccontent) [FWS] ")" -- > -- > CFWS = (1*([FWS] comment) [FWS]) / FWS -- -- @since cfws :: Mode -> Atto.Parser CommentContent cfws mode = ( "comment or space") (cfws' <|> (CC <$> fws mode)) where cfws' :: Atto.Parser CommentContent cfws' = do cs <- Atto.many1 (fws' *> comment) <* fws' pure (CC $ mconcat cs) comment :: Atto.Parser Text comment = do _ <- Atto.char '(' ts <- many (fws' *> (mconcat <$> Atto.many1 ccontent)) <* fws' _ <- Atto.char ')' pure (Text.intercalate " " ts) ccontent :: Atto.Parser Text ccontent = ctextP <|> quotedPairP mode <|> comment ctextP :: Atto.Parser Text ctextP = case mode of Strict -> Atto.takeWhile1 ctext Lenient -> Atto.takeWhile1 (\c -> ctext c || ctextObs c) <&> Text.filter (not . ctextObs) fws' :: Atto.Parser () fws' = void (optional (fws mode)) -- | Folding white space. -- -- > FWS = ([*WSP CRLF] 1*WSP) / obs-FWS -- > ; Folding white space -- > -- > obs-FWS = 1*WSP *(CRLF 1*WSP) -- -- @since fws :: Mode -> Atto.Parser Text fws = \case Strict -> do w0 <- (Atto.takeWhile wsp <* crlf) <|> pure Text.empty w1 <- Atto.takeWhile1 wsp pure (w0 <> w1) Lenient -> do w0 <- Atto.takeWhile1 wsp ws <- many (crlf *> Atto.takeWhile1 wsp) pure (w0 <> mconcat ws) where crlf = Atto.string "\r\n" -- | Parse a domain/address literal. -- -- > dtext = %d33-90 / ; Printable US-ASCII -- > %d94-126 / ; characters not including -- > obs-dtext ; "[", "]", or "\" -- > obs-dtext = obs-NO-WS-CTL / quoted-pair -- -- @since addressLiteral :: Mode -> Atto.Parser AddressLiteral addressLiteral mode = ( "address literal") $ Atto.choice $ map wrap [ IpAddressLiteral . IP.fromIPv6 <$> (Atto.string "IPv6:" *> IP6.parser), TaggedAddressLiteral <$> tag <*> (Atto.char ':' *> lit), IpAddressLiteral . IP.fromIPv4 <$> IP4.parser, AddressLiteral <$> lit ] where wrap :: Atto.Parser a -> Atto.Parser a wrap p = Atto.char '[' *> p <* optional (fws mode) <* Atto.char ']' tag :: Atto.Parser AddressTag tag = Atto.takeWhile1 (\c -> c /= ':' && dtext c) <&> AT lit :: Atto.Parser Literal lit = Lit . mconcat <$> many ( do f0 <- fws' ts <- dtextP f1 <- fws' pure (f0 <> ts <> f1) ) dtextP :: Atto.Parser Text dtextP = case mode of Strict -> Atto.takeWhile1 dtext Lenient -> -- Allow obsolete syntax, but don't capture it. mconcat <$> Atto.many1 ( ( Atto.takeWhile1 (\c -> dtext c || obsNoWsCtl c) <&> Text.filter (not . obsNoWsCtl) ) <|> (quotedPairP mode $> one '-') ) fws' :: Atto.Parser Text fws' = fws mode $> one ' ' <|> pure mempty