{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies       #-}

module KeyValueNoTH (main) where

import           Data.Acid
import           Data.Acid.Advanced

import           Control.Applicative
import           Control.Monad
import           Control.Monad.Reader (ask)
import qualified Control.Monad.State  as State
import           Data.SafeCopy
import           System.Environment
import           System.IO

import           Data.Typeable

import qualified Data.Map             as Map

-- The Haskell structure that we want to encapsulate

type Key = String
type Value = String

data KeyValue = KeyValue !(Map.Map Key Value)
    deriving (Typeable)

instance SafeCopy KeyValue where
    putCopy (KeyValue state) = contain $ safePut state
    getCopy = contain $ liftM KeyValue safeGet

-- The transaction we will execute over the state.

insertKey :: Key -> Value -> Update KeyValue ()
insertKey key value
    = do KeyValue m <- State.get
         State.put (KeyValue (Map.insert key value m))

lookupKey :: Key -> Query KeyValue (Maybe Value)
lookupKey key
    = do KeyValue m <- ask
         return (Map.lookup key m)

-- This is how AcidState is used:

main :: IO ()
main = do acid <- openLocalState (KeyValue Map.empty)
          args <- getArgs
          case args of
              -> do mbKey <- query acid (LookupKey key)
                    case mbKey of
                      Nothing    -> putStrLn $ key ++ " has no associated value."
                      Just value -> putStrLn $ key ++ " = " ++ value
              -> do update acid (InsertKey key val)
                    putStrLn "Done."
            _ -> do putStrLn "Usage:"
                    putStrLn "  key          Lookup the value of 'key'."
                    putStrLn "  key value    Set the value of 'key' to 'value'."
          closeAcidState acid

-- The gritty details. These things may be done with
-- Template Haskell in the future.

data InsertKey = InsertKey Key Value
data LookupKey = LookupKey Key

deriving instance Typeable InsertKey
instance SafeCopy InsertKey where
    putCopy (InsertKey key value) = contain $ safePut key >> safePut value
    getCopy = contain $ InsertKey <$> safeGet <*> safeGet
instance Method InsertKey where
    type MethodResult InsertKey = ()
    type MethodState InsertKey = KeyValue
instance UpdateEvent InsertKey

deriving instance Typeable LookupKey
instance SafeCopy LookupKey where
    putCopy (LookupKey key) = contain $ safePut key
    getCopy = contain $ LookupKey <$> safeGet
instance Method LookupKey where
    type MethodResult LookupKey = Maybe Value
    type MethodState LookupKey = KeyValue
instance QueryEvent LookupKey

instance IsAcidic KeyValue where
    acidEvents = [ UpdateEvent (\(InsertKey key value) -> insertKey key value) safeCopyMethodSerialiser
                 , QueryEvent (\(LookupKey key) -> lookupKey key)              safeCopyMethodSerialiser