module Main where import InputParser import ElementBlocker import UrlBlocker import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec hiding (Line, many, optional) import Task import SourceInfo as Source import ProgramOptions as Options import System.Environment import Templates import Control.Monad import Data.Time.Clock import Network.HTTP.Conduit import Network.URI import System.Directory import System.IO import Network import GHC.IO.Encoding getFileContent :: String -> IO String getFileContent url = do handle <- openFile url ReadMode hSetEncoding handle utf8 hGetContents handle processSources :: Options -> String -> [SourceInfo]-> IO () processSources options taskFile sources = do manager <- newManager tlsManagerSettings (parsed, sourceInfo) <- mapAndUnzipM (parseSource manager) sources let parsed' = concat parsed sourceInfoText = showInfo sourceInfo optionsText = logOptions options createDirectoryIfMissing True $ _privoxyDir options writeTask taskFile (sourceInfoText ++ optionsText) parsed' if null._cssDomain $ options then putStrLn "WARNING: CSS generation is not run because webserver domain is not specified" else elemBlock (_webDir options) sourceInfoText (_debugLevel options) parsed' urlBlock (_privoxyDir options) sourceInfoText parsed' writeTemplateFiles (_privoxyDir options) (_cssDomain options) (_useHTTP options) putStrLn $ "Run 'adblock2privoxy -t " ++ taskFile ++ "' every 1-2 days to process data updates." where parseSource manager sourceInfo = do let url = _url sourceInfo loader = if isURI url then downloadHttp manager 5 else getFileContent putStrLn $ "process " ++ url text <- loader url now <- getCurrentTime let strictParse = text `seq` parse adblockFile url text case strictParse of Right parsed -> let sourceInfo' = updateInfo now parsed sourceInfo url' = _url sourceInfo' in if url == url' then return (parsed, sourceInfo') else parseSource manager sourceInfo' Left msg -> return ([], sourceInfo) <$ putStrLn $ show msg main::IO() main = do setLocaleEncoding utf8 setFileSystemEncoding utf8 setForeignEncoding utf8 now <- getCurrentTime args <- getArgs (options@(Options printVersion _ _ taskFile _ _ _ forced), urls) <- parseOptions args (options', task) <- do fileExists <- doesFileExist taskFile if fileExists then do task <- readTask taskFile return (fillFromLog options task, Just task) else return (options, Nothing) let action | printVersion = putStrLn versionText | not . null $ urls = processSources options' taskFile (makeInfo <$> urls) | otherwise = case task of Nothing -> writeError "no input specified" (Just task') -> do let sources = Source.readLogInfos task' if forced || any (infoExpired now) sources then processSources options' taskFile sources else putStrLn "all sources are up to date" debug = _debugLevel options when (debug > DebugLevel 0) $ putStrLn $ concat ["Debug level '", show debug, "'."] action now' <- getCurrentTime putStrLn $ concat ["Execution done in ", show $ diffUTCTime now' now, " seconds."]