Name: accelerate-io Version: Cabal-version: >= 1.10 Tested-with: GHC >= 7.8 Build-type: Simple Synopsis: Read and write Accelerate arrays in various formats Description: This package provides efficient conversion routines between a range of array types and Accelerate arrays. . Refer to the main /Accelerate/ package for more information: License: BSD3 License-file: LICENSE Author: Manuel M T Chakravarty, Gabriele Keller, Sean Seefried, Trevor L. McDonell Maintainer: Trevor L. McDonell Homepage: Bug-reports: Category: Compilers/Interpreters, Concurrency, Data, Parallelism Stability: Experimental Extra-source-files: library build-depends: base >= 4.7 && < 4.12 , accelerate >= 1.2 , array >= 0.3 , bmp >= 1.2 , bytestring >= 0.9 , primitive >= 0.6 , repa >= 3.2 , vector >= 0.9 exposed-modules: -- bmp Data.Array.Accelerate.IO.Codec.BMP -- bytestring Data.Array.Accelerate.IO.Data.ByteString -- vector Data.Array.Accelerate.IO.Data.Vector.Generic Data.Array.Accelerate.IO.Data.Vector.Generic.Mutable Data.Array.Accelerate.IO.Data.Vector.Primitive Data.Array.Accelerate.IO.Data.Vector.Storable Data.Array.Accelerate.IO.Data.Vector.Unboxed -- array Data.Array.Accelerate.IO.Data.Array.IArray Data.Array.Accelerate.IO.Data.Array.Unboxed -- foeign Data.Array.Accelerate.IO.Foreign.Ptr Data.Array.Accelerate.IO.Foreign.ForeignPtr -- repa Data.Array.Repa.Repr.Accelerate other-modules: Data.Array.Accelerate.IO.Data.Array.Internal Data.Array.Accelerate.IO.Data.Vector.Primitive.Internal default-language: Haskell2010 hs-source-dirs: src ghc-options: -O2 -Wall -funbox-strict-fields ghc-prof-options: -fprof-auto test-suite test-io type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 default-language: Haskell2010 hs-source-dirs: test main-is: Test.hs ghc-options: -main-is Test build-depends: base >= 4.7 && < 4.12 , accelerate , accelerate-io , array , hedgehog >= 0.5 , tasty >= 0.11 , tasty-hedgehog >= 0.1 , vector ghc-options: -Wall -threaded -rtsopts other-modules: Test.Array.IArray Test.Array.Unboxed Test.Vector.Storable Test.Vector.Unboxed Test.Util source-repository head Type: git Location: git:// source-repository this Type: git Tag: Location: git:// -- vim: nospell